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Fantasy The Compound

Bulbon almost didn't think he was going to answer, so when he did he had to do a double take looking up at him then nodded as he followed him back to the table. Hearing the small trots he looked around to see the tiny centaur come join them and smiled and handed her the apple. Here's hoping she doesn't end up in the ground like the other unfortunate ones, looking back up he goes to take a seat. He cleared his throat, "I'll just come out with it, I don't know much about us, other than that we have these horns," he rubbed his horns, "and that we are a proud and noble race. But that's as far. I guess what I'm saying is that, what can you tell me about us? I guess, with how you and the Jackal were buddy buddy not too long ago, I suppose I should ask another question."

He takes a quick look around him to see if Osiris's guards were near then looked to him, "Should I even think about joining up with that...I hesitate to call him a guy with what he did. He's more...machine than anything else. I'm just tired of these damn guards always getting the best of us. They won't hear us out with peaceful talks, we tried that before, from what I heard from my mom. That's how we got here right now." He tapped his finger on the table and sighed, "I just need something, anything to give me a reason as to why I should trust him or stay as far away as I can. You're the only one that can tell me."

Cosmos Cosmos AI10100 AI10100 Archdemon Archdemon


Interacting with: Shimotsu, Bulbon
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos Zemfro Zemfro
Atakapa didn't seem to mind when Shino jumped up onto the chair next to him and tried to huddle closer, but not enough to bother the eating giant. As he ate, he listened to the other ox and nodded along with him. It was understandable how he didn't know much since he was born in The Compound, avoiding actually learning what they are firsthand. Poor lad. "Proud and noble?" He repeated the words, as if he hadn't said them for a long time... and a long time it was. Given how he was beaten down until they pounded out those certain characteristics, it was understandable. However, he still nodded in approval. "Peaceful, most of us." He then paused, attempting to think back to before the war. "Different tribes... like others, but don't seek fights. Other tribes... secluded, like mine, but bond strong." He then continued to eat after that. Their kind was so much more, and Atakapa couldn't put it all to words even if he had the ability to say everything in complete sentences and not like a child. He only wished Bulbon was alive to see how the world worked before. And besides, Atakapa couldn't speak for everyone. Like he said, there were many tribes that were scattered among the land and each tribe had their own culture and politics, but he didn't doubt that each tribe got along well with the other.

But then Bulbon changed the topic to Osiris - asking about whether he should join The Family. It was understandable where he was getting from. Osiris could be equal to being untouchable in their terms, considering how he had even the guards under his thumb. Not all applied though, since Atakapa's own guards won't budge. "Humans prideful. Want to rule over others." He first said. Atakapa felt like he could remember what Bulbon's mother was talking about. He wasn't sure if it was the same one, but it might be similar. He then paused and took in another mouthful. He was thinking of what to say. He leaned back a bit and looked upwards. He saw Osiris in a different light because of how far back they went, and maybe he had changed. He looked back at Bulbon. "Osiris, good man but bad method." He gestured towards the door where the lion had dragged the body out. "But better on safe side of Osiris. He not go mad unless you do bad to The Family. Keep deals tight and not betray." He then smiled at Bulbon. "Can trust Osiris. Keeps his word. Scratch his back, he scratch yours." Osiris told him that before, and many others as well.
Belial - 18yrs
Bel coughed as Athena let her tight grip go, air flooded into her lungs, "It's...okay...." Her voice was more of a panting as she took in more air, seeming almost greedy for it. Irritation sparked in her as she was abruptly moved from the dining hall to the infirmary, "I'll be fine...just kind of hurt my wings...can you let me go. I can walk and...well i kind of don't want to be squeezed to death again. No offense." She honestly didn't know if any damage had been done to her wings and Athena holding her still didn't allow her to flex her wings and see. She felt a rather sharp pain in her right wing which had been the one that had taken the blunt force last time. She shivered, it felt odd as she waited for Athena to let her go. She had a rather bad feeling about her right wing, not that she could fly, but her wings meant a lot to her.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Artemis huffed in disappointment when Athena hurried to let Bel go. Why couldn't she have just crushed her? Would have been far more entertaining. Still, she trailed after her mentor as the lamia carried Bel off toward the infirmary. Why they were going was beyond her. But then, Artemis didn't really like Bel, due to all of the attention she got from Athena, so if it was her choice they certainly wouldn't be helping the swan.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Alex sat there for awhile, she knew she had to eat, but her stomach wasn't cooperating. She took a few deep breaths and slowly her anxiety lowered. She sighed softly, watching as Bulbon walked off. She perked her ears up, letting herself relax as she began to eat once again, though slowly to not upset her stomach. They'd all have to get to work soon, and the last thing she wanted to do was start the day off with being sick and an empty stomach.

