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Fandom The Clan Of The Mountains (Warriors Roleplay)

Dark nodded as he listened closely, taking it all in. So...that is how they work...it all made sense now. There were still stuff he needed to remember but for the most part he had it fown. It was easy to put together all the stuff he knew and all the stuff he learned. He looked at Wildheart then matched the michevious look. "I think I'll manage...but...ah...whats the difference between Elders and Apprentices again? It's so hard to tell." Dark asked jokingly before looking at Ripplepaw.

"I don't know....I'm sorry. I've met many cats however it was never a long time. I can't recall any she-Cats looking like you." His gaze warmed up. "Let me tell you a secret. I'm sure you were raised by some she-cat here. That should be who you call mother. What I learned that a mother can be any cat as long as she raises and cares for you. " His head perked up then as Honeyfeather came towards him with kits at her heels.

A warmth filled him as he gazed down at the small little kits. "Do they now?" He lowered his head so that they were eye level. "Hello little ones. My name is Dark. You can say I'm an outsider, or loner but I might be an apprentice. I don't know yet. Your leader hasn't agreed because I dint think she trust me yet." His tail twitched playfully. "Your Sandclaw thinks I'm a bad cat... maybe even a threat...but i don't think he has to worry. If I am you guys will surely take me down with one swipe of your scary little paws. I'm shivering in my fur just gazing at such mightly cats infront of me." The black tom glanced up at Honeyfeather with a happy and playful look. "What do you think?"
Mudpaw listened intently and scoffed in amusement at Dark's reply to the kits. A new apprentice? That sounded like a lot of future fun for Mudpaw. He grew bored with the other apprentices and Dark looked to be like a fun playmate. Mudpaw took a few tentative steps forward as he wanted to make sure he heard everything. His tail was erect as his ears perked forward to listen.
As she worked Silversong listened patiently and thoughtfully. “It isnt always easy to say what are omens and what are only dreams or coincidences, you know this." She stated, giving herself a moment to decide what to say. “Starclan has not spoken directly, no prophecies yet. But there are.. flashes. Just impressions and feelings, Im still not sure what to make of it. I don't know what the stars are trying to tell me, they are being incredibly unclear." Frustration had seeped into her tone. She was normally so good at interpreting what she saw, but everything she had seen was just too muddled.

Wildheart merowed softly in laughter, appreciating the humor. His laughter faded when Honeyfeather returned, and the way Dark looked at the beautiful she-cat made the light great warrior twitch his ears in annoyance. As if it wasn't hard enough already..

Ripplepaw shrugged, trying to not show his disappointment. His question game been fueled by a feeling of ophanness, but rather just a desire to know his origins. “It was worth a shot." He said lightly. His whiskers twited in amusement at the interaction with the kits.
Adderstar growled, clawing at the stone in frustration. "Why can't Starclan be clear for once in their lifetimes?!" Maybe they didn't want her as leader? Was that why they were terrorizing her with nightmares, were they trying to tell her she was doing something wrong? Damnit Starclan, I'm trying the best I can! The leader looked towards the sky, pleading with them silently to leave her alone.
The breeze howls over the camp, bouncing off of the peaks and walls surrounding it to create a creepy sound. Most cats would be afraid of that sound, scattering away with their tails fluffed and hackles raised. But us here in CliffClan are used to this sound, as we hear it almost all the time. In fact, it would be odd if we didn't hear it. So we aren't bothered by it.

As I sit next to my nest, absently listening to the wind, I lick my paw and run it over my dusty muzzle. A small gust of wind managed to dip down and get into the camp a minute ago, and whipped a bit of the dust in the center of the camp around. Some of that said dust landed on my pelt. So, to keep from sneezing everywhere, I decided to clean off my face before I leave the camp.

Once finished, I stand and stretch out my front legs, my back and tail twitching. Then I pad out of the camp, aiming to do my part in collecting some meals for the Clan.
Honeyfeather gave a soft laugh as she watched kits growl playfully and bounce into fighting stance.

