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Fantasy The Compound

Bulbon sighed, if there was anyone he could actually associate himself to it would be that him. He only knew so much about himself thus if anyone had any other information it would be him, not only that but he might be able to talk to the hulking mass of muscle about something else. But that was to come for later, for now, "This food is so bad..." He mutters as he swallows another bite, "I bet you they actually put some type of drug in here to make us weaker so that we can't stand up to them. Besides that would answer as to how they managed to get that guy into a cell to begin with, unless he's just passive."

Looking around once more he sighed and used his fork to cut off pieces of his unfinished food and pushed his plate forward, offering Alex his food. She would see that the parts he had bitten had been cut off and left the rest to her, "I didn't touch the strawberries. Eat up, you look like you need it more than me." he huffed looking around as he spotted the dancer, "If only there were an actual reason for her to dance, a celebration for our freedom is a good example of what I mean." He sighed.

Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
Belial - 18yrs
She was about to leave as Athena's voice filled her ears. She turned to say hello only to be circled by the lamia's tail and then kissed on the cheek. She blushed furiously, "A-athena..." Her voice shook with both embarrassment and nervousness, "I...um...g-good morning. Uh...could you please release me I was just about to go check things and...and..." She couldn't believe how much she was stuttering. She wasn't sure she would ever be able to get used to the closeness. Not to mention, there were younger eyes in the room. She didn't want to be seen as a bad influence on them, even though she wasn't sure how it would look to them.
AI10100 AI10100
Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
(Sorry didn't get a notification))​
Location: The Mess Hall
Action: Sending a Message

Osiris had heard the bell, but he was under no real obligation to heed it. Sadly, today was a day to send a message. As he walked through the halls, the few anima who weren't at breakfast bowed their head. A sign of both respect and fear, for the Godfather was a man to admire and fear.

Soon the doors opened and all the noise from the mess hall died out. It is rare for Osiris to come, but when he did it was always a bad omen. Beside him were two large guards, a huge and powerful looking Pit Bull, the other was a Large lion. Osiris scanned the crowd and spotted what he was looking for. He began walking forward, his cane tapping every step he took.

"Good morning everyone! I know how tiring your labours are, how many of you turned to me for help, how you begged me for food, protection, and safety. I give you these things in exchange for your loyalty and a monthly exchange of goods and services. But there are some of you here who mistake these gestures as kindness, that I can simply be used like a tool..."

Suddenly Osiris' bodyguards grabbed two people from the crowd, a male Elk and a female Cat. They held them in front of the whole crowd. Both were weeping hard and shaking uncontrollably.

"I am here to remind you that the benefits you receive have a price attached to them. If you do not pay this price or even hold out on us, you will pay us in blood."

As soon as he spoke of blood, the two bodyguards killed the two traitors. Snapping their necks with a nasty crunch. They hoisted the limp bodies over their shoulders.

"Now I am not without forgiveness, life is harsh and paying sometimes harder. Just know I will not tolerate being used as a tool. The Family doesn't work for You, you work for us. If anybody has anything to say, speak up or forever hold your piece."

The Jackle looked around at the crowd for anybody who wishes to say something.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez Cosmos Cosmos AI10100 AI10100 BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Zemfro Zemfro Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 (And anybody else who I forgot to tag)
~ Alex ~

Alex listened as Bulbon had mentioned the food possibly being drugged. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was..." She sighed, it was a terrible thought, but they needed to eat somehow. She watched as he handed her the rest of his food, though she didn't enjoy the food, she highly appreciated any extra that was given to her. She gave a kind smile toward Bulbon as she gladly accepted the food. "Thank you"

Alex continued to eat, grateful to Bulbon because for once she would have enough food to not go hungry. She looked up, looking for the dancer that he had spoken about, but her attention soon moved to the new voice that had announced its presence to the room. "huh?" Alex couldn't tell exactly who the figure was from where she was sitting, but the voice seemed familiar, and not a good familiar either. Her ears perked up at the man spoke to the crowd, though she could feel her anxiety grow with every passing second that he stood in the room. It wasn't long till a loud cracking noise seemed to echo through Alex's ears. Her stomach felt like it twisted and turned at the noise and her ears pressed themselves along the slope of her head. She no longer felt hungry, the hunger was replaced with nausea and a tightness that made her tail curl up onto her lap as if she was gonna curl up into a ball.

