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Realistic or Modern The Cold Case


New Member
Kida Reynolds has always been his police officer uncle's go to for help on tough cases and has aided in solving many with his knowledge and training with guns and police tactics Over a family dinner his uncle offers him yet another case to help on, one that he could only pull off. It's to help track down and bring down a criminal master mind that the government has been after for months and Kida is ecstatic. There is one catch, however...he would have to dress as a rich school girl at the school in which the target appeared to be taking refuge. Along the way, he winds up getting distracted with and falls in love with another student at the school...a young man named Neo. However, what he doesn't realize is that Neo is just the person he was sent to find.

This is a gay rp....otherwise known as yaoi. There can be other romance, but Kida is gay, so girls will not get much out of him.


Kida Reynolds, main character- NoWayInHellSenpai

Neo Thompson, love interest- (OPEN)

Joe Reynolds, uncle- (OPEN)

Mira Reynolds, sister- (OPEN)

Jillian Reynolds, mom- (OPEN)

Grayson Reynolds, dad- (OPEN)

Head Officer Raymond Kurono- (OPEN)

Other, you think of- (OPEN)
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