It didn't take long for her to finish the meal she had in front of her and as soon as she was done she looked around to see how everyone was now doing. Everything was seeming to calm down, which was good with how much chaos had gone on this morning. Though everyone still seemed a bit on edge, it was better than a few moments ago. Alex stood slowly, taking the plates to their designated area before sitting back down at a nearby table to think about what all she had to do today.
Athena let's the swan go once they are in the infirmary and she quickly backs off as to not hurt the swan more. She was worried she had seriously hurt the swan. A nurse walks over and begins to look at bel as Athena watched from across the room.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

Emilia smiles at the bunny girl and nods "thank you I owe you one. Take care of Suzanne ok?" She places the young centaur down and kisses the girls forehead before trotting off to find osiris. "Where is mommy going?" The young centaur asks watching emilia leave. Suzanne was holding the bunnys hand as they walked back to the breeder complex.
Artemis moved to Athena's side as the lamia moved to the other side of the room from the swan, pleased. Athena may still have her attention on Bel, but at least she wasn't cuddling the other anymore. And, if the swan was actually hurt, it would be all the better. And, well, Athena had told Artemis they'd be training, so surely the lamia couldn't stay here with the swan all day if the other really was hurt.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Hakura gave a small but gentle smile to the young centuar as her mother thanked her and they began to walk back to the housing, "Uh— your mummy just wants to go chekc up on someone, that's all becuase she loves everyone lots and lots!~" she replied as best she could, wincing a little as the awakened babies began to kick against her, her sudden panic from before having caused the unborn children to worry.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Shino didn't understand much of what was going on, well other than the fact she'd been handed an apple and eagerly began eating it witha large smile, heavy workers were generlaly given veggies rather than fruit and the sweet sensation was a delicacy in the innocent girls eyes, where as to most humans a simple food item. Scoffing the rest of her food down mouthful after mouthful she watched them with faked understanding o what theyw ere chatting about though clear on her face, at first watching fully focused and nodding along whenever Atapaka did but soon giving up on the charade and instead simply snuggling closer, ears twitching a little playfully, "Woof!" she suddenly let out eagerly, her strange abrking routine once again returning.

Zemfro Zemfro AI10100 AI10100
Bulbon nodded slowly, admittedly, he sort of just wanted to wish that he would have died right there instead of hearing this so that he wouldn't have to be paired with that Jackal. Partly because he knew he would come to somehow just fuck up an assignment entirely. Let alone he would also have to still do his actual work assigned to him and somehow manage to eat this trash food. He put his head in his hands, he was stuck in the middle between a rock and a damn murderer. But in reality, if what Atakapa says is true, he's the only way he's gonna survive in here. Yeah he'll have to do some dirty work, but what else would you do to survive in this world?

Bulbon looks up at Atakapa, "How do I get to him then? And what exactly do I need to watch out for other than to be a "Traitor." I still don't know if what he told us was really what they did. He said that those poor bastards stole off with a whole lot of tickets for food. Not too sure if I believe him to be honest. Has he done much worse?" He had already assumed he was going to get something along the same lines as public displays of power such as this. He seemed like a war veteran after all, understanding just how to play with the crowd in such a short amount of time.

AI10100 AI10100
Belial - 18yrs
Bel went to flex her left wing first and it seemed fine. The doctor nodded in agreement and told her to do the same with her right wing. She moved it slightly and flinched visibly, a muffed cry came from her. The doctor frowned, reaching up she began to feel the right wing. Each touch hurt worse as she got to the top curve of her wing. "Well from what I can tell...I think there is a hair line fracture." The doctor said not caring much. "It'll take about ten days to heal amd even then I wouldn't push it. This bone is rather hard to break not sure how you manage this but it better not effect your work." Bel grit her teeth, "Just splint it and let me get to work please..." Her voice cold and calm, "I'll be fine...Athena...um this wasn't your fault really....it was already pretty bad thanks to some guards." She said glancing up to Athena, not sure why she felt the need to reassure the woman. She smiled softly at both Athena and Artemis, "I think you have some things to do and I'd hate to hold you back from that." Her mind thought about tonight's dance, she would still preform it as she had planned. Her pain wouldn't matter if it brought others some peace.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
(Yep didn't get the notification))
Athena seemed to break her normally hardened facade and teared up slightly at the news. She had harmed the girl she loved how was she supposed to come back from that? Athena clenches her fists tightly and if she had feet, she would stomp her foot. "I'm sorry Bel! I love you!" She shouts without thinking then blushing bright red.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

Emilia trotted up to an anima known to have connections or knew how to talk to Osiris. The Jackal was highly sought after and the centaur hoped this jackal would be able to help her save her daughter from the same fate of her children. Emilia hadn't seen her children since they took them from her. She was tired of it and promised to save Suzanne at all costs....even if it meant selling her soul to the devil.

