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Fandom The Clan Of The Mountains (Warriors Roleplay)

A small laugh left Honeyfeather as she walked over to Lightkit and Eaglewing, "Well, Eaglewing. Good morning," she smiled. "It's actually the opposite. Sundown is about to come, you slept like a kit," Honeyfeather purred with amusement. She looked at Lightkit, smiling. "You're gonna be an apprentice soon, aren't you? I can't wait to see you all proud and strong there as one of Cliffclan's new apprentices."

Sandclaw flicked his tail, "Dark. Must I remind you that you will be treated like an outsider here from everyone. I do hope you are able to handle Cliffclan's judging gaze. Also, no slacking off. As Cliffclan's deputy, I must make sure Cliffclan's warriors are ready for anything. Wildheart, you'll keep a good eye on him, hmm?" Sandclaw said, his gaze unwavering.
Wildheart flicked an ear, uncomfortable under the leader's keen gaze. On his own, he probably wouldve responded goofily to Dark's humor, but not in front of Adderstar. He glanced at Sandclaw nervously. “Of course. And I will highly recommend a friendship with Ripplepaw; maybe he can help Dark see how important and difficult it is to prove youre not still an outsider." He said. There was a nagging thought that it would backfire and their clanmates would accuse them of being in cahoots or something, but he dismissed it.

Silversong trotted out of her den, joining the small group of Eaglewing, Honeyfeather, and Ripplepaw. She touched her tail Ripplepaw in greeting and nodded to the other two, and then looked at Lightkit, pirched on Eaglewing's back. “Why, hello Lightkit. How are you today?" She inquired cheerfully.
Lightkit gave a small smile at Honeyfeather and Silversong then jumped down off Eaglewing. "Thank you Honeyfeather. I will do my best." He looks up at Eaglewing. "I won't be sleeping all day either." He looked at Silversong. "I'm doing well."

Eaglewing flicked Lightkit with his tail and nodded to Honeyfeather. "I apologize for sleeping so much. I meant to work on my fighting skills today, but that's just going to have to wait. If I do it again, will you or whoever wake me up?" He smiled, looking at Silversong and Ripplepaw. smiling at them.
Dark tilted his head to the side with that same grin but also knowledge behind the shining icy blue eyes. "I know this completely. I mean no disrespect but you shouldn't take me as a clueless kit. From the moment I set my paw on this territory I braced myself with what was to come. I've lived most of my life alone. Fighting for myself, hunting for myself, caring for myself...I had nothing to loose and nothing to gain. Now I do. I can assure that I will put my best into protecting and serving this clan. My new family. Let them judge and glare. Whisper and insult. Smile and treat me nicely. It won't matter what they to me as long as they are safe....besides." He stretches out then gave his chest a couple of licks. "Words can't hurt me. Now claws on the other hand." The black tom chuckled.

He looked between the three cats that all stood before him. "Ah, I may not seem it but I'm more serious than you think. Of course I have to prove myself but that's with every cat. From the moment we are born we have something to prove to another or ourselves. Slacking isn't my style anyway. If I did then i'm sure I would have died many times over. I still thank you for taking me in. It feels good having cats I can rely on, you know?" Perhaps he should be speaking more...monotone to the leader? 'Respectable.' Maybe not speak at all. She was very intimidating but Dark felt that even the greatest leader needed to be spoke to as a equal. It must be terrible being spoke to the same way over and over again. Then again he grew up on very different terms than this clan. Though despite of this Dark respected Adderstar greatly. He respected all of them greatly. The one way to repay them for what they done was to live up to their standards. That was something the tom was willing to do. My new family.
Wildheart listened to Dark's speech with a doubtful look. He could say all he wanted, but the warrior knew that he had to believe and accept it in his heart. And he would have to show it, or the clan would never accept him. The cat would have to submerge himself in the clan culture and try to blend in, as Ripplepaw had. Wildheart made a mental note to include a lot of work in the elder's den in Dark's training. Their stories would teach him, and their sharp tongues might help to humble him.

Silversong gave an amused meow, twitching her whiskers. “Next time, I will be sure to track you down and drag you put off your nest." She said, then grew serious. “All warriors deserve a day off once in a while." She remarked.
Adderstar nodded. "Good answer loner. Lets hope you speak the truth." The black cat was not afraid to challenge her. Nor was he afraid of the task ahead. Good quilaties of an apprentice. The gray she-cat glanced toward Lightkit and all the others in the nursery. She was confident that her clan would raise a generation of warrior they could be proud of. As the sun set over the highrock, Adderstar decided it was time.