"Yeah! I'm the mighty Krestelwing and everyone fears me! I am deputy! Like big brother Sandclaw!" he meowed as he playfully moved side-to-side.

Fernkit gave a mrrw of laughter as she watched her brother. She grinned and sat down and acted all elegantly, "I want to be the medicine cat! Everyone looks up to me!" she meowed, trying to act lke Silversong.

"Is that so?" Honeyfeather purred as she watched her younger sister. Fernkit turned around and nodded.

"Mhm! Everyone loves Silversong! I want to be loved too! I want to help the sick and injured as well!" she mewed.

Rosekit and Dewkit sat shyly together and further away from the group of kits. Honeyfeather turned to the two before smiling. "Rosekit, Dewkit don't worry. Dark won't hurt you," she meowed as she nudged the two over next to the longer. Rosekit froze up before looking down.

Silversong stretched to press her nose to Adderstar's cheek. "Sometimes even Starclan doesnt know exactly what it coming, sometimes even they cannot see. Perhaps they're just trying to warn us as best they can, with the little they can sense." She suggested, trying to calm her leader's nerves. "They would not have given you your lives if they didnt approve of you as leader." She added, then returned to picking the herbs. "For now, we wait for the signs to become more clear. And we keep our warriors in good condition, and our apprentices well trained." She bundled the picked herbs in a large leaf, then did the same to the herbs Adderstar had picked. "That should be enough for now." She meowed, picking up one of the bundles and nodding for Adderstar to lead the way back to camp.
Adderstar sighed and sheathed her claws. "Thank you Silversong...you're right...there's no use worrying over something if we're going to do nothing about it." The leader picked up the other bundle and the two she-cats padded their way back to camp. She needed to calm down, before she ended up doing something she'd regret. The gray she cat had lost her temper before, her anger became a monster when it was left unchecked.
Dark laughed as he watched the kits. "You are very mightly, Kestrelwing." He paid no attention to the displeased warrior beside him, only focusing happily on Honeyfeather and the little ones. What interesting names they had. Obviously the kits name was not Kestrelwing for he heard 'kit' earlier. The naming system was always confusing but Dark likes it. Even if he didn't fully understand it yet.

"If you work towards it and do your best, I bet you'll be a wonderful medicine cat. You shall be very loved, I already like you." The black tom looked at the shy kits. "Hello, as she said already my name is Dark." He greeted. His head perked up then as he felt the gaze of cats on him. "Maybe we should look for Adderstar. Or intoduce me for your fellow clan mates. I don't think they are happy about a strange cat being here and around the small, I mean ferocious ones. They are Probaly worried I'll get hurt " His eyes sparkled in playfulness but there was a small nervous tick shown with his tail.

He was here. In the clan. The once mystery and dream that he yearned for and now he was here. Maybe for only a few moments or perhaps pernament. Personally he would be OK if they made him leave. It would suck but he was in where he wanted to be. Mainly he wanted to stay. He already loved it here. The kits, the friendliness of Honeyfeather and the somewhat kindness of Wildheart and Ripplepaw. Even though the others obviously didn't like him here he had a feeling that this place is somewhere he was meant to be.
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I pick my way along the ledge leading to one of my favorite hunting spots. I have to concentrate to plant my paws firmly as I walk, for I never know when the wind could pick up and grab at me. My paws also feel pretty chilly, so doing that is a way to make sure I can still feel them and that I am putting my paws where they need to be.

I reach my spot quickly, for the walk is a normal one by now. A crevice in the mountainside suddenly pops up, and I turn off of the now wider trail and into the crevice. The opening is tight, but big enough for me to squeeze through. That is a plus about being a smaller cat; I can squeeze through smaller places. On the other side of the opening, I find myself in a small shallow in the rock. It is maybe only thirty tails deeps, and about twenty wide. It is surrounded by tall walls and peaks, shielding it from the wind. I look up towards to gray sky above, my ears and whiskers twitching as I begin to warm up from the absence of wind. It continues to howl above, but none of it can reach the floor of this hollow. That is evident by dirt that surrounds the edges of the clearing. Small, shriveled plants huddle on the dirt, dead now since the weather is colder. I pay no heed to them as I crouch and take quiet steps across the clearing. I focus ahead as I tread slowly, my eyes locked on the area behind a dead bush where I know a den for rodents is hidden. This is the perfect time for them to start coming out.

