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Realistic or Modern The Citrus Circle


can i get a fucken uhhhhhhhhh

A . . .

ever thought about it?

Blogging, I mean. Ranting about your bad day. OOTD'S. Photography. Book reviews. Posting pictures of your cat. Putting up all your pent-up emotions, your shameless selfies, and even your political opinions: all for the entirety of the Internet to see. Which is pretty much - the whole world.

After a group of teenagers meet each other online on a website called Citrus - a social networking site and a platform for blogging - they almost immediately plan to meet up in person. This, however, wasn't just the usual meet-up. The richest teenager out of the ten soon invites all of them to stay over at their summer house, where they will stay for as long as they wish. Each teen having a different blogging style, aesthetic, and pretty much personality. Only one thing ties them all together, however, and you might have already guessed what it is. Yep, that's right:


c h a r a c t e r s

*the stereotypes are not a basis for your character's personality. that said, you have to choose at least four out of the ten given stereotypes to include about your character (remember to only choose the ones you think would prove tru about your character!). these stereotypes do not necessarily define your characters, just small details to strengthen their image.

*if you are still confused, here's a deeper explanation.
let's say you are applying for the art hoe. the stereotypes under the art hoe are:

? clothing: kanken backpacks, mom jeans, colorful pins, patterned socks

? music: mellow indie music

? likes: pastel colors, nature, books

you simply have to choose at least four out of those, but you can also include as many of them as you want. (e.g.
indie music, keeps a journal, stoner, likes nature, likes books, kanken backpacks
mom jeans, colorful pins, patterned socks, pastel colors

no slide no slide no slide no slide​

The Model Antonio Jackson

fashion-forward and extremely good looking, the model is quite vain. he's a little similar to the valley girl in some ways, except he probably cares a lot less about what people think. the model is known for being paid to post pictures of branded clothing and frequently advertises products on his Citrus blog. however, he's actually much nicer than most people would think, even if it takes a while to get him to follow you back.

the stereotype:

? appearance: branded clothing

? music: chill house music

? likes: taking selfies, flirting

? characteristics: elitist, arrogant, laid-back, sleeps around, stylish, ignorant

The Writer Lukaz Kjellson

a starving artist, some might say. he's a little broke, but he earns his keep by sending in his work to different writing contests, even if it only gets him by for about a few months before he runs out of money again. the writer is a very quiet and reserved person. if you get the chance to become close to him, however, he's very sweet and can talk endlessly about almost anything. the writer is quite the famous one on Citrus - his poetry and short stories alike getting endless counts of praise.

the stereotype:

? appearance: hoodies, sweatshirts, chucks

? music: indie & alternative, indie rock

? likes: books, poetry

? characteristics: stoner, laid-back, intellectual

The Athlete Vincent Blake

aside from being the nice guy, the athlete is known for being skilled in sports and almost anything physical. his instagram and Citrus blog is mostly filled with either pictures of his trips around the world, his hikes, or marathons he ran in. he's a sweet, outgoing and funny guy in terms of personality.

the stereotype:

? appearance: long hair, muscular, cargo shorts

? music: upbeat electronic music

? likes: hiking, travelling, sports

? characteristics: daredevil, optimistic, friendly

The Bad Boy Julian Thompson

not that you see him driving a motorcycle or wearing a leather jacket 24/7, but this guy definitely gives off that sort of vibe, even if you might spot him wearing something as goofy as a neon orange goose feather sweater. he's pretty much the brooding and mysterious type of guy to those who don't actually know him too well, when he might just be the opposite. nobody really knows him, which makes him all the more a mystery. girls and boys alike drool all over the enigmatic bad boy.

the stereotype:

? appearance: leather jacket

? music: rock music

? likes: parties, alcohol, girls

? characteristics: cocky, flirtatious, promiscuous, daredevil, stoner

The Social Butterfly

he's getting pretty famous - not just on Citrus, but
world-wide. he only recently entered the show business and has ever since been all over social media, being everyone's favorite teen star. he's only joining the summer get away because the other bloggers are quite internet famous as well, and in his agent's words, they could get him "a bigger cult following". he's not necessarily expecting to make friends over there.

the stereotype:

? appearance: branded clothing

? music: pop music

? likes: internet, selfies, travelling

? characteristics: laid-back, social climber, cordial, snob, outgoing


? follow all rpnation rules and guidelines! don't be a rule breaker. it's not going to turn out well for anyone.

? be creative and detailed with your posts. each post should have a minimum of ten sentences.
i will be checking.

? i understand that people will be busy w/ real life. that's why this will be a
slow-paced roleplay, so i'm not going to be pressuring anyone to post ASAP. if you don't post within the next week without telling me you won't be posting for a while, however, i'll probably have to boot you out of the RP. of course, i'll be giving you a few warnings first before i do so.

? quality over first come first serve. this means i don't do reservations, i simply choose and accept characters with the best quality of writing. coding doesn't really fit into the criteria, but i
do encourage it.

? dramaaaaa. i want it. i need it. i
crave it. only if it's in character, of course, so don't stir up any trouble OOC. or else.

? the stereotypes aren't meant to offend anyone. in fact, i encourage you to add depth to your characters, and let them break free of those stereotypes. whether or not you choose to let them