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Fantasy The Compound

Faye walked into the mess hall where most of the breeders seem to be, She looked nervous an excited to be there. She took a seat on an empty table and looked around at everyone. Right now she wanted Cory here with her so she felt at ease, she didn't like being on her own at any time as they has never been apart. Faye leaned her arms in the table nd rested her head on top on them.


Interacting with: Shimotsu
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos
Atakapa watched as the child began to calm down as she tried to reach for his hand. He tilted his head to the side, wondering what she was doing exactly. He didn't even understand her question. Well, the two rarely understood each other through words anyway. After all, one was a child who could barely pronounce her words properly and a grown man who could barely complete his sentences for reasons only he knows. He lowered his hand a little bit so that the centaur child would be able to grab his hands. He stayed silent for a while, wondering what would happen next to the centaur child. She seemed to be a tad more emotional today rather than other days. Maybe she was remembering something about her childhood?

"Shino not hungry?" He knew fully well that breakfast was being served. It was morning after all. The guards would come any time now to let him out. Normally, they would be the ones to take his meal tokens and then take the meal to him. However, since it was his free day, he would be allowed to exit the cage. He looked worriedly at the centaur child. "Breakfast..." He continued.
Belial - 18yrs
Belial smiled slightly as the boy voiced his concern of her not eating much. "Don't worry about me...I'll be sure to eat something before I perform. I love performing for you just as much as you love watching it." She frowned at his mention of hard training bit decided to let it go, "Now you be sure to eat plenty..." She would be fine with the small labor she had to do anyways. She mainly did little odd jobs for those who needed them. Or she would run errands for those in different jobs. It could be a simple job but also a difficult one if she got lost, not that that happened anymore.

When she had first started the job, she'd get lost quite a bit. Of course she'd be punished for it, making other fall behind on their jobs. She sighed thinking of the past, she grabbed the locket that sat at her throat running her fingers over it in thought. "I wonder if they are still alive..." She muttered to herself, she had always wanted to meet her parents. She had managed to get her fingers on a photo of each of them. Cutting them to fit in the moon shaped locket. She pulled herself from her thoughts, "Hurry up before anything good is gone..." She said pushing Maikoh in front of her with a small gentle smile.
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Interacting with: Belial
Mentions BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Maikoh nodded happily upon hearing that she would still be eating something before the performance proper. That was good. At least she was eating and have energy. Saluting once more, a habit that he had gotten after months of training, he said, "I will! I have plenty of tokens and I need all the energy I can get." He knew better than to not eat a lot. He remembered that time when he complained that he was hungry and his handler hit him and reprimanded him for not eating a lot. That was really painful... so Maikoh always made sure to eat enough and more so he wouldn't go hungry when in training. His human handler was teaching him a very important lesson, and that's why he's come to appreciate his human handler very much.

His ears twitched as he picked up on what she muttered. Looking at her curiously, he spoke without reservation. "Who?" He questioned with a curious tilt of his head. Having arrived at the dining area, the woman pushed him in front of her and told him to go first - essentially. Maikoh didn't have a problem with this. He bounded up and then took out a bunch of tokens and then gave it to the person handling the food. He was given a bunch of meat on his tray and a nod. Maikoh's tail wagged as he looked at the meat with gusto. He was about to head to a table but stopped to wait for Belial.
Belial - 18yrs
She shook her head handing over a few tokens and was given a few pieces of bread. The cook gave her an odd look but didn't question why she was getting so little food. She nodded to them in thanks and turned heading for the table Maikoh sat at. He seemed to be bounding with endless energy, which gave her energy in a sense. "As for what I said just a bit ago....I was wondering if my parents were still alive." Her voice was soft and a bit sad, but only because she didn't know what they were like. She sighed shaking her head, "I suppose that is a stupid thing to wonder about." She took a small bite from the bread and glanced around to see who was in the room already. She didn't see Athena though a frown crossed her face. Was she skipping food to start training, she knew Athena had done it before. But that didn't make it bother Bel any less, Athena needed to eat to stay strong. Her eyes landed on Aryan she noticed he was holding one of his wings and instantly wanted to go see what was wrong and if she could help. "Maikoh I'll be right back..." She stood walking over to Aryan, "Hey...are your wings okay Aryan?" She asked softly. They may not have ever talked much but he was also of the bird species.
AI10100 AI10100 WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Almost jumping out of his skin when Belial approached and spoke to him, he stared at her for a moment. He hadn't really spoken to her before, or anyone around here really. But, he did suppose that they were both birds, even if she was a swan and he a magpie, but they had that in common, and really animal-folk needed to stay together. Nodding his head to her, he gave her a tiny smile, "It's fine. One of the guards grabbed and yanked it yesterday. It's just uncomfortable. It'll sort itself out." He nodded, tilting his head at her, "How are you?" He didn't often go and see her dance, preferring to spend his time stealing comfortable things for his nest.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising AI10100 AI10100
Belial - 18yrs
She frowned, but nodded, "As good as I'll be...stuck in this place." Muttering the last part before perking up, "Actually hold on a sec...um stay here....er well i mean you can go sit down somewhere. Anyways I'll be back real quick." She turned taking off and heading out of mess hall quickly. She actually had a spare tube of a warming cooling lotion. It always helped her when her wings were sore or when they had been hurt. She only got her hands on some thanks to Athena's worrying. The snake woman had an odd notion of only her being able to toy with Bel. She shook her mind clear of the thoughts so she could easily dodge anyone in the halls.

