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Fantasy The Compound


Sgt Gomez

Four Thousand Club
It had been 25 years since the Human government defeated the Animal Folk in the "Great War". Well it wasn't that great. The humans had a severe advantage over the animal folk due to their technological advancements while the animal folk had to make do with what they could find. Spear, bows and arrows, a few rifles they got off of corpses. The one disadvantage for the humans though was that the animal folk outnumbered them and it looked like the humans were going to lose for a while until the massacre of the Animal Folk capital. The humans had airplanes drop bombs on the city and almost everyone in the city died. A few survived, but moral had been lost just like all of those lives. The remaining survivors and soldiers surrendered and put into the ghettos throughout the world.

Emilia blinks awake slowly as the daily alarm activated throughout the ghetto. It was the wake up call to all of the animal folk to get up and get to work. Well they had about an hour to get ready, eat, and prepare for the work they were assigned to. It was the same routine day in and day out. In this place, you are born, assigned a job based on skills and species and then you work that job until you die, unless you are one of the lucky few to have been promoted to a better job. Emilia was snapped out of her thoughts as her daughter stirred from her own slumber curled up next to Emilia's side. The woman smiles softly and runs her slender fingers through the young girl's hair. "I'm sorry little one. I promise I will not let them take you like they have your siblings," She whispers to herself while holding back tears.

It was about the time for the guards to come by to collect her child to be assigned a job set set to work. Suzanne was Emilia's fourth child. Every time she had a child, Emilia would promise to save them from this life, but everytime she would have that promise broken then she tries to resist and they beat her up in front of her own children to teach them both a lesson. Suzanne rubs her eyes tiredly and stands up. "mommy I'm hungwy," she groggily says. "I know my dear let's go get some breakfast shall we?"

The two centaurs stand up and begin to leave their room in the main compound, where the breeders live, towards the mess hall south of the main compound and north of the general housing.


Athena Stretches and yawns as the daily alarm went off. "Another day already?" She grumbles and uncurls herself. She slithers towards her mirror and fixes her hair before leaving to collect her protege Artemis from the next room before going to get breakfast then heading out to their "jobs". This place was such a bore. Too many wandering eyes, meaning she couldn't explore her more...morbid...curiosities. Athena was sadistic you see and she loved to play with her food. She was a lamia after all. Not many of those existed in the world anymore so she was one of the last of her kind. Athena knocks on Artemis' door. "Wake up, let's go," she calls. Besides Artemis, there was only one other person here that has caught Athena's eye and that would be Bel. Bel was the most beautiful girl in the whole world according to Athena and the girl would never miss any of Bel's nightly shows. The two had grown quite close since Athena saved her from getting killed or beaten by some guards.

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Hakura blinked open her eyes sleepily, letting out a small sigh at the blaring of the alarm beside her bed, she felt thankful that breeders had somewhat better housing than the rest, but at the same time the giant bulge that was her stomach wasn't something she thought she'd ever get used to. She's already had four children, two sets of beautiful twins~…. and yet they were taken away what felt like so quickly, her last two gone only a month or two ago and even though it was the second time it didn't hurt any less. Sitting up she rested one hand on her stomach, "An how are you this morning?~" she chuckled to her belly, rubbing it lightly to try and cal the potential children, with bunnies you never really knew what to expect, they didn't have ultrasound machines here and every breeders greatest fear was to give birth to a child with any sort of defect, to have to see that child be taken away to an unknown future, at least with the others assured there was a chance of meeting them again.