Suzanne looked up at haruka and giggles. The centaur child was only 4 (5 tomorrow) but she was large for children her age. Centaurs always were. "How long have you known my mommy?" She asks trying to get to know the bunny girl more. "You are vewy pwetty!"

Archdemon Archdemon Cosmos Cosmos
Location: Godfather's Office
Action: Making a deal

There was an anima in an alley, clearly he was shady looking. He was Quick Wit Tim, a man who had clear connections with Osiris and was virtually untouchable because of it. He noticed the centaur walking towards him and raised an eyebrow, he knew what she wanted it's what everyone who talks to him wants.

"Let me guess, wanna see the boss? Hmmm, don't look like you packin... And don't seem like you could bring trouble... Yeah follow me."

The rat man scurried off towards where Osiris was, a modest looking building compared to most if the ghetto, still it wasn't the best condition but compared to everything else it's like a five star resort. Tim spoke to the guards who allowed both him and Emilia to enter, and she could see a lot of members of the Mafia, men and women of all species talking, drinking, gambling, and enjoying themselves. Though they didn't enjoy everything they got for free, each and everyone of them worked for Osiris.

Tim pointed up the stairs.

"4th floor and down the hall you should see a pair of double doors with a large Elephant and a Cobra serpent. Tell them 'Tim pays respect to the Godfather."

Just like that, Tim left the centaur alone by scurrying out the door.

Osiris was busy looking at some paperwork.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Emilia closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before beginning to climb the stairs. Centaurs were known to be strong, proud creatures, but being pregnant....could really dampen their energy levels. By the time she had reached the fourth floor, Emilia was out of breath and panting slightly. "Why is it so high up..." she pants before beginning to walks slowly towards the double doors. "Tim pays respect to the Godfather?" She asks not sure if she was remembering the statement correctly. "I wish to speak to the godfather," she says confidently.
Archdemon Archdemon
Hakura raised an eyebrow curiously over at the girl, thinking for a little bit before her expression softened at the others question, "Well-…. I met your mummy a long, long time ago you see my mum she uh-…." Her expression saddened a little before she shook it off, "My mum had to go away, and your mummy was in charge of looking after me in the breeder compound!~" she replied, giggling a little with a light blush at the compliment.


Interacting with: Shimotsu, Bulbon
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos Zemfro Zemfro
Atakapa contemplated about the answer. Seeing as he had been locked up all this time, and that he didn't know anything about The Family now, he actually didn't know the answer. So he wen with a simple one. "Members of The Family know where base is. Tell them you talk to Osiris." There was little he knew in how Osiris operated nowadays, but if the word goes out that Bulbon was searching for him, then Atakapa was willing to guess that Osiris would track him down to find out - if they don't allow Bulbon to show them where Osiris is based in. Atakapa, unfortunately, didn't know of the incident earlier.

"You break deal, you traitor. Honor deal, and he honor his." He responded. "Two earlier probably not pay their due, or try escape. Osiris not like that." He continued. He didn't know the full story but Atakapa knew that Osiris wouldn't just do something like that without rhyme or reason. It may be a display of power, but that was to scare those who were dealing with them. He'd never hurt someone innocent. Atakapa believed that much. "Osiris not do any worse." He shook his head. "Not any that I know." Once more, Atakapa's isolation from his friend had caused complications in his factual statements because he wasn't sure if Osiris or The Family had changed in the span that he hadn't talked to them... which was years to be honest.




402B awoke with a loud mechanical groan. There was moss and plant life covering him. On his HUD a topographic map was showing the way to the capital. Little did he know it was destroyed. 402B blindly began to walk towards his destination. He passed houses and apartments as he did so. When he got to the gate he was able to pass it's security with his built in security card feature. He began to slowly and blindly walk out of the ghetto and towards the location of the capital.
Location: Godfather's Office
Action: Making a deal

The guards looked at the approaching centaur woman, standing tall until they heard the phrase. They lowered their stance and knocked on the door, the elephant spoke.

"Boss we have someone from Tim, a centaur chick. Should we let her in?"
"Send her through."
The guards looked at the girl and the lion went forward.

