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Fandom The Clairvoyants - Character Creation


Junior Member
Title: (This isn't necessarily a title they have in-universe, but instead a quick identification to separate your character from other characters.)
Clairvoyant Status: (Yes or no)
Skills: (Choose three)
Brief History: (I'd prefer that this section remain brief. It's exciting to learn more about characters as the roleplay progresses, so we don't want to know literally everything about a character before the roleplay even starts.)

I'd like for people claiming a canon character(s) to fill out a character sheet as well. That way we can know if they're a Clairvoyant and what the roleplayer's interpretation of the character's personality is.
Name: Fennorian Ravenwatch
Age: Unknown, definitely over 1000 years though.
Gender: Male
Race: Altmer Vampire (Noxophilic Sanguivoria)
Title: The Vampire Scholar
Clairvoyant Status: I'm going to say yes for this, but he wasn't aware of it until very recently.
Personality: Fenn is sweet and kind, albeit a bit nervous. He is studious and not much of a fighter, but don't let this fool you. He is still a vampire, and can be quite powerful. He can and will go from being a nervous wreck to sassy all in the same sentence. He is seen as both proper and improper, Depending on who you ask or what he's doing.
Skills: (outside of the clairvoyance right?) He is skilled in alchemy and research, and knows a few magic spells in restoration and a sleep spell, maybe more. Magic isnt his forte. He also is a vampire so he has some vampire abilities, but I wouldn't call those skills.
Brief History: A lot of Fenn's history is unknown. What is known is that he's somehow related to Count Verandis (One of the first vampires created by molag bal) and that he investigated a vampire/werewolf/witch coven conspiracy in Western Skyrim, and helped save it from the Grayhost and their Harrowstorms. He also got captured and tortured by the Grayhost for it. Won't spoil much more of that for those who haven't played Greymoor, not until we get in rp. :) Also more information might be added, since the Markarth DLC is coming out soon.
Other: Vampire skills:
Elusive mist: allows him to Dissolve into a dark mist, reducing his damage taken by 75% and granting him Major Expedition, increasing his Movement Speed by 30% for as long as he maintains the channel. Entering this form removes and grants immunity to all disabling and immobilization effects, but he cannot be healed and his Magicka Recovery is disabled.
Enhanced Senses/Strength
Noxophilic Sanguivoria (Strain of vampirism): Allows him to walk in the sunlight without being weakened. Instead, he just gets stronger at night.
Notable Items:
Restoration Staff (Average)
Refilling Flask (of blood)
Portable Alchemy kit
Name: Ellowin
Age: 70 (still quite young for an elf)
Gender: Female
Race: Bosmer
Title: The Shadow
Clairvoyant Status: Yes
Personality: Ellowin tends to keep to herself and prefers the solace of the forest to the noisy, smelly bustling of human holdings and cities. She has a serious and silent disposition towards strangers and typically only interacts with others for business purposes. However, while on a mission or in battle she tends to relax more and speaks mostly in witty or sarcastic jokes and jabs. She gets agitated and withdrawn in highly public places and struggles with a frigid bloodlust in the presence of authoritative members of the Aldmeri Dominion.

Appearance: see here

Skills: Ellowin is a master thief and assassin with advanced skills in stealth, archery, and alchemy. By nature of her race and culture she also has an affinity for nature and animals.
Brief History: Having fled from Valenwood after her empire-sympathizing family was slaughtered by the Aldmeri Dominion, Ellowin crossed the border into Skyrim to start a life as a lonely wanderer who still values life in harmony with nature. She has a longstanding connection with the thieves guild for more out of the way contracts (bandit dens, ancient temples, etc) and her name runs in private circles as a contract killer that specializes in the sabotage of the Aldmeri and those who defile the land for profit or power. Her clairvoyance maker her exceptional in her line of work as she always knows exactly where to find her target. She has no home base, preferring to live and wander throughout the expansive woodlands, but her clairvoyance allows her to go where she is needed.

