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Fantasy The Colosseum - Mechanics


Two Thousand Club
Mechanics for The Colosseum


People have this notion that magic is shouting the right words to bully the laws of nature into submission. But it is both more and less than that. Magic is isn't a cheat code for bending reality but rather a harmonious cooperation with its will

Every aspect of nature has will- that is to say, soul and personality- even the abiotic. It's why the wind blows or a fire dances. It's what makes a mountain proud, the cold cruel, the earth giving, the sea uncaring and it moves the sun and moon across the heavens

Each kind of will operates a little differently. Some are more simple and elemental, like a stone, while others are more complex and capable of choice. But regardless, all will is connected to each other like nodes in a cosmic spiders web. Magic is the art of tapping into this connection, either through a natural empathy with nature or calculated control of one's own nature through mental discipline, to influence the world around you in some way.


WILL: a.k.a. Soul. All thing incorporeal. You utilize this force every day as you think, learn, communicate with others and, more importantly, LIVE. For a magician, commanding ones own will is crucial for effecting the will of other elements.

The element of Will (alone) deals with:









•and everything else

You can also directly tamper with mater and energy, but not very much. Your soul is a little busy running a complex organisms. (that's part of what makes vampires so scary. They don't have a living body to hold them down.)


Fire has one the most lively personality of all the elements. Like an animal, a flame eats, breaths, grows and moves on its own accord. It can be a dangerous predator if left to its own devices, but if it's contained, it can be domesticated.

This isn't a perfect analogy however. You can't generate an animal in your hand.

To manifest fire:

Every warm blooded creature has fire in them. So, with the proper meditation technique (and possibly a butt load of natural talent) you can take some of that fire, focus it outside of your body and voila! You have a flame in your hand! And once you have it you can enlarge it, channel it, and move it about your body so long as it follows the path of your nerves (so basically, you're a fire- bender.) You will get colder of course but as long as your a warm-blooded creature, you're body will continually pump out more fire. (And there are ways to boost your metabolism to pump it out faster)

There is a limits though. The more fire you use, the more fuel is required to sustain it so you're going to need a big meal after

WATER: I had to pick an animal to compare the will of water to, it would a cow or buffalo. Strong but passive. It needs a considerable amount of motivation to get moving but once it does how are in momentum it has is unstoppable.

To extend the buffalo analogy further, water has power in numbers. Individual molecules can be influenced with ease but when clumped together, their collective will become stronger. In other words, The bigger and denser the body of water, the more stubborn it gets and the better manners you're going to need to work with it.

•Clouds/mist= Pushover. Will do what you tell it to.

•Rain/droplet= has a set destination: Down. But you can convince it to take a detour and bend its path.

• Glass of water= It sits in a cup and gets drunk. Barely has any will to influence.

•Small stream=starts to develop a personality and can still be directed a little. But not much. It's basically a baby river

•Pond/swamp= you could make a few ripples but otherwise will not budge. However, you could influence the life that lives in it

Underground water: you can detect it, communicate with it and maybe temporarily direct it, but if you want A spring to pop up in your backyard you're going to need the cooperation of the earths will.

River= we have reached the point where you need to start giving nature a little respect. River is both willfull enough to have a sentient spirit, too busy to chat, and too powerful to care what you want. Unless you you have a strong connection to the river. A river will follow the will of the Earth.

•Lake= far to big to move and far to willful to be bullied. However, as a stationary body of water, it has nothing more important to do then commune with the life around it. In other words, it's willing to chat and has a sense of compassion.

•The Ocean= she is a goddess. She moves on her own, works her own powerful magic, has an wild temperament and cares very little about your puny life. You can ask a favor of the ocean, but depending on her mood, she may want something in return. Or simply take it from you.

Water can also be used for healing and divination


The mother of all things. Her Will touches just about every element (though the trick is understanding how it connects), and all life springs from her.

The Will of the Earth is passive, unchanging and will rarely move for any one, but she gives freely to all that walk upon her.

If you are connected to the Will of Earth, your power may involve:

Life ( which stems from the earth, just ask the plant)

Fresh water (how does a river move? It follows the wIll of the earth of course! Or possibly gravity. Is there a difference?)

Gravity (told you so)

land: (different spots on the Gaias body have slightly different will. It's why terrain varies from place to place)


A likeness of Earth: (you can take on the earths Will and make yourself denser, and/or stronger with a little concentration.




(More coming)

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