Belial - 18yrs
She had been trying to pull away then he walked into the room, the Jackle. The man terrified her beyond belief, she would rather be beaten than stuck in a room with him alone. He reeked of power and death, that was enough for her. Her eyes landed on the two anima that were grabbed, she felt it before it happened. Yet she didn't want to hear it, she turned quickly burying her face in Athena's chest. The sound of the animas whining coming to an abrupt end as their necks were snapped. She shivered at the cold harsh sound, at least their deaths had been quick. That was only bit of comfort she found before she took in Athena's scent. It seemed to help her stop shaking so badly, but she was still scared.
AI10100 AI10100
Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Archdemon Archdemon
Last edited:
He looked up at the new voice, "Who the hell..." as the figure introduced himself he simply shrugged it off and spun back around to face Alex and gave a dismissive wave, "Just another guy spouting off..." but as soon as he heard the weeping from the two people out there he turned around, watching the scene unfold. Just as he opened his mouth to call him out he watched his display of power, snapping their poor necks just to send a message. It made its mark, espeically on him, but not enough to stop him from being stupid, "God dammit..." he huffed and stood up, "Those were just two people trying to get out like the rest of us! They didn't deserve that!" he yelled.

Oh fuck me, he thought to himself, this is gonna hurt I just know it. As much as he stood tall he was just talking out loud and didn't even think about his own actions.

Archdemon Archdemon
Artemis followed after her mentor, hoping for a peaceful meal to fill her belly. Tensing as Athena went to Bel immediately, the younger remained a few steps away, frowning. She didn't like this. Didn't like the way Bel could take so much of Athena's attention so easily. It almost made her want to go and break those feathery wings whilst the swan slept, make her look horrible with her claws and teeth. But she did her best to hide her hate, even when she was quivering with her dislike. It just made her feel like she wasn't good enough for Athena, when the lamia went to the swan instead.

Shaken from her thoughts as a Jackle. Osiris. Bowing her head slightly, to match those around her, Artemis peered up. She quivered in excitement as two others were grabbed from the crowd, and her eyes went wide as their necks snapped. They deserved it. Traitors. If only Bel had been one.


Astiel froze also when he heard a new voice, and watched as the scene unfolded. His wings ruffled as the message was made clear, and his head shot around in surprise as someone else called out an argument. They were going to get themselves killed. A bull, by the look of it. The magpie would be smart to stay out of the way, but instead he moved closer to the bull, and laughed slightly, looking back toward the Jackal, "Sorry! He's just a little... shocked." He called, hoping to his feathers that the Jackal dismissed it. Looking at the bull, he lowered his voice, "Shut. Up."

Archdemon Archdemon BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Location: Mess Hall
Action: Facing down the Bull

Osiris turned towards the Bull, not a hint of anger or annoyance on his face. His bodyguards looked like they wanted to take down the man, but Osiris held up his hand holding the two giants back. He slowly made his way over, his cane tapping beside the thudding of his shoes. He walked methodically, in a rhythmic manner, and he stood tall as he walked as if he wasn't afraid at all. He walked over to the Bull and looked up to stare him in the eyes, he was big but he was nothing compared to the training Osiris had.

"So they didn't deserve it? You don't even know what they did, they could have murdered a pack of children. Would you still say they didn't deserve it? Probably not. They knew exactly what they were doing, how would you feel if they betrayed your trust and tried to smuggle off a whole vault of tickets? Everything everyone here uses to survive? Do they still not deserve their punishment?"

Suddenly Osiris used the handle of his cane and hooked the back of the Bull's neck and forced him down to his eye level.

"What do you think would happen if they decided to go against the government? Hmm? I think death would be the least of their worries. Do not talk of morals here boy, because in this world there is only survival. You understand? Good."

The jackal then patted the bull's face and he then let him go. He turned to the Magpie saying that the bull was shocked.

"They were shocked too when they found out that I knew what they did. You clearly saw that on their faces before their demise."

He turned towards the scared looking Skunk.

"You should eat, I'm not sure the government would be forgiving towards you on an empty stomach."

Osiris then walked back to his guards yelling out towards the crowd.

"Anybody else got something to say? Speak now or forever hold your tongue in silence!"

