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Fantasy The Compound CS






Alura was born and raised in the facility by her breeder mother, as she grew up selected on looks and pure health alone to become one of the few breeders, though most considered this an extremely lucky gift for them it was a horrendous task of learning what they'd be going through for possibly the rest of their lives, when on break she also assists with cooking of meals for the other part animal people, she briefly knows her mother though her mothers mate is all but a mystery, her mother sadly passed away during child birth five years ago however, she's currently four months into her latest pregnancy, expecting anyone from one child to quadruplets thanks to the bunny dna, not to mention their naturally shorter gestation means she's around the equivalent of eight months along.

Cheerful, Kind hearted, Playful, Mischievous, Intelligent, Determined, Shy, Somewhat Innocent, Secretive, Stronger than she lets on, Strong minded.


For or Against Rebellion:
For Rebellion.

Currently she has had four children since the age of fourteen, all of which have been taken away, both were sets of twins. She has a selection of given mates depending on the characteristics they want the children to take on, luckily most around her age group.







Shino's mother was separated from her at birth due to rebelling against the facility during pregnancy, trying to force an attack on one of the human corporates that came to check on them, she was locked up her daughter was taken imminently from birth, from one of the strongest families the girl wasn't discarded and instead raised half by heartless corporate managers and the other from various breeders. She however always works hard and listens innocently to both sides for and against the rebellion, purely because she doesn't really understand what's really going on.

Cheerful, Good willed, Warm, Friendly, Innocent, Timid, Oblivious, Adorable, Determined, Hard working, Sneaky, Clumsy, Playful, Optimistic.

Multitask, Labour.

For or Against Rebellion:

None that she directly knows of, her mother was taken to a different section of the facility at birth.
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Belial, Bel or Beli for short

18 years



She was taken from her parents when she was little. She has no memory of them, all she knows is her father was a black swan and her mother a white one. Both giving her a gift and a curse with her two different colored wings. Sadly she'll never know the feel of the sky, the closest she can ever get is when she dances. When she dances she can forget about the place they are trapped in. Even if it is only for the few moments of each step and sway of her body. Even though she is agile and not weak thanks to having dance all her life, she works on simple jobs. Her main purpose is to dance for the others she is trapped with in the terrible place. Hoping to bring them a bit of joy, peace, or excitement anything to take their minds away from the cruel reality.

Kind, listens to others problems, tries to stand up for those weaker than her. Can be straight forward at times, tends to get her into trouble. She is graceful and actually very agile.

Simple labour/ Dancer at night

~For or Against Rebellion~
For Rebellion

None that she is aware of(can be edited if you wanna be her sister or brother.)

( Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez she good?)​
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Name: Cory (Male) and Faye (female)

Age: both 14

Species: cat

(Cory is the white haired boy, Faye is the brown haired girl)

Cory and Faye's mother passed away giving birth to them and one more sibling, who they were separated from for unknown reasons. The twins were brought up by another breeder of a different species to what they were, so for a long time they thought they were dogs until their 'Siblings' were bigger then them and reached maturity. The twins were once again separated from their family but not from each other.


Cory- Quiet, smart, protective of his sister, clumsy, pessimistic, strong, creative and sarcastic.

Faye- Innocent, funny, friendly, witty, weak,kind, Motherly, heavy sleeper, easily distracted and playful.

Cory- Labourer

Faye- breeder (hasn't reached maturity yet), cook (until she reaches maturity

For or Against Rebellion:
Cory- for
Faye- undecided

-one sibling that they know nothing of yet.
-Each other.
-unknown father.
Born and raised for a variety of hard labor, Samuel works hard every day, from digging, to building, to cleaning. He's the kind of croc to do the dirty jobs nobody wants to. Sometimes he even cleans up the...remains, of those who parrished in the streets. As long as he gets paid.
When the occasional odd jobs arent cutting it, he will dip into even lower forms of work. Fighting.
He has made a name for himself in the fighting circuit, his brutal and unrelenting combat a crowd pleaser.
"You go in with the croc, only the croc comes out."
Heavy labor, Underground fighter
For or Against Rebellion:
Neutral, as long as he gets fed
None,and good luck getting any details
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  • 77f24dd4627432a91f62cccf252ee7f1.png


    Name: Maikoh

    Age: 10

    Species: Wolf Hybrid

    Appearance: Taking the form of a white wolf anthro, Maikoh has white colored fur. He has ears located at the top of his head - which always reflects his feelings - along with a bushy tail that thankfully hasn't been trimmed yet or hasn't been touched with malicious intents. He is often dressed in an outfit given to what seems to be guard dogs - but his is white which signifies that he is just a junior and is in training. He has a black collar around his neck which is used whenever he needs to be on a leash. He is rather small - only standing at a height of 4'9" because of how young he is.

    Bio: Maikoh had, of course, been birthed through breeders. He never knew what a good life is, since he was born into this particular place. It was a stuff of horrors, but Maikoh didn't know any better. He thought this was already paradise. Since he was still young, he was merely being taken care of by his breeder mother along with the others. He was taught how to talk and how to listen - because that's the only things he ever needed to know and learn from her. The humans would be the ones to teach him whatever he needed to do. Because he was born to the wolf family, his destiny was predetermined. A canine.

    It was only recent, around six months, when he was put into work. He was still young and is still in training, but he has proven to be one of the more useful subjects. He inherited the keen sense of smell the breeders had, and has been able to differentiate two very similar scents six meters away. This has proven to be useful to the humans and have been training him harder than others. In six months, he's already had training for a wolf-hybrid that's been around for two years. While he can still be happy, certain sounds cause him to flinch and become obedient. Maikoh knows that others are being abused and wants to help, but doesn't know how. He stands by his thoughts and opinions, despite being young and trained to always listen to someone else.