Other: She is often cloaked to hide her appearance, though she is confident she has never been spotted in the act of stealing or killing. Her main weapon is an elven refined moonstone bow with a frost enchantment that freezes her enemies for a short time, but she will switch to a dragonbone dagger if she must fight or kill at close quarters.
Name: Firae Arden
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Nord
Title: Drunken Bard
Clairvoyant Status: Yes

You can say she's abit vain and quirky. She tends to get herself caught in the worst situations due to her own stupidity. She's obsessed with mead, wine and ale and any other alcoholic drink in skyrim and can easily be distracted at the thought or sight of anything alcoholic. She generally has a sense of humor and wit and likes to quabble on about nonsense that most people tend to drown out due to getting annoyed quickly by her antics. She tends to wing it and simply run into situations head on, generally not having thought out anything beforehand.


Musical Talent - Firae has a beautiful singing voice and is skilled at playing the lute. She is also skilled at playing other instruments. She loves to sing ballads of her own adventures from time to time. She makes a great musician and a great bard, although many tend to find their annoyances and problems with bards due to some having bad reputations, many of her songs recently detail the adventures of the dragonborn, created from the known events that had happened up to around a year ago, this combined with her own twists and storytelling have made those stories quite popular due to how recently the dragonborn had disappeared. She's also quite good at making up songs on the spot, and claims she can tame the scariest of monsters with her voice.

Amateur Pickpocket -Firae is abit of a thief, sometimes she's successful, other times she tends to get caught. She's got a very inconsistent track record ranging from very impressive thieving accomplishments to horrendous fails, generally not very much in between. One might say she's either incredibly lucky or incredibly unlucky, sometimes she tends to be successful in the worst possible moment and unsuccessful when it really matters. She likes to refer to herself as more of a treasure hunter but her bad reputation with guards says otherwise.

Mage - Firae is abit of a mage. She is an adept when it comes to destruction magic and knows some destruction spells. She tends to rely heavily on simply burning everything with flames and other fire spells, although she can use frost or shock destruction spells. She's generally not too diverse when it comes to her array of magic, although she possesses quite natural talent that could be further delved into if she could actually be smart enough to try bothering with learning more.

Brief History:

So you want to know about Firae, eh? Well she did graduate in the bards college at Solitude. She's probably cheated far too many people and stolen some things she shouldn't have. Some might even be trying to capture her and her clairvoyance, perhaps I sense some dark history. well it's better to think she's just a harmless bard with no connection to anyone.

Clairvoyent Character Sheet

Name: Decimus Flavius Axillus

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Predominantly Imperial (Half-Breton)

Title: The Chainbreaker

Allegiances: Dawnguard, Imperial Legion (formerly/declared dead), Thieves Guild (formerly)

Clairvoyant Status:

Personality: Decimus is not the kind of person to wear his heart upon his sleeve. His upbringing has taught to be reticent, patient, and to act with guile at times to get what he wants. He has done things he is not proud of and struggles against the lure of old haunts and habits. While he can hardly be called dedicated, he is not without a strong-will and his own sense of what loyalty means. And though he can put on an act with relative ease, his time in the legion has him favoring direct honesty more and more as he ages.

Skills: Lockpicking, One Handed, Archery

Brief History:

His mother was a whore. His father fought and lost his hand in the Great War. The truest family he had ever known was made in the shadows of Bravil's alleyways and tavern houses. He was born with a gift, they claimed. A delicate touch and sleight of hand that could bypass any locked door, rusted cage, or guardsman's chains. But when the city burned in drug-fueled riots, and the guild became scattered and broken, there was naught to go but northward, where he found new purpose with an imperial sword in his hand. After completing training under the tutelage of Captain Aldis, he participated in keeping peace in the Reach for many years. But it was not to last. When his unit was captured in a skirmish with the Stormcloak forces, necessity once more saw Decimus turning to his old tricks in order to survive. The Stormcloaks were quick to respond, however, and thus began a deadly game of predator and prey across the plains of Whiterun.

Whether the Stormcloaks caught their prey or the Legion prisoners (Decimus included) attempted to ambush their pursuers remains to this day a mystery and the source of much idle speculation among the mead-sodden patrons of the Bannered Mare. What is known though is that the pale, broken bodies of both sides were found not even a stone's throw from the town's stables. Puddles of dried blood stained the cobblestone and grass as though some frenzied battle had taken place, yet the guards on duty that night swore they heard nothing. Priests of Arkay were called into examine the scene and to give the departed dead their last rites, but could find no wounds. The mystery remained, but both sides were eventually notified by Jarl Balgruuf the Greater and their members declared legally deceased.

