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Fantasy The cost of Peace


Less than three
Topros is a beautiful Egyptian land of sandy hills, lush oasis and bustling with magic. Those who have magic here are seen as higher class citizens, they are admired and loved. Topros is build on magic, connected to the earth and molded from it. Because of this, those without magic struggle to survive, there is little place for common laborers when the simplest of tasks can be accomplished with the wave of a hand.

Eldonia is Medieval, built on a land that knows warm, fruitful summers and harsh winters. Hard work is praised and magic is looked down upon, seen as a cheat for life. Buildings are made with stone and sweat, warriors brandish well made steel. Anything magic-made is seen as weak and frail. This is a land of man and magic has no place here.

For years these two countries have been at odds and there is a generations-bred hatred between them. The mountains that separate these two countries have been contested territory and is filled with dangers; Eldonian bombs, Toprosian rune traps, Eldonian spike pits, Toprosian flame spurts and then there are the deadly creatures that live there as well.

A tentative peace treaty has been under negotiations for the last five years and was finally signed, declaring the mountains to be equally divided between the two countries, all except for one mountain peak in the dead center. It served many purposes throughout the years, beginning as a monastery but now it was being turned into a school. A place welcoming people of both nations to learn to put aside their differences. To show Eldonia that there is more to magic than cheap tricks and to show Topros what real hard work and steel can do.

The headmaster of this place is an old man named Lakar who has beckoned to both countries to send anyone and everyone they can who is willing to learn.

Will they send children or will they send warriors? Will the peace treaty last or is this an opportunity to claim the entirety of the mountain lands?
Are you sent by worried parents, looking to save guard a future or are you sent by greedy kings and nobles? Maybe you ran away from a country that never accepted you. Regardless, you’re here now and what you do with what you learn, is up to you.
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It was not a beautiful day. Rain was crashing down in waves over the school as thunder rippled across the sky. Of all the days for such a storm to hit, High Mage and Headmaster Lakar was unimpressed by nature's choice. It was after midday and yet the dark skies could have them fooled for being evening. Considering that not all students had arrived at the school days or weeks in advance, it gave the headmaster reason to worry that not everyone would make it through the mountain pass and up the long carved stairwell that wound it's way to this place. After all, not everyone had access to teleportation.

Lakar sighed as he gazed out the window of his office, positioned at the top of one of the towers that overlooked the monastery-no, school. It was a school now and the thought brought a touch of a smile to his lips. The building had undergone quite a lot of changes over the years, various additions and remodeling to turn it from one thing to another but originally it had been built as a monastery for a group of monks seeking inner peace. That had been so long ago now and between age, neglect and the various battles that had been waged since those days there was hardly any of the original structure left.

The place was made up of three main buildings that formed a C-shape around the central courtyard. The courtyard itself was a beautiful mosaic of multi-coloured brick that spiraled out from a central garden that held a tall white barked tree. The leaves were vibrantly lilac, their natural state of colour although they were just beginning the change to their fall blues and teals.

The building to the right bore walls of a blue-grey stone and stood two stories high. Within were various rooms that had been outfitted with beds and basic furniture for a student's life. Each set of six rooms connected together to share a common room that held various chairs and sofas for socializing as well as a small kitchenette in the corner. There was a proper mess hall where all the students would gather for their main meals but these mini-kitchens were available for late night munchers who wanted to keep their own snacks on hand.

The building on the left was only one floor but still as tall as it's mirror. It seemed to still be under some construction but contained the large mess hall with it's massive domed ceiling and long tables. At the head of the room was a place for the teachers to sit and oversee the students while the opposite end of the room held the kitchens. There was a countered wall opening from the kitchens to the mess hall where the student could gather their food before finding a place to sit. Behind the teacher's table was a door that lead to some other rooms but they had a tendency to remain locked.

The main, central building of the monastery-turned-school was at least four stories high, it's walls made of red and tanned coloured stones that peeked in a red tile roof. Various classrooms were within those walls although entering the main hall of it was a stunning sight to behold. It was filled with relics of ages gone by, old suits of armor on display, ancient swords and magical pendants behind glass-it could have been a museum of history.

