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Fantasy The Covelands


Junior Member

To start rping, please fill out the character sign up, then wait for approval.

This is an advanced RP, so please read the rules before posting, and abide by them! Then head over to the Overview to read about the back story if you're interested. (Going in blind is completely okay, would even help with your characters confusion). After that, go ahead and sign up a character! A like equals an approval.


Absolutely NO god modding. You are not in control.

-Ask first and leave an explanation for everyone else if you both consent.

Please post ALL OOC in the OOC tab!

-A sentence or two can be inside of your IC post

Romance is allowed, but this is a survival RP

-Fade to black, we'll get the memo

Cursing, cussing, whatever, go ahead

-No F-bombs

If you've read the rules, erase the "background" part of your CP

- you don't remember your past, remember?

All posts must be at least one paragraph long!

-That paragraph must be five sentences long

Be active

- If you're not going to post for a few days, please post that in OOC. Also if you trust someone with your character, you may have them play them while you are away. Otherwise try to post at least once daily. If the RP becomes too inactive, I will recruit new characters, replacing those who have not posted within four days.

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At the sight of the blinding light, Paisley covered her eyes with her arm, scared it was a fire or something she was heading into. After a minute of waiting, she lowered her arm. It was still insanely bright, but she could see what looked like grass in front of her. She twisted in the tiny space and crawled towards the opening. Her hands touched soft ground as she crawled. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the light. She stood and there was a sealing sound from behind her. She turned to see a small metal box. That was it. Just a box big enough to hold her and nothing else. There was no seal that she could see. No entrance or exit. But there had to be, because she had crawled out of it!

Her heart started to race as she glanced around, taking in her scenery. Mountains surrounded her everywhere she looked. They towered over her like she was in a deep cereal bowl. The sun was bright, but only enough to just warm her skin. The air was still and the clouds were scarce. It was beautiful. All around her were sounds of birds and insects that she couldn't exactly put names to. Though the cove was almost dream-like, the lack of knowing why or how or when she had gotten there terrified her beyond belief. But she held herself together, not even daring to look up at the mountains that she felt would crumble in on her at any moment.