Zemfro Zemfro BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys Cosmos Cosmos Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
He looked into the eyes of the Magpie simply saying "Fuck. You. If you even think it's okay for this guy to d-" He stopped himself as he looked up to see the Jackal approach him. He sighed, oh fucking hell I'm gonna die. Every word he spoke, he listen to intently his eyes locking with his, somehow managing to keep his cool and kept a resting face on him. He nearly let out a gasp when he yanked him down to eye level. When the Jackal patted his face he shy'd away from it as he let him go. Standing up tall he just watches him talk to the Magpie then to Alex. he watched closely.l He understood his own power compared to his, to which it was comparable to David vs the Goliath, except this time David is no taller than a pebble. There was no contest here, he was spared for now.

He just stared at the three, he was filled with anger and hate at himself and the Jackal, What gave him the right to murder someone so cruelly? And what made him get the courage to say something but then shy away from him...possibly common sense but why didn't it stop him before. He looked back to Alex, "Are you okay?"

Archdemon Archdemon WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
~ Alex ~

Alex stayed completely still, her heart was racing and she was trying her best to keep from being sick. It didn't take long for Bulbon to stand up and say something about the actions of the man, but that didn't help her anxiety at all. Instead, it made it worse, much worse. Barely any time passed between Bulbon speaking up and the sound of the man's footsteps coming closer and closer to their table. As he got close Alex noticed it was a jackal that was walking toward them, though she didn't look long, her eyes staying locked toward the table. She didn't want to see what was gonna happen, nor did she want to be dragged into it. She knew that she wouldn't be able to defend herself if she was.

She silently listened to the jackal as he spoke to Bulbon, surprised with how calm both of them seemed with the situation. She expected the two guards of the jackal to come over with him, but she was glad they didn't, she feared must worse would have happened if they did. As the Jackal turned from Bulbon, she heard him speak to someone else, then say something directed toward her. It was true what he had said. That she should finish eating her breakfast, but her stomach still felt like it was twisted and turned upside down.

She stayed completely silent until she heard Bulbon speak to her. Her ears perked up a bit, and she looked up at him, unable to even force a smile. She nodded. "Y-Yeah," Her voice was soft and beginning to stutter because of her anxiety. "I'm j-ju-just." She paused, taking a deep breath to slow her breathing. Her ears laying back against her head like before as she spoke up again. "I don't feel too well." She had gotten her stuttering to stop, but it was clear that her anxiety was still high, her fur stood on end and she seemed shaky. Her left leg quickly moved up and down having her heel tap but not actually touch the ground to prevent the tapping noise.

Zemfro Zemfro
Athena wraps herself tighter around the bird girl as she senses a terrible presence enter the room. Osiris...she frowns. She knew that name well and was surprised to see him in this mess hall instead of wherever he spent his time. Athena had sent a few spies to try and get close into his inner circle, but he always found them and had them killed. He was good at what he did and he was a thorn in her side. Without thinking, Athena accidentally began to squeeze Bel tightly.


Emilia's ear lay flat against her head as she spots Osiris and his two guards walk into the mess hall. Most people knew him and were terrified for a good reason. He was powerful. She quickly covered the ears and eyes of Suzanne to protect her from seeing such a horrible sight and luckily she did it in time. "We need to get out of here...for suzie," Emilia whispers to her bunny friend.

AI10100 AI10100 Cosmos Cosmos AI10100 AI10100 BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Zemfro Zemfro Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7 BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Archdemon Archdemon

Interacting with: Belial, Athena, Artemis
Mentions BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Maikoh listened to Belial and nodded when she said that she would be leaving early to get her work done - though his ears folded in sadness as he did though. Nevertheless, he gave the swan woman a cheery wave and grin. "Yeah, see you later Miss Belial!" However, he finished up and was about to leave as well when Athena came along with Artemis. Maikoh never had much of an opinion on Artemis as he did with Athena. He only knew that Artemis followed Athena around because she was her mentor, and Maikoh could understand that. Athena was really cool, in her own terms. While he doesn't like training with her as much as he liked training with his human master, as Athena was more focused on espionage (something Maikoh never really got why he needed training in), but he still enjoyed her presence. He doesn't know if they reciprocate that back, but Maikoh doesn't really care about that. So long as they all got along right?