Plastered onto the back side of the central building, as thought an afterthought, was the tower that Lakar stood in now. It rose several stories higher than the building it was attached to and aside from containing Lakar's office, it was all books. Shelves and shelves of books that wound around the circular walls and wove towards the center where a spiraling staircase could bring you up the identical six more levels of the library. Standing in the center of the spiral, one could look directly up to the domed glass ceiling and watch the sun-or in this case rain. The tower was the only building that was physically attached to another. While the three main structures had roofs to connect them so that one could move between them without getting rained on, it still involved going outside to get from one to another.

With a sigh, the headmaster stepped out of his office and into the open air of the center of the staircase. An invisible force appeared beneath his feet as he used his talents with force magic to lower himself down to the ground level. He hoped very much that no one had gotten lost in the storm. The mountains could be a dangerous place and possibly not the best location for a school but it was perfectly central between the nations of Topros and Eldonia, which made it the only suitable place to have it. Else wise one country or another might demand rights to it. Technically speaking, the left building was in Topros and the right one in Eldonia, splitting the central one directly down the middle.

The students were meant to gather in the mess hall, since it was the best place to hold them all and provide proper seating for that many people and so Lakar made his way over. It was nearly time to welcome all who came to his new school and the old man actually found himself a little nervous. There hadn't been quite too many students that had shown up over the last few weeks and he very much hoped that a lot more would be appearing today.
In the name of hell. Why did I leave in the rain? Ander thought as he trudged up the mountain and wiping some droplets off his face. It had been a rough journey up the mountainside in the down pour. Mud everywhere. Thought he wasn't complaining about it, the mud was becoming a nuisance. With all the slipping he was glad he wore his outdoor apparel. As his foot came into contact with a series of steps he smiled. I'm here he though as he began to climb the steps. After a while of climbing the staircase he arrived where the three buildings of the school lie. He wiped more rain off his face as he looked to the one of the buildings. Judging by the way it looked, Ander ultimately assumed it was a mess hall and where they were to go. He made his way there with haste as he wished to get inside. Opening the door, he stepped in, water dripping from his clothing. He looked at the man inside with a smile. "Well, it's definitely raining" he said.

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"I'm. Finally. Here." Aron whispered excitedly, incredibly out of breath, at the very top of the staircase. He was covered from head to toe in thick mud, presumably from the mountain pass. Looking at the old stolen watch on his wrist, with a cracked face, he realizes the time. "OH NO!" He shouts, as he sprints as fast as he can to the school, barely able to enjoy the immense buildings seeing as they're overshadowed by numerous clouds. "Wait, where do I go?!" He asks rhetorically in a panic. Turning his head left and right, he notices a sign, worn down by the continuous rain. It was basically a giant black scribble now, but there was an arrowhead, of sorts, pointing left.

Hoping for the best, he rushes to the left building. As he headed for the door, he peeked through the windows and noticed a large mass of pupils gathered at tables. "Woah, this place looks awesome!" He grins cheerfully, as he is pelted with rain, and his hair plasters onto his face. Noticing someone just entering through the door, he quickly catches up and holds the door for himself. "Phew." He sighs in exasperation. Pulling the wet mass of hair off of his face, his eyes light up excitedly at the scene. It's even more amazing than it was outside! He thinks to himself. Quickly settling down at an empty table, he relaxes after the long journey he had to take.
There was not as many students as Lakar had been hoping, that was certain, perhaps a grand total of two hundred thus far meanwhile he had ensured that the school could hold up to six hundred if need be. It did mean that people wouldn't have to share rooms and the headmaster nodded to himself, they'd probably appreciate that. He couldn't expect a brand new school in the middle of the mountains and fairly far from where most people had lived and grown and known their whole lives, to suddenly be a bit hit. Still... he had hoped.