Making it back to her room she opened the door and walked in. She stopped for a couple of seconds, glancing at two meal tokens. Had she left them there on accident? No she wasn't that careless, so...who had given her two spare meal tokens? She picked them up putting them the the other few she had and then shuffled through things until she found it. It was a small silver tube, she smiled before heading out of her room once again. She walked through the halls this time but still didn't pay attention to those who were in the halls. Her mind was now focused on helping Aryan, even if it was only a little bit.
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Hearing her comment about this place, Aryan didn't say anything. He agreed with her, he hated being stuck here. He'd love to be free, fly where he pleased, steal all the shiny and warm things for his nest and do as he wished. Instead they were all stuck here, working far too hard for too little food, and being harmed by the supposed guards, that were more like controllers than protectors. Watching her disappear, he decided to go and grab something to eat. Something small, because he liked to save his meal tickets up just in case something was to happen. Plus, he wasn't all that hungry this morning, with his wing hurting.

Settling down nearby on a table by himself, he waited for her to return, wondering what she'd gone to do. Starting to nibble at his food, he glanced around. As usual, no one looked happy, and he supposed that was the usual mood around here. No excitement what so ever really.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Shino seemed to rather happily play with the males hand for quite some time, the two easily bonded with the quiet as though it meant a thousand words, she seemed to love playing with them, they were just so huge compared to her own it was almost as though some sort of fun mystery for the girl to compare and hold them. As he began to speak her ears perked up and her eyes attention was drawn back onto him, blinking curiously furrowing her brows a little before nodding in understanding and after a moment reaching into her satchel, pulling out seemingly handfuls of meal tokens, the girl should really eat more than she did but it meant she had a whole lot of extras, especially for a child, "Fwood!" she replied, after a moment of suddenly going silent and staring at the meal token a thought came to her head of which she had no idea why it didn't come sooner, are the tokens food? Rather abruptly biting one before sticking her tongue out and making spitting nosies, rearing up a little on her legs, "Ywucky!? Food lied not eawt!" she replied, stubbornly puffing out her cheeks as though annoyed at the things, she didn't really seem to care about being kicked out by the guards half as much as the minotaur like care taker of sorts of the small girl did in her mind it wasn't all that of a big deal.

AI10100 AI10100
~ Alex ~

Alex listened as the man spoke about his dream to be some type of hero. It confused her. She understood that many hated this place and wanted to be free of the walls and horrid conditions, but to be the hero of such a place was something she couldn't wrap her head around completely. Though she smiled, it was a dream full of good intentions, and she wasn't gonna be someone to tell anyone what to believe. "Well, I guess we all have a dream. We just have to not lose it."

As he had stuck his hand out Alex seemed almost confused until he spoke. It almost seemed strange to get help from someone she just met, but if she didn't she feared she'd miss breakfast again. After a bit of a pause and some quick thinking, she nodded kindly and gingerly grabbed his hand, only now noticing how bruised up the man was. Alex began to really hope they weren't all from her incident. "Thank you" She spoke softly looking up at him once more before looking back down the hall. "I never got your name."

Zemfro Zemfro
Belial - 18yrs
She stopped at the entrance amd looked around until she found Aryan, "Oh good he didn't leave." She smiled a bit and headed for his direction, "Okay I'm back...so I have an extra tube of this stuff. I guess you could say it's like icy-hot but made for our wings specifically. Mind if I put some on your wings...I know they can be a pretty sensitive spot for us. But this will allow you to know which spots to out the lotion any other spots and it could cause irritations." She was being totally sincere, she knew some spots hurt then touched and others were a weak point. She had no other intentions other than to help his wings feel better.