What he didn't know was that Belial and Athena knew each other personally. Any sort of romantic relationship was lost in the cub, as he didn't understand that all that much, but he could tell that they seemed... close? Jumping off the seat he was on, he gave the two a wave. "Good morning Miss Athena, Artemis!" A huge grin was on his face as he did so. While they didn't mark him as a friend, Maikoh certainly did. Then again, anyone he remotely got along with, in his head, is a friend to him. He wondered if they were going out to train as well. Before he could even ask them, a certain scent caught his attention. There was a shift in the dinig hall's atmosphere and Maikoh's own mood. He tensed up and seemed to stand closer to the group as he turned to the source of the smell and the subsequent sound.


Maikoh really didn't like the guy. He knew that the guy ran a Mafia, but Maikoh never got involved. In his young age, and actual wealth, he didn't need to. But he knew others who did. Osiris was not a kind man. And he displayed it then and there - using a tactic to scare everyone into submission by killing two anima who apparently had debts to the group. Someone stood up for them, Bulbon was his name, and his companion who he couldn't really see spoke up for him. Osiris had let them go, and Maikoh let out a sigh of relief. He didn't really want to see anyone dead. He wanted to argue with Osiris as well, but he knew the consequences of that. It wasn't good.

The wolf cub turned to Athena and the others and then muttered, "Should we go?" He knew they shouldn't get involved, and Belial was obviously shaken by what had happened. Honestly, Maikoh wasn't sure why he wasn't in the same state. He wasn't even remotely scared, just worried. But if they wanted to calm Belial down, wouldn't it be better to take her away from the scene?
Hakura gave all but a shy huckle and closed eyed nod as Emilia asked if they were sitll making her work, well- more like stated it. It was then she noticed her friends sadness and awkwardly reached out a hand as though comforting before putting it down on the table, np need to distress the womans daughter even more, as she noted the birthday Hakura put on her best smile and force as much excitement onto her face as possible, "Yeah!~ Ya know what I'm gonna make an amazing breakfast just for you becuase of that!~" she giggled, ruffling the others hair a little playfully, luckily befor Osiris walked in of which she quickly nodded and got up with her friend.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Shino listened to Atakapa's explaination and nodded when appropriate, still seeming angy at the inanimate object of the food tokens, though at least a little calmer than before, eventually shoving them away in her pocket- pouches? on her back.

It was when her friend abruptly shushed her before shoving her behing his back she raised a brow, mumbling something incoherant and him being too tall stubbornly but luckily it seemed the guard didn't hear, once gone she stepped out and looked up with her well like eyes once more, "Fwood?…. t-togewther." she replied with obvious focus on making the sentence before that adorably concentrating expression turning to a joyful smile.

Before anything more could be said by either of the pair she'd rushed out and climbed into the vent, turning back one more time to wave and smile.

"Sweeya! Atwa~" she smirked a little as she triumphetly and proudly crawled through after pulling back the grate to cover it and out into the world, eager to meet back up with her friend rushing to the dining hall in more of a gallop than a run to be honest, having no idea of what was already tkaing place there.

AI10100 AI10100
Belial - 18yrs
Belial was fine until Athena began to crush her, "A-athena....you're c-crushing me..." her voice was rather forced considering she was being squeezed to death almost. She glanced over to Maikoh or Artemis for some kind of help, "Athena....pl-please..." she said biting her lip from the pain of her wings being smashed into her back. Her vision began to get spotted as it became harder to breath at all. She worried if she was about to pass out from Athena's grip, she knew the snake girl wouldn't like that.
AI10100 AI10100
Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys


Interacting with: Shimotsu, Osiris
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos Archdemon Archdemon
Atakapa watched as the centaur child sped off into the vents - the sounds of her hooves tapping onto the metal ground began to grow distant. Once he could barely hear it, Atakapa stood from his position and then dressed himself as appropriately as he could - which was only simply tattered shirt and his usual trousers. These were made by the humans for him, because of his apparent humongous size. They didn't want him to go around without clothing, after all, as even they found it rather indecent. They at least wanted to pretend that they treated him good. Atakapa knew that they were just putting up a ruse, but he didn't care anymore. Well, at least he got something out of them - along with the food tokens.

As he got out, the guards tensed. Atakapa continued on and he knew that the guards were following behind him. His human handlers never took their eyes off him, aside from when he needed to go to the bathroom. The minotaur passed the other isolation blocks and could hear the telltale signs of the others inside their own cells - devouring their chosen food. There was only ever one anima who had the same free day with him, but he rarely saw the guy. Getting out of his building, he took in a deep breath to inhale the fresh air. At least the guards weren't going to push and prod him today, since he had more freedom today than every other day. Atakapa was glad he could take it slow. He at least remembered where the dining hall was, even though he hasn't been to it for a whole month.