Current Inventory:

  • Physicalities of Werewolves x 1
  • Immortal Blood x 1
  • Crossbow Bolts x 20
  • Vampire Ashes x 4
  • Septims x 1200
  • Fire-Enchanted Crossbow x 1
  • Lockpicks x 10
  • Torch x 2
  • Garlic, Cheese, Bread, Venison Chop, Green Apple - 3 days rations
  • Silver Sword


  • Horse: Aethan (Slain)
  • Former Cyrodiil Jailbreaker- Possibly related to Cynric Endell of Skyrim's Thieves Guild.
  • Suffers from Insomnia
  • Dislikes the cults of Boethia, Molag Bal, and the Mythic Dawn
  • Dislikes Thalmor, Lycanthropes, Vampires, Stormcloaks, and Forsworn
  • Presumed dead or AWOL from the Imperial Legion
  • Due to the prejudice against mages or those with magic talent in Skyrim, he has tried to suppress the magic heritage he inherited from his mother
  • Born under the sign of the Tower
Name: Aela

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Race: Nord

Title: The Fallen Huntress

Clairvoyant Status: Yes

Personality: Aela is exactly what one would expect of a lycanthropy-possessed Hircine worshipper. Cold, calculated, ruthless and cunning. She acts in life as she does in the hunt, with a measured ferocity and a warrior's comradery. Yet these traits only simmer upon the surface of a lost soul. Grief, shame and vengeance plague the Huntress' mind, and her former demeanour has begun to slip since the loss of her former life's purpose.


Expert Archer - Aela has wielded the bow from the day she could walk on two legs, her moniker is no empty claim; The Huntress stalks her prey, in more ways than one. Her arrows have been the doom of many, from giants, to deer, to the twilight of man. A wolf's senses are attuned to the hunt with unwavering focus, she turns these senses to use always. With or without claws, never is Aela anything but the perfect disciple Hircine demands.

Stealth - The second staple of a master hunter is the ability to seize a prey by the teeth unseen. Aela's capacity for stealth comes from within, she is without training or technique, ruled entirely by Hircine's will. But the will of the hunt is more powerful than any light-of-foot a thief or assassin could boast--at least the Huntress would claim as much.

One-handed blademaster - When stealth fails, and the lion claws back through the pounce of the wolf, one must bare fang and tooth, bringing claws to light in a flash of steel. Aela's skill with a blade is second to her bow, but no less deadly. She operates with a swiftness and brutality that seemingly contradict one another.

Brief History:
When one is stripped of every sense of self: their soul, their will, their very sense of identity. Is it possible to rediscover the waning flame? Or must a new self be forged from the ashes of the past?

Hunting Bow - Handmade, not particularly powerful, a simple design. The hunter makes the kill, not the bow.
Ancient Nord Armour - Powerful, if dated, heavy armour worn by the great nord warriors of old.
Skjor's Skyforge Steel Sword - A relic of the past. Each kill honours the now glorious fallen.
Skyforge Steel Dagger - A blade in the dark to take life unseen.
Aela's Shield - An heirloom of Aela's family, passed down through the Companions for hundreds of years. Now blanketed and covered, unused in battle out of a sense of unworthiness and shame.

Embroiled in a game of cat-and-mouse with the Silver Hand. Both as the hunter and the hunted.
Openly--and proudly--worships the Daedric Prince Hircine.
Is surprisingly tolerant of the Dawnguard, despite their propensity to kill (but not hunt) lycanthropes.
As far as mastery over her wolf form goes, Aela once boasted complete and total control. Until a close friend's death and her failure to avenge him. Now her moon dreams are a black haze of red death.
Name: Verena Dunstan

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Nord

Title: The Wanderer

Clairvoyant: Yes

Personality: Logician INTP-T (intuitive, introverted, curious, thinking instead of feeling, prospecting and turbulent); Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (Learns through movement and experimentation, enjoys sports and activities that require physical exertion and mastery); Melancholic temperament (A melancholic personality leads to self-reliant individuals who are thoughtful and reserved. They often strive for perfection within themselves and their surroundings, which leads to tidy and detail-oriented behaviour)

Appearance: Athletic build, fair skin with battle scars, face paint when preparing for battle, short ginger hair, hazel eyes but the right one is slightly cloudy

Skyrim Verena.jpg

Skills: Excellent skills in the Destreza fighting techniques with a one-handed sabre, buckler and parrying dagger. Primarily uses medium leather armor that offers both mobility and protection. Uses improvisation and dirty tricks to confuse her enemies during battle. As a Nord, she has an inborn resistance to Skyrim’s harsh weather conditions.