Slowly she pulled herself up and onto her feet with a stretch and a yawn, supporting her back with one hand, it felt like forever just having this sped up into four months, she had no idea how the centaurs coped with it for longer than even a human gestation. Slowly she got dressed into her usual semi-maid like attire of a paled yellow dress and white shorts underneath, the dress having a white patch almost like an apron built in, other than that a quick brush of her hair and checking that both her ears were actually working and not half asleep meant going down to the food hall for breakfast, she normally helped cook but lately had just been too tired to wake up the extra hour early to do so.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez

Shimotsu awake in her usual unfamiliar surrounds, where was she? no idea. How did she get here? also absolutely no clue. But she was sure as heck gonna try and make it as quickly as possible to breakfast, stumbling to her four hoofed feet she smiled a little, it was odd having to control six body parts instead of just the regular four, in fact centaur children often got to stay with breeders a month or two longer for that exact fact, and yet from the moment she was born she'd been taken away from her mother, not that she remembered it- though she had heard it a lot, raised partially by different surrogate breeders and some heartless corporate workers who were assigned the girl was a whole lot of confuzzled mess, heck, sometimes she barked because of a dog surrogate and sometimes she tried to walk on two feet, that was a really weird stage for the human workers to stop, luckily now a tad more understanding on what her species was, albeit an occasional growl she was always just as happy and playful as her usual self.

It's not that she didn't want to find her mother, she really, really did but truth was she had no idea where to look, she'd heard she was still alive but imprisoned somewhere very bad and not nice, she didn't want to get sent somewhere like that, it didn't sound fun, but if she knew where she would try and find it. Getting back to the situation at hand however the girl began to move away from the curious spot behind a box and between two trees she'd woken up in and instead did what she always did before breakfast, go talk to her best friend in the whole world! Atakapa, or since there was no way the nine year old could actually pronounce it, bwig friend! Sneaking her usual way through the large went into the barred rooms, she had quite some time till the guards came to check and even then they just threw her out without too much harming, the girl was gonna grow up and be a hard labourer, and one of the best by the means she already worked medium labour no problem at such a young age, they couldn't risk injuring a good resource badly. smiling widely as the dirt and dust covered child got out and went over to the bars she jumped up and down excitedly, "Woof!" she called out happily.

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Belial - 18yrs
Belial rolled over, for once she didn't feel hungry. The other day some of the guards had beat her, punching her in the stomach. She stood up lifting her black tank top up to see a few nasty looking bruises on her stomach and sides. The only reason she was picked on so much was because of her different colored wings. Some of them seemed scared of them like it was a bad omen and others just simply hated her for being so different. She glanced over to were her old iPod laid, it was about the only joy in her world.

However her mind shifted to a certain lamia, Bel was still confused. Did she have feelings for Athena or was it just gratefulness for having been saved. She owed Athena a lot considering the woman had saved her wings. Her hand reached back brushing some of the soft black feathers of one wing. Was it love? Did she even know what love was? "Dancing...if I can compare the two then I'm sure I'll figure this out..." She whispered before heading to the mess hall, "Something super small...I need the most energy for when I dance tonight."

Interacting with: Belial
Mentions BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Maikoh had woken up bright and early, as usual. His tail wagged as he bounced up and then prepared for training. His own room wasn't much to look at. It wasn't what you would normally call a room either - but it was still in better condition than the ones he saw his friends went to. He didn't quite understand why his was different, and why the humans didn't beat him nearly as much as the others or at all, but he decided to let the injustice slide since standing up to the humans was tantamount to suicide. Even at his young age, he understood that quite well. His mother, a breeder, taught him that much before he was taken away earlier than his own siblings. Without much to look forward to in the compound, he started to look at the brighter side of things. For example, training meant he would be in touch with his other canine friends who were undergoing the same training. Though, once more, his own training was different from the others. In fact, he doesn't even remember some of them. It was like waking up and attending the training, and then the next thing he knew, he was already being guided back to his room. It was weird, but it may be because he doesn't want to remember it or something which was completely fine with him.

When his stomach grumbled, it only meant one thing - he needed breakfast. And honestly, he had enough meal tokens for a pretty good first meal of the day. With a grin on his face, he began to bolt towards the dining hall. This meant that he had to duck and dodge the other animal-folk that he encountered while saying the occasional greeting to those he knew. Maikoh had pretty good reflexes which complimented his small stature. He was still young though, so he would still grow up! Now, everything would have been alright had it not been for Belial suddenly exiting her area with preoccupied with her thoughts and Maikoh being too distracted to notice. It was far too late when he saw he was going to crash into the half-white half-black winged woman, so he tried to skid to a stop to avoid collision.