The guards stayed behind when he entered the dining hall, along with the other humans. With the amount of eyes on him, there was no need to get too close to him in this place. Before entering the dining hall, he noticed that the other anima seemed tense. There were a few who were sneaking out. He wondered what was happening inside. Was there a fight? Atakapa entered, ducking under the entrance so that he could get in. From his height, he could already see what was happening. A group was gathered around and in the middle was - not really to his surprise - Osiris.

When asked about Osiris, Atakapa always gives a vague answer. But yes, he knew the jackal. And yes, he is a friend. It was understandable, considering how he and Osiris are one of the few who wasn't born in The Compound. It really did give the anima a sense of camaraderie because they knew the true meaning of freedom. But no, Atakapa has not really spoken to Osiris like he did before after he was thrown into isolation. There was no time for it. Humans often kept them apart for certain reasons - one of them being that Atakapa was part of the jackal's group at one point before. He still remembered those times when he lagged behind the jackal - just like what that lion and that pit bull were doing.

Stepping away from that, he was rather sure that Osiris was making a statement but everything seemed to be finished. Obviously, however, other animal-folk were shaken. He saw two bodies on the floor - motionless. Dead. Atakapa let out a small grunt. He couldn't do anything about it. He knew just how deep Osiris's connections run, and how dangerous he was. And that was years before; imagine how it was in the present. However, he tried to catch the jackal's eyes - which would be easy considering how he stood out. This would be the first time in a long time they saw each other. Atakapa looked back at the entrance where the guards were posted, and the other areas where they were. He let out another sigh before heading over to get his own food. Osiris would find a way if he wanted to talk - he always did.
location: Mess Hall
Action: Meeting an old Friend

Osiris looked somewhat satisfied when nobody else stood up to speak against him. This meant that everyone heard and understood his message. He turned to his bodyguards and was about to leave, until an old Friend came in. Atakapa was standing quite far from Osiris but there was no mistaking the giant ox. He was one of his best men, and back then he was a close friend. One of the only anima left from the great war and life beyond it, they knew more than most.

When Atakapa looked at him, he stared right back. It has been years since the last time they saw each other. Osiris then took a quick look at the guards, there were too many here to try and speak to him. He could easily bribe those who were already stationed in the dining area, but Atakapa's personal ones won't be. He would have to provide a distraction, and so one of his own guards would have to do it.

Osiris made sure to look at the guards he knew he could bribe, often the offer of sexual pleasures appeased them. He gave them each a look and a wink, telling them to overlook what was about to happen in exchange for a free night with some of the girls. He then turned to the lion and motioned to Atakapa's guards to distract them. The pit bull took both bodies and left the area, to where nobody except Osiris knew.

Once he was sure he could secure at least a few minutes with Atakapa, he executed the plan. The Lion soon began causing trouble with the guards, while Osiris took towards Atakapa, making sure h e wouldn't be spotted by his guards. Once there he decided to pretend to peruse the food available, just for added security.

"Well isn't this interesting. My old friend, how are you? Listen we don't have much time, since you're here I need to make sure this happens quickly. Now remember where we first met? The old factory district? The one that made steel, I would appreciate it if you could mistakenly find your way there. Now you'll have to find a way to shake your own guards, I can't do anything about them. If you have anyone you trust, you can bring them since I trusted you before and you never betrayed that trust. Once there we can talk more freely, oh and if any city guard asks you what you're doing just tell them 'Osiris grants them a free Night' they'll know what it means. Now I have to go, be good my friend and stay safe."

Osiris then left Atakapa and the dining hall, his Lion guard followed soon afterwards with a slight limp in his step from the beatings he took.

AI10100 AI10100 Cosmos Cosmos Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Shino continued to cheerfully gallop towards the dining hall as fast as possible, she despretly wanted to meet up with her friend where they could talk properly and he didn't have to be so nervous, but upon arrival and small rush of people escaping the area through the door blocked her, one of the breeder mothers grabbing her hand and trying to pull the small child away, "C'mon dear, you don't wanna go in there, trust me, okay?~" she spoke softly and with a forced smile but the centuar girl stubbornly puffed out her cheeks and shook her head firmly with closed eyes, pulling her hand free and the woman biting her lip in a frown but nodding as she moved on, she was determined to see her friend, whatever everyone was acting weird about could wait in her mind.

