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Fantasy The Color Of Royalty (Still Accepting)

Nicholas Rat

Yellow Crow Compound, Courtyard

@Mine @FloatingAroundSpace @Bunny @DanishKreddi @InsaneEntry

Nicholas thought he had something coming together at first, he already had a few targets in mind for this escapade he was rallying everyone up for. Not only has he seen Red Knight routes throughout the city, but he passes a few coins here and there to urchins, who keeps a good eye on them for him. Marsh's hesitation to go against the Grand master was disappointing, not only that but most of their group seemed hesitant in general to comment on the matter. When the Eye called out across the courtyard, Nicholas knew that his chances were all but none for carrying out his very own mission. But that never stopped him from being stubborn.

"Unless you give us something to do for once, trouble is destined to come," Nicholas stated, with a shrug and a grin, refusing to shrink back just because someone with authority over him was present.

"While it is always a pleasure to see you Miss Auice, I fear that unless you have something interesting to assign; i'll be off to go find a Knight on patrol," Nicholas stated boldly, twirling his knife one last time and placing it back in it's sheath, eyes on her even if ignored.
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Tristan Vance

Red Knight Training Grounds
@QuestingBeast @Wandering Hollow @Irianne

It was rather unusual for both the heir and the princess to be at the Red Knight's compound at the same time and it caught the attention of all the knights. The few knights who had continued to train as the prince began to fight, stopped and hastily bowed. Tristan followed their example and quickly bent at the waist, sheathing his sword and placing a hand over his heart.

He felt it was rather improper for her to be surrounded by so many men, especially since many of them had taken off their tops as they worked up a sweat. Some had retrieved their tunics and re-dressed while others tried to subtly show off, stretching exaggeratedly and flexing to show off their physiques. While it might have been more acceptable when she was younger, now that she was a young woman, propriety was much more important. Despite this, Tristan knew that none of them would dare to touch her out of fear for the king's wrath.

He approached her quietly, stopping a polite distance away and cleared his throat,
"Pardon me, princess. It would please me greatly if you stepped a little farther from the ring. I shudder to think what His Majesty would do if you returned with even a spot of blood." He smiled wryly and could only hope that the princess would not take any offense at his audacity in speaking so lightly.

Spars amongst the knights tended to last fairly long, often until or even after first blood. While he knew that Bernard wouldn't truly harm the heir, spars often got out of hand and both Bernard and the prince were very capable fighters. There was also the risk of dust and dirt that inevitably would go flying once their bout began. Her clothes were most likely more expensive than all his tunics added together and he did not want them to get ruined, if only to spare the servant that would be forced to wash it all.

He winced slightly as he realized that the princess most likely didn't know him, not to mention he had even yet to greet her.
"Ah, I apologize. I'm unaware of if you know who I am. My name is Tristan Vance, a Swordhand. Good morning, princess Alorei."

He nodded in respect to Marcus after greeting the princess.
"Captain Burtheal, a pleasure to see you again." Now that the chances of him getting picked to fight were slim to none, he was quite interested in the outcome of the spar, having never seen Bernard's skill in swordplay and not knowing whether the prince would be able to overcome him.

Hilda Min

Location: Yellow Crows courtyard Interacting with:

@InsaneEntry @Bunny @Mine @Shanman411 @DanishKreddi Mood: Irritated, angry

Before Hilda could reply to the man, a rather boisterous and reckless fellow now that she thought on it, a much more familiar voice arrived in the courtyard. She turned her head slowly, a scowl working its way across her face even though it was far too early in the morning for anyone to be as bitter as she was. Then again, no one was quite as bitter as she was. Some older Crows knew that she had always been troublesome if not a bit rebellious but they knew that she had not always been angry at the world, at herself, at the Crows and the Knights and the royals. That had come later, in a night of smoke and fire and death.

She listened to the Eye speak, or rather, bark orders at the various Crows milling about, speaking to some woman that Hilda had only counted a few times in her mind. She blinked dully at the spectacle and held the Eye's gaze for a beat when it fell on her before blinking and biting into the apple she had stolen, her fingers tapping on the nearest concrete surface. Her eyes did not narrow at the woman she saw as the representation of the misery she was locked in but they did not soften in kindness, either.

It was strange, how some days Hilda found herself feeling truly nothing, a dullness that clouded her every movement and judgement. On those days, she could not muster up the energy to crawl out of bed and find herself a meal. On those days, the memories were loudest and the smell of death stronger than anything else, making her stomach churn and her eyes water (not out of sentiment. She promised herself it was not out of sentiment).

Other days, some energy seemed to burn within, some energy to watch others fall and crumble like she once had, to have other Crows clip their wings. Nicholas, the man who appeared to be far too eager to speak and excite himself, was one of them. Though she knew she should not be cruel since their numbers were so few, something about the never-ending enthusiasm, the small smiles and loud voice that made her skin crawl and her throat scream. They were far too cheerful, far too light and airy when their lives were heavy with doubt and guilt and failure. They were too free to live like she was and they were too free to be anywhere near her.