"Hello!?" She called out, not knowing what she expected to happen. She was in the middle of a field that she'd never seen before. At least she thought. She couldn't remember seeing or visiting anything before. A few other small metal boxes, varying in sizes, were scattered about the field. "Hello?" She asked again, hoping there was someone in one of them, but at the same time, scared there would be.
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Kaylee woke up in complete darkness. Reaching out in front of her she tried to find her bearings but her fingers only met with the cool inner surface of the box. At the contact she began to panic and reached out in all directions, confirming that she was indeed trapped in a box. She began to hyperventilate, clawing desperately at the walls of her prison. Had she been buried alive? The thought terrified her and a scream was brewing on her lips when suddenly she was bathed in a blinding light. Kaylee crawled towards it in sheer desperation, not wanting to spend another second in the box. She crawled out of the box and onto the soft grass before collapsing on her back, taking deep breaths in an attempt to stabilise her erratic breathing. She bought her hands up t her face to wipe away the tears that had formed in her panic. She hated tight spaces. Kay let out a squeal upon hearing someone shout. She was high strung at the moment and was only getting more scared when she realised she had no idea where she was... In fact she had no idea about anything. Still the voice sounded friendly enough so Kaylee pulled herself into a sitting position and searched around for it's origin. Catching sight of an equally panicked looking girl Kaylee wiped her eyes once more and waved her over, not trusting her voice.
Henry woke up with a sharp intake of breath, jolting out of his position and banging his head against a wall. He hissed and blinked his eyes, reaching a hand up to rub the back of his head. Where was he? Taking a look around, Henry noted that there really wasn't much to see other than pitch black... Metal? Henry moved his hands along the cool surface of the walls and realized quickly that he was caged in a box like an animal, except he couldn't even see the outside. An eerie chill gripped his heart and he knew something was wrong. He took a deep breath, sitting back and preparing to kick one of the sides when he felt the wall behind him give way. The next thing he knew, he was tipping backwards from the tension he'd built up. The space filled with a blinding white light, and he squeezed his eyes shut as his back fell onto the grass. Wait, what? Henry opened his eyes again, this time shielding his sight from the sky. He scrambled up so he could better observe his surroundings, only to be shocked and amazed by what he saw. The place in itself was beautiful, but he had no idea where he was. Eventually, his vision adjusted to the change in light, and he was able to look around without too much irritation. He noticed two other girls out of their boxes too, and part of him felt relieved that he wasn't alone. There were several other metal containers like his, but none of them showed any doors. When he turned to look back at his own, it was as if it had never opened up. Okay, don't freak out. Don't freak out. He just needed to figure out where he was, and why he was there. He turned to the other two he'd seen. "Hey!" He carefully walked over, making sure to be wary of them both. "What's going on? Where am I?"
Paisley's eyes widened at the sight of a terrified looking girl. She jogged over towards her, stopping a few feet away, not sure what to do. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Where the hell are we?" The panic started to show in her voice. How many people were actually in those boxes? Why were they in them? Why was SHE in one? She stopped herself from asking the girl these questions because she looked just as unknowing as she was. Just when she was about to reach down and help the get, she heard a boys voice. Paisley turned in the direction and saw another kid out of his box. What the Hell, she thought to herself. So there must be others in all of the boxes. She couldn't decide if that were good or bad. "We don't know!" She shouted to the other boy. "We just came out of those weird metal box things just like you did." Paisley extended her hand down to the girl who still sat on the ground, looking as if she was about to cry. Or already had.
Jupiter awoke with a massive headache. A loud white noise screeched in his ears as he began to sit up, hitting his head in the process. Where am I? Who-Who am I? I don't remember... Cursing under his breath due to an immense amount of confusion, he then noticed an almost blinding-like light beginning to grow. Without thinking, he began to crawl towards the light, squinting and holding out his hand to block it away. He didn't quite know what was going on, but knew he had to get out of there. Once he had, he turned onto his back and stretched as he was finally free to move as he pleased. After a few minutes his eyes began to adjust. He winced as he began to stand up, looking around and took in everything he could. Looking over, he saw three other people, along with several strange boxes. Is that what I came out of? How? Still confused, he decided to head over to the others and see if they knew anything. "Hey guys..." He said as he began to move closer to them.
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Kaylee took Paisley's hand gratefuly and used it to climb to her feet. Her legs were shaky and frankly she was still terrified and more than just a bit hysterical. "I- I'm fine... Not hurt at least but what's happening?" she spoke quickly looking around frantically as she noticed other people emerging from the boxes. It was all so overwhelming and Kaylee didn't know how much more she could take. "I just.. I need..." She spoke softly, lifting her hands up to her head and running her fingers through her hair trying to make sense of... Anything. She tried to remember how she got in the box, how she arrived in this meadow... Her own name. She gripped hold of Paisley's hand tightly and turned to face her. "I can't remember anything... I don't know my name." She whimpered, on the verge of fresh tears. She wasn't normally like this, but then again, these weren't normal circumstances.
Paisleys face dropped into a frown at the girls words. "It's okay. I... Don't know mine either. I don't know anything..." She pushed words that she didn't seem to think out of her mind. She'd could obviously trust this girl, right? She could hear others around them, asking questions and just as confused as her. "Do you think there are ten people here? There's ten boxes. Wherever 'here' even is." She looked around the place again, trying to stir up some memories. It only gave her a headache. She could see a wooden cabin a few yards away from where they stood. Were people already living here? Were they the people she shouldn't trust? Her heart skipped a beat. From the corner of her eye, she saw another kid coming towards them. She watched him carefully, knowing that he probably didn't remember anything either, but at the same time feeling like everyone was out to get her. "Hello." She replied to him cautiously from where she stood.
Henry staggered backwards after watching the interaction between the two girls. It seemed that they knew just about the same amount of information as he did concerning their current predicament. Was this even real? He subtly pinched the underside of his arm, but he definitely felt the wince of pain. It wasn't a dream, that was for sure. He grabbed the sides of his head and expelled a heavy breath of air, letting out a quiet, hysterical laugh. He'd never felt more confused in his life... But, then again, he couldn't even remember anything beyond the time in the box. Henry glanced at the other guy who had approached them, looking no less shocked. Henry hesitated, thinking, before rubbing a hand down his face and turning to the group. For Pete's sake, he couldn't even remember his own name. Only one saying flashed brilliantly in his mind, but that did nothing to help his confusion. "Ten boxes," he agreed with the girl who'd spoken. "The best thing to do right now would be to stay calm." He took pity on the girl who seemed to be on the brink of tears. "Names. We need something to call each other in the meantime."
"This... This is... hell..."