She waited for him to decide whether or not she could touch his wings. Some didn't like being touched at all, while others seemed to take pleasure in it. She was about fifty - fifty when it came to letting others touch her wings. Those who did tended to have other ideas, such as trying to tear them off. Her wings shifted behind her but stayed tuck at her back still. The pain of her wings having almost been torn from her was still pretty fresh. She shivered, if Athena hadn't shown up when she had...
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Aryan lifted his head when he spotted her from the corner of his eye, and eyed what she had in her hand. As she explained the idea, asking if he minded if she put some on his wings... it made him feel a tad uncomfortable. He didn't really talk to her, and hardly trusted anyone. It was a wonder anyone would trust him either, since he was a magpie and tended to make mischief. But... Belial seemed honest, and he was quite sure she was just trying to be kind.

Slowly nodding his head, he turned his back to her and opened the hurting wing a little more, though doing so wasn't comfortable and sent pain through the limb, "If you wouldn't mind..." He said quietly, "I'd be happy to give you a meal ticket if you can do anything to help. I need to work later..." He couldn't have this ache annoying him all day. And he did have some meal tickets spare, since he only ever ate less than what was allocated to him.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Belial - 18yrs
Bel shook her head, "I don't need any of your meal tokens, if anything think of it as me working. Seems how I do small jobs for everyone who needs it." She laughed slightly, "If you wish to repay me come watch me dance just once. I dance for everyone...hoping to bring them a small bit of freedom. You don't have to come though." She looked over the hurt wing and frown slightly, it looked a bit swollen.

Bel opened the tube pushing out a small amount on her index finger and middle finger. She gently brushed them against the base of his wing before tracing them along the under edge of the wing. She took the chance to admire the beautiful coloring of his wing. Before taking another small amount and gently applying it to the alula of his wing. "There that should help...it helps my wings when needed and you can have this tube. Just don't use a lot, it doesn't take a lot, you should feel it slowly start to work."
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Aryan frowned a little. He wanted to repay her, but she didn't want that. Nodding slowly, he agreed softly that he'd come and watch her dance, something he usually avoided due to how many people were usually there. But he'd go, if that was what she'd like him to do in repayment for this little help. He just wanted to be able to work without it paining him.

As she put her fingers on his wing, even gently, his feathers ruffled and he shivered. Whatever she was putting on his wing was cold, and that combined with someone touching his wings made him feel awkward. But... It didn't feel horrible, so he turned his head to watch her work, pulling his wing in once she was finished, "Thank you." He mumbled, tilting his head when she mentioned using it on her own wings, "If you ever need help with that, let me know? Must be hard to reach some spots."
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Belial - 18yrs
Bel broke into laughter, "Yeah it can be hard...about as hard a trying to dance a two partner move with yourself." She wasn't joking either, she had been practicing hard to do partner moves by herself, "Anyways you can come watch me dance anytime. It doesn't have to be tonight or anything, as long as that helps your wing." She rubbed at one of her wings, her fingers hitting the scars that laid there.

Bel sat the silver tube down, "Oh and you should try to be a bit more social...your not a bad guy to talk to." She said with a wink before heading back over to Maikoh. Sitting down she brushed her finger on her jeans to get the remaining lotion off. And picked up the bread she had been munching on, "And I'm back did you miss me?" She asked jokingly.
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
AI10100 AI10100
"Bulbon, Now cmon. Let's get some food before we pass out during work." Quickly leading her down the hall to the mess hall, he looked about seeing the room was already filled, "Place is pretty filled up, let's see what they have left yeah?" he says while leading her over to the line. "What was that guy even yelling at you about? I just saw him yelling at you and then stomped on your tail. I just saw that part and wanted to jump in to fight against it." he said with a little grin, "I mean don't you think we've been through enough?" He looked over his new friend and tried to examine to see if there were any other damage on her other than the damage to her eye. "I swear we have as about as much respect as the dirt we walk on."

Once up to the front of the line he brings out his coin to get a standard meal, eggs, bacon and a few strawberries. Nothing too special, "Have you seen that one lamia? I've heard things about her, namely how she's as cold as they come, but I was told to just watch out for her, so if anything you should do the same." he nods as he goes to take a seat and start eating his food, "Heard anything with you?"

Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
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~ Alex ~

As they made their way down the hall Alex felt herself become lost. She couldn't remember the last time she had gone down the hallway this quickly, and without her hand guiding her along the edge she just hoped Bulbon was leading her the correct way. But soon she was able to head the crowd of people and seeing the mess hall calmed her anxiety.

"They said that I was going too slow" Alex looked toward the ground and sighed, she barely ever talked about what guards did anymore. It had become such a normality and it happened to everyone, so she barely brought it up to not cause more stress on others. That and her fur covered most of the bruises and mark the guards had left on her, making them hard to point out to anyone who would care to listen. The only thing that stood out on her was her damaged eye and some tuffs of fur that seemed different from the others. "A lot of the guards believe that I just get in the way or that I don't work fast enough." She continued, "That and because of my eye, I think they know I can't, or won't really fight back."

It didn't take much longer for them to reach the front of the line. After Bulbon had received his food, Alex held out her token and was handed a small meal. It wasn't much, but it was better than the mornings where she had missed breakfast completely. "lamia..?" Alex was trying to remember who he was speaking about as she followed him to the table and took a seat. She couldn't remember exactly, but she had an idea of who he was talking about. "I haven't really heard anything special. Just stuff that everyone really knows. Like who's becoming breeders, whos doing what type of work and where." She paused as she started to eat. "I try not to listen in to rumors or others conversations too much though, it tends to bring trouble."

Zemfro Zemfro
He nodded, "Well it's an easy way to stay out of trouble I'll give you that. Then again even if we don't say anything we'll still get beat down out of pure suspicion." he sighed. He looks around at the others eating, "Look at us, we're broken to all hell...hopes and dreams shattered. We all just need a win under ourselves and get some pride for our race." he nodded firmly but after a few seconds he just hung his head, "But then again that may just be a feeble dream in all of this." he says as he starts to eat, "Heres to a free future." he sighed.

He began to look around again, "Have you seen the other big guy with horns. Crazy tall and looks likes got a lions mane for hair? I wanna talk to him...maybe..." he nods slowly.

Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
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Interacting with: Belial
Mentions BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Maikoh watched as Belial told him to wait for a moment as it seemed she had business to attend to. Bobbing his head up and down, his eyes followed her movement for a moment to see that she approached Aryan, another bird animal-folk. Seeing as their interaction would take a little bit of a while, and him not wanting to disturb their talk by butting in, Maikoh headed to a nearby table and began to chow down on the meat that was given to him. At that point, he was simply blissfully unaware of the others talking as he had shut down his ears from anything beyond the average sound. He didn't need to listen to anything. This was breakfast after all!

He looked up when Belial had come back before wiping the juice from the meat he was eating off of his mouth. Giving her a small grin, he replied in the same joking manner. "Yep!" Despite him being just a child, he's picked up on social cues between adults. While there wasn't much to look forward inside the compound, and that most of the adults are jaded or downright cynical, Maikoh does hear casual banter here and there. Though that primarily came from the humans who had no reservations when speaking around him, for reasons he cannot fathom himself. He then took a bite of the slab of meat on his plate, the last one by the looks of it, and then asked, "Is something wrong with Mister Aryan?" He asked, casting a worried gaze at the older male.
Emilia frowns at the bunny girl. "They are still forcing you to work so far into your pregnancy?" She angrily whispers. Emilia hated seeing the inequality and forced labor throughout the compound. Animal folk were almost identical to humans except for having a few animal features. They did not deserve the treatment that they received. Suzanne blinks between the two before saying loudly. "Tomorrow is my birthday!" Emilia looks sadly down at the young girl before nodding. "Y-Yeah...it is," she choked back tears before regaining her composure, but the girl had caught on. "Momwy why you sad?" She asks. "I...I'll tell you later ok?" Emilia whispers.

Cosmos Cosmos

Athena smirks sadistically. "It is a surprise. I'll tell you when you have the right to know. For now it is for me to know and for you to find out. Breakfast is our primary objective at the moment. "What did you learn from your job yesterday? Any rumors or anything?" Athena was the unofficial spy master (or mistress in this case) for the government within the compound.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys


Interacting with: Shimotsu
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos
Atakapa still wasn't sure what the centaur child saw in his hands as she always seemed to like playing with them. He really didn't mind as he only watched the centaur child do it with him just really silently staring or looking around absentmindedly. At least she seemed to bounce back from whatever emotional distress she felt from earlier where she began to cry. Then when he raised the question of food, the child understood and then took out meal tokens. That was... quite a lot. He had about the same amount of meal tokens in store, and that was because he ate a lot to compensate for the hard labor they subjected him to. To his surprise, the centaur child took a bite of the token before trying to spit out the taste. Of course. Didn't she buy her own food? Or was it just morbid child curiosity at work here?