Brief History: Verena grows up like a regular kid at a small cottage near Riften, taking care of the land and animals and hunting in the woods. Somehow, she subconsciously always knew where to find the nearest game or find her way back when she was lost. Verena never told anyone of these strange occurrences though, mostly because she didn’t understand them herself.

As former adventurers, her parents taught her all she needed to know about surviving in the wilderness, filling her head with tales of mighty beasts, legendary heroes, deceitful Deadra, hidden caverns and ruins filled with danger but also riches beyond imagining. By the time she was a young maiden, she was already dreaming of taking after her parents and making a name for herself.

At the age of 18, Verena received their blessing, along with her first real weapons and armor. Over the years, she honed her skills, becoming a lone mercenary for hire and never settling in one place for long. Verena accepted all kinds of jobs from all kinds of people and thus never understood the hatred of her fellow Nords towards other races.

During one of her quests to retrieve a long-lost family heirloom, just as she was reaching for her prize, she met the cowardly mage, Tal’eth. It appeared that they were both after the same object, yet for very different reasons. Those reasons sparked a heated argument over who should leave with the pendant, during which the true dangers of the tomb became apparent – a Draugr Deahtlord and his minions barreled down on them, forcing them to cooperate in order to survive. They’ve been travelling together ever since, both unaware of the other’s Clairvoyant gift.

Other: Verena has never left Skyrim, claiming that there´s plenty for her to do here, although she dreams of travelling beyond the borders of her homeland. She is born under the sign of the Warrior.
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Name: Tal’eth

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race: Breton

Title: The Outsider

Clairvoyant Status: Yes

Aloof, Inquisitive, Calculating, Sarcastic, Reserved, Believes she is superior

Slim build, of fair complexion, with heterochromic eyes (right one blue, left one green), and hair dyed dark red

Illusion (Invisibility, Frenzy, possibly the Quiet Casting perk?)
Conjuration (Bound Dagger, Bound Bow, and Flaming Familiar, maybe?)

Destruction (Flame Cloak, Fire Rune, perhaps Wall of Flames?)

Brief History: As a young girl, Tal’eth showed a great affinity for magic, and was sent to the College of Winterhold by her parents. There, she began her education in the magic arts with the School of Destruction, but always felt that her teachers held her back. Ever thirsting for more knowledge, she soon learned that great magical artifacts and secrets lie buried in the many ancient ruins of Skyrim, and when she looked deep inside, she somehow always knew where to look for them. It wasn’t long before her curiosity got the better of her.

On her first attempt to delve into one such forgotten place, she quickly learned that Destruction in itself wasn’t enough to push back the tomb’s guardians – the Draugr. Barely making it out with her life, she made a vow – If she couldn’t defeat them, she would outsmart them. And thus, she dabbled in the intricate art of Illusion and Conjuration, making sure she always had a trick or two up her sleeve.

During one of her successful forays, just as she was reaching for her prize, a long lost enchanted pendant, she met the uncivilized mercenary, Verena. It appeared that they we both after the same object, yet for very different reasons. Those reasons sparked a heated argument over who should leave with the pendant, during which the true dangers of the tomb became apparent – a Draugr Deahtlord and his minions barreled down on them, forcing them to cooperate in order to survive. They’ve been travelling together ever since.

Other: She was born under the Sing of the Serpent (can paralyze an enemy once per day)
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Name: Maroluna Shalnact
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Cisgender Female
Race: Suthay Khajiit
Title: Moonface, infamous thief.
Clairvoyant Status: (I’m still deciding to be honest.)
Okay, so she just has a very specific face, but is otherwise pretty unassuming. She is a Suthay Khajiit, small and lithe with digitigrade legs. She stands at 5’3 and weighs in at about 112 lbs.