Emphasis on tried.

But at least, Maikoh managed to divert his course to the side so he instead went tumbling there without slamming into her. Rolling towards the wall and subsequently hitting it, he let out a small whimper as he rubbed the back of his head. However, his demeanor quickly changed as he stood up and saluted at Belial. "Morning Miss Belial!" He said before lowering his salute. He always liked watching her dance. She was really pretty. "You heading to the dining hall too?" Maikoh was obviously one hundred percent clueless that the girl was having trouble in her thoughts as she tried to arrange them all. Besides, Maikoh was too excited for breakfast to even consider what he thoughts were filled with, not that he would know.

Interacting with: Shinotsu
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos
Atakapa, as always, was confined in his cage like a circus animal. Though, he was pretty much glad that he wasn't in their position. No offense to him, but he'd rather not serve as entertainment to the humans. Why would he want to? They were the same people who had taken away his entire family. He remembered at least that much, though what exactly happened escaped him completely, luckily for those humans. They had a habit of leaving him alone as the sector was closed off from other animal-folk. He does know that there were other animal-folk that was in isolation with him as whenever it was time to go and do their jobs, he would sometimes bump into them. The doors to the cages were opened all at the same time, so it was already pretty much a given that he would come to know some of them, at the very least their names. But those meeting times were very limited as they would be quickly put into work. Atakapa enjoyed getting the chance to go out though. Which reminded him, today was his 'free' day. Maybe the discolored raven woman would dance again. Maybe he would be lucky like that. She looked like she had fun whenever she did so, and Atakapa was very much happy to see someone else happy.

Which is also the reason why he appreciates the presence of his small centaur friend - Shino. He was unsure why she had taken a liking to Atakapa, and when exactly, but the centaur child began to visit him regularly by sneaking inside. Atakapa worried for the child, since she might get caught by the guards and... be taken away. They put him in isolation for a reason - so he wouldn't have much contact with the outside world. And yet here the child was. Atakapa played with the shackles they put on him - something he frequently does while he was thinking... and he has a lot of time for thinking as that's everything he can do inside this cage. That was when the centaur child dropped by - all dirty because of her trek inside - and then... barked. Atakapa at least knew that centaurs don't bark.

"Hello, Shino..." He greeted, but made no move to wave as it would make noise and alert the guards. The last thing he wanted was to have her sent away. "Centaurs... don't bark?" He said in a questioning tone, despite it being a statement. "Shino... dirty. Clean..." He then reached over for a towel and then handed it over to her so she would clean herself up. He knew he was too heavy handed to deal with this sort of thing, and it would make additional noise.
~ Alex ~
Slowly sitting up and rubbing her face. "I'm up... I'm up.." She mumbled to herself as she yawned and slowly began to look around her familiar bedroom, her ears twitching from the loud sound of the alarms going off. "I don't want to be up..." Alex mumbled again, she had never been a morning person, no matter how many times or how long she had bee getting up at this time. She'd much rather sleep the morning away and work late into the evening. She let out a soft sigh before cracking her back then slowly getting up. Her body felt sore as if she had slept in a strange position, which wasn't unusual since Alex squirmed a lot a night. That caused her to occasionally lay in some unique and uncomfortable ways. Knowing that the soreness would pass with some movement and rubbing, Alex once again sighed. The only thing that was on her mind was obtaining something for her now growling stomach.

Alex tried to straighten herself up the best she could before taking a good long look at her tail. Pulling some of the fur back to see a dark bruise, a guard had stepped on it not too long ago because she was moving too slowly and it just now seemed to be healing. "well... It looks better than before." she tried to force a smile, but it quickly faded as she walked out of her small room to head to breakfast.

