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Fantasy The Crypt [CS]


Be creative! Explore something new! I'm open to new ideas and approaches towards characters.

(given at birth):

Alias (assigned by The Capital):

Age (be reasonable):

Gender (self explanatory):

Sexuality (self explanatory):

Appearance (image or description, and keep in mind the medieval setting):

Personality (keep this brief, can be expanded on in the story):

Background (upbringing, motive, where they learned their skills, etc.):

Enchantment (yes, this is your character’s “power,” but keep it in mind that use of the power drains your character’s life force so they wouldn’t want to rely on it too much. Just don’t make it something absurd.):

Anything Extra (self explanatory):

I made the CS relatively basic on purpose. Although others may feel differently, I prefer to explore my own (and others’) character(s) through the story and the interactions they have with their environment and others around them. That way I’m more connected to their development and decisions.

Decided to add in the “Anything Extra” section for those who enjoy extensively delving into their characters through the CS.

A like on your CS means that it is accepted.

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Name (given at birth): Yuu Aya

Alias (assigned by The Capital): Restless Nurse (if someone gives me a better suggestion i will gladly take it)

Age (be reasonable): 21 and 1/5

(self explanatory): Male

Sexuality (self explanatory): Bisexual (though he's too busy to really care about matters of the heart and things of that ilk)

Appearance (image or description, and keep in mind the medieval setting): Yuu is a rather thin and lanky type man, topping off at 5'11. Yuu looks older then his years, and can often be found with large and dark bags under his eyes. He has dark brown hair and a few noticeable gray strands throughout, his eyes are a dark green color and one could swear they'd belong to a dead man if he wasn't breathing in front of them. His hair is actually rather long and tangled but he keeps in tied into a neat ponytail, he doesn't have much time nowadays to get a haircut anyways. he's usually found wearing a worn-out lab coat over lazily donned shirts and trousers (one is usually backwards). He can always be found with coffee nearby. He has a belt he always wears filled with a collection of different mystery liquids and pouches.

Personality (keep this brief, can be expanded on in the story): Yuu is generally a very serious and stone-faced man, even when witnessing something rather gruesome he'll keep a straight face. it's difficult to stir any feeling out of him, he's too busy for emotions. For him, working is like breathing, if he doesn't, he'll die. In other words, 'relaxation' isn't part of his vocabulary. He's a pretty convincing actor, when he wants to be, that is.

Background (upbringing, motive, where they learned their skills, etc.): He grew up in the slums of a small town. Even though his mother and father were relatively happy together, his father died of illness after their mother gave birth to his little brother when he was four. Their mother soon fell ill as well, leaving Yuu to take care of both his little brother and their mother. Sadly, his little brother was born with an extreme case of OCD, and was constantly crying all the time about the less then clean living conditions they had.

Yuu did his best to accomodate him of course, but it wasn't enough, not enough to get his little brother out of the house that is, or to even get him out of his room. The entire family went into a financial crisis soon enough, Yuu could barely force himself to work any harder in the physical labor fields as he was born with a weak frame like the rest of the family, so he ended up experimenting with several different herbs and substances in an attempt to cure his mother, so that maybe she could help with the money problems.
He succeeded. He actually did it. It had taken a year to find the right combination, but he actually mixed the proper formula to cure his mother. When the other townsfolk heard of this news, they'd came in droves, as apparently what his mother had been sick with was a common plague among his fellow slummers.

He'd been a child when this was done, he never stopped experimenting in medicine since. Always trying to find cures to new diseases and new medicines first, if only to make a fortune to keep taking care of his little brother, who's cleanliness habits only got worse over the years. Demanding new clean clothes everyday from fresh cloths, needing to be wiped down every other hour, cleaning his room obsessively every other minute.

Everything was going well when he was 17, he'd gotten to the point where people in his town trusted him as their doctor most, and to where he'd be raking in the cash, enough so to keep his brother safe and satisfied. His mother was supportive, but she fell ill once again, this time, Yuu couldn't cure her. No matter what he tried, he couldn't save her. This was around the time he realized, he didn't really care all that much. Of course, he tried to pretend he was sad about it, but one could easily see through this rouse with just a bit of scrutiny.

His life continued on like this for until the present day, with him slowly getting better at the entire acting game, realizing it was the easiest way to get people to do what he wanted. Until they called for volunteers to help deal with this dark lord business. He personally knew it wasn't his problem, but then he realized the potential benefits of the travel. You see, his substance supplies were very limited, having lived his life in a small town miles away from any big cities, so he volunteered. Maybe he could find better medicines and cures, and maybe, somehow, he'd find a way to help his little brother's germophobia as it would be called nowadays.

Enchantment : Allows him to make portals, not many, and his range is within a toss of a bottle, but he can. These portals generally make humans and other living creatures nauseous when they go through them, but they make good supply carriers and though they have to be created within his range, they don't necessarily have to be in that range with each other.

Anything Extra (self explanatory):
Coffee and his little brother are the only two things that can rouse any true emotion from him.
Yuu is quite literally a psychopath. No need to sugar-coat it.
Name: Alexander Jason Carter Hizzey

Alias: Void-Walker II

Age: 17

Gender: Apache Attack Helicopter (Just kidding, Male).

Sexuality: Waiting til' marriage (Bisexual)

Appearance: White hair, green eyes, 4'7",

Personality: Quiet, Sarcastic.

Background: He was brought up in the lowest class of his city, The riverfolk (my made up race, hoping I could use it.) His father was the first Void-Walker, His Mother the first Mayfly (his sister's current alias.) They taught him the skills of voidcraft: using empty dimensions and voids to travel, hide and attack. He was brought to the capital by stories of great heroes.

Enchantment: The dagger he was given has locked out all-but-one of his void abilities, but made that one stronger. He is able to create airless voids around heads, suffocating and killing the head's body.

Anything Extra: Riverfolk are humanoids who have short, stubby horns and arrowpoint tails. Their black blood has healing effects on humans, so countless murders occur trying to get that blood. They are thought of as lower class.
Name (given at birth): Arwyn Thorne

Alias (assigned by The Capital): Hawthorne

Age (be reasonable): 28

Gender (self explanatory): Male

Sexuality (self explanatory): Heterosexual


Personality (keep this brief, can be expanded on in the story): Arwyn is an outgoing, extroverted man who often likes to spout jokes in the middle of the conversation. He tends to lighten up the atmosphere whenever he arrives and he prefers to avoid dwelling on heavier topics in conversation. Overall, he is has a mischievous personality and enjoys interacting with others in an obnoxious manner.

Background (upbringing, motive, where they learned their skills, etc.): Arwyn grew up in a small, unnamed village in the the far West, in a land enveloped in harsh winters all year round. Ever since he was a young boy, he was exposed to the reality of the life he was living. Poverty surrounded him and starvation was a constant threat.

Unfortunately for Arwyn, he was quite timid and hesitant in his younger years and thus, he relied on others in his village to care and tend for him. This dependence upon others cost him heavily though when, as he grew older, the other people in the village began to take less notice of Arwyn and turn their attentions towards their own troubles, which were plenty in themselves.

At that point, Arwyn realized that he had to change. The pity of others had helped him survive up to that point but he knew that if he wanted to continue living a life worth living, he must cast away the fragile shell of who he used to be and adopt the traits of those around him: Fearless, perseverant, and, most of all, independent.

He spent his later years training with the bow and arrow, a weapon that he often observed in use when he was a child. While others recommended the sharp steel of a blade or perhaps to dab into the arts of arcane magic, his mind was set upon the simple yet efficiently lethal weapon. He was immediately intrigued by the structure of the bow and the combat style suited him perfectly. The range allowed him to remain distant from his enemies while simultaneously contributing to his allies.

He trained for months and years on end and, eventually, when he received the notice that The Capital were taking volunteers to brave The Crypt of the Necromancer, he volunteered without hesitation.

In the past, he had heard many gruesome tales of The Crypt and in reality he was terribly frightened as he was always one to prefer wide, open spaces, but he pushed away his emotions and kept his mind straight when he signed up. While part of him wanted to prove to the others in his village and to those in The Capital that he was brave, adventurous, and strong, his most important desire was to prove to himself that he had those traits.

He was partly driven by guilt, but mostly by his desire to become more than who he is.

Enchantment (yes, this is your character’s “power,” but keep it in mind that use of the power drains your character’s life force so they wouldn’t want to rely on it too much. Just don’t make it something absurd.): The enchantment that Arwyn will receive within The Capital is one that enhances all of his senses. The level of enhancement varies depending on how much of his life force he is willing to sacrifice and prolonged use will indefinitely cause permanent damage (to his senses in particular).

Anything Extra (self explanatory): N/A

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