Once I am about five tail lengths away, I stop and settle. My ears twitch and my eyes grow wider as I hear faint screeches inside. The mice might know I am out here, so they are probably waiting for me to leave before they come out. But, after moons of hunting here, I have come to learn that the mice will think you have left if you stay still long enough. They will then venture out. So I stay still, carefully laying my tail on the rock and not letting any part of me move even a claw length.

I seem to sit there for a good while, just staring at the bush. It becomes so boring that I almost begin to daze off, looking at the bush but not really seeing it. Because of this, I almost don't see the flash of movement as a mouse begins to venture out. My eyes pick it up after a moment, though, and flick to it. That is all the movement I make as I wait for it to venture all the way out, which takes a little while. It sniffs along, looking for bugs to nibble on and scents to be weary of. Eventually, the head pops out between two branches on the side of the bush, the body following a moment later. While the mouse was coming closer, I tensed my muscles to spring. I know I have to make this quick, because I have no cover and the mouse will notice me quickly. So, as soon as the mouse is far enough out, I take a deep breath and spring. The mouse notices me as my shadow falls over it, and it let's out a screech, but it is too late. My paws break it's back, which causes a louder screech to be wrenched from its jaws. Then I quickly lean down and bite through its neck, killing it instantly as blood sqirts into my mouth.

With the mouse dangling from my jaws, I stalk to the entrance of the clearing. I wish I could kill more than just one mouse from this clearing, for they are usually more plump due to the plants nearby that attract bugs. But they are slowly learning about my tactics, so I can only come here and leave with one mouse every few days. The amount of times I can come here has shrunk as I have grown older, and I am afraid that I soon will have to wait a moon or more between each visit. Or just not come at all. But, for now, I will be happy to come here when I can.

I would take the mouse with me, but I plan to do some more hunting. So, once I am next to the entrance, I dig a divot in the dirt. Once I have dropped and covered the mouse, I shove my way out of the clearing and make my way to more hunting.
Silversong padded alongside her leader, unable to speak because of the bundle in her jaws. To comfort and calm her leader, she let her fur brush against her side. The two walked with matching pawsteps, side by side. Silversong had a fondness for Adderstar that was unmatched; she could only describe it as the feeling she often saw passing between littermates. Having no littermates, she wasnt sure if thats what it really was, but that was the closest likeness she could think of.

Wildheart glanced around the camp, but didnt catch sight of the leader. “Adderstar is probably still out with Silversong. Herb collecting I think." He said, eyes settling back on Dark. “She will have her decision, if youre staying youll be introduced at the ceremony." He stated, giving his ruffled chest a few quick licks.
Adderstar matched pawsteps with Silversong, happy for her company and her loyalty. She was by far the cat she trusted most, she was like a sister she'd never had. The only cat would could rival Silversong would be Moonpaw...but he was long gone. As they walked in silence, Adderstar thought of her clanmate, his white coat against the snowdrifts, his soft blue eyes. A piece of her heart longed for him to be there alongside the two she-cats, meowing non-stop like he used to do. The leader's eyes hardened again. She wasn't going to think about him again. Her clan was all that mattered, not some dead cat the she used to know. The gray she-cat needed to work harder for them, not wallow over Moonpaw's death moons after he was buried. Adderstar increased her stride, determined to get back to her home.
I plod back to the crevice in the rocks a while later, a crow dragging along between my front feet. The bird was difficult to catch, and it almost got away. But I somehow managed to drag it down with my weight and kill it before it could lift off all the way. That's success in my book.

Because of the bird, I have to walk backwards down the crevice. Once through, I drop the bird and walk to my covered mouse- and stop short.