She is a pretty typical tabby pattern to her fur, you know, dark brown with black stripes. However she is rather strange in the face, because she has a rather large, creamy white patch right on her face that overlaps a good quarter of the left side with a big white spot. And seeming as a consequence of that, that left eyes is actually blue, whereas the right eye is green. The stark contrast of her dark fur with this white spot has earned her the name “Moonface”, because people having likened it to “a waning moon in the night sky”.
  • Stealth
  • Lockpicking
  • Alchemy
Brief History:
Raised by Dunmer in the old city of Windhelm, Maroluna lived her life constantly being kicked by the Stormcloak’s fancy fur boots. She has no love for the Stormcloaks, lets put it that way.

Her mother and father lived in the Grey Quarter where her mother had a run-down alchemist’s shop, one of the very few that would actively serve the Dark Elf community of Windhelm.

While Maroluna was studying the concoctions that her mother was making in the alchemy lab during the day, the young Khajiit was honing a much different skill at night... Thieving.

Oh, she just couldn’t help it! Breaking into the homes of those smelly Nords and swiping their jewels and precious treasures was just so gooooood. And if it taught them a lesson at the same time, why not?! Serves them right for being stuck-up, no-good shit-heads!

When she found out that her parents were struggling for money, she decided to give her hoarded treasures to them to sell, so they could keep the alchemy shop! It seemed like the noble thing to do, right? That shop healed and helped the Dunmer in the Grey Quarter when nobody else would!

But when asked where she got all those gold necklaces, and rings, and fine jewels, Maroluna found herself stammering out and excuse that her straight-laced parents saw right through. They were furious! They demanded she take that stuff back where she found it, but when she toldthat she couldn’t they got even more mad! She fought with her parents, a very bad shouting match that ended with her storming out of the house and off into the cold Windhelm streets.

When she finally cooled down and decided to return home, she found the old building that used to house her parents in burning cinders, with a bunch of drunken Nord residents screaming slurs and insults.

She couldn’t help it. She screamed. She howled. She shoved her way through the crowd and cries out for her parents, but one of the drunks holds her back and calls her some more names. They call her parents all kinds of names. She hears Rolf Stone-Fist say something with his stupid, and she offers to shut it for him.

Needless to say the Khajiit ran from Windhelm after leaving Rolf with a few marks on his face to remember her by.
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Name: Ádís
Age: Unknown, definitely over 1000 years though. She's pretty close to the same age as Fennorian, all in all.
Gender: cisgender Female
Race: Nord/Vampire
Title: The Necromantic Healer
Clairvoyant Status: No
Personality: Ádís is tempered by years and hardships she's endured. For a Nord, she's quiet and restrained. Whether in a delicate social situation or a fight, she prefers to take the time to assess the situation before diving too deeply into it. She tries to hide it, but she is extremely curious and enjoys learning, though few would call her a true scholar.
The left half of her upper body/face and her hands are covered in severe burns from an unfortunate encounter in her past.
She is about 6'4" tall and around 200 lbs
Skills: Adis is a talented healer via necromancy, she specializes in the type of necromancy that focuses on the giving and taking of life forces rather than raising the undead. She is also a fair hand at sewing and enchantments.
Brief History: In another life, Ádís was the daughter of an ancient Jarl of Morthal. She went through a couple of bad relationships resulting in major changes in her life before winding up with Ravenwatch and Fennorian. Since then, they've saved Western Skyrim at least once and generally lived life.

  • She wears a circlet very reminiscent of an ancient Jarl's crown
  • Amulet of Morthal that provides resistance to cold.
  • She usually carries a fairly standard restoration staff
  • Dislikes the wanton use of necromancy to terrorize people. She feels there's so much more to it and seeing it misused so rampantly and seemingly exclusively is deeply upsetting to her.
  • She makes absolutely no attempt to hide her magical inclination
  • She also has the vampiric mist ability

    Let me know if I missed anything!!
Name: Telondri Ruender

Age: Elven equivalent of 30

Gender: Male

Race: Altmer

Title: The Thalmor Justiciar

Clairvoyant Status: No

Personality: He's a member of the Thalmor, alright. Arrogant and disdainful of other races, this "superiorly bred mer" seems bent on making sure everyone in Skyrim knows it. And don't even get him started about Talos worship. Married to his work, he is dutiful in performing the tasks assigned to him, though this usually means a civilian (probably a Nord) is getting arrested or a Stormcloak is getting a lightning bolt to the face.