Keeping her eye toward the ground to see where she was going and she stayed near the walls as continued onward. She moved a bit slowly and only looked up occasionally to make sure she didn't run into anyone, but she knew that her slow movement in the housing area would not be tolerated once she got outside if there were any guards around.
Shino smiled widely as Atakapa greeted her in turn, as he commented on centaurs not barking she gave him a rather guenihnley confused and innocent stare, doing it once more with a giggle before looking at the towel and sniffing it a few times that was before putting it on her head and throwing her arms in the air cheerfully, "H-Hwat!" she said in a playful manner, she wasn't really all that good at comprehending things due to a lack of early education but she tried her best anda always seemed to be able to make people smile…. She liked making people smile. The only times she really ever interacted with a towel was when either a breeder mother or some of the guards forced her into taking a bath, despite the size the girls strength was nothing to doubt, and many of the breeders worried some day she two would end up in a cage like her mother or much beloved friend. "Atawa-…. Fwree! P-P…. Plway me!…. Have fwun!-…. t-together!" she insisted, nodding a little she seemed to have remembered the male commenting on his day off labour.

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Interacting with: Shinotsu
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos
Atakapa watched as the centaur child took the towel and then placed it on top of her head - before letting out some sort of noise that he didn't comprehend. But this was a child, so maybe that's why she's speaking in an incomprehensible language. But it doesn't seem like the centaur child actually understood what she was supposed to do. Interesting, wasn't she supposed to know what to do considering how she's working already? Despite that, Atakapa understood that the centaur child doesn't know how to correctly clean herself with the towel, so he took it once more and then patted her face softly which was dirtied with grime. "Clean." He ordered once more before handing the towel, hoping that she now understood what to do.

The centaur child then asked for them to play. Something about him being free. Oh, she must have remembered that this was 'free' day. He nodded his head at the centaur child. "Play after clean." He said, waving the towel at her again. He really did like Shino, but he wanted to make her learn something useful. She's young, yes, but she can't depend on the surrogate breeders forever. Atakapa wondered what kind of game the centaur child has come up with this time. He couldn't wait until they would let him go to his free time. He was aware that humans would still be around, but at least he wasn't in a cage. He could be more free in playing with the centaur child rather than trying to keep silent, despite her loud ramblings.
Belial - 18yrs
Belial turned at the slight thudding sound and smiled softly as Maihoh came to view. "Ah...yes but only something small to eat for me..." Watching as he picked himself up from having skidded into the wall. "Are you okay? I take it you almost ran into me...I wouldn't have cared as long as you were okay..." She said with a small smile and concern, he was young. She hated the fact that they had such young ones working. She may not understand fully what love was but hate? She knew it all to well and she hated this place with a firey passion. Her wings were tucked tightly against her back as the two of them headed into the mess hall. She wondered how the wolf boy had so many meal tokens. It angered her that they would put him into hard labor, or at least that's what she thought they did. Maybe one day they could be free of this horrid place.
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Shino smiled before the other took the towel and pat it to her face lightly, blinking a few times as it was handed back she puffed out her cheeks a little stubbornly as thought still struggling to understand, eventually rubbing her face against it a little and smiling widely, "Momwa?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as she raised it towards the piece of fabric, "…. Mumwa…." she mumbled in now what could be considered da much quieter tone, eyes tearing up a little for whatever reason though as she looked back up she didn't;t seem entirely sure of what exactly was going on, rubbing at it with her palm before sniffing it a few times as though curious, still crying, "Lweaking!" she called out seemingly thinking she was leaking something like some sort of- who knows what exactly, a machine or a fish? Honestly that girls mind was ripe for the picking to anyone who wanted to try and make sense of it, "St-Stwop!" she continued seemingly either asking her friend to help or the tears themselves, "….please?…." she asked again in a more polite tone as though that would help. The tears left small clean lines in the otherwise dirty face.

