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Fantasy The cost of Peace

As the girl approached him, he couldn't read her expression for anything out of the ordinary, Just the same emotionless face you would see anywhere. He didn't know why she didn't move to a different position as no one else wanted to come near him, which was fine with him. He saw the piece of bread fall onto the floor near him but decided to ignore it and not help her She seems a bit clumsy Zak thought as he saw her pick up the bread she had left on the ground.

Suddenly, a pain flared somewhere, he thought about it and noticed that it was coming from his shin. He winced and kept his head down What the heck! What is her problem? he thought as he looked up at the girl, who seemed to have purposely kicked him in the shin. He calmed down as the girl apologized for her actions, but when she asked him his name he thought Should I just tell the girl who kicked me in the shin my name? he decided that this wouldn't be such a bad idea as he was just telling her his name, though it could turn into a conversation... "My name is Zak" he said, finally making up his mind as he waited for some sort of answer, hoping that she would just tell him hers and walk off.
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So his name was Zak. "My name is Diana," she said. They stared at each other for a while. Diana tried to think of things to say, but she drew a blank. She fidgeted with her necklace. She noticed his bag next to him. "That's a really large bag. What's in it?" she asked, "And also, if you get bruised from me kicking you, I can fix it. Healing magic..." Diana pricked herself with her unused knife until a drop of blood came out, then she healed herself. "Like this," she demonstrated.
So, her name is Diana, huh he thought as he listened to her speak. After a while, he realised they were staring at each other so he looked to the ground, but only to look up again to answer her new question. "Well, I have some weights, some of my possessions from back home, some books, clothes, shoes and lots of other stuff as well" He said as he decided to not talk about his sword because he didn't want to hurt anyone and also he would like to keep his skills a secret. When he started to think about his past he looked down to the floor and just stared at it like there was something interesting about it. He looked up as she started talking again and, when she showed him her healing spells, he raised his eyebrows because he was impressed.

The bit where she had just cut was just normal skin again when she healed it. "Well, I mean I don't mind, it doesn't hurt that much but if you could heal me that would be nice" Zak said, hoping Diana would heal him because it did hurt quite a bit. Because Diana now showed him her healing spell, He now felt guilty for not showing his sword as Diana had just shown her ability without hesitation, and at least trying to show her his sort of magic ability but have her far away or something could possibly work... No, let's keep it a secret for now, and if she is worthy enough of knowing then she shall be worthy Zak thought as he looked down to hide his smile. I might have just made a new friend today though.

Trine Trine
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"oh!" Malum smiled, "That's convenient! My name is Malum Mauldrich, good to meet you Aron." he paused after that. By the gods there was more than one person here who ate like a savage beast from the pits of hell. Malum just blinked at those who had clearly never learned table manners and he let out a laugh.

"Disgusting" a woman's voice sneered from a table away, eyeing both Ander and Aron's eating habits. "Don't they teach Eldonians any manners?" she flicked her ruby red hair over a should and snickered with a few nearby friends of hers. Apparently this girl really adored red as she was clad almost entirely in it. Her hair was almost unnaturally vibrant and her clothes were distinctly Toprosian, light materials that hung loosely off the body but still accentuated her curves in all the right ways. Her eyes were brown with redish hues that seemed to be taunting towards the other table, almost daring them to object to her crass statement.
"Nice to meet you too, Malum." He grinned excitedly. "How exactly are you going to be helpin-" He paused immediately as he heard the woman's voice. Glaring at her overly flashy exterior, he stood up in a purely irritated mood. "What the hell did you just say?" He said through gritted teeth. Over the past year, he's been trying to restrain his easily angered personality. Not like it did much though. Literally ready to throw the fork in his hand any minute now, he glared at the woman straight on. If need be, he would use his illusion magic as well. The wealthy will never understand the poor. As he thought this, he couldn't help but chuckle. Not living the noble life he should have suddenly felt like less of a disappointment.
"I said that you lack manners and it's clearly true" zeta replied with a roll of her eyes, "do I need to speak louder? Are you deaf as well?" She inquired with a taunting tone. "I wonder if they'll have ettiquette classes, I do hope they're manditory since clearly they aren't picky in keeping savages out of here."
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