    Maikoh has been conditioned with a certain psychological trick that lets the humans always have him under their thumbs, and he can do nothing about it. With a select set of words, he will automatically shut down and listen to whatever the people around him tells him to. Repeating the set of words will put him back to normal - and he doesn't have any recollection of what happened in that gap of him shutting down. Absolutely no recollection.

    Personality: Maikoh is a bubbly young child - energetic and optimistic as one would expect. Whenever he is allowed, he can be surprisingly happy, despite the harsh training he was put through. He can be surprisingly mature for his age, as he's already been placed into the thick of things despite being so young. He doesn't seem to mind, though, as he prefers to understand what is happening around him rather than being all innocent and naive. Violence is no stranger to the young child, as he is trained to attack anyone his master wishes to - but he prefers not to do so unless there really is no choice. He is steadfast in his beliefs and is very hard to turn against that of which he believes in - unless brainwashed into doing so.

    And Maikoh is an exact example of the universe conspiring against him. A perfect spy just in case, Maikoh's alternate self is emotionless and merciless. He does everything he is ordered to to the letter. There is nothing that can stop him from doing so aside from death, and he is willing to go to such lengths to make his master's orders a reality. He does not have any recollection of his other self during these moments, so he is not bound by relationships of any kind. Maikoh, in this state, may be violent or calm depending on the order of his master.

    Occupation: Guard Dog - Bloodhound; [Unwilling] Spy | Light Labor for the government

    For or Against Rebellion: Thinks he's for the rebellion, but is a spy against the rebellion

    Family: Ferris (Mother) - Wolf breeder
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Striped Skunk


Alex's mother was a breeder and because of it, she has never met her father. Being a runt compared to her twin brother Kyro, it wasn't a surprise that Alex seemed left out of the spotlight for quite some time. But once her twin had died due to a strange illness, the cause most liking being the horrid conditions they were forced to live in growing up, Alex was suddenly forced to grow up very quickly. Staring with any type of labor people could hand her, it stopped when Alex had gotten in the way of a guard in a bad mood. Being thrown to the side the equipment she was carrying crashing to the ground as she fell and the side of her face ramming into some of the fallen gear. A sharp bit of meat had lodged itself in her right eye and since then she has been over 90% blind in that eye. From then on she has been extremely skittish around any authority figures and does nothing more but simple labor.

Very quiet and seems on edge most of the time. She's jumpy but in moments of need can stand strong.
She studders when very nervous.
One of her eyes has gone blind so she keeps her eyes looking at the ground or she is constantly looking around to gather her surroundings.

Light Labor

For or Against Rebellion:
For the Rebellion

Mother: Layla (Deceased) - Died of old age
Brother: Kyro (Deceased) - Died from sickness when young.
Father: Left before Alex was born

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Name: Bulbon Delros
Age: 21
Species: Bull

Appearance: (despite the picture no he's not gay, and I don't own the art)

Stands at a solid 6'0", with a semi-solid build, normally wears a tank top with cargo pants.

Bulbon was born and raised in the compound, knowing only two things, work hard and work harder. His mother, bless her heart, died during childbirth from one of his 4 brothers, that of which he's never seen or heard from. He heard from his father once but then again that could have been just a lie to get at his lunch one day. His life was nothing more than work and watching as breeders die from childbirth. It sickened him that this became the norm, he was part of a proud tribe, from what his mother told him, yet he was reduced to nothing more than a laborer. Seeing as how hr wasnt one to sit around while they are kicked around, he decided to start training to become a minor security guard to at least learn how to help defend himself and others.
He seeks to protect those who can't fight for themselves, yet he happens to think too highly of himself and is seen as arrogant, often bites off more than he can chew and doesn't seem to know his own limits, at all. Is seen as respectful towards his fellow half breeds, but holds his tongue towards humans and will otherwise be rude towards them.
Occupation: Medium Laborer/Security Guard.
For or Against Rebellion: For Rebellion
Family: Mother: Idana Delros(Deceased)
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Kai Lie
Komodo Dragon
18 year old guy
Laborer, has potential for other jobs
For the revolution

Kai Lie's lean, with strong limbs and powerful jaws. His skin is tanned from working under the sun (though the fact that it's naturally darker might also contribute to that). While only his right eye looks reptilian, both of Kai's eyes can see up to 300 m away. Vision is poor when in dim light. His sense of hearing is that of a human's. Kai can use his tongue to smell (it works the same way as a snake's tongue), and he possesses anti-blood clotting venom. His saliva is not bacteria filled, because he's never eaten raw meat. He is resistant to deadly bacteria and venom, though. Kai's teeth are extremely sharp and even serrated. Pair that with powerful jaws and you've got a kid who could do some real damage with his mouth. Kai's tail is also pretty powerful, so yeah he can use that to hit things I guess.

For someone like Kai, he's awfully chipper. While he still follows rules and never ceases to put effort in things, he does try to make light of the things happening. He jokes, laughs, has fun. Tries his best to preserve the things he remembers from before he was enslaved. He'll bond with others over their shared pain of enslavery, but he'll never let anyone know of who he was before this mess.

When Kai was born, nobody knew what to do. His parents were both very human, or so they thought, and they loved their kid too much to let him go. So they kept him hidden. Kai grew up having to cut his nails constantly with serrated knives and wrap his tail around his leg. He grew his hair long enough so that his reptilian eye was hidden. He never smiled with his teeth. The boy lived a generally normal life, though always with the fear of discovery and the perspective of a halfling in a crowd of humans. Then, when Kai was 15, he slipped. His friend, his best friend, had managed to lower his guard so much that he forgot to keep his eye hidden, to smile with his mouth closed, to never let anyone know. And his best friend immediately turned on him.