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The alarm seeming to screech into her sensitive ears, Artemis whined lowly and covered her head with her arms, pulling her wings closer. Just five more minutes. But she knew she had to get up, else Athena might just break in and drag her out of bed. Which... Artemis wouldn't really mind, but she knew Athena would be grumpy with her. So, she climbed to her feet, claws clicking on the floor, and stretched out her wings, yawning widely as she stretched her arms also into the air. She couldn't let Athena down, so she hurried to get ready. Simply running her hand through her messy hair, and deeming it okay, she moved to strapping her wings to her back with a leather belt. It wasn't a comfortable option, but it kept them hidden, something she'd been ordered to do. She never argued with her superiors, assumed that they were always right.

Assured that they were strapped down tightly, so she could barely move them except a tiny wiggle, she grabbed her cloak and pulled that on also, completely covering them from view. Jumping when a knock sounded at her door, she made a chirping sound, excited. She loved spending time with Athena. Rushing to the door, grinning with sharp teeth, she opened it, "Morning!"


Aryan grumbled unhappily as the alarms blared. He hadn't been asleep, no, but he didn't want to go and work anyway. He wanted to go and cause trouble, but maybe he'd manage to do that at the same time. Shuffling out of bed, and getting ready for the day, he stretched out his feathered wings. Maybe he could steal something from one of the guards today. He loved shiny things, but just stealing something useful would be good. Or just something that would later annoy the guard when he found it missing.

Food sounded like a good idea right now. So, stretching again, he headed for his door, hopping out. He could have flown, annoyed people to no end, but walked instead. His wing hurt. Some guard had grabbed it the day before, pulling at it to get Aryan to work faster, and now the right wing ached badly. As it was he had to hold it out slightly in a careful manner, where he'd usually hold them very close.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Bulbon was having a wonderful dream, he was out in an open field, running his hand over the tall grass he knew that this was bliss. No shackles, no painful work he had to endure, no shit pay to get shit food, he had an open field all to himself. And he was with someone, he turned to look at the person who was beside him this whole time, all he could see was just their torso but as he looked up to see the person's face..

The Alarm goes off and wakes him from his sleep, "Son of a bitch..." he grunted as he rolled out of bed and stood up, already in his work clothes, wearing his signature tank top with cargo pants. His room wasn't anything special. It had one bed, a table and one chair for him, that's really all he needed. He reached up to rub his horns, he had gotten into a...disagreement after seeing the mistreatment of another worker with one of the humans and had begun to beat him and holding him back with his horns, "I'll write a book about this shit one day, get me one of those medals, then I'll hang it up in my house in Neverland." He scoffed and stretched out his arms and legs before walking out, joining the rest of the crowd to go and get some breakfast for the day. As he walked out he would bump into a figure, "Sorry man." He says simply but looks down to see that it was that girl he saw getting stepped on...what was her name...? "Alex, right? You're Alex, yeah? Sorry to see what happened to you the other night, I tried to do something about that but." He nods to his bruised up arm, "They had a bigger voice, I guess you can say. But are you okay though?" He says as he rolls his arm and pops it.

Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
Emilia begins to trot slowly towards the mess hall. She would normally walk faster, but her daughter was still young and wasn't a fast mover yet. "Good morning Hakura," She says to the bunny woman as they catch up to the girl walking down the hallway. "Want a ride? I'm sure your feet are pretty sore," The woman smiles warmly and stops next to the bunny girl. Suzanne giggles and hugs the bunny girl. "Hi!" Suzanne shouts happily. The young centaur was friendly to those she was comfortable with, but shy around new folks or people she wasn't quite sure about. Some of the other breeders, thought that Emilia was only babying the girl and hiding the truth of the world from her. Emilia knew Suzanne would have to face the world one day, but while they were together, Emilia would do what she thought was right to protect her. "I assume you were going for breakfast as well? I think me and Susie have some extra meal tokens if you want to take one," Emilia offers and smiles again. "Food food!" The centaur child cheers before hopping around excitedly. She was surely the most active or energetic child that Emilia had birthed. "I'm a smidge hungry and it sounds like Susie is starving, I know my baby is hungry so hop on and let's go."