She simply bit her apple and said nothing, watching the man mock the Eye for a moment before turning to the quieter ones, the ones that had yet to say a word.

"A mission," she finally spoke, saying it to no one and everyone within earshot. Her throat was dry and rough even though she had used it a moment before the Eye had swept in, tired already by the presence of a woman she did not want to see. "Tell me, will there be blood this time? Or will it reek of failure and despair instead? After all, it has been quite some time since we have seen the filth outside our own stone walls and it would do us no good to track it back inside."
Bernard Catalan

Training Grounds @Church418

Careful, creeping steps. The circling like that of two hawks preparing to compete for a territory. as he rounded the circle so that his back was to Marcus, Bernard shifted his feet and pulled his longsword back to rest against his shoulder in woman's position.

The eyes of the crown prince were flashing. Bernard's nostrils flared. Magic, so soon? "Alright then, show me what you've got!"

Before the words had left his mouth, Bernard sent a tentative jab out from the shoulder, the point aimed not at the crown prince, but at the upper tang of his blade. It was no ingenious assault, but it began the conversation. To Bernard's mind, the fight never really started until both sides had a feel for each other, and Prince Daniel's reaction to the little jab ought to cement his first impression.

The rapier was a tricky weapon. It was small, qnd flexible. Your average Red Knight all but forfeited the match if he faced a longsword, but Bernard knew guys that loved the rapier like Prince Daniel seemed to, and they always had ways, sneaky little redirects, reflects, and the final trapping of their opponent's blade. Well, it was thanks to them that Bernard kept hold of his own bag of tricks against the tricksy weapon. The first and most obvious of the lot was the weakness inherent to the balanced rapier's blade. Should the hilt of Bernard's longsword contact Daniel's foible, he was confident of victory.

"Now see! I've one trick with assured success. Let's see if you're wise to it," Bernard said, and stepped into Daniel's striking space. He was ready for Daniel to strike, so that he could step back and wind his broad longsword up and around Daniel's rapier, utterly overpowering it.
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@Church418 @QuestingBeast @raspberryrose

A small smile twitched at the corner of Alorei's lips as the spar began in earnest. She loved this -- had always loved this. While she wrapped herself in the finery of the palace there was always part of her that remained restless. The high walls and careful routines and constant supervision left little in the way of excitement but here in the training yard there was no room for delicacy. She calmed it with her presence, she knew; the knights would be louder and rougher than she ever saw them when they were not behaving in front of their princess. Still, it was enough to free her from her monotony.

Even the smells didn't bother her: the sticky scent of oiled weaponry, the dirt kicked up by armored feet, and the heavy, musky odor of men: raw power and determination; sweat and blood.

In a different world, in a different life, this could have been her. She would ride upon a white horse, in armor gilded and splendid, leading her men into battle as a warrior queen to rid her realm of violent rebels. She would see justice done by her own hands, and not need to beg stories of it off of her knights.

The sound of a throat being cleared cut through the sounds of the spar and ruined the daydream.

A knight was speaking, beckoning her away from the ringside, but she was reluctant. Why should she move back when Marcus stood without fear? She was capable. She could bring a wall of ice between herself and any blade with naught but a trained thought and a raised hand, she was at the mercy of
no one. Besides, every knight here (and her brother as well) would be moved to action in an instant if she were in even the slightest danger, as they should be, as--

She sighed.

As this knight was now.

She had been a willful child, but they had cowed her, and she was a lady now in earnest. They had given her different weapons, and she waged a different war. She was beautiful, and fragile, and valuable, and she would be leading no valiant charges -- she would need to win their love with honey, not with steel.

She had left the knight in an uncomfortably long silence after he spoke while she settled her thoughts, but she turned to him now with a disarming smile.

Ser Tristan," she said warmly, "Of course I remember you."

He was vaguely familiar, though she could recall no specific conversations she'd ever had with him. It was fortunate he'd said his name, she wouldn't have placed it on her own. Still, everyone loves to be remembered, especially by those above their station.

How very sweet of you to worry over me," she continued, before turning and beginning to move back a few paces as he'd requested. "Come, join me. You can keep me company as I give our combatants their space."

She returned her gaze to the spar as she reached a more satisfactory distance, though inclined her head towards Tristan to let him know he shared her focus. "
Now, indulge my curiosity for I lack the training to make an educated guess as you can. The gallant Ser Bernard or my noble brother: which do you suppose shall be our victor today?"

King Cadmus Rayn

Banquet Hall --:--

@Archie @Semblance

With the revealing of this “master, well-thought out” plan of his middle child, and Ardyn’s request, Cadmus sighed and set his fork down gently along the silver plate. To think of sending out Hewyn was actually quite amusing, especially due to the fact if anything happened to him, Cad would be rid of one troubled child. He couldn’t lose both boys though, and especially not Daniel. Whatever Hugh wanted from this mission, Cad suspected another reward out of just glory, and a chance to show off his gruesomely veined and crippled body. He smirked a bit and waited to respond until Hewyn had finished with his brilliant plan. “The moment I let you lead any size of an army is the moment I lose faith that you will bring Daniel safely home. But I’ll let you play your game, son, and be watching to assure that you do everything in your blood to protect Daniel. Failure cannot be an option…you wouldn’t like the consequences.” He watched him with cold sharp eyes then pushed his plate and glass aside before placing both hands along the table.