Kai became a slave. His freedom taken away. His parents thrown in prison. All because he let his guard down. But slavery would not bring him down. No, he wanted out. He'd known freedom for most of his life. There was no way he was ever going to let that go.

Father: Human (questionable), Imprisoned
Mother: Human (questionable), Imprisoned
Sister: Part Komodo Dragon, somewhere in the area but definitely not close to Kai.
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Name: Emilia
Age: 25
Species: Centaur

Bio: Emilia was born to a breeder and soon was forced into becoming a breeder in training before taking her mother's position in the breeding process. She never got to know her other siblings (she is the youngest). She heard whispers about how they were doing, but at one point they just stopped. Emilia was always a calm girl and did as she was told until she started being a breeder that is. She would always resist the guards when they came to take her child away, but they always beat her back and took the child. She would sometimes be surrogate mothers for orphaned children.

Personality: Down to earth, calm, Motherly, Friendly

Occupation: Breeder

For or Against Rebellion: For Rebellion

4 children (taken once they could walk on their own)

Name: Athena
Age: 19
Species: Lamia

Personality: sadistic, obsessive at times, loves chaos
Occupation: Laborer (spy for the government)
For or Against Rebellion: Against


Lizard - Bat Hybrid


Created as an experiment in a lab, Artemis grew up being poked and prodded by scientists. The government is all she has ever known, having been taught by them to become a spy, she often follows Athena around. Though, since her species is a secret, she tends to wear a long, black cloak with a hood, obscuring her wings and features from view, leading people to believe she is simply a lizard, and in no way part bat.

Tending to mimic Athena, Artemis often seems like a quiet shadow. Uncertain around those she doesn't know, especially in large crowds, since she isn't used to other people, she often won't speak unless spoken to. Unless, of course, she's with Athena. To Athena, she'll talk a hundred miles a minute, often curious questions about the world and what Athena knows. She's basically been brainwashed by Government officials to believe that anyone who goes against the government is always wrong.

Light Labourer (Spy for the Government)

For or Against Rebellion:







Born to a breeder in the compound, Aryan was always a mischievous child. Escaping at any point he could from wherever he was supposed to be, he'd run off to have 'adventures' when he was meant to be doing something else. Upon being taken from his mother, he actually attacked the person dragging him off, scratching claws across their face. Since then, despite being a hard worker, he often makes trouble for those higher than him, though usually in subtle ways.

Mischievous, and hating of the government and the compound, Aryan likes to cause trouble in subtle ways. He always makes sure that no one sees him do anything, though has been caught once or twice. Also tends to steal shiny things if he can, and adds them to the collection in his pockets.

Medium Labourer

For or Against Rebellion:

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View attachment 404283

Alura was born and raised in the facility by her breeder mother, as she grew up selected on looks and pure health alone to become one of the few breeders, though most considered this an extremely lucky gift for them it was a horrendous task of learning what they'd be going through for possibly the rest of their lives, when on break she also assists with cooking of meals for the other part animal people, she briefly knows her mother though her mothers mate is all but a mystery, her mother sadly passed away during child birth five years ago however, she's currently four months into her latest pregnancy, expecting anyone from one child to quadruplets thanks to the bunny dna, not to mention their naturally shorter gestation means she's around the equivalent of eight months along.

Cheerful, Kind hearted, Playful, Mischievous, Intelligent, Determined, Shy, Somewhat Innocent, Secretive, Stronger than she lets on, Strong minded.


For or Against Rebellion:
For Rebellion.

Currently she has had four children since the age of fourteen, all of which have been taken away, both were sets of twins. She has a selection of given mates depending on the characteristics they want the children to take on, luckily most around her age group.






View attachment 404282

Shino's mother was separated from her at birth due to rebelling against the facility during pregnancy, trying to force an attack on one of the human corporates that came to check on them, she was locked up her daughter was taken imminently from birth, from one of the strongest families the girl wasn't discarded and instead raised half by heartless corporate managers and the other from various breeders. She however always works hard and listens innocently to both sides for and against the rebellion, purely because she doesn't really understand what's really going on.

Cheerful, Good willed, Warm, Friendly, Innocent, Timid, Oblivious, Adorable, Determined, Hard working, Sneaky, Clumsy, Playful, Optimistic.

Multitask, Labour.

For or Against Rebellion:

None that she directly knows of, her mother was taken to a different section of the facility at birth.
Belial, Bel or Beli for short

18 years


View attachment 404335

She was taken from her parents when she was little. She has no memory of them, all she knows is her father was a black swan and her mother a white one. Both giving her a gift and a curse with her two different colored wings. Sadly she'll never know the feel of the sky, the closest she can ever get is when she dances. When she dances she can forget about the place they are trapped in. Even if it is only for the few moments of each step and sway of her body. Even though she is agile and not weak thanks to having dance all her life, she works on simple jobs. Her main purpose is to dance for the others she is trapped with in the terrible place. Hoping to bring them a bit of joy, peace, or excitement anything to take their minds away from the cruel reality.

Kind, listens to others problems, tries to stand up for those weaker than her. Can be straight forward at times, tends to get her into trouble. She is graceful and actually very agile.

Simple labour/ Dancer at night

~For or Against Rebellion~
For Rebellion

None that she is aware of(can be edited if you wanna be her sister or brother.)

( Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez she good?)​
Name: Cory (Male) and Faye (female)

Age: both 14

Species: cat

Appearance:View attachment 404388
(Cory is the white haired boy, Faye is the brown haired girl)

Cory and Faye's mother passed away giving birth to them and one more sibling, who they were separated from for unknown reasons. The twins were brought up by another breeder of a different species to what they were, so for a long time they thought they were dogs until their 'Siblings' were bigger then them and reached maturity. The twins were once again separated from their family but not from each other.


Cory- Quiet, smart, protective of his sister, clumsy, pessimistic, strong, creative and sarcastic.

Faye- Innocent, funny, friendly, witty, weak,kind, Motherly, heavy sleeper, easily distracted and playful.

Cory- Labourer

Faye- breeder (hasn't reached maturity yet), cook (until she reaches maturity

For or Against Rebellion:
Cory- for
Faye- undecided

-one sibling that they know nothing of yet.
-Each other.
-unknown father.

  • 77f24dd4627432a91f62cccf252ee7f1.png


    Name: Maikoh

    Age: 10

    Species: Wolf Hybrid

    Appearance: Taking the form of a white wolf anthro, Maikoh has white colored fur. He has ears located at the top of his head - which always reflects his feelings - along with a bushy tail that thankfully hasn't been trimmed yet or hasn't been touched with malicious intents. He is often dressed in an outfit given to what seems to be guard dogs - but his is white which signifies that he is just a junior and is in training. He has a black collar around his neck which is used whenever he needs to be on a leash. He is rather small - only standing at a height of 4'9" because of how young he is.

    Bio: Maikoh had, of course, been birthed through breeders. He never knew what a good life is, since he was born into this particular place. It was a stuff of horrors, but Maikoh didn't know any better. He thought this was already paradise. Since he was still young, he was merely being taken care of by his breeder mother along with the others. He was taught how to talk and how to listen - because that's the only things he ever needed to know and learn from her. The humans would be the ones to teach him whatever he needed to do. Because he was born to the wolf family, his destiny was predetermined. A canine.

    It was only recent, around six months, when he was put into work. He was still young and is still in training, but he has proven to be one of the more useful subjects. He inherited the keen sense of smell the breeders had, and has been able to differentiate two very similar scents six meters away. This has proven to be useful to the humans and have been training him harder than others. In six months, he's already had training for a wolf-hybrid that's been around for two years. While he can still be happy, certain sounds cause him to flinch and become obedient. Maikoh knows that others are being abused and wants to help, but doesn't know how. He stands by his thoughts and opinions, despite being young and trained to always listen to someone else.

    Maikoh has been conditioned with a certain psychological trick that lets the humans always have him under their thumbs, and he can do nothing about it. With a select set of words, he will automatically shut down and listen to whatever the people around him tells him to. Repeating the set of words will put him back to normal - and he doesn't have any recollection of what happened in that gap of him shutting down. Absolutely no recollection.

    Personality: Maikoh is a bubbly young child - energetic and optimistic as one would expect. Whenever he is allowed, he can be surprisingly happy, despite the harsh training he was put through. He can be surprisingly mature for his age, as he's already been placed into the thick of things despite being so young. He doesn't seem to mind, though, as he prefers to understand what is happening around him rather than being all innocent and naive. Violence is no stranger to the young child, as he is trained to attack anyone his master wishes to - but he prefers not to do so unless there really is no choice. He is steadfast in his beliefs and is very hard to turn against that of which he believes in - unless brainwashed into doing so.

    And Maikoh is an exact example of the universe conspiring against him. A perfect spy just in case, Maikoh's alternate self is emotionless and merciless. He does everything he is ordered to to the letter. There is nothing that can stop him from doing so aside from death, and he is willing to go to such lengths to make his master's orders a reality. He does not have any recollection of his other self during these moments, so he is not bound by relationships of any kind. Maikoh, in this state, may be violent or calm depending on the order of his master.

    Occupation: Guard Dog - Bloodhound; [Unwilling] Spy

    For or Against Rebellion: Thinks he's for the rebellion, but is a spy against the rebellion

    Family: Ferris (Mother) - Wolf breeder
Accepted, but the ghettos have existed for 25 years with a few years of war before that so he would be about 10 when the war first started.



Striped Skunk

View attachment 404456

Alex's mother was a breeder and because of it, she has never met her father. Being a runt compared to her twin brother Kyro, it wasn't a surprise that Alex seemed left out of the spotlight for quite some time. But once her twin had died due to a strange illness, the cause most liking being the horrid conditions they were forced to live in growing up, Alex was suddenly forced to grow up very quickly. Staring with any type of labor people could hand her, it stopped when Alex had gotten in the way of a guard in a bad mood. Being thrown to the side the equipment she was carrying crashing to the ground as she fell and the side of her face ramming into some of the fallen gear. A sharp bit of meat had lodged itself in her right eye and since then she has been over 90% blind in that eye. From then on she has been extremely skittish around any authority figures and does nothing more but simple labor.

Very quiet and seems on edge most of the time. She's jumpy but in moments of need can stand strong.
She studders when very nervous.
One of her eyes has gone blind so she keeps her eyes looking at the ground or she is constantly looking around to gather her surroundings.


For or Against Rebellion:
For the Rebellion

Mother: Layla (Deceased) - Died of old age
Brother: Kyro (Deceased) - Died from sickness when young.
Father: Left before Alex was born

Name: Bulbon Delros
Age: 21
Species: Bull

Appearance: (despite the picture no he's not gay, and I don't own the art)

Stands at a solid 6'0", with a semi-solid build, normally wears a tank top with cargo pants.