Aside from his typical Thalmor Justiciar behavior, he is a slightly paranoid individual who thinks Skyrim is trying to kill him (and he probably isn't wrong). As much as he talks about breeding and upbringing, it makes sense that he himself would be a rather refined mer. He does enjoy the arts - strictly Altmer arts, mind you, but arts.

Appearance: Standing at nearly seven feet tall and possessing the pale golden complexion pertaining to his kind, Telondri possesses the image of what an Altmer should be - in the eyes of the Thalmor, at least. His platinum blonde hair is long and reaches past his shoulders, though it is kept swept out of his face, naturally. He is not quite frail, but he definitely possesses the build of a mage rather than a seasoned warrior or other physical fighter. His yellow eyes are constantly watching, it seems. He carries himself with an air of dignity and formality, his posture straight but not tense. He wears the typical Thalmor garb.


Destruction - Specializing in shock spells for their precision and speed, he makes a habit of using them almost exclusively, though he will switch to fire or frost spells when it's tactically advantageous to.

Conjuration - He is quite adept at conjuration magic, able to summon an atronach with relative ease. Though he rarely uses them, he also is familiar with bound weapon spells.

Sneak - He's a slippery one. Though he typically doesn't initiate attacks when in stealth, he uses the skill to eavesdrop and spy on the people of Skyrim. He is, after all, searching for Talos worshippers.

Brief History: Telondri refuses to disclose to others much about his history, aside from the obvious fact that he is a part of the Aldmeri Dominion.

Other: He has a small entourage with him much of the time, though it is not terribly uncommon to see him off on his own.

Everyone's characters look good! :3
Name: His real name is Cassius, though his legionnaires and the Thalmor agent assigned to him tend to refer to him as "Commander."

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Race: Imperial

Title: The Imperial Commander

Clairvoyant Status: No

Personality: The commander is gruff, but it's clear that he cares about his contingent. Well, maybe not so much the Thalmor agent assigned to them, but his men? Absolutely. Whether it's taking down Stormcloaks or taking down dragons, Cassius has a "do the job and do it right" mentality. While not the most brilliant tactian, he is quite a capable one, all the same. He tends to prioritize the well-being of his men over everything else, sometimes even his higher-ups' orders.

Appearance: Standing at about 5'11, the commander has a well muscled build, though he's hardly the hulking presence Bear is. His eyes are a steely grey, that gaze usually fixed on the Thalmor agent or the maps of allied and enemy bases. His black hair is kept short for the sake of practicality. He wears an Imperial set of light armor.

Skills: One-handed, Block, Light Armor

Brief History: Cassius doesn't talk much about his life before he was part of the Imperial Legion, to which Bear likes to joke that he was born in the Legion.

Other: His specialty in one-handed weapons translates to a proficiency with swords. He has little experience with axes or maces.


Name: His real name is Yylik, but everyone in his contingent calls him "Bear."

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Race: Nord

Title: The Imperial Berserker

Clairvoyant Status: No

Personality: There are two sides to Bear. The first is the jovial, merry, and quite prankster-like individual. The second is the fiercesome warrior in combat. He has a strong bond with the members of the squad of legionnaires he belongs to. Well, maybe not the Thalmor agent, unless you count obvious loathing and an incredible desire to one-up the elf a strong bond.

Appearance: Standing at 6'6, this huge wall of muscle is either a menace in combat or the world's best bear-hugger. He possesses long, blonde hair (though not as long as the Thalmor's) that he leaves in a natural hairstyle. His pale blue eyes are either crinkled in amusement or honed in on an enemy target. Despite many hours in the sun, he still possesses the same pale complexion that most Nords share.

Skills: Two-handed, Heavy Armor, Smithing

Brief History: Well, it shouldn't come as any surprise why he's named Bear...

Other: Don't get between him and the mead hall.


Name: He refuses to tell anyone his real name, claiming that his parents had "an interesting sense of humor." As such, he goes exclusively by what the rest of his contingent calls him - Hawkeye.