As she finally squeezed through she glanced around the eerily silent area with a curious glance, why wasn't anyone speaking?…. blinking a few times innocently she crept around the walls, soon mutters began to fill and the loud voice of a funny looking man guy person figure…. Shino wasn't very good at describing people in her mind. Her only goal was to find Atakapa and play with him, luckily paying no attention to what was going on as she eventully psotted him and as the most frightful part of the scene ended made her way over quickly, smiling and giggling innocently before going quiet as she impatiently onlooked that strange person from before speak to her best friend, honestly a little jealousy coud be seen on the girls expression as she tugged on his clothing and pointed to the lion guard carrying the people out, "Whwy awre he caww-…. carring slweeping p-pweople?~….." she asked, honeslty oblivious.

AI10100 AI10100 Archdemon Archdemon
Bulbon walked over to Alex and sat down beside her, put his hand on her shoulder, "You're gonna be okay. Just breath." He nodded, looking up to watch the Jackal as he stood there proud and smug, he was no better than the humans. He was nothing more than a sociopath, "You'll be okay, just eat. You need to." He says locking his eyes on the back of his head. As much as he wanted to deny it, the damned mutt had a powerful ego about him, getting things done.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to maybe consider....no...

He shook his head as he looked to the new addition to the already crowded hall, "Holy shit..." it was him. The hulk of mass known as Atakapa. Or at least he thought that was his name. He huffed and stood back up to see the guards following him, "Of course its not that easy." He says as he starts to make his way over to Atakapa but stops as he sees one of the guards from Osiris distrsct them to give more time for Osiris and Atakapa to talk, "Of fucking course its not that easy." He huffed.

When Osiris had eneded their conversation he walked over to him quickly and took a plate to just buy an apple. A waste of a coin but whatever. He looked up to the hulking mass, Jesus he's bigger than I thought, he cleared his voice, "Do you think we can talk for a bit? You're one of the oldest here, I was just wondering what you knew about our race..."

Archdemon Archdemon AI10100 AI10100 Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7


Interacting with: Shimotsu, Osiris, Bulbon
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos Archdemon Archdemon Zemfro Zemfro
As he dropped the coins onto the lunchlady's hands and then claimed a rather large serving of various vegetables all mixed into a salad that was specially made for him. Atakapa always liked it even if it was an amalgamation made by the humans themselves. It costed quite a bit more than normal, but considering the large serving, it was only understandable. He grabbed the tray and then turned to Osiris, who was now right beside him. The jackal gave him the orders. Atakapa looked over to his handlers who seemed to be alarmed by this but Osiris's own 'handlers' eased them off. He spotted the centaur child walking over, but Osiris was still speaking at this time so she didn't bother all that much. "Atakapa... fine." He replied, to keep appearances that this was all innocent up. He then slowly nodded. "Atakapa will go. See you..." He paused for a while before finally saying, "Old friend."

Truly, despite everything that had happened and how Osiris really changed, he still found him as a friend. After all, Atakapa knew that there was more to Osiris than just a manipulative person who wanted to rule the way he does right now. Atakapa still believed that. He bowed his head as farewell for him and then Osiris left - if not for the centaur child stopping Osiris and questioned him about the two dead anima being taken out by the lion. The ox wanted to explain himself, but knew that, while he could be very selective of his words, he didn't know if he could explain it properly and without hurting the poor child's innocent mind. He looked at Osiris, as if begging the jackal to be gentle with his explanation. He never saw Osiris around kids, so he didn't know what he would do or acted around them.

That was when another came around, this time one that was less familiar. It was another of his kind - an ox - but what his name was eluded Atakapa. He nodded his head. He still had to eat breakfast, after all, and it wasn't like Osiris told him to go there already. He gestured for the centaur child to follow once she was done speaking with Osiris and then looked towards Bulbon. "Sit." He then walked towards a table and sat down. He began eating and looked towards Bulbon expectantly. Once he swallowed his first bite, he continued. "What do... need to know?"
Location: Mess Hall
Action: A Kind Act

While Osiris began to leave the dining area, something tugged on his pants. He merely sighed as he looked down towards whatever was tugging. What he saw surprised him a bit. It was a little Centaur girl, couldn't be older than 7. She wasn't exactly small but she wasn't that big either.