"Gotta check you for any weapons, devices, wiring, and anything which may be used against the boss in some form or fashion."
The lion grabbed everywhere, and essentially anything that Emilia had on her person was confiscated.
"You'll get these back once your meeting with the boss is over. Don't worry nothing will happen to them. Sending her through boss!"

The lion opened the door, and Emilia was finally let through into Osiris' office. Osiris was sitting at his desk in the middle of the room, in front was another chair but seeing as Emilia was a centaur she wouldn't fit in it. Around the walls were filing cabinets, plaques with various names, display cases, and a mounted gun right above Osiris on the wall behind him. On his desk there was a picture frame showing a bunch of Anima in what looks to be military outfits, on the right side was a Jackal, the words below the picture reads 1st Infantry, Anselm 2329. There was also a human skull on his desk, probably meant to spread fear into people or at least to make sure they know Osiris isn't afraid of anything.

Osiris finally puts down his paper and looks at Emilia, seemingly studying her. He stood up and walked around his desk, and around Emilia like how a predator studies his prey right before attacking it.

"Hmmmm, Breeder, strong body but not meant to work, nervous but not terrified. You don't seem like you want to join the family, nor to do harm to it. You've come for a deal then. What is it that you require child?"

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Looking around, Alex could see that some people were clearing out, not everyone but some. She sighed and stood back up from her chair. It was about time for her to head out. Sitting around wasting time would be of no help for her, especially since she was a slow walker. Taking a second look around the cafe before leaving, Alex smiled, though it was weak as she watched the people interact with each other.

She began to walk toward the doors of the cafe, her hands lightly gliding along the wall as she walked. She moved slow and was careful with each step she took. Doing her best to stay out of the way of anyone that may want to pass by her. As she walked out of the cafe she held her hand on the doorway for a bit as she brought her gaze from the ground to the area in front of her. She had a bit of extra time, so she would probably begin heading to her area of work, then sit down for a bit before the work was actually supposed to start. She would be able to get away from most of the crowds for just a little bit.

Though as Alex stepped forward to head off she felt herself step back. She truly didn't want to just walk off and hide before work like she had done a few times before. Her constant hiding and running off instead of joining the crowd was beginning to make her nervous and lonely, and loneliness mixed in with the misery she was faced with on a day to day basis felt like it was breaking her apart. She sighed, not completely sure what to do yet, but in the end sat down beside the door, not in the way, but also not too far off. Just to be near people, even if they weren't surrounding her was better than completely isolating herself, right?

Open for interaction
Bulbon gave yet another heavy sigh, as much as he wanted to fight against Osiris, it made sense to him. An honor code, or what little there is to compare it to in a place like this. He looked about seeing if there was anyone that looked to be in the same group as "The Family". Thats rich, you could look around for a second and somone is gonna be your cousin or sister or borther and you wouldn't even know it. He just nodded slowly, "Where are you at anyway? The cells? I might wanna see if i can talk to you more later. Ya know just in case. And uh...whos she?" He pointed to the baby centaur next to him. "Relative? I didn't know we had relatives." He joked, giving a soft laugh.

He looked up to see people starting to leave, "Let me ask you something, whats going to happen to us? You think we'll be set free one day? Or we'll just have to wait for the long and beautiful fields my mother promised me I would see in the afterlife?" He says softly, changing his wording as to be more gentle when it comes to death especially with the little one right there.

AI10100 AI10100 Cosmos Cosmos
Emilia shivers as the lion begins to pat her down. She felt his hands linger slightly longer on her chest as he pats her down. As a centaur, she was not able to wear much besides a tank top so she wouldn't have much to hide. She steps slowly towards the office door once they let her through. She stops in the middle of the floor and before she can say a word, the jackal stands and begins to examine her. How did he know exactly why she was here and how she felt?

"I..." she says softly while looking down. A spark of something erupts in her eyes as she turns to face his directly. "I want you to save my daughter. You know the rules...when a centaur child turns 5 they are taken away from their parents and forced to work. I have lost too many babies...I must not lose her."

Archdemon Archdemon
402B entered the cafe and just stopped. His sensors were picking up hostile after hostile. So he did the only thing he knew to do. Attack. His main body dropped down and his legs covered his sides and the 30mm chain gun extended forwards, began to spin, and let loose a fury of bullets throuought the cafe at every single hostile. 402B swept the line of fire from side to side as he filled the room with gunfire. He wouldn't stop until his sensors were clear of hostiles or convinced otherwise.

Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7

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