The area where my mouse was supposed to be is scratched up, the rock floor uncovered and the mouse gone. My hackles rise as I slowly walk up to the spot, my blue eyes narrowed and my nerves on edge. I sniff around the spot when I reach it, which causes a low growl to rumble in my thin chest. The scent of the mouse is clearly there, but it is doused in the scent of..a cat. A cat that I don't know, to be exact. I look at the spot a moment longer, then lift my head and glare around the clearing. There obviously isn't another cat in here, but that doesn't mean it is actually gone.

I quickly turn around and grab my bird, then back out of the crevice. Then I start to walk back to camp, my mind paranoid and suspicious. It is probably nothing, maybe just a cat passing through. But the though of another cat finding buried freshkill and taking it is..bizarre. I try to shove the thought to the back of my mind as I shuffle along.

As I get close to the camp, I stumble upon my brothers, Puddlestep and Boulderfur. I quicken my pace and drop my crow once I am close enough to my larger brothers.

"Hey, Boulderfur, Puddlestep!" I call out to them. They stop and look over their shoulders at me, then turn all the way and trot up to me. Both friendliness and curiosity sparkle in their eyes as they drop their kills in front of me.

"Yeah, Hollyflower?" Boulderfur asks. He is a large, dark gray tom with a silver chest, amber eyes, and a deep voice. But he is always calm and nice. Puddlestep, a slightly smaller brown tabby tom with dark brown socks and green eyes, stops next to him.

"Have you seen a new cat around?" I ask as I look up between them.

My brothers share a quick glance, then shake their heads.

"Why do you ask?" Puddlestep inquires.

I give a short sigh, then reply with, "While out hunting, I buried a mouse in my clearing so I could come back and get it later. But when I came back to get it a minute ago, it was gone. Dug up and taken. And there was a scent of a different cat on it." I look between them again, and ask, "Do you guys have any idea who it could be?"

"It could be that black tom that always hangs around," Puddlestep suggests after a pause. "He could have found it and taken it."

I shake my head almost immediately. "It couldn't have been him. For one, from what I've seen, he is too large to get through the opening. And for second, I have a pretty good idea of what his scent smells like. I probably would have recognized it. This did not smell like a cat that I have scented before." After I'm done talking, I look away and glare over the edge of the cliff a few tail lengths away. I look like I am glaring down at the valley, mad at it. But really I am just thinking.

I look back up when I feel something touch my shoulder, and I find Boulderfur retracting his tail. He gives me a calm look that he shares with Puddlestep, then he says, "You are always a suspicious and curious cat, Hollyflower. And you sometimes over think things. This is probably one of those cases. I am sure that it was nothing, maybe just a cat that is traveling through the mountains and smelled freshkill." Boulderfur picks up his sparrow, nods behind him, and mumbles around the bird, "Let's get back to camp."

Puddlestep picks up his two mice and follows his littermate a moment later. I scowl at their backs, for my brother's remark kind of burned me. Then, after throwing one more glance behind me, I bite into my bird and trudge after them. When we get back to camp a while later, we deposit our catches on the freshkill pile. Before walking away, I pick up the smaller of Puddlestep's two mice, then walk back over to my nest. As I sit and eat the mouse, I think about my mouse that was taken. It angers me that a cat has that much disregard for another cat, so much that they I'll just take another cat's prey once their back is turned. I also wonder about what this cat looks like, and how I didn't seem them. A lot of thoughts run through my head as I munch away on the mouse, including the thought of how small that cat had to have been, how sneaky they are, and how obvious it is that my own two brothers don't believe me. I know that last part is pretty dumb to be worried over, but, come on. They made it seem like I was just a young kit looking for attention, and that makes me mad.

Maybe they were right, though. The cat could just be a loner passing through, who found out about an easy meal and took it. They would have to be very inquisitive to do so, but it's not impossible. Whatever caused it, I hope they leave and never do it again. Because this is bothering me a lot.

Once finished with my mouse, I clean the blood from my meal and catches off my mouth. Then I sit down and give my whole body a cleaning as I wait for something to do.
Honeyfeather smiled, "Yeah! I do hope you join, it would be amazing to have you in the clan!" she grinned as she watched the kits run around Dark's paws. Her ear flickered when she sensed her brother coming near.