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Nord

Title: The Imperial Scout

Clairvoyant Status: No

Personality: Hawkeye is ever the solemn creature. His has entire reservoirs of patience, necessary for both a scout and an archer. His range of emotions seems extend from calm and composed to calm and composed, though if you manage to anger him... well, just don't go trying to do that.

Appearance: Standing at 6'1, Hawkeye has a lithe build, hardly the massive fort of a man as Bear, but hardly as spindly as Songbird. His light brown hair is kept so short to the point where his head is practically shaved ("How do people stand so much hair?") and his eyes are a dark brown.

Skills: Sneak, Archery, Light Armor

Brief History: Aside from having parents who apparently have a sense of humor, not much is known about his past. Bear likes to joke that a Daedric Prince ran off with Hawkeye's emotions, a story that is met with little amusement.

Other: It seems he keeps his eye on the Thalmor agent as much as his surroundings. Whether this is his own prerogative or the commander's, however, isn't certain.


Name: His real name is Atticus, though the rest of his contingent refers to him as "Songbird."

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Imperial

Title: The Imperial Bard

Clairvoyant Status: No

Personality: There's a reason his second nickname used by his fellow legionnaires is "Nanny." He has a caring disposition for all of his fellows. Heck, this even extends to the Thalmor agent to some extent. True to his name, Songbird's main priority is the morale of the group, though he is capable in battle, as well.

Appearance: Standing at 5'9, his build is far more mage-like than warrior-like, but you shouldn't underestimate him, all the same. The smallest and youngest of the contingent, his fellows tend to treat him like the baby brother in the sense that if you upset him, the entire party will come bearing down on you. His eyes are are green and often quite enthusiastic. His hair, though longer than the commander's, is short in comparison to Bear's and the Thalmor agent's.

Skills: Speech, One-Handed, Light Armor

Brief History: Songbird doesn't like talking about himself. Or singing about himself, for that matter. No, his songs are usually telling tales of the contingent as a whole, or the legendary Dragonborn. "He's modest like that," Bear will tell you.

Other: To the rest of his contingent's delight, he is quite skilled in the art of cooking.
Name: Edwynak

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Breton

Title: The Forsworn Diplomat

Clairvoyant Status: No

Personality: When one hears "Forsworn," they typically think of a primal, animalistic savage of the Reach. Edwynak, simply put, is not. Do not misunderstand - he still loves his people and their customs. Well, that's mostly true. He loves his people dearly, but he doesn't love how they, in his words, "have become the very Nords they hate." The senseless killing of anyone and everyone in the Reach does not align with his desires. He feels that his people have gone terribly astray in their thirst for blood and vengeance. He still intends to reclaim the Reach for the Forsworn, but in a different, more diplomatic way.

Appearance: A little short for a Stormtroo-- er, Forsworn, he stands at 5'8 and with a lithe build that one might expect from someone who regularly braves the wilderness. His skin is pale, his eyes a light shade of blue. His black hair is kept short and out of his face, of which is always decorated with an intricate set of black warpaint pertaining to the Forsworn. Regardless of where he is, he will refuse to wear anything but his Forsworn garb. Even if it's likely to get him arrested, he'd rather be arrested than change out of his usual attire.


Speech - He's quite an amiable fellow. The problem is, he refuses to depart with his Forsworn garb. There's a reason for this, but it still makes finding someone willing to talk to him quite difficult.

Magical Study - Edwynak is not very talented in traditional, practical uses of magic. He is, however, quite adept in the study of magic. Simply put, ask him to cast a spell and he'll give you a funny look, but ask him about the theory behind magic and he'll talk your ear off.

Enchanting - The only actual magic he's capable of, Edwynak is quite fond of breaking down magical artifacts and making his own.

Brief History: Though he considers himself an ambassador of sorts, he is definitely a self-assigned one. His people have no love for the "civilized" residents of Markarth. His attempts at reasoning with his people, to pursue diplomacy over bloodshed, have not been taken kindly. Simply put, he's something of an outcast to the Forsworn, who viewed him as a Nord apologist of sorts. Unable to go back to the Reach, yet largely unable to to mingle with the more "civilized" crowd, Edwynak is caught in this constant state of fleeing from both his own people and those of the rest of Skyrim.


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