Looking to the side where a boy had just stumbled in and declared the obvious nature of the weather, Lakar smiled back at him a little. "Is it?" he inquired, feigning a baffling look, "I hadn't noticed" he tapped his tall oaken staff on the floor as he passed by Ander and headed up towards the raised platform where his other teachers had begun to gather. The knight, clad in simple leathers and a warm tunic with the crest of Eldonia proudly stitched on front, was seated on the right hand half of the table there. A sword strapped to his waist and his fingers toyed with the hilt of it, something of an anxious habit for Sir Tanus.

Lakar's green eyes turned to the woman to Tanus' left, the hood of her cloak pulled over her head but her ebony locks spilled out from it. Her eyes were glowing as she surveyed the group of students although they paused when settling upon Lakar and a smile touched her lips. With a simple nod she welcomed the older mage up onto the platform.

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"Uhg. You stink" the boy that Aron had sat next to recoiled from him in distaste. His eyes were rather odd to look at, one of them as cerulean blue as the ocean while the other was as green as fresh spring grass-yet both were looking Aron over with judgement at his sodden appearance and mucky coating. "Maybe you should spend a little more time in the rain" he advised with a touch of a teasing smirk on his lips.

While Malum's initial statement could have been taken as rude or snobbish, his grin told a different story and opened up his features in almost a friendly way. His clothes, while simple were well made and durable and he even had a proper raincoat to avoid precisely the mess that Aron had become. His striking white hair didn't seem to have a drop of water to it which likely meant that he had come to the school in the last day or more and was already set up in a nice cozy room to himself.

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"It's not my fault that my horse decided to go on a rampage, stomp on me and run away with all my stuff!" He replied slightly irked by his comment. Turning to look at the voice speaking at him, he noticed he didn't appear to be picking a fight, and calmed down. Looking more closely, he realized the boy had mismatched eyes. "Hey...do you have magic powers by any chance?" He asked cautiously, noticing a few stares look their way at this slightly touchy topic. "I don't know why, but your eyes just made me think of it."

Looking up at the stage, he noticed the teachers begin to gather. Straightening himself up, he tried to wipe as much mud off of him as possible, however it was a futile attempt. Sighing, he realized he had a lot in store for him.

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"How astute of you" Malum smiled at the boy, "Yes, but it's hardly a helpful natural power. I'm hoping to learn something a little more useful here" his strange eyes turned towards the teachers as well. They seemed to be waiting for a few more to arrive, not quite ready to announce the welcome. The old man had begun to chat up the cloaked woman and the pair of them gave off the impressions of being old friends.

Malum shifted in his seat and leaned forward towards Aron with some interest, "where are you from?" he asked with a bit of a whisper. Some people were rather hushed about their backgrounds while others declared it bravely and Malum didn't seem to want to be insensitive towards whichever Aron wished to be.

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Ander returned a smile to the old man. At least he's a tad loose he thought to himself. With another whip of his arms in attempt to rid him of the raindrops he walked closer to the people who had gathered at the tables. He was anxious, excited, so many thoughts surged through his head as he looked at his future. Ander couldn't believe that he was this close to people from Topros without some kind of insult from them. He noticed a couple of boys chatting that appeared to be around his age and approached them. Sitting in the chair next to the one covered in muck, he smiled. "Rough ride?" he asked jokingly. If they'd care to notice Ander had a splash of mud on the side of his face he hadn't noticed yet.

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By reading the stars and constellations, Zak knew he was incredibly late. As he trudged up the hill and with the massive weight of his backpack he wasn't getting anywhere.
Or so he thought...

as he took another step and looked forward he could see the school right ahead of him 'so this is my new school, and life' Zak thought. As Zak knew he was very late, he started running towards the entrance, before he went inside he pulled his hood over again and silently sat down at a table, avoiding eye contact from students.
Diana found herself disoriented in the middle of a strange room. Teleportation was an unfamiliar magic that she had little experience with. She looked around. It looked like a library or an office of sorts. Was this the school?

Diana heard people talking outside. She decided to join them. She left the room and made her way towards the commotion.