"All cats old enough to climb the mountains gather below the high rock for a clan meeting!"
Mudpaw's ears perked up at Adderstar's announcement and his tail shot up in excitement as he then bounded towards the high rock, his heart racing with excitement. He had gotten distracted during Adderstar's conversation with the loner, Dark, so he wasn't entirely sure what they were planning on doing with him. As Mudpaw skidded to a halt below high rock, he wondered if Dark had been welcomed into the clan and was going to be a new apprentice. Mudpaw hoped so as he always enjoyed having another apprentice to train alongside. He'd been looking for a valuable friend for a while. Perhaps Dark could fill that spot?
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Honeyfeather's ears perked as she looked up to find Adderstar standing proudly on High Rock. She smiled at Lightkit and Eaglewing, then pranced over to the spot where all the cats of CliffClan were gathering. She spotted her brother padding up beside his leader, his chin held high as he looked over the cats he hoped to lead one day.

She glanced at Wildheart who had settled down beside her, and smiled sweetly, scooching a bit closer so their furs brushed against each other. Honeyfeather was oblivious to Wildheart's feelings and only did so because she liked to talk to other cats during meetings...then getting scolded after that. "I can't believe it! Is Dark joining the clan?" she asked in a small whisper, loud enough for the gray tom beside her to hear.
Dark nodded. "I'll just have to prove my trust." He glanced at Wildheart and noted the doubtful look. I'll receive a lot of those. A lot of doubt, mistrust, accusations. I'll probably have to be very careful in my actions. No doubt some would be quick to blame me. Not all...but I can't know for sure. Honeyfeather, Ripplepaw, Silversong...those cats I feel like I can rely on...Maybe Wildheart. There will be others i'm sure. The more I meet the more that will be my friends. The more I can prove myself. His head perked up the moment he heard Adderstar call for the clan. What is this?

Dark glanced at the cats gathering then slowly approached the rock she was on. He stopped and sat down close to the rock, glancing up curiously then noticed most eyes on him. Dark chuckled to himself. This was exciting, nerve wracking. He was joining. That kept on repeating over and over in his head. Blocking out the rest of the cats Dark puffed out his chest with tail curled around his paws and ears perked up. He only listened to Adderstar and kept his eyes on her as he awaited for what she was going to say. He didn't know what it would be, having a small idea, but that didn't matter.

Mudpaw noticed that Adderstar was still waiting on the rest of the clan cats to join the crowd and so he took this moment to look over at Dark...and realized that he was sitting right beside Mudpaw. His heart raced slightly as he knew that Dark was a loner. What had he seen or done as a loner? Curiosity grew in Mudpaw as his whiskers and tail twitched before he whispered to Dark, "Hey, I'm one of the apprentices here. I overheard that you're a loner. Are you joining the clan?" He cocked his head to the side while he waited for Dark's reply. Mudpaw really wanted to make a good, first impression on Dark and figured that he'd have some time before Adderstar spoke to at least somewhat get to know the new cat.
Dark side glanced at the cat who was sitting besides him. He could see the curiousity slowly overwhelm the apprentice. Amusingly he waited for the cat to speak knowing fully well it would Probaly happen. And it did.

