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Realistic or Modern The Comeback (Interest Check)


Custom title. . .
The Comeback
Following a sheriff and his best friend, this story is about the sudden appearance of uncanny elements within the large town of Von. Where the two discover that the world isn't as they thought it was, and that they're secrets better left as they were.

"Hello, is this Sheriff Haderson?" Called a panicky feminine voice. "Yes this is he?" Barely able to respond the lawman rubbed his forehead from mental exasperation. "I'm calling to report a murder! AHHHHH!!!!" Screaming and shouting jolted from the other line as the now startled man stared at his cellphone, grasping the number in his head. No location, no nothing. Just a number. Either way he knew exactly what he had to do. A pair of long brown pants with red streaks made little work off the distance from the office to his car. Proceeding to shank it with the keys, ring the the stick in drive, and flatten the gas pedal he was off. One handing the steering wheel, he begun calling several numbers. "Hello, Harold?" The lady on the other end sucked in a breath before responding. "Jay?" "Yes is Harold there? I really need his help right now." Heartbeat now accelerating the cop sped a red light. The situation started fairly dire but the fact that the caller freaked out the way she did amplified his worry and set various scenarios off in his mind. Getting there before anything else happened was priority one. "Jay?" The familiar male voice began. "Quick trace this number for me! 4357842! You got that?" Continuing straight after a dangerous right turn, he neared the outskirts of town. "Alright." Not even a solid five minutes had passed as yet as Harold returned. "#32 West side White Oak Village. It's Peterson's house." A sigh of relief was sounded from the Sheriff's end of the line as he broke the speed limit double and beamed for the address.

(To be continued later on)
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