He needed to feel confident in that Hugh could do this mission but there was nothing encouraging in it at the moment. There was a need to scope out what the Crows were doing and if they had any information – Cad knew that this mission would need to be implemented but he couldn’t give all the control to his middle born. Easily, he could change the course of dominance. “You will take this plan of yours to Ser Burtheal and Daniel, then you will discuss all the specifics. Your orders will come from your brother and you will not argue nor sway from them. If you showcase formidable prowess in this, I will consider you worthy enough to lead a great army, your own great army.” Motivation enough, he had hoped. If he could return Hugh back to a man that would fully cooperate his father, then there would be near nothing to worry about when missions occurred. However, a dream is but a dream and so farfetched – especially one including Hugh.

Now there was the thought of sending Ardyn away – he could only imagine Daniel’s fear of anything harming her. The princess was fully capable of handling her own but a woman had no place amongst filthy, vulgar Knights, and never amongst the Princes. Ardyn was near like a daughter to him, having trained her at a young age. “As much as I understand your eagerness to fight alongside our army, I cannot send you away. I would only be comfortable to see you fight if I were to lead the mission myself.” He doesn’t remember the last time the King’s Army was led by the King himself – surely, years ago. There was no purpose of it, not when his heir needed all the chances to prove himself. A crown must be earned not simply passed along to the next in line. Cadmus could easily revoke it and give it to Hugh but that would be distasteful.

“You may all leave here, now. I will wait for Daniel and Ser Burtheal. Though, it appears they think of my commands as dribble. Bring them to me in the throne hall, Hewyn. Let us see this loyalty to your father in but a miniscule task.” Cad smirked some and stood up, looking on as the servants rushed over to clean everything up and provide him with a warm wet cloth to wipe the grease and stickiness from his hands.


Location: Yellow Crow 's Compound --> Courtyard | Mentions: @Shanman411 @FloatingAroundSpace @DanishKreddi @Prudentia @Bunny | Moods: Frustrated -> Slightly amused -> Serious

Auice gave little reaction to the mocking that came from the Talon. Her eyes lingered on the younger man for longer than necessary. The feather she had first spoke to gave her report, to which she simply nodded. The same news as before. As soon as the woman finished, she left. What she was going to do, the eye could care less about. Her focus returned to Nicholas, ready to respond to the man's mocking. However, it was then that Hilda, one of the Beaks, decided to speak her mind openly. It was quite obvious the younger woman was not happy to see her. She followed the woman's words with a nod, her mood suddenly growing quite serious.

"You will do nothing of the sort, Nicholas Rat." Auice started to speak, and chose to address the man who had mocked her first. "Hilda," A nod was thrown to the younger woman, "was correct. There is a mission to be completed." She stopped, and took the time to scan those who had decided to stay quiet. Conveniently, most all of those gathered were to be sent on this mission. She stepped back just slightly, to address all of them at once.

"The Red Knights have been a constant pain in our side, that most of you can agree to. It is high time to deal with them." She began, speaking slowly. "They too are effected by the dwindling numbers of marked children, and their numbers are not increasing as steadily anymore. The mission I have for you all is simple. Scout the Red Knights. Figure out their weaknesses, and where their numbers lie." She continued, and locked her eyes onto Nicholas. "Those going are not to attack the Knights, unless provoked. It's not the time to start trouble just yet." She finished explaining the mission and grew silent once more. Her eyes stayed on Nicholas for a while then moved to Blaise. She flicked her gaze to the quieter ones, then over to Hilda, hard and cold all the while. She would not tolerate disobedience in that regard.

"All of the Talons gathered here will be going on this mission. Marsh, you are to accompany them." Her eyes flicked to Marsh, then to Hilda. She'd spent the better half of the night deciding on a beak to send along with the group, and had narrowed it down to two. The two before her. In the end, she'd chosen Marsh. Normally, she would send a feather along as well, and she may still. She had one in mind, so long as she was able to find the girl before she had to send them off. "Any questions?" She asked, almost a rhetorical question, and a rare sight for her. She didn't normally ask if those she was giving an assignment to had questions. She normally left it up to the person to ask her without prompting. However, she was speaking to a larger group this time around, and needed to be sure they were all on the same page.

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Nicholas Rat

Yellow Crow Compound, Courtyard

@Mine @FloatingAroundSpace @DanishKreddi @InsaneEntry @Prudentia @Bunny

Nicholas stood there with a annoying smirk on his face, not giving her any ground, keeping his eyes with hers. Lurking and hiding once again in the shadows, it ticked him off only slightly, feeling the familiar itch of anger that urged him to embrace violence. But he accepted it, he knew now that authority had been reestablished any hopes of him making a move in this game was gone. Back to being another pawn in this grand game of struggle.

"Any targets of note you have as a priority," Nicholas asked, keeping that same grin.

Never too stubborn or too angry to admire a pair of beautiful green eyes~

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