The first thing Diana noticed was the sheer amount of people. The difference between this crowd and the crowds back in Topros was that most of them were talking with each other without showing off their latest magic items or anything else like that. It was slightly overwhelming. She sat down across a hooded person, and stayed quiet, curiously observing the mess hall from the table.
"Sounds interesting, what's your magical power?" He asks bluntly, failing to notice that the boy may have avoided the answer earlier. After his answer, he smiled at his next question. "I come from a big city in Eldonia, named Livua. I was actually born from a pretty high-class family." Realizing that his reply doesn't correlate with his current outfit and inventory, he continues. "Sorry, but I don't want to explain what happened to me." He gives a small, slightly defensive smile. "Maybe some other time." He sighs, retracting into a bit of a slump at the memory.

Noticing a tall, brown haired boy approach, he couldn't help but grin at his question. "Says you!" He gestures to his left cheek. "Too bad I don't have a mirror." He replies cheekily. Noticing more and more people enter through the door, he takes note of a few particularly interesting characters, such as an anti-socially hooded figure and a pretty blue-eyed woman. "I'm really excited about being here." He can't help but grin to the two people beside him. So many particularly unenjoyable events have occurred lately, I sure hope this place will be a change in perspective. He thinks as he whistles quietly.

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Zak had a look around the room and saw everyone seeming to be having conversations and already making friends. I don't want anyone to find out what I did, I don't want to really get judged or in anyway harm someone so it's best to not make friends he thought as he looked down at his hands and remembered the tragic past. He didn't want to get kicked out of the school, it was all he had left. As he looked around he accidentally made eye contact with the girl who sat beside him. He quickly shied away and turned his attention to his bag, checking that his swords were in there.
Ander looked at the boy in confusion. "What do you me-...oh" he mumbled as he raised his hand to his cheek. His hand was met by cold, wet mud that he hadn't felt before. Shrugging it off, he returned to the two. People were swarming in now and noise was picking up. Interesting site, Eldonians and Toprosians in one place without going at each others' throats Ander though. The other boy seemed just as excited as they announced it verbally. "Amen to that. I feel just the same" he said to the boy. He then did his little sword check as he pulled it out enough for the engraving to show. He loved his sword, and it was always at his side.

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"Welcome" the voice of the headmaster filled the room but not loud or booming, it was calmer than that and seemed to reach each person's ears as though he were having a casual conversation and standing directly in front of them as opposed to distantly on the raised platform. "Welcome" he said again and a smile spread across his lips, "To the Academy Eros." he had waited for this moment to reveal it's name, a name that combined that of the two countries and also had a meaning of it's own; love.

"This place is a sanctuary, a safe haven for all those willing to put aside their differences and learn." declared the mage, "My name, for those of you who may not know, is Lakar and I am the headmaster here," as though he really needed to introduce himself, everyone who was anyone knew the name of the Eldonian High Mage who had brokered the peace treaty between the nations. "I know that there is still a fair amount of animosity between our two nations but I would like to make it clear that fighting one another here will be met with the strictest of discipline. You are here to learn, magic, swordplay, whatever it is that stimulates you to open your minds, not each other" he smirked a little and yet there was still a deadly seriousness to the statement, "Regardless of your long term interests and skills, everyone is required to learn about basic magical theory as well as participate in a physical education course." he could hear groaned on both sides of the room, for each of those classes respectfully. The Toprosian mages had a tendency to abhor physical labor, using their magic to solve such problems as moving things or travelling long distances. Meanwhile the average Eldonian did not care too much for sticking their nose in a book to learn about some magical gift they probably didn't have. Of course there were always exceptions, but still.

Lakar just chuckled lightly at the protests and continued, "Most of the campus is open for all to use but try to stay away from certain areas that are still under construction and... if you meet a locked door, it's usually wise to leave it so" the old man advised, "The entire area of the Academy is safe, as well as the general road up and down the mountain side. Beyond that however may yet be dangerous. There are many traps left over from the war and so it is strictly forbidden to venture outside the grounds without a teacher. There is a barrier that surrounds this place, you will feel a prickling along your skin if you pass through it into unsafe territory."