Bulbon was born and raised in the compound, knowing only two things, work hard and work harder. His mother, bless her heart, died during childbirth from one of his 4 brothers, that of which he's never seen or heard from. He heard from his father once but then again that could have been just a lie to get at his lunch one day. His life was nothing more than work and watching as breeders die from childbirth. It sickened him that this became the norm, he was part of a proud tribe, from what his mother told him, yet he was reduced to nothing more than a laborer. Seeing as how hr wasnt one to sit around while they are kicked around, he decided to start training to become a minor security guard to at least learn how to help defend himself and others.
He seeks to protect those who can't fight for themselves, yet he happens to think too highly of himself and is seen as arrogant, often bites off more than he can chew and doesn't seem to know his own limits, at all. Is seen as respectful towards his fellow half breeds, but holds his tongue towards humans and will otherwise be rude towards them.
Occupation: Laborer/Security Guard.
For or Against Rebellion: For Rebellion
Family: Mother: Idana Delros(Deceased)


Lizard - Bat Hybrid


Created as an experiment in a lab, Artemis grew up being poked and prodded by scientists. The government is all she has ever known, having been taught by them to become a spy, she often follows Athena around. Though, since her species is a secret, she tends to wear a long, black cloak with a hood, obscuring her wings and features from view, leading people to believe she is simply a lizard, and in no way part bat.

Tending to mimic Athena, Artemis often seems like a quiet shadow. Uncertain around those she doesn't know, especially in large crowds, since she isn't used to other people, she often won't speak unless spoken to. Unless, of course, she's with Athena. To Athena, she'll talk a hundred miles a minute, often curious questions about the world and what Athena knows. She's basically been brainwashed by Government officials to believe that anyone who goes against the government is always wrong.

Labourer (Spy for the Government)

For or Against Rebellion:







Born to a breeder in the compound, Aryan was always a mischievous child. Escaping at any point he could from wherever he was supposed to be, he'd run off to have 'adventures' when he was meant to be doing something else. Upon being taken from his mother, he actually attacked the person dragging him off, scratching claws across their face. Since then, despite being a hard worker, he often makes trouble for those higher than him, though usually in subtle ways.

Mischievous, and hating of the government and the compound, Aryan likes to cause trouble in subtle ways. He always makes sure that no one sees him do anything, though has been caught once or twice. Also tends to steal shiny things if he can, and adds them to the collection in his pockets.


For or Against Rebellion:

View attachment 404411
Born and raised for a variety of hard labor, Samuel works hard every day, from digging, to building, to cleaning. He's the kind of croc to do the dirty jobs nobody wants to. Sometimes he even cleans up the...remains, of those who parrished in the streets. As long as he gets paid.
When the occasional odd jobs arent cutting it, he will dip into even lower forms of work. Fighting.
He has made a name for himself in the fighting circuit, his brutal and unrelenting combat a crowd pleaser.
"You go in with the croc, only the croc comes out."
Heavy labor, Underground fighter
For or Against Rebellion:
Neutral, as long as he gets fed
None,and good luck getting any details
Accepted but remember to remove the wip tag
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font-family: 'Montserrat', sanserif; font-weight: bold; position: relative; bottom: -70px; left: -40px; z-index: 5; [/class] [class name=cyansubtitle] display: block; width: 100%; font-size: 2.2em; font-family: 'Montserrat', sanserif; text-align: left; margin-bottom: 13px; border-bottom: 1px solid #d5d5d5; padding-bottom: 5px; color: #01C5C4; text-transform: lowercase; [/class] [class name=smalltext] font-size: 0.35em; color: #d5d5d5; display: block; margin-top: -5px; text-transform: uppercase; [/class] [class name=empty] font-size: 0px; height: 15px; display: block; [/class] [script class=pinktab on=mouseenter] fadeIn 400 pinktitlecolumn fadeIn 400 navboxpink [/script] [script class=pinktab on=click] hide tabcontents removeClass orangesubtitle subtitle removeClass orangenumber number removeClass orangeemptyspace emptyspace removeClass yellowsubtitle subtitle removeClass yellownumber number removeClass yellowemptyspace emptyspace removeClass greensubtitle subtitle removeClass greennumber number removeClass greenemptyspace emptyspace removeClass cyansubtitle subtitle removeClass cyannumber number removeClass cyanemptyspace emptyspace show tabcontentspink addClass pinksubtitle subtitle addClass pinknumber number addClass pinkemptyspace emptyspace [/script] [script class=pinktab on=mouseleave] fadeOut 400 pinktitlecolumn fadeOut 400 navboxpink [/script] [script class=orangetab on=mouseenter] fadeIn 400 orangetitlecolumn fadeIn 400 navboxorange [/script] [script class=orangetab on=click] hide tabcontents removeClass pinksubtitle subtitle removeClass pinknumber number removeClass pinkemptyspace emptyspace removeClass yellowsubtitle subtitle removeClass yellownumber number removeClass yellowemptyspace emptyspace removeClass greensubtitle subtitle removeClass greennumber number removeClass greenemptyspace emptyspace removeClass cyansubtitle subtitle removeClass cyannumber number removeClass cyanemptyspace emptyspace show tabcontentsorange addClass orangesubtitle subtitle addClass orangenumber number addClass orangeemptyspace emptyspace [/script] [script class=orangetab on=mouseleave] fadeOut 400 orangetitlecolumn fadeOut 400 navboxorange [/script] [script class=yellowtab on=mouseenter] fadeIn 400 yellowtitlecolumn fadeIn 400 navboxyellow [/script] [script class=yellowtab on=click] hide tabcontents removeClass pinksubtitle subtitle removeClass pinknumber number removeClass pinkemptyspace emptyspace removeClass orangesubtitle subtitle removeClass orangenumber number removeClass orangeemptyspace emptyspace removeClass greensubtitle subtitle removeClass greennumber number removeClass greenemptyspace emptyspace removeClass cyansubtitle subtitle removeClass cyannumber number removeClass cyanemptyspace emptyspace show tabcontentsyellow addClass yellowsubtitle subtitle addClass yellownumber number addClass yellowemptyspace emptyspace [/script] [script class=yellowtab on=mouseleave] fadeOut 400 yellowtitlecolumn fadeOut 400 navboxyellow [/script] [script class=greentab on=mouseenter] fadeIn 400 greentitlecolumn fadeIn 400 navboxgreen [/script] [script class=greentab on=click] hide tabcontents removeClass pinksubtitle subtitle removeClass pinknumber number removeClass pinkemptyspace emptyspace removeClass orangesubtitle subtitle removeClass orangenumber number removeClass orangeemptyspace emptyspace removeClass yellowsubtitle subtitle removeClass yellownumber number removeClass yellowemptyspace emptyspace removeClass cyansubtitle subtitle removeClass cyannumber number removeClass cyanemptyspace emptyspace show tabcontentsgreen addClass greensubtitle subtitle addClass greennumber number addClass greenemptyspace emptyspace [/script] [script class=greentab on=mouseleave] fadeOut 400 greentitlecolumn fadeOut 400 navboxgreen [/script] [script class=cyantab on=mouseenter] fadeIn 400 cyantitlecolumn fadeIn 400 navboxcyan [/script] [script class=cyantab on=click] hide tabcontents removeClass pinksubtitle subtitle removeClass pinknumber number removeClass pinkemptyspace emptyspace removeClass orangesubtitle subtitle removeClass orangenumber number removeClass orangeemptyspace emptyspace removeClass yellowsubtitle subtitle removeClass yellownumber number removeClass yellowemptyspace emptyspace removeClass greensubtitle subtitle removeClass greennumber number removeClass greenemptyspace emptyspace show tabcontentscyan addClass cyansubtitle subtitle addClass cyannumber number addClass cyanemptyspace emptyspace [/script] [script class=cyantab on=mouseleave] fadeOut 400 cyantitlecolumn fadeOut 400 navboxcyan [/script]
font callfont call
[div class=body] [div class=navbar] [div class=navcolumn] [div class=positioning][div class="navbox navboxpink"][/div][div class="navbox navboxorange"][/div][div class="navbox navboxyellow"][/div][div class="navbox navboxgreen"][/div][div class="navbox navboxcyan"][/div][/div] [div class=pinktab]pinktab[/div] [div class=orangetab]orangetab[/div] [div class=yellowtab]yellowtab[/div] [div class=greentab]greentab[/div] [div class=cyantab]cyantab[/div] [/div] [div class=titlecolumn][div class=positioning][div class=pinktitlecolumn]RAZ[/div][div class=orangetitlecolumn]RAZ[/div][div class=yellowtitlecolumn]RAZ[/div][div class=greentitlecolumn]RAZ[/div][div class=cyantitlecolumn]RAZ[/div][/div]RAZ[/div] [/div] [div class=flexmain] [div class=imagenav] [div class=image]
[/div] [div class=emptyspace] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class=contentcol] [div class=scrollbox] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentspink" style="display: block;"] [div class=textblock] [div class=number]01[/div] [div class=postbg] [div class=subtitle]basic information [div class=smalltext]NOTHING TO SEE HERE[/div] [/div]
▎ FULL NAME: Raz Amarin
▎ AGE: 17
▎ GENDER: Male
▎ SPECIES: Bunny-person
▎ OCCUPATION: Breeder​
[/div] [/div] [div class=textblock] [div class=number]02[/div] [div class=postbg] [div class=subtitle]appearance [div class=smalltext]HANDSOME MOTHER TRUCKER[/div] [/div] Raz is a young, pretty man with clear skin and bright blue hair. He is fit, though generally lean in appearance. He has very long black bunny ears and a fluffy black tail. His eyes are a reddish-pink color. [/div] [/div] [div class=empty] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsorange"] [div class=textblock] [div class=number]03[/div] [div class=postbg] [div class=subtitle]personality [div class=smalltext]A LITTLE BIT OF AN ASS[/div] [/div] There are definitely better people to be around than him. He's seriously lacking in empathy unless you get him to the point where he cares about you. He sees all this stuff, all these people, as transient figures in his life. Maybe a lot of them will die. Heck, maybe even he will die. The only thing he's certain about is another war eventually breaking out... because of course it would... and he was for it... but he didn't mind losing some of the idiots in the meantime. The blood pool was getting a little dumbed down with all the breeding, in his opinion. Breeding for strength and other usefulness, not so much for brains. If mother nature couldn't do it's job, then perhaps a war would.

All the same, though, if you get in good with him, he's a nice person. He's protective and sweet if you're his friend, and would frankly give the world for you if he could. [/div] [/div] [div class=empty] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsyellow"] [div class=textblock] [div class=number]04[/div] [div class=postbg] [div class=subtitle]Bio [div class=smalltext]HARD KNOCK LIFE[/div] [/div] Likely not an uncommon situation, his parents died not long after he was born. They had been in the war, fought, and lost. His Father was dead before he was born, and his Mother followed suit when he was only three years of age. He grew up doing mostly light labour, keeping hungry and working hard to try to at least grow up. Once he hit an age he felt like he could go for better pastures, he certainly did.