The blonde girl scampered around the small space like a wild animal. All she knew was that when she woke up, everything was dark, and she was very terrified. She saw nothing but pitch black. Meridah felt her body shaking and sweat rolling down her face, along with the impression that she was moving upwards.
"Where am I?" She whispered to herself. She looked for something around the box that she was in for anything to help her. But that didn't change the fact that she was alone.

Meridah tried banging around the box. She screamed in frustration, terror and many other emotions. All that she heard for a few moments was the sound of shrill mechanism and her ragged, zigzagged breathing. She had given up on punching lifeless metal. Meridah took a deep breath. It barely helped her calm down. What else could she have done?

After what seemed to be forever, the box where she was trapped in came to a halt. For a moment, she thought that she would be stuck like this forever--that this was the end. However, a part of her biggest worries faded when she saw light enter her
cage. Meridah turned around and crawled out. She squinted and let her eyes adjust to the blinding sunlight.

Dazed and still shaking, Meridah clutched on grass and stood, not without painful winces. Around her were boxes just like the one she was once trapped in. In front of her stood people, and a beautiful scenery.
"What in the world."
"Uh, yea. Names. I can't remember mine either. " He sat down on the soft grass, running his hands through his hair and trying to keep himself calm. There was no use in trying to make sense of it all. I don't think any of them knew what was going on, and right now, he didn't really care. "First thing's first. We need food. Let's figure out all of this" he looked at the boxes and back at the people, "Later." He waited for a response, as he looked at the beautiful scenery. It was quite mesmerizing, to say the least. The sky, the trees, the grass, even the birds. The noises. Even through the chaos and confusion, at that moment he felt at peace. Better yet, his migraine had gone away.

Don't trust.


The words echoed through the girl's mind with the regularity of the throbbing headache she'd acquired. At some point the pounding in her head had become a dull roar, nearly deafening, yet just what she needed to know that she wasn't dreaming. Wherever she was, it was dark. Very dark. Where am I...? The thought came quite calmly at first, as she reached her hands out, groping, in an attempt to navigate through her immediate surroundings. She was suddenly very aware of the cold hard steel against her back, and the panic within her began to rise quickly. Reaching out in front of her, she was quite shocked as she slammed her fingers into another hard surface. What...? What the hell? She reached above her, and below her, feeling the cold hard steel all around her.


Don't trust.


The girl began to grow frantic, as she realized she was trapped in a metal box of sorts. She clawed at the walls around her, which were too smooth for her to get any sort of grip on, when suddenly the wall in front of her opened, allowing a dazzlingly bright light to enter the box. She quickly stumbled out, falling to the ground, and feeling the soft coolness of the grass, tasting the fresh air. Looking around frantically, she was only just able to make out the shapes of a few people in front of her, but not much else.

Rubbing her eyes, in a vain attempt to help them adjust to the newly found daylight, she sat up, staring dumbly in the direction of the outlines of people she had seen, only moments before. What's going on? Where am I? She nearly got to her feet. Nearly approached the people in front of her. Nearly.


Don't trust.


Instead, she decided to wait on her eyes to adjust to the light. She didn't know who those people were, what their intentions were. For all she knew, they were the ones who had brought her to this strange place. She would wait. Whoever she was.
Elrene opened her eyes and looked around. Everything was black, no light whatsoever. Panic started to well up as her hands hit nothing but cold steel wall in front of her. Immediately, she started to search for any kind of hand hold to pull in vain. The walls were all perfectly flat from the inside, which mean that whatever she was in, it opened from the outside somehow. From what Elrene could tell, she was inside some form of box, a coffin maybe. How did she get in there? After thinking about it momentarily, she realized that she was incapable of recalling where she was before hand. Unable to come up with anything to do from here, Elrene crossed her arms and sat quietly. It was all she could do to keep the growing panic from quickly becoming overwhelming.

Taking a deep breath of the stare air of the box, her lungs were instead filled with an oxygen rich atmosphere just as her container lit up. The light filled her eyes with only a bright white as she stared straight into. Mesmerized, she walked towards it, stepping onto the soft grass underfoot, one hand shielding her half closed eyes. All feelings of fear and panic faded as her eyes adjusted, the mountainous background and lush green of plant life coming into visibility.

