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Realistic or Modern the couponing club.




You may find yourself saying "The couponing club? What? I couldn't think of anything more boring." and, well- that's the whole point.

The couponing club was started by a high school boy in his junior year in order to not go to class and just chill out in an empty classroom for a class period and a half. He thought of it as quite the genius idea. Well, that was until a held back sophmore stumbled upon the empty room and requested to join the club because no other clubs would accept her. It wasn't soon until other people began joining, and instead of a peaceful nap time, it became a room full of hormonal teenagers who really, really hate 2nd period.


1. The Leader - Open.

A boy in his junior year who has spent the past three years attempting to make himself as invisible as possible. He's quite cynical and a little bit rude, with a dry sense of humor. There's some gold in him, but you have to dig through all the dirt first. He lives in the shadow of his older brother who is now a college freshman, and is always compared to him. He's had a crush on The Photographer since middle school, but tries to push his feelings aside and lie to himself about it.

2. The Drinker - Open.

After going through two deaths and a betrayal in the same school year, this girl completely broke down. She turned to drugs, drinking, and hooking up with any guy who would say yes. After a video of her taking off her top at a party went popular around the school, she went from the top of the food chain to the very bottom. Her 'friends' ditched her, and she's alone. She was held back after skipping school so much and missing so much homework, so she is repeating her sophmore year. She's still in recovery, but she's improved.

3. The Junkie - Open.

He's just here because his usual smoking spot was discovered by another student and they threatened to tell the office. Ironically- that student was The Class President. AKA his older brother. The Junkie is an asshole badass who dresses kid of like a greaser, and is in his senior year of high school. Everyone says he's going to stay in this town forever, but he's got bigger plans. He is often told to act more like his younger brother. He is extremely protective over his little sister, The Photographer.

4. The Photographer - @ultraviolence

A young, artistic, hipster sophmore. She has a pretty famous tumblr blog for writing, painting, and photography. She'd rather smoke weed and paint the sunset than join in on any social situation. She's The Junkie and The Class President's younger sister. She is often compared to The Class President, and told to act more like him. She's best friends with The Dancer.

(inspired by a character from @pulpfiction 's roleplay overview)

5. The Class President - Open.

A goody-two-shoes with straight A's and a perfect record who's in his junior year of high school. He's always in presentable (or geeky, as his brother would call it) clothing, and is always trying to portray himself as a role model. He's a bit cocky, and he always tries to look out for his two younger siblings. There's one secret he's keeping from them, though: their dad isn't actually their biological father. He often acts like the father of his two siblings, because their dad isn't around most of the time.

6. The Blonde - Open.

The stereotypical dumb blonde girl. every school has one. She's pretty flaky and says dumb things all the time. She's just as pretty as she is dumb, meaning she's one of the prettiest girls at the school. She's a high school Junior, and she often flirts with boys and jumps from relationship to relationship. She used to be best friends with The Drinker, but she stopped being friends with her after she became notorious around the school.

7. The Dancer - Open.

He's super fashionable, flamboyant, and one of the best dancers you'll ever see. He's also best friends with The Photographer, and has been since third grade. He doesn't care if people make fun of him, he'll show off his confidence anywhere. He's a sophmore in high school because he skipped a grade when he was younger.

8. The Grunge Girl - Open.

She's into anything grunge. Grunge clothing, grunge music, etc. She's also never been on a date, which she gets very embarrassed about. She's best friends with The Fangirl, and is a Senior. She's had a crush on The Junkie for about two years.

9. The Actor - Open.

The word 'drama' works in two ways for this character. He's an amazing actor, and also loves gossip. He's best friends with The Blonde. He's also gay, but in the closet. He's quite popular, especially among the ladies. He is currently a high school senior.

10. The Fan - Open.

She's completely obsessed with bands. All her notebooks have some band on them, she always wears band shirts, she has band posters on her walls, and she has pictures of band members in her locker. She would much rather listen to music and obsess over cute male singers than talk to other people. She's a sophmore.


the literacy level of this roleplay will be between casual and detailed. at least 2 7+ sentence paragraphs per post, no exceptions. and obviously no one liners. if you post a one liner, you'll be kicked out of this roleplay. this is not a first come first serve roleplay. i will be choosing the characters that i think would be the best for each role. if i do not choose your character it's nothing personal and it doesn't mean i think you're a bad roleplayer. it simply means that i think a different character would be best for this roleplay. no ooc drama. if you have a problem with someone, let me know about it and we will all resolve it over pm. on the other hand, i want plenty of drama in character. like- a lot. nothing past kissing. just fade to black, nobody needs to see that. if you're that thirsty, here is a complimentary juice box
. every character must have at least one photo, and that photo must be a real person. no anime or drawings, please/ to indicate that you've read the rules, include your character's favorite emoticon and your character's favorite movie in your cs.

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