"Token not food." Atakapa reminded the young girl, but made no move to grab the tokens. She had learnt her lesson the hard way. "Token buy food." He continued, trying to get the thought out. Hopefully she understood him more than he expected, but with her, he could never be too sure. It really wasn't a good idea that she was mostly learning from him - the one who cannot speak in complete sentences. And even he did, it's not assured to be completely coherent. At the sound of the door opening from beyond, Atakapa stood up and then pushed the centaur child behind him, raising a finger and said, "Shh." He then turned back to the gate that separated him and freedom - one that he could easily break if not for the guards beyond the door.

He looked at the guard who looked at him back. The guard seemed to look around, as if expecting someone else to be there, but with Atakapa's large stature, the guard couldn't really see Shino there. The human let out a grumble as he opened the gate. "It's time for breakfast." He told the hulking and then headed out. Surely, there would be more guards out there and not just that one.

Atakapa looked back at Shino. "Shino to dining hall. Atakapa follow soon." He urged the child to get back in the vents as he would be going to the dining hall later. That way, there wouldn't be any consequences to when they talked.
Belial - 18yrs
Belial shrugged, "Nothing much, just a slight issues with one of his wings. That's all... I am hoping what a gave him will help." Her wings extended behind her a little bit ruffling and then un-ruffling. It was an odd feeling touching someone elses wings besides her own, though it wasn't a bad feeling. "I guess I should finish this up and ge to working early. I need to make sure there are no small tasks piled up for me some how." She folded her wings back against her back with a sad smile, she wanted to fly...

Bel knew though that, that would never happen they had made sure of that. She sometimes wished they had needed someone who could fly out and do things for them. She would have volunteered in a heart beat. Then again so would have every other bird folk who could have flown... "If you ever need help with something don't be afraid to ask okay?" She said finishing off the second piece of bread they had given her before standing, "I'll see you around Maikoh."
AI10100 AI10100
The idea of a surprise delighted Artemis, and her tail waved about behind her as she followed her mentor. She liked surprises. And she also loved training with Athena. If they hadn't been tied back, her wings would have fluttered in excitement. She made a wary face though, as she was asked what she'd uncovered on her job yesterday, "N-Not much. Everyone just seems as fed up as usual. Though, I have heard rumours that people should stay away from you." She smiled, amused. She wasn't afraid of Athena really. Why would she be? Athena was her only friend, and how should Artemis know how a real friend should act?


Aryan blinked in surprise at Bel, and nodded. He took the tube as he watched her walk off, and tucked it in his pocket. Returning to eating, he found himself smiling a little. Bel really was just kind, she hadn't had any ulterior motives to helping him. It was a shame that they were stuck in here though, because he was sure she was a brilliant flier. Despite what some may say about her strange wings, he liked them.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
"The government thinks they can hold us in here, but they don't understand how much pressure and tension they create by putting us all together," Athena laughs. "I am looking forward to the chaos." The lamia and bat hybrid leave the building and make their way to the mess hall. Athena spots Bel and smiles warmly. "Morning bel," The lamia coos as she slithers quietly over and gently wraps her tail around the swan before kissing the girl's cheek.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
~ Alex ~
"It may just be a dream" Alex sighed, looking around to all the other animal-folk in the building, it was hard to believe the state that everyone was in. some seemed okay with everything that was going on. Of course, that sometimes seemed the case when every part of your day to day life was under constant supervision, but with others, it was clear they were hurting and longing for escape. Alex looked down at her food, taking another small bite before looking back up at Bulbon. "You know, maybe one day that dream will become a reality." She gave a soft smile toward Bulbon as she spoke, hoping to cheer him up a bit, the days were rough enough as is, and starting them off on a sour note just made them more difficult.

"Here's to a free future," Alex repeated as she continued to eat. When Bulbon had brought up another person, this time she knew exactly who he had meant. Though she didn't know his name she had seen him a few times while working, but had never spoke more than a word or two with him. Just the occasional 'hellos' or waves, or nods when they passed each other. "I believe they had him caged up for something," Alex spoke softly, taking another small bite of her food before continuing. "I'm not sure for what or why, but if I remember correctly they should let him come down for breakfast. If he's not here yet, he'll probably be here sometime soon."

Zemfro Zemfro

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