Better pastures for him meant that he was going to be a breeder. That meant more meal-tokens... and while the work was definitely sweaty and morally questionable... he thought of it as a step up in the ghetto world. This gave him power over other people. Having more meal-tokens, ones he didn't necessarily need, meant that he could "sell" for things he wanted. Perfect.... albeit sticky... plan. [/div] [/div] [div class=empty] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentsgreen"] [div class=textblock] [div class=number]05[/div] [div class=postbg] [div class=subtitle]For or Against Rebellion [div class=smalltext]Viva la resistance![/div] [/div] Raz is definitely all for the resistance movement. He's pretty radical about it, though you'd definitely not peg him for being so gung-ho for it. He'd cut off his ears and tail if he had to to make a difference. [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="tabcontents tabcontentscyan"] [div class=textblock] [div class=number]07[/div] [div class=postbg] [div class=subtitle]Family Relations [div class=smalltext]NOT SO GREAT HERE...[/div] [/div] Raz's family is amost entirely dead... at least those that he would've actually cared about. He has a bunch of kids, but they aren't exactly supposed to be close in the least. Taken away and all that. Plus... he's not the one who had to carry them to term, so, eh. [/div] [/div] [div class=empty] fluticasone fluticasone [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
Name: Lazlo Dyguso

Age: 17

Species: Monkey

Bio: Lazlo's youngest brother was one of the few that were born outside the breeding program. Although a honest accident the government threatened to severely reduce their meal ticket earnings until Lazlo offered to make amends. In return for their meal tickets Lazlo would perform the duties as a mole and deliver any information he collected regarding signs of misconduct and talk of rebelling. In the passing years Lazlo was responsible for the detainment of over seventy citizens earning not only the respect of the human government, but a well paid bonus in the process. He was proficient at his job, and the mere fact that no one had even suspected he was the one leaking secrets spoke volumes of his talents. He would soon earn himself a bit of training from some of the government operatives in case things turned chaotic and had been promised that if he continued to work for them his family would be heavily rewarded. And of course with an offer like that there was no way he could turn it down.

Occupation: Light Laborer/Spy

For or Against Rebellion: Against

6 loving brothers
Anastasia- Mother/Alive
Willburn- Father/Alive


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Name: Osiris

Age: 45

Species: Jackle


Osiris speaks little of his past, never mentioning anything before the start of The Great War. What is know is that during the war, he joined up to protect his fellow citizens ignoring the dangers and great evils of war. For a grueling 3 years he fought and bled for his countrymen, he calls this period The Rebirth, as it changed the man forever. From the time he was changed into a killer, a monster amongst the enemy soldiers as his fight was of survival, not of saving his people like it originally was. He was known amongst the enemy as The Devils Hound, he brought chaos to their ranks in a series of guerilla warfare tactics. It was this period of time he grew more and more cold and sadistic, often using psychological warfare against the enemy such as heads on spikes. The child that went into the war, came out of it a monster.

The years that followed were of extreme hardship, Osiris was a heavy labor worker due to his more strong build and military training he could do things better than others of his species could. He worked for a solid five years, before he began manipulating and persuading people. What once began as a simple racketeering circle, grew into the foundation of The Family, the biggest mafia family the ghettos have ever seen. The meal tickets the simple circle made, gave it an edge against other rival gangs, but with enough bribes and persuasion, Osiris made sure the guards were his allies. Soon the operation grew into a mafia, with Osiris at the head of it all, the godfather.

In the next twenty years, The Family grew huge and they practically owned most of the Ghettos. Hell they even ran satellite Families in the other ghettos as well, making them the most powerful Mafia family. They ran all type of operations, Racketeering rings, Prostitution, Smuggling, weapon dealers though they don't sell too many guns, anything you can think of they do. Sadly many folks don't get much choice in the Ghettos, it's either work for the government, or seek the aid of the Mafia.

Now Osiris has pulled the strings for a long time, and he knows how to move around in such a messed up world. He also knows the value of loyalty and favors, you scratch his back and he'll scratch yours. He has stayed out of the ire of the government by keeping to himself, besides they don't even care about the Family. As long as the Mafia don't do anything for a Resistance group, the government stays out of their business.

Just know if you do something, the Mafia is sure to know what you do. Be careful who you pick a fight with, because the Mafia should be the one group you don't wish to fight.

Osiris is a man of cold calculation, he has no real emotions anymore, not after the war. He grew a taste for blood and is a sadist when he wants to sate his bloodthirst. He is always looking to manipulate people, just for his own benefit, and is too smart to be tricked easily. He is ruthless when he wants, but also kind and forgiving. He runs on the policy of you scratch his back and he'll scratch yours, and loyalty is something he values very much. Swear fealty to him, and he'll make you rich like a king, betray him and soon you'll understand what true pain is like. He's a guy you want as a friend but would fear as an enemy.

Occupation: Mafia Godfather

For or Against Rebellion: Neither, he can be persuaded to help the rebellion only if it's extremely beneficial to him. It basically a Deal with the Devil.

Family: There is no family that Osiris speaks of, if he does then he has never told anyone. It is assumed he doesn't.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez
Name: Osiris

Age: 45

Species: Jackle

View attachment 409224

Osiris speaks little of his past, never mentioning anything before the start of The Great War. What is know is that during the war, he joined up to protect his fellow citizens ignoring the dangers and great evils of war. For a grueling 3 years he fought and bled for his countrymen, he calls this period The Rebirth, as it changed the man forever. From the time he was changed into a killer, a monster amongst the enemy soldiers as his fight was of survival, not of saving his people like it originally was. He was known amongst the enemy as The Devils Hound, he brought chaos to their ranks in a series of guerilla warfare tactics. It was this period of time he grew more and more cold and sadistic, often using psychological warfare against the enemy such as heads on spikes. The child that went into the war, came out of it a monster.