Cosmos Cosmos

Athena shakes her head at the bat lizard hybrid "You were slower than normal today. I may have to report that," She glances at the girl in her cloak. She had at least properly dressed herself this time. "Let's get some food and begin observations for the day, but I have one stop to make on our way," she says before beginning to slither in the direction of Bel's room. The lamia opens the door with a soft creak before slithering in and placing 2 meal tokens on the bed and taking a long look around the room. Athena wasn't sure if Bel liked her back, but saving the swan girl was worth it in her mind. Yes Athena had quite the lecture the next day by her superiors, but in her mind it was the right thing to do. They let her off the hook mostly because the guards weren't hurt too bad and that she had supplied the government with adequate information on any possible rebellions since they had begun employing her for her "services."

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Hakura smiled and giggled cheerfully at the greeting from Emilia, the older breeder had always been a good friend to the younger bunny girl they got through a lot of tough times together, as she ws offered a ride she blushed and shook her head quickly, "I-I couldn't~…. Anyway, I way far too much nowadays." she chuckled with a somewhat self pitying sigh, rubbing her stomach gently a tad bashfully, as she continued to offer the meal tokens and the discussions went on she smiled but shook her head, "Nah, I've got more than enough myself, an good morning to you too Susie!" she smiled, the younger girl had played with some of her own children, her eyes saddened a little, she was jealous in a way of centaurs, they got to keep their children for so long, Sakura barely got to now hers, trying to shake the thought off though she continued cheerfully towards the dining room, handing in the tickets and getting the plate of dried bread and salad.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Faye yawned as she sat up in the makeshift bed that she and her brother made, nudging Cory (who was snoring loudly as he slept) as she moved to the edge of the bed. Faye get up and grabbed some random clothes from the neat pile and quickly put them on before running to the door and waiting for the door to be unlocked, practically hoping from foot to foot in excitement. Today she would finally be allowed to meet some other breeders to calm her nerves. Cory turned over and groaned, he had been up most of the night keeping an eye on hist sister as she slept, he was worried about her being a breeder as they would be separated and he didn't want anyone touching his sister. After a few minutes he bolted up right and hurried to get changed "It is today right Cory?" Faye asked still looking at the door fidgeting. Slightly muffled by his shirt Cory replied "I'm pretty sure, I'm working but I'll be there once I've finished my daily chores".

When the door unlocked the twins hugged and headed down the corridor and split off at different doors, Faye being escorted to the breeder forms and Cory following his normal route to work.


Interacting with: Shimotsu
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos
He was quite happy to see that the centaur child had understood what he was trying to portray as she began rubbing her face against the towel. Then, she said something along the lines of 'Momma'. Atakapa looked at the young child as she began crying. He cocked his head to the right. Had he done something wrong? He didn't exactly know what to do since didn't know why she was crying in the first place. Was this connected to her mother? He did know that the centaur child was being raised by surrogate parents as her mother had been taken away for whatever reason. Atakapa was none the wiser as to who her mother is. After all, he was locked up in this cage and when he did go outside, it was hard to talk with others when the humans had an eye on him. A very, very keen eye on him.

Despite all this, he spoke. "Why Shino cry?" He questioned, but he wasn't even sure if the centaur child was aware of the action called as 'crying' as she merely told him that it was 'leaking'. She told for it to stop - whether it was towards him or her leaking eyes, he wasn't sure. He patted the centaur child on the head twice - a very light pat with his hand barely touching hers. She was too delicate, in his eyes, and he thought that one wrong move would crush the only animal-folk who had the guts to sneak inside his cage. "There. There..." He said in a soothing tone.