The mage leaned on his staff and for a moment his bright green eyes surveyed the silent group of students. His students, the hopeful future of two prosperous nations in peace. It warmed his heart, "To those of you who had just arrived today, there have been other students chosen already to show you to your rooms. But first, is anybody as hungry as I am?"

The smell hit suddenly like being slapped in the face by a brick wall. Mouth watering scents that drifted from the kitchens on the far side of the room. Roast pig, stir fried vegetables, curried rice and so much more.

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He nods at the taller male by his side, as he responds. "Woah, that's a cool-looking sword you have there." He gazes upon the blade in awe, as he pulls it out slightly. "Where'd you get it?" He asks curiously. Coming from Eldonia, his society had praised swords and man-made weapons. This, of course, had affected the way he saw them. He was more interested in finding a way to amplify or train his illusion magic though.

All of a sudden, a calm voice spoke, catching his attention. He noticed the noise of the hall die down, before the old man on the stage repeated himself. "Eros...?" He whispered to himself, realizing that was the academy name. Noticing that it was also a form of a combination of the words Topros and Eldonia, he couldn't help but chuckle quietly. As everyone moaned at the fact that there would be magic and physical education classes, his eyes shone brightly. He quite liked the idea of training in other forms of magic, as well as being able to run around and do sports.

As his speech ended, he was hit by a pang of unbelievable hunger, due to the scent which was beginning to waft into the hall. Almost immediately afterwards, everyone began to charge for the kitchen counter, fighting for trays and the most appealing looking food. Dumbfounded by the scene, he only just realized that he might not be able to get anything to eat. I haven't eaten anything all day! NO! I MUST EAT! Running rapidly, he jumped into the battle.

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Zak heard the boy say "Woah, that's a cool-looking sword you have there" and turned to the way of the voice as he was instantly interested to see if there was another swordsman except him. And, as he took a closer look at the guy beside her he saw a sword with an engraving on it. So I'm not the only one, huh, and he looks like a nice guy... Zak shook away the thought. There are no friends here for me, or anywhere, after all last time I went to the school I only made enemies he thought as he turned his attention to a calm yet authoritive voice.

The Academy Eros.... Zak thought as he found out the name of the school he was attending, He loved the idea of the Topros and Eldonia together in peace. He grinned as he heard everyone groan because of the reason that everyone would need to be lectured on magic and PE classes. He kept his grin for a little longer as he liked the idea of being able to run around and stay fit, although he brought kind of kit for that allready.

He shuddered at the thought of the traps and him being caught by one which instantly ended his grin. No, that's not going to happen, calm down he thought. As the smell wafted over him he closed his eyes and relaxed at the thought of food. He hadn't have anything to eat for quite a while now. He opened his eyes and walked casually towards the food, licking his lips and walking in the direction of the curry.
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Malum fell silent, letting the conversation continue away from the question about his magic and welcoming the sound of the Headmaster's voice to distract them all further. He looked towards the kitchens with little interest, letting the throng of student surge forward and form a line to gather their meal. He was willing to wait and sit calmly at the table, his fingers drawing along the life-lines on his opposite hand.

Having been here nearly a week already, Malum had been chosen to introduce a group of individuals to their new rooms. It had been nice to have the large space to himself for the last few days but that was going to change drastically. It would seem that some care and thought had gone into the room assignments, assuring that Toprosians and Eldonians were intermingled with one another. It was likely in the hopes that it would force some sort of bond between them but all Malum could see was a recipe for disaster if they weren't careful.

