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Fantasy The Curse of The Howling Moonlight

Marius couldn't help but laugh at the whole scene. Especially since Amber decided to tease him like that. "They're so cute together....hopefully they get more approval than I do though." Laughing to himself he looked back at the village longingly as he cooked the meat for their sandwiches. He knew Mary and Maddie had gone to get some fresh food in the market, but it seemed like they had been gone for so long now.

"Right." She nodded in agreement. Her piercing green eyes staring out into the dense woods. "I shall return later and bring any fresh food if I find it as well." She gave one last nod to her brother and their pack before heading off into the woods.
"I know..." She said quietly her voice almost a whisper. As much as she knew it would hurt her she wished he had taken a wife. "Father Smithens (toolazytogoseeifthatscorrect)..... He-he... Accidentally tripped... My mother down the stairs." Mary looked down at her hands and her finger tips glowed ever so slightly with blue as tears came to her eyes remembering her mother's sudden death. "She didn't wake up... I tried to heal her but I was too late. That's why Father was killed, he was a corrupt priest in every way, Gaston. I knew the man who killed my uncle." She said softly. Substituting his current question with a not completely true answer to his first question. "I miss her..." She said weakly tears rolling down her cheeks.
His heart ached terribly but his eyes came alive with worry as he saw the blue light he knew all too well leak from her fingertips. In an attempt to comfort her, his own fingers leapt to life with a soft glowing, only his was a deep purple. Gaston's luminescent hands enveloped her own, as soon as their fingers met, a pleasurable sensation ran throughout his body, their light danced and embraced eachother as they should be after her long time away.

"I'm so sorry, Mary... I'm so sorry..." He managed a whisper and he finally found the courage to look her in the eye and allow himself to drown in the sweet blue hue of her iris'.
It seemed like the more he ran the more irritated he became. He looked about at the woods and growled. All this could be his, it should be his yet his mate wouldn't let him take it. It would be best if they left before she had the pups then settle back down for when they did have the pups but Vivian didn't seem to understand that part either. He howled and growled as he charged forward, seeing a bear he attacked brutally though he didn't kill it. In his anger he let it suffer as he ran onward finding and killing things without hesitation. 
"No don't be..." Mary said closing her eyes, realizing the longer she looked into his amazing eyes the more she wanted his embrace, his touch and just to be with him again like before, but she knew that wasn't possible, not anymore. Her glow flickered away and she hid her hands back inside her cloak, her fingers tingled with a numb prickle of feeling his touch again, and being reminded of what his power was. "Oh how I wish you had taken a bride already... Or at least a fiancé." She said shaking her head and turning away from him. 
Lottie was strolling around in a very princessy manor, when she saw Amber and Fredric holding hands she started singing. "Fredric and Amber sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Fredric blushed deeply. "First comes love the comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage!" Lottie continued teasingly and this time Amber blushed. "Lottie, do you even know how babies are made?" Amber asked the little girl curiously. Lottie nodded exictedly. "When a Mummy and a Daddy want a baby they just ask god for one then, POOF! A baby!"
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"Why Mary?" He cocked his head to the side curiously as the glowing of his fingertips slowly died out like the cooling of coals on the fire.

"I've waited these past months for you to come home and you have. We could married, like we have always wanted Mary." Gaston almost pleaded her softly.
Again Mary shook her head she could feel the tears coming back into her eyes, but this time not from the loss of her mother. "No, no we can't..." Mary's voice trembled weakly. "You shouldn't have waited for me Gaston, I'm sorry...,but I can't marry you..." She said sadly her hands quivering.
Artemis rushed through the woods, following the scent of the wolves when it hit her. One was nearby, a male and the smell of blood was on him as well. She quickly changed directions to pursue this one for maybe he could lead her back to the rest of his pack.
He shuddered and his heart dropped into his stomach. It was all they had dreamed about since childhood. Him working in the Smithy while she could've sold herbs and raised the children. They could've grown old together as they were supposed to, but it seemed as though it was not to be.

"What do you mean?"
"I mean..., I mean I care about you Gaston, I do. But I don't truly....love you..." She admitted, months ago ifsomeone had told her she would say those words to this man she would have cried out and demanded that they were not true. It tore at her heart just to say those words, but they were true. "I love someone else... and I plan on staying with them, I'm sorry..." She said looking up at him with sad tear filled eyes, as if they were pleading for forgiveness.
"You.... You can't mean that...." His voice trembled with agony and his heart beat increased rapidly, his fingertips flaming to life with a crimson purple aura, the rest of his hand soon was engulfed with the same glittering light. Gaston's entire body quaked,"you... We.. We were in love mere months ago... How could you have forgotten me? How could you have left me for another? How could you Mary? How could you?"
"I'm sorry Gaston, truly I am..." She watched his hand be engulfed with the magic flame and her hands went instinctively to her stomach. "If things had been different, I would be more than happy to be your wife, and bare you as many sons as you wanted, but Gaston..." She took a small step away from him. "I love him more than anything, and...and..." Her lip trembled as tears ran down her cheeks as she looked fearfully up at him. "... I refuse to leave behind the father of my baby." She said finally her small frame shaking. 
Ash had been distracted as he raced through the woods not paying attention until a wind picked up breezing past him and he caught the scent of another wolf and the smell of blood not at all from anything he had killed. He ran faster bounding through the trees streams. trying to loose the wolf that was following him.
Artemis was close enough to pick up the sound of him bounding away. He must have caught her scent. She growled in frustration and took off after him. Her sleek little body weaving through the trees with ease, hardly making a sound as she darted after him.
Ash heard the other wolf's growl but nothing else, that either was a good thing or a bad thing but he didn't want to find out. Swiftly he sprinted forward and looped back around Charging at this new wolf from the side. Relizing it was a smaller female he slowed only knocking her down to the ground instead of completely ploughing through her.
She grunted as he ran into her side, knocking her over for a moment. She was back on her feet in the blink of an eye, but did not growl at him. Only stared with piercing green eyes. Analyzing every last bit of him, he looked youthful,strong, healthy and powerful. He had the faint scent of an alpha about him as well.
His heart stopped now and he had to shove his hands in his pockets to prevent the flame from spreading up his arm, his face flushed an angry red and his chest seemed to burst.