"Nice to meet you." He greeted. "I am the loner, my name is Dark. Yes I am joining the clan." His eyes sparkled happily. "So I guess I'll have 'paw' added to my name. Or maybe even changed completly. Hopefully it won't be something like 'lonerpaw' or 'Mousebrainpaw'. How suck would that be? Then again I bet Adserpaw wold be able to come up with way better insulting names." He laughed.
Mudpaw's eye glinted with amusement as he chuckled at Dark's remarks. He then replied, "Yeah, Lonerpaw would be a rather boring name and Mousebrainpaw would be funny, but a bit insulting. Oh, but what if you were named Moonpaw? That would be a cool name. Not that your fur has any relation to the moon, but whenever I think of darkness, I instantly think of the moon in the night sky." Mudpaw paused to look at the sky in this moment and spotted the moon not too long after looking up. He then looked back at Dark and sheepishly said, "Whoops, sorry there. I have a tendency to veer off-topic sometimes." He gave a crooked grin and watched Dark with his one good eye as he waited for his response. Hopefully he didn't weird out the new apprentice...he seemed to have that effect often with the other apprentices....
"Moonpaw eh? That would be interesting. My mother use to comment on how my fur would shine in the moon. " He glanced up too. "The moon is noce, isn't it? It's like the sun of night." He tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. "I like the night. The day is always nice but I always like the night time better. It's always peacefuller, nicer, the sky filled with the moon and her children....At least that is what I was told the glowing dots in the sky were. I've heard many things actually. Mini moons, remaining light if the sun, the souls of cats who have passed. Being out so long I hear many stories. " Dark looked back at Mudpaw. "My favorites are about the clans. The giant, half monster, giant toothed, dangerous, beast of clan cats." The tom smiled. "I love hearing about how the clans eat dogs and other cats every day and live in nests made from bones. Especially that story. That's the best. "
Mudpaw cocked his head at what all Dark had said. While Mudpaw loved to listen to stories, he'd never heard the ones that Dark spoke of. His ears perked forward at the one about the clan cats and he chuckled at the mere idea of them nesting in bones. "Huh, well, for nesting in bones, I've sometimes snuck a small bird or mouse to bed and have slept with those bones if that counts for anything," Mudpaw said with another crooked grin. He then quickly added, "I've also always loved the night more than anything. Mostly 'cause it helps enhance my ability to sneak around. It helps a ton if there's less lighting for cats to see me. Plus, I only have one good eye so when some cat sees my one glowing eye in the dark, they don't think that it's another cat. They usually just assume that it's a trick of the night." He puffed his chest out slightly at this boasting, as Mudpaw had always been proud of his sneaking abilities. Granted, some of the adult cats here could still catch him, but he was still practicing so it was nothing to be concerned with yet.
Adderstar raised her tail, signaling the clan to fall silent. The leader stood proudly on the Highrock, staring down at her clanmates, making sure everyone was there. "You might have noticed a loner is among our ranks this evening. He has shown interest in joining Cliffclan and after a long discussion, I have decided to admit him as an apprentice." She let her clanmates whisper among themselves for a moment. They knew very well her attitude towards outsiders, but even though she wasn't so sure of Dark, she was going to do the best for her clan. "However he is not alone." Adderstar continued. "Lightkit, Dark, please come to the Highrock."
Silversong padded closer the the High Rock and sat next to Ripplepaw, her eyes resting lightly on her leader. As Adderstar announced the decision and her clanmates began to whisper and mutter, she glanced around worriedly. Would the clan reject him even though their leader was accepting him? The medicine cat silently returned her eyes to Adderstar, glancing fondly down at Lightkit. She was always very proud when a kit became an apprentice; every kit felt like one of her own in an odd way.

Ripplepaw took a place next to Silversong, as he always did. He looked over at Dark, who was talking with Mudpaw. The tip of his tail twitched a little, wondering if Mudpaw was the best friend for Dark to have. The brownish apprentice often left camp alone, which was against the rules for any cat, but especially for apprentices. Ripplepaw brushed the thought away, his eyes moving back to Adderstar once more.

Wildheart followed to the gathering clan, and chose to sit in a spot close to the front. He didnt want to have to make a long, embarrassing walk to the front of the group to accept his apprentice. Nervous energy boiled under his pelt, accompanied by a little doubt. His first apprentice would be a challenge all by itself, but a loner? That presented an entirely different challenge as well.
Honeyfeather glanced up, her ears flickering and ready to cheer for Dark–Darkpaw in a few moments now. She was excited and happy that they accepted him. Sure, it was against the Warrior code for one to join without being born into the clan, but CliffClan had so many cats that weren't born in the clan, she is sure that is was quite alright.

Sandclaw's ears perked at the fact that they were apprenticing a kit. He was unaware of it, and usually he, Silversong and Adderstar would go over who'd be best for the kit. Sitting patiently with his tail brushed over his paws, he was curious about who Adderstar would apprentice him too.

Hopefully not Honeyfeather.
"So you DO nest with bones! Oh no, whatever have I gotten myself into. Those old cats were right!" He let out a over exaggerated meow and put a paw to his muzzle. "I don't know if o can do this anymore." He then smiled and laughed. "I'll just have to get use to it." He added playfully. The loner listened to the apprentice boast about his skills. "Impressive. I'm not to bad in the night either. With my fur I blend perfectly in." Dark wad about to say more when Adderstar piped up again. This time she called upon Dark snd a kit.

Highrock. That's what it is called. Dark noted to himself. He got up on all fours then walked towards the rock. His posture didn't waver a bit as he weaved around the cats in his way. Stopping at where he was assumed to be, he glanced up at Adderstar and curiously awaited what was next.
Mudpaw chuckled at Dark's response to his bone-nesting and then grinned as he was about to suggest that they team up and become the sneakiest apprentices in the clan, but was interrupted by Adderstar's announcement. He eagerly watched as Dark climbed High Rock and then joined Adderstar's side. He felt excitement rising in him as he wondered who would be Dark's mentor. What if Adderstar took on another apprentice? Then he and Dark could literally train together! Mudpaw's tail flickered behind him as his ears perked forward and he eagerly awaited the announcement of Dark's apprentice name and who his mentor would be.

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