With a sigh he pulled out the list, written elegantly on a piece of parchment. It depicted several names of those he was meant to find and gather together for their housing assignments. "Aron Restha, Ander Wolfhart, Diana and Zak Doyle" he mumbled the names to himself one at a time thoughtfully before his strange eyes began searching across the throng of students, wondering just who were the ones who bore these names.
Ander smiled at the boy's comment about his sword. He thought he was being secretive enough to hide it but he was wrong. Before Ander could fully respond to the boy's question the old man, soon to be announced as Lakar, spoke above the crowd. He had heard of him before, knowing him as the one who held the peace treaty. Ander felt like applauding the man after his speech but was stopped by a wondrous aroma, roast pig. His father had prepared some of the best roast in the village and right now, what he was smelling rivaled that. Ander almost hurdled a table on his way to the food, he almost jumped over another person as well. To anyone who was watching, this would have been a funny site to watch as a boy was flying through the crowd to get to the pig. He was still next to the boy from before. "I'm going for the damned pig!" he shouted, voice booming in the ears of those around him.

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"Well, I just want something appetizing! You have no idea how hungry I am right now!" He screamed in response to the boy, who was somehow still next him. Surging forward through the crowd out of pure will, he manages to somehow collect a tray, with roast pig and curried rice. Protecting his bounty carefully, he sneaked his way out of the pure mayhem and back to the table where the boy with two eye-colours was still sitting. "You're not hungry?" He asks surprised, as he pours himself a glass of water using the jug in the middle of the table. After hearing his answer, he completely loses himself in the food, and creates a bigger mess of himself.

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"I had a big lunch" Malum replied as he put the piece of paper down with a sigh, looking over to Aron as the boy began devouring his meal. "You never gave me your name" he pointed out, "I'm supposed to be helping these people later and I've got no clue on how to find them. Do you know anybody here?" he asked as he showed the list to Aron although was careful to keep it out of range of the messy eater's splash zone. How one person could cause such destruction when eating was almost impressive if it hadn't been a little gross.

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Choking on a piece of pig skin, he pauses his devastating consumption to drink some water, as the white-haired boy talked about his dilemma. His eyes widened at the list of names, instantly noticing his at the top. "That's my name at the top, Aron Restha." He wipes his mouth with the napkin he collected from the counter. "What's your name?" He asks quickly, trying to divert the topic off of the Restha family. He inherited the noble surname, despite being abandoned by them, to mock them and ruin their reputation. He will forever hold the first surname he had, close to his heart, however.

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Ander had managed to get a large piece of pig on a tray. He had no idea where what he just did came from, but right now he had bigger things to worry about, FOOD. He tailed the boy loosely back to the table they had previously been sitting at with the other boy. What those two were about to see was prime example why he's far from royalty. From what he was about to do they could tell he was raised in the forest. As he sat back down next to them he began to dig in. Without the use of utensils, he picked up the large chunk of pig and began eating. How
coincidental, Wolfhart eats like a wolf, messy and savagely. He had always had a burning love for meat, and right now it was showing as he ate like an animal.

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Zak sat down 2 seats away from a man with two eyes, both of different colours. He was glad that he hadn't noticed him otherwise he might try to make conversation. He then decided it was safe to eat as everyone else was now eating.The food was delicious and a lot better than his mums cooking, which he thought was the best. He picked up his knife and fork and ate his food whilst he thought how did that guy get two different eye colours? Maybe its something to do with his past... he then realized he was staring at the man and looked away, turning his attention back to his food. He noticed the boy from earlier, looking at a list in his hands. what is on that list? he thought as he theorised many different things but noticed that this would do him no good, he better eat up now otherwise his food would get cold, so he quietly ate his food.
Diana had tried to fill her plate with a bit of everything. Even then, her plate was filled before she could even reach the end of the long tables of food. Balancing all the food on her plate was tricky. She walked slowly back to her original seat, carefully making sure that nothing would fall. The hooded boy was already eating, as was everyone else. She tried to catch his attention, but he seemed very focused on his food. She pretended to drop a piece of bread on the ground, and she leaned down to pick it up. She aimed a kick at his shin. She got back up, piece of bread in hand. She casually swung her leg and kicked him. That would get his attention... And probably leave a bruise. Oops... Maybe she shouldn't have done that. But at the same time, she could definitely heal it later. "Sorry for kicking you, but what's your name?" she asked, attempting to initiate conversation.

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