Interacting with: Belial
Mentions BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Maikoh let out a disapproving grunt along with a shake of his head to, perhaps, show how much he didn't like an idea. "That's no good Miss Belial! You should eat plenty since you're going to be performing and you need all the energy you can get!" He exclaimed, his face breaking the serious facade as he grinned and then raised his arms as if to flex what little muscles he had. Case in point, they all needed to eat plenty so they could function well. His human handler always reminded him to eat plenty so he wouldn't collapse in training. He also said it was the reason why he had extra meal tokens! It was awesome! Ooh, Athena also told him about it, but he didn't always see her in the dining hall. Maybe she had her own dining place? Or maybe he wasn't just paying attention. Who knows!

Tail still wagging, he followed the multicolored bird-woman. "Yep! I'm fine! Training's much worse." He admitted, rubbing the back of his head as his tail slowed down. It seemed to have had an effect on him. Honestly, training was a nightmare, but it did help with building pain tolerance. Maikoh had to admit that it was certainly useful at certain times - like times like this. If he ever showed sign of pain, it was mostly because of shock rather than the actual pain. There was a moment of pause before he bounced back to his happy persona - his grin appearing once more. "Uh-uh, you would've gotten hurt and then you might not dance... I like seeing you dance." He said. It was a common phrase to be exchanged in the compound - how they liked seeing the entertainers. Maikoh usually attended such events, as ordered by his human handler, to familiarize himself with the various works of the animal-folk... or something like that.
~ Alex ~
Alex slowly continued her way down the hall. She had walked down it what felt like a million times, yet she still had to drag her hand along the old wall to feel like she was going the correct way and not just wondering around aimlessly. She tried to keep her eyes on the ground as she walked, counting each step she took, but that came to a quick halt as someone had bumped into her. "Oh, s-sorry." She stuttered a bit, believing it was her fault for walking too slowly. She looked up at the man that she had collided with, having to tilt her head a bit so that she could see him clearly with her good eye. Her ears perked up as he had said her name. "Yeah, that's me." She listened to him talk about the incident that had happened to her not too long ago and when he had mentioned that he had gotten involved, her ears laid back in mostly surprise, yet also concern.

Looking at some of the bruises that were on the man's arm made Alex worry even more. She didn't really know this man, she had seen him around the ghetto but she had never asked his name or introduced herself.
"You didn't have to get involved..." She spoke a bit softly. "It happens quite often, and that most likely won't be the last time." The more she thought about it, the more she hated that her working slowly and getting in trouble had caused someone else any type of harm. "but, thank you for trying." Alex gave a kind smile, trying to show that she was okay, though she still felt terrible that he had gotten hurt.

Zemfro Zemfro
Shino blinked obliviously as he asked why she was crying, further proving the point of she herself not knowing either, sniffing a few times and closing her eyes as the other pat her head, the action causing a small and familiar innocent smile to appear on the girls face. "Atwa…. crying?…. what- that….. leaking yeah?…." She asked with a small tilt of her head to the side, her tiny hands grasped his large one and continued to hold it almost as though a comforter, on the tips of her hooves trying to reach in a rather adorable manner, ears twitching a little as they tried to focus on grabbing the appendage of Atakapa but seemingly cheering up a little as her eyes dried, still messy beyond normal means but at least a little cleaner from the rubbing and possibly even the tears as strange as it sounded, her deep brown almost black coloured orb like eyes stared up at the others like pools of hope. Atakapa clearly meant a lot to the child, almost a parent figure of sorts.

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Artemis whined at Athena as her mentor told her off for being late this morning, tail waving nervously, "Please don't! I'll be quicker next time, I promise!" She chirped. She didn't like being told off by Athena, let alone their superiors. No, she'd been told off before, and she didn't like it. Nodding in agreement with the others plan, she followed, and frowned when she realised where they were. Bel's room. Grimacing whilst Athena went to put something in the room, she frowned. She liked Bel fine, when Athena wasn't focused on her. She wanted her mentor to herself, she didn't like it when Bel took so much of Athena's attention.