He had not known love until Mary.

He had not known heartbrake until Mary.

"Do you love him? Truly? Or is it the babe that makes you stay?" His voice was hoarse and quiet with defeat and the pain lingered in his words.

The sound of her words were defeaning within his mind.
"Who are you? Why were you following me?" He demanded harshly his nostrils flinching at the smell of blood that covered her. He looked down at this shewolf with a scornful eye. He could sense the authority she had and knew she was more than likely an alpha's mate. In which case he wanted nothing to do with her. He was still much bigger than her yet he noticed this wolf was bigger and stronger looking than his Vivian. 
(Had an idea that Mary lets slip the baby daddy's name and Gaston thinking he is dead starts to... I don't know, how would you react if the woman you loved and was carrying a dead man who was hated by the village and had tormented her as a child's baby?)
{cleverly attempts to convince her she was wrong and offers to marry her and father the child to save her reputation?}
((But hasn't she already let it slip that he's still alive? She did say she's staying with the father of her child.)) 
"There is no need to speak so harshly." She stated calmly. Straightening her posture to show just what position she held in her pack. "My name is Artemis and I was simply following you out of curiosity. I picked up on your scent and it intrigued me so very much. Now. May I ask who you are?"
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( @Axel1313 She said she refused to leave him and yes stay with him, which could be taken as she still loves him despite his death, and doesn't want to go on because she feels that moving on to another man would be betraying him because she never got to say goodbye, and this baby ((babies technically)) is the last thing she has of the man she loved most.) 

Valjean24601 said:
{cleverly attempts to convince her she was wrong and offers to marry her and father the child to save her reputation?}
(Yes something quite like that)
Mary nodded, glad for his hands in his pockets now. "My love for Marius came before this baby, and every last bit of my feelings are true." She her hands gently cradling her stomach small still as it was she was still protective of it. She looked about them and noticed several groups of people staring at them. She didn't know why though but naively guessed it was because their display of strong emotions. She wiped her eyes and looked up at gaston. "I'm sorry, please understand." She said softly. 
(Also another idea, what if Mary realizes the situation she just put herself in and that if she continues to argue that Marius is alive the crazier people will think her. Then MAYBE decides to agree to Gaston offer of marriage just so people don't try putting her in an insane asylum or hunting down Marius and killing him for real. Then maybe sometime close to their wedding, Gaston realizes Marius really is alive and plans to hunt him down himself and kill Marius after or the night before their wedding. What do you think?) 
Ash grunted still irritated from by his mate he didn't feel like being any less harsh to anyone. "I am Ash, and perhaps you should warn someone if you intend on following them. After all hadn't you heard? Curiosity killed the wolf pup."
{yeah she would probably agree and perhaps raise her children up without knowledge of their true father for the first few years of their life?} 
"Marius?" He scoffed and stared at her, hell fire igniting in his eyes,"that bastard who tormented you for years on end? You love him and not me? After all I've done?"
((Hmm. Definitely sounds interesting! Marius could try and convince her not to marry Gaston either, which could put him in more danger. Also! We could have Vivian's mother assist Gaston if he plans on hunting down and killing Marius, seeing as she might know that he's a wolf too. Can't forget that a certain Beast is bound to find out about all of this at some point too.))

"Or, maybe you should be more observant of your surroundings. You are an alpha after all or something close to it. So shouldn't you have superior senses like that." Her calm demeanor did not falter even once, even when facing his harshness.
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(But I also want Mary to go back to Marius every now and then, which would then trigger to Gaston that he is still alive, but what of Mary's siblings? What will we do with them? Will they stay with Marius or go off with Mary?) 
(I'm kinda trying to figure out what to do with Beast my original plan was for him to some how turn back into a human and then go off and take care of his children after getting them a nice fur rug but now I'm not too sure.) 
(Also how will Gaston react when he finds out the babies are really pups? Or shall we have the turning to a werewolf like the awakening of magic. You have to hit puberty for the changes to begin.)

Mary flinched seeing the anger reignite in his yes, and she realized she had just given Marius away. "Y-Yes, he saved my life and the life of my family several times. He protected me when I needed protection and comforted me when I needed comfort. He had changed from the horrible child he had been. We all have." She said looking up at him. 
Ash scoffed. "Yes well anger can blind a person to their surroundings." He said noticing her eerie calm was almost creepy. "So why besides curiosity were you following me?" Her scent besides the heavy smell of blood was definitely different and almost a sweet forest smell.
"That is the only reason Ash." Her piercing eyes focused straight on his, staring straight through his soul. "My pack and I were finding a place in this area to settle down in for a while. I went out in search of any fresh food in the area for them tonight."

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