"Honeyfeather, what are you doing?" Sandclaw's voice sounded from behind her. He gave a grunt when his younger siblings cheered and started to surround him, jumping onto him and his tail. Honeyfeather laughed.

"Nothing. Just hanging with Wildheart and Dark, of course." she smiled. Sandclaw shot a look at the two toms, warning them to back off from his sister like the overprotective brother he was. Honeyfeather managed to ignore the look and play with the kits, acting like a victim for the 'all mighty Cliffclan'.
Dark tilted his head to the side and let out a confused meow. "The ceremony?" This clan was becoming all the more interesting but complicated by the second. Ceremonies....How this clan worked was impressive. So neat and orderly, so planned and thought out. This place was truly more amazing then he could ever imagine.

He blinked as Honeyfeather said what she did. As that moment a new kind of warmth washed over him as he gazed upon the cheerful she-cat. Dark flashed his own cat smile back with warm eyes. "I hope I do too." He replied softly. This she-cat...Honeyfeather. She was a really outgoing cat, and he just met her. He hoped they could become close friends....perhaps even closer..

Dark perked up as he heard the unhappy call of Sandclaw. Isn't he the unfriendly one. He chuckled silently to himself as Sandclaw glared at him and Wildheart. Dark couldn't help but to only give a friendly look back but more of a tease. Almost a taunt. Not to create any conflict but Dark couldn't help but to be his playful teasing self. "Hello...Sandclaw? That is your name right?" He asked innocently, laughing also at the kits and Honeyfeather. "Wildheart and Honeyfeather are just pointing out things for me....if I stay. I hope I do. Between you and your sister, and even Wildheart then Ripplepaw and all the other cats I met, I almost already feel like I'm apart of the clan. Between your kindness and welcoming." He added in with a playful tone.
Silversong kept pace, feeling a faint wave of relief when the camp came into sight. She always felt that way when she came home. Trotting quickly into camp, she caught sight of Dark in a tight group of kits and warriors. Silversong nudged Adderstar and dropped het bundle for a moment. “I can get both from here, you should start preparing them." She said, nodding to Wildheart and Dark.

Ripplepaw spoke up at Dark's question. "Apprentice ceremony, where the start of your training is announced and you get named and a mentor." He chirped cheerfully, tail swishing excitedly. He couldn't wait to attend his first as a fellow apprentice.

Wildheart dropped his gaze respectfully at Sandclaw's glare, mindful of the deputy's anger. He glanced at Dark, and in the back of his mind it was suggested he bow out gracefully now. He couldnt compete with the novelty of the loner or the extra disapproval it would earn from Sandclaw.
Adderstar nodded, shaking dark thoughts from her mind. "Thank you Silversong." The leader bowed her head in respect towards the medicine cat and padded off. She had duties to attend to, Mudpaw, for one. But first, she had to break the news to Wildheart that he would be receiving an apprentice. "Wildheart, Dark." The gray she cat beckoned her clanmates over with her tail, the warmth from her eyes long gone. "I have important news to disclose to you."
Silversong nodded, and then tucked the extra bundle under her chin. Even with a bundle of herbs held tightly against her chest, the she-cat moved easily. Inside her dark, cool den, she tucked the herbs away, withdrawing a few leaves to give now. After checking the warrior's chest, she left a few leaves for him and lapped up some herself, just in case. The medicine cat emerged not lone after, tail high and ears pricked.

Wildheart's head snapped to the side as he caught Adderstar's scent. When she beckoned, he followed instantly, a sudden nervousness welling up in his chest. What did he have to do with the loner? Other than he had been the one to suggest they track him down in the first place. The light gray cat twitched his tail as he sat in front of his leader, waiting for her to speak.
Curiously, Honeyfeather followed Sandclaw after shooing the kits back to their dens. Sandclaw walked up beside Adderstar, glaring down at Dark. Honeyfeather smiled at the loner, "What's going on?"

Sandclaw turned around quickly, his eyes narrowed, "Honeyfeather, it's disrespectful to butt in when the leader's talking." He hissed, flicking her nose with his tail. Honeyfeather blinked then rolled her eyes before stalking away.