Aryan, meanwhile, headed into the mess hall, still holding his hurting wing gingerly. Glancing around, he debated whether he should talk to someone. Deciding that just walking up and joining in was awkward, so he went to see if he could get food instead.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Belial - 18yrs
Belial smiled slightly as the boy voiced his concern of her not eating much. "Don't worry about me...I'll be sure to eat something before I perform. I love performing for you just as much as you love watching it." She frowned at his mention of hard training bit decided to let it go, "Now you be sure to eat plenty..." She would be fine with the small labor she had to do anyways. She mainly did little odd jobs for those who needed them. Or she would run errands for those in different jobs. It could be a simple job but also a difficult one if she got lost, not that that happened anymore.

When she had first started the job, she'd get lost quite a bit. Of course she'd be punished for it, making other fall behind on their jobs. She sighed thinking of the past, she grabbed the locket that sat at her throat running her fingers over it in thought. "I wonder if they are still alive..." She muttered to herself, she had always wanted to meet her parents. She had managed to get her fingers on a photo of each of them. Cutting them to fit in the moon shaped locket. She pulled herself from her thoughts, "Hurry up before anything good is gone..." She said pushing Maikoh in front of her with a small gentle smile.
AI10100 AI10100
Bulbon shook his head and waved his hand dismissively, "Ahhh its fine, I just got tired of dealing with the damn humans doing this to us. I had a small dream that I could be a hero and stop it. But the dreams got the best of me, I suppose." he nodded. He stuck out his hand for her, "From what it looks like you're having trouble keeping up with the crowd so, cmon, I'll guide you to the hall if you'd like." He says with a nod. From what she could see, he wasn' just bruised on that one arm, on the other side of his face was a small welt building up on the side of his forehead, both arms looked bad and she could see some of the bruises on his chest.

He was always trying to find new ways to help with people around the community especially since his mother tought him to. His motion seemed honest at the very least and most often times he would stand up for other by means of fighting, most of the time he was the losing party but it never got to him nor will it ever.

Angelofwishes7 Angelofwishes7
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Emilia shakes her head lightly and sighs at the bunny girl "You should stress yourself. I'm a centaur and we have strong bodies we can carry a lot. So if you get tired you can rest on me ok?" She says as they walk to the mess hall. Emilia was beginning to show during her belly from her pregnancy but she didn't pay much attention to it. She got behind hakura in line and grabbed a tray for Suzie and herself. They were served their normal meal portions. One egg and a slice of toast for Suzie and 4 eggs and some bacon and a slice of toast for emilia. That would cover the two meal tokens she was given per meal. Emilia used half of a token for Suzie since she didn't eat much and emilia used a full token so they could save up the extra to give to others. Emilia and Suzie trotted to a table and sat down after paying for the food. "What are your plans for the day hakura?"

Cosmos Cosmos

"Are you ready for training today artemis?" She asks. Athena knee that the hybrid was progressing well in her training and would be a good soldier and spy one day. The girl became attached to her too much though. That meant she could be strung along and information could be pried from her slowly over time. Athena would have to teach her a lesson.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Hakura smiled at her friend with a chuckle at the questioning of what she'd do that day, thinking for a few moments before sighing, "Probally factory line work maybe some harvesting if I'm lucky~" she replied, beginning to eat a little as best she could, her bulging stomach bumping against the table a little causing her to blush. She smiled down at Suzie as the girl began to eat her own meal with her mother, she'd grown rather attached to Emilia's latest child, she got attached to all of them, they were around for a lot longer after all, she gave an almost sympathetic look towards the child and mother before continuing.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Artemis nodded to Athena, smiling happily as the others attention returned to her instead of whatever she’d been doing in Bels room. This was better. Athena was her only friend, and yet sometimes Artemis thought that maybe Athena didn’t like her as much. But if they were training then they’d spend a lot of time together, and she liked it that way. She hoped the other hadn’t noticed her previous frowning at the door to Bels room, since she didn’t want to have to explain that she liked Athena’s attention to be on her instead. Smiling, and waving her tail, she hummed, “What’ll we be doing today?” She asked eagerly.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez

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