There was one thing that made Osiris go soft, and that was children. Nobody knows why, but when kids are involved he is much more docile and less bloodthirsty. The reason is something he keeps to himself. He stared at the little girl for a moment before kneeling down to her eye level.

"Because my dear, they are exhausted and deserve proper rest in their beds. We're just gonna make sure they work in a better place than this. I'm Osiris, it's a pleasure to meet you. Here..."

Osiris dug a little in his pocket and took out 4 meal tickets and handed them to the girl. Then he noticed Atakapa's eyes before turning back to the girl.

"Take these, just show them to the lady over there and get some food. Well I have to be Going, have a lot of business to take care of. Make sure to eat something healthy."

Osiris stood up and walked away. He then left the mess hall back to his headquarters to prepare for business as usual for the day. If anyone wants to talk, all they gotta do is request it and meet him in his office.

Zemfro Zemfro Cosmos Cosmos AI10100 AI10100
Retreating back toward his seat, now that the drama had faded and no one else was likely to get killed, Astiel settled back down and watched people. His feathers were ruffled, disliking the death's he'd just witnessed. He was a troublemaker, yes. A mischief maker. But his pranks never harmed anyone, except maybe those keeping an eye on him and his fellow workers. But he'd never kill anyone. Didn't think he could. He just wanted to steal people's shiny items and make people laugh, whilst simultaneously staying as anonymous as possible, so he didn't get punished. He didn't touch his food any more, too busy thinking about Osiris and what he'd ordered his guards to do.


Having merely nodded in greeting to Maikoh, Artemis didn't answer when he mentioned that maybe they should leave. Instead, Artemis noticed when her mentor, Athena, started to squeeze Bel. Face unbothered by it, as if she merely hadn't noticed, she didn't even react when Bel begged Athena to release her. Maybe Athena would kill her, and Artemis could have the full attention of her mentor again. Inwardly she was quivering with excitement at the idea of the swan girl's death. Had her wings been free, they'd have been shivering also. She watched Bel be squeezed like a hawk, mentally hoping Athena would squeeze harder.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez AI10100 AI10100
"Huh?" Athena asks confused before gasping and quickly unwrapping herself from around bel. "I'm so sorry!" A few tears form in her eyes and she hugs the bird girl to comfort her. Athena easily held the girl as she began to slither out and towards the infirmary to make sure bel was ok. Once out of the building she began to look around and spotted the pregnant centaur emilia and her child along with the bunny girl.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Emilia stood and began to quickly walk out of the building with Suzanne in her arms. Once out of the building the centaurs locks eyes with Athena. "Let's head back to our housing and if you wouldn't mind watching Suzie for a while I think it's about time for her mid morning nap," she chuckles nervously. She wanted to find a way for the guards to not take her child. Even if that meant talking to osiris.

Cosmos Cosmos
Shino hadn' known exactly what to expect when asking her question, but upon the mans kneel and his response on of her hooves dug into the ground a little curiously before she nodded and smiled, "Bwetter work? ywaay! Iw-…. They hawppy!" She stuttered out trying to give off the notion thatshe hoped they would enjoy their new jobs and some rest in her usual innocent manner, as the man glanced over at her friend before back she raised a brow but nodded as he said he had to leave, standing on the tips of her hooves once again she waved her hand quickly, "Bwye, Beyw!" she said with a cheerful smile and loud giggle.

Quickly she rushed over to Atapaka's side and sat at the table with him after ordering her own meal, cahing an extra meal token she was handed by the other to get herself both the usual toast and salad in a small serving, along with a small custard pudding cup that was generally reserved for the children such as herself, she listening innocent snuggling about as close to the male as possible, she didn't know this other ox but despte them being the same type they looked very different in her opinion- r maybe that was just her friends size. Maybe she'd seen the other however, she did see most around the place in her usual hyperactive manner, legs tucked beneath on a slight side angle so she could sit down, a centuar sitting on a bench was quite the interesting sight.

Archdemon Archdemon Archdemon Archdemon AI10100 AI10100 AI10100 AI10100
Hakura followed quickly after her centuar friend fleeing from the building along with trying to stay calm for the sake of Suzanne in the others arms, as Emilia asked her to babysit in the breeder housing she nodded, it wasn't an issue at all, in fact she really enjoyed looking after children but where Emilia was leaving to was what concerned her, her older friend was quite the risk taker with plans after all and she feared for both her child and her own safety.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez

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