"Alright then, deputy," she sneered playfully before chuckling and bouncing over to the apprentices.
Dark's ears perked up when he heard his name called. He glanced at Wildheart as he wondered why this cat would be called up too. At first a small prick of nervousness told him that it was to get rid of him. Dark sneered silently at this thought. Before meeting them maybe he would believe them. But now. That did not seem like them.

Dark walked over to the leader of the clan with a straight and calm posture. As he nested Adderstar the black tom dipped his head respectivly. Out of all the cats, Silvers ong and Adderstar were the ones he sensed to treat respectively. The clan leaders eyes bore into him with those cold eyes. "Yes?" He then asked in a curious light tone.

His eyes lightened up with Amusment as he glanced at Honeyfeather and Sandclaw, listening to their bickering. Dark remained silent and waited for Adderstar to say what she had to say however Honeyfeathers cheerfulness sent a warmth through him. A playful, amused, happy warmth. It was almost like watching a kit with her. He was rather kit-ish himself too though. Dark's quickly turned his full attention towards Adderstar once again.
Adderstar stared into Dark's blue eyes, unwavering. She seemed unaffected by Sandclaw and Honeyfeather's bickering. She nodded slightly when the loner bowed his head, pleased he adapted so quickly to custom. "Dark, we have decided you shall stay. If you choose to accept Cliffclan's ways, then you shall become an apprentice along with several others tonight. If not, you must depart our territory by moonhigh." The leader looked to Wildheart. "If Dark accepts his place in the clan, then you shall become his mentor. Are you prepared for that?"
Wildheart flicked his ears, unsure of why she had called him over when Dark would be staying. Maybe to escort him if he didnt accept..?

The warrior was not expecting what his leader said next. His ears shot forward in surprise. He quickly gave his ruffled chest a few licks, making the fur lay down. “I will do my best to make him into a good warrior." He stated formally, dipping his head.
Dark's eyes lite up at that very second and he gave a huge cat smile. "How could I deny that? Adderstar. I would be honored to join your clan." He spoke almost shakengly with happiness. Apprentice huh? That was an exciting but amusing thought. His new mentor wasn't that much bigger than Dark....paw was. Paw right? That's whet the apprentices were called? Darkpaw. The name echoed in his mind and filled him with happiness. A family. I have a family now. Ah. But not yet. Until she does that...ceramic thing I am still Dark. Soon though. Soon.

Dark dipped his head in gratitude qith his fur ruffled in excitment. I feel like a kit again. Hah. i'm Probaly acting no better. He thought amusingly to himself. The nervous caution that the black tom felt vanished in the instant as he raised his head back up with a determined joyed look. Dark turned his head towards Wildheart and gave his to-be mentor. "I look forward to follow in your pawsteps, oh great and wise Wildheart. " Dark bowed also to the warrior but this time it was filled with mischief and playfulness.
Adderstar looked to the loner, her amber eyes glaring sharply at the tom."Take yourself seriously, Dark. Many cats will still think of you as a loner, even after you earn your apprentice name." The gray cat looked to Sandpaw. When he had first been found as a kit, there were several cats that had not trusted him, even though he couldn't have been but a few moons old. She knew the apprentice worked hard to prove himself, and she hoped Dark had the sense to follow in his paw-steps.

"You'll have to work hard, harder than most apprentices. You must be willing to shed your old identity, and devote yourself to the well-being of the clan. Are you willing to do so?"
Lightkit padded out of the nursery and glanced at Adderstar, Wildheart, and the soon to be apprebtice, Dark. I can't wait for my ceremony. I want to prove my worth to Cliffcan. He notices his brother sleeping just outside of the warriors den and ran over, jumping on the dark tabby to wake him up.

Eaglewing let out a grunt when his furball of a brother jumped onto him. Yawning, he stood up with Lightkit still on his back. "Good morning to you too." The tom said, knowing well enough that it wasn't morning. He smoothly walks towards the group of cats, Lightkit refusing to get off.

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