The years that followed were of extreme hardship, Osiris was a heavy labor worker due to his more strong build and military training he could do things better than others of his species could. He worked for a solid five years, before he began manipulating and persuading people. What once began as a simple racketeering circle, grew into the foundation of The Family, the biggest mafia family the ghettos have ever seen. The meal tickets the simple circle made, gave it an edge against other rival gangs, but with enough bribes and persuasion, Osiris made sure the guards were his allies. Soon the operation grew into a mafia, with Osiris at the head of it all, the godfather.

In the next twenty years, The Family grew huge and they practically owned most of the Ghettos. Hell they even ran satellite Families in the other ghettos as well, making them the most powerful Mafia family. They ran all type of operations, Racketeering rings, Prostitution, Smuggling, weapon dealers though they don't sell too many guns, anything you can think of they do. Sadly many folks don't get much choice in the Ghettos, it's either work for the government, or seek the aid of the Mafia.

Now Osiris has pulled the strings for a long time, and he knows how to move around in such a messed up world. He also knows the value of loyalty and favors, you scratch his back and he'll scratch yours. He has stayed out of the ire of the government by keeping to himself, besides they don't even care about the Family. As long as the Mafia don't do anything for a Resistance group, the government stays out of their business.

Just know if you do something, the Mafia is sure to know what you do. Be careful who you pick a fight with, because the Mafia should be the one group you don't wish to fight.

Osiris is a man of cold calculation, he has no real emotions anymore, not after the war. He grew a taste for blood and is a sadist when he wants to sate his bloodthirst. He is always looking to manipulate people, just for his own benefit, and is too smart to be tricked easily. He is ruthless when he wants, but also kind and forgiving. He runs on the policy of you scratch his back and he'll scratch yours, and loyalty is something he values very much. Swear fealty to him, and he'll make you rich like a king, betray him and soon you'll understand what true pain is like. He's a guy you want as a friend but would fear as an enemy.

Occupation: Mafia Godfather

For or Against Rebellion: Neither, he can be persuaded to help the rebellion only if it's extremely beneficial to him. It basically a Deal with the Devil.

Family: There is no family that Osiris speaks of, if he does then he has never told anyone. It is assumed he doesn't.

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez

View attachment 407914
Name: Lazlo Dyguso

Age: 17

Species: Monkey

Bio: Lazlo's youngest brother was one of the few that were born outside the breeding program. Although a honest accident the government threatened to severely reduce their meal ticket earnings until Lazlo offered to make amends. In return for their meal tickets Lazlo would perform the duties as a mole and deliver any information he collected regarding signs of misconduct and talk of rebelling. In the passing years Lazlo was responsible for the detainment of over seventy citizens earning not only the respect of the human government, but a well paid bonus in the process. He was proficient at his job, and the mere fact that no one had even suspected he was the one leaking secrets spoke volumes of his talents. He would soon earn himself a bit of training from some of the government operatives in case things turned chaotic and had been promised that if he continued to work for them his family would be heavily rewarded. And of course with an offer like that there was no way he could turn it down.

Occupation: Light Laborer/Spy

For or Against Rebellion: Against

6 loving brothers
Anastasia- Mother/Alive
Willburn- Father/Alive
The government does not respect any animal folk. Athena is the spymaster essentially so all information would go through her.
Name: 402B


Species: Robot Android thing.



Bio: Designed to do one thing and one thing only. To KILL animal folk, 402B is a combat android of once elite design. His kind was then proven ineffective against the very thing he was created to eliminate as his kinds' predictableness made them easy to destroy even with primitive weaponry. In siege mode that was an entirely different story as when in this mode they were effectively mobile bunkers. But they could only move at a snail's pace in this form. This meant that the animals could out flank them and destroy them with relative ease. 402B is the last of his kind and has been sitting overgrown in the main ghetto for the last 25 years. He now awaits activation and new orders to accomplish.

Personality: He has no concept of fear. Only threats and things that aren't threats. (Not much else to say here)

Occupation: Dormant Combat Android.

For or Against Rebellion: Against (For now)

Family: He is the last of his kind.
Name: 402B


Species: Robot Android thing.


View attachment 413886

Bio: Designed to do one thing and one thing only. To KILL animal folk, 402B is a combat android of once elite design. His kind was then proven ineffective against the very thing he was created to eliminate as his kinds' predictableness made them easy to destroy even with primitive weaponry. In siege mode that was an entirely different story as when in this mode they were effectively mobile bunkers. But they could only move at a snail's pace in this form. This meant that the animals could out flank them and destroy them with relative ease. 402B is the last of his kind and has been sitting overgrown in the main ghetto for the last 25 years. He now awaits activation and new orders to accomplish.

Personality: He has no concept of fear. Only threats and things that aren't threats. (Not much else to say here)

Occupation: Dormant Combat Android.

For or Against Rebellion: Against (For now)

Family: He is the last of his kind.
Interesting accepted to see what happens
Name: Oswald Abbott
Age: 23
Species: dragon centaur...


Bio: was found recently in the mountains almost dead and had many parts of him replaced with metal
Personality: agressive toward any human exept for those who feed him
Occupation: breeder/warrior
For or Against Rebellion: seems Against but is actually for it
Family: all dead
Name: Oswald Abbott
Age: 23
Species: dragon centaur...


Bio: was found recently in the mountains almost dead and had many parts of him replaced with metal
Personality: agressive toward any human exept for those who feed him
Occupation: breeder/warrior
For or Against Rebellion: seems Against but is actually for it
Family: all dead
Most anima are in ghettos already and are only 1 kind of animal. Mythical creatures do not exist.

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