With an only somewhat quiet yip of glee at her wondrous location, Elrene spun 180% and let herself fall into the soft grass. Brushing a long lock of hair out of her face, she stopped prematurely and looked at the almost completely white coloration than to the pasty complexion of her hand. Looking at her own hand made her realize something, something that was especially vital, Elrene hadn't the faintest idea who or where she was.

Sitting up and taking a quick glance around, it came to her attention that other people were here too, though some distance away. They all looked like a bunch of lost puppies. She gazed up at the silver box just a few feet away, that explained where she was. She turned her gaze back to the scenery, what had looked beautiful quickly became imposing. The mountain side stretch all the way around behind the multitude of trees. Elrene had merely went from one box and into another, a box canyon. Wonderful...
More and more people were beginning to emerge from their own boxes, and Henry turned in a full circle, partly from his escalating panic and partly from his need to take in as much of his environment as possible. His eyes landed on an elaborate log cabin not far from where the strange ring of black boxes was located. It was a random obstruction amidst the serenity of the small paradise they were in, but a voice in the back of his head told him it was also an appropriate one. At the mention of food, Henry's stomach rumbled loudly and he rubbed his abdomen in an effort to soothe it. He turned to the first few initial companions. "I don't know about you, but that guy's right." He gestured to the boy who'd said food was the current priority. He then jerked a thumb over his shoulder, pointing at the log cabin. "I'm going to scout out that building. See if there's anything in there we can eat." Without waiting for any sort of permission, he started heading towards the log cabin.
Paisleys eyes shifted back to the cabin. "Me too, we can stand around all day, or we can find out where we are." She stepped away from the girl and the rest of the group and started to follow the boy. Not for the same reason he was going, her curiosity was elsewhere. Someone had to of built that cabin, right? Even if no one is there, tools would come in handy. Maybe even to break those boxes open and see where they lead. Food was not her first priority. And there was a lake right there, lakes are fresh water. Plus, she wasn't even hungry. How could he even think about food right now? Her stomach felt anything but empty. It felt like there were bags of rocks churning around and around, making her nauseous. Her headache seemed to only get worse as she tried to recall anything to her memory. She was focused on herself. She new that everyone had to have parents. But not who hers were. That people don't just pop out of boxes into beautiful secluded mountain coves. But she had. She could spot a flower or plant and name what it's good for, if it can be eaten, or if it attracts bees. But not who taught her this information. Her mind seemed to spin in circles, coming back to the same place it was before asking a question. She bit her lip to keep from yelling in frustration.
Springing to her feet, Elrene started marching for the nearby trees. As of now, her priority had become nothing simpler than getting into the shade as the warmth of the sunlight was likely to leave burns after a short period of time. Her pale complexion would attest to as much. And since others seemed to be heading for the cabin, she might as well check out the surrounding treeline. Everyone seemed to not have noticed her presence anyway, might as well use it to wander around unseen for a bit.

Elrene walked to the trees, stopping to take a look into the lake. It was deep enough to swim in if one were so inclined to do so. The shadows of a few fish near the bank scatter at Elrene's approach. Turning away, she headed to the treeline and surveyed the plant life. Everything was a lush green color and the lake had wildlife, that meant that the water was clean and drinkable. On a whim, Elrene jumped, latching her hands onto a lower hanging branch of one of the trees. She swung her legs forward and then back as she nimbly hoisted herself into a sitting position in the tree. She was momentarily shocked at how much easier the feat was than she had anticipated.

From there, she climbed up two more branches, wanting to take a look at the area from a higher up point of view.

Now perched near the top of the tree, Elrene had a much wider view. Save for the taller trees that were in the way, she could see most the field, which frankly wasn't nearly as large as she had originally anticipated. But still, it was plenty large enough to get lost in. Depending on how long everyone would be out in this canyon, it might be wise to build checkpoints out in the field. They would serve as places to sleep for the night in case someone couldn't make it back to the cabin. Tree houses maybe, that way they were off of the ground for protection against potentially dangerous wildlife...

Having seen enough for now, Elrene made her way back down the tree, hugging the base as she used the various branches like stair steps. On the last branch, she dropped down, landing in a squat to break her own fall. 'How'd did I know to do that? Second nature maybe...' She started making her way towards the cabin, slowly. She needed to know how large it was and how crowded it will be later. If it comes to it, which it probably will, she'd have to sleep elsewhere. Maybe a shed out in the yard would suffice, if there was one and if not, one could be built.
Elrene let her mind wander. That wasn't much to think about as she made her way to the cabin. A box, a light, before that, a voice... "Don't trust, survive, and rebuild". Recalling those words brought her attention to an irritation in her left arm, just within the joint on the pit of her elbow. She rubbed it absentmindedly, feeling a hard knot that was making the joint stiff. Was there an object lodged in her? If so, what was it and how did it get there? That last bit was easy, obviously the people that put her in the box had also put the object in her arm. Everyone of the people here were just suddenly dropped into a big nature preserve, the words "Survive and Rebuild" suggested that we were expected to live in this valley. The box canyon served as the cage walls. If this was indeed the case, whoever put them here definitely didn't want anybody escaping. This meant that there was a high chance that the object lodged in her arm was some kind of tracking device. Like tagging an animal you wanted to study...

Elrene stopped walking and stared. Since when were her abilities of deduction so good?
Lily had been somewhat distracted since getting out of the mysterious box she'd been caged inside of. She sighed and glanced around. Whatever the reason was, that had brought the group of people together here, it was clear they weren't intended to leave this valley.

Realizing this, the girl was forced to admit that it was at least a fairly decent valley. It seemed nice enough. She liked the outdoors, and couldn't help but believe she was fairly self-sufficient, when it came to handling herself in such a situation.

Looking up, Lily noticed the majority of the others appeared to be working their way toward something that she knew to be a cabin. She didn't know how she knew it was a cabin. She simply knew. By this point, she'd realized that she didn't really remember much, at all, though she felt as if everything she'd learned over the course of her life, she still knew. It was more the specifics about herself that she couldn't quite bring to the front of her mind. Oh, well. I'm sure it'll all come back, eventually. One thing she wasn't sure of, that she felt she needed to know, was her name. Who was she? What was she called? The girl thought long and hard. Just as it seemed as though she wouldn't be able to come up with anything, she thought she heard a voice, ever so faint, whispering to her. The voice said one word. "Lily."

Though she wasn't sure as to whether or not this was actually her name, the girl figured it was as good as any other name she didn't have. "Lily." She tried the name out, speaking it softly; she enjoyed the way it rolled right off of her tongue. "Lily."

Smiling, somewhat happy with herself for being able to remember (she thought) her own name, she hurried to catch up with the others that were heading toward the cabin. It didn't appear as though anyone else had any idea as to why they were here, or even how they had gotten here, but as she caught up with the group, she couldn't help but ask.

"So, uh... D-does anyone know why we're here? Or exactly how we got here...?" Her voice trailed off. She felt small. Alone in a group of strangers, this was quite far from the most comfortable situation she'd been in, at least as far as she could remember. Then again, she supposed that didn't exactly mean much, since she didn't really remember anything.
Elrene, feeling an odd phobia about people, stayed clear of everybody else. Humans, as social creatures, naturally group together, whether it's one big group or multiple small groups. These people were different, automatically having horded together and made nice, got acquainted with one another, despite being strangers to their own selves. Elrene circled around the outside of the groups, keeping at least a good 60 to 100 yards away. So long as she remained outside of their lines of interest, she was a ghost amongst the lost people, even in plain sight she'd be invisible. Keeping out of the interest zone of others would enable Elrene to freely probe for information unhindered, to figure out who to dodge more carefully and who she could afford to hide next to. Trust was out of the question. People that are strangers to themselves are even more unpredictable than normal.

She walked around the people, watching them carefully from the corner of her eye as she subconsciously fiddled with a lock from her long white hair. The sun beating down onto her bare skin was making for a bit too warm. Going back into the shade soon would be wise, lest she get sun burnt. Maintaining her distance from the local populous, Elrene sat down against the trunk of a young tree. Its branches though few, were well spread like an umbrella, making it an excellent spot to relax out of direct sunlight.
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Elrene stared up at the sky, through the branches. Sunny, blue skies, a few clouds, and a gentle breeze. The weather was close to perfect. She absentmindedly rubbed her left arm, the subtle knot just at the joint was irritating her. Though the irritation was tolerable, it nonetheless made her consider cutting open her own arm to remove the annoyance. With all things considered though, she was no doctor, too her knowledge at least. On top of that, she didn't have any medical supplies for the moment. Elrene crossed her arms with a huff, it was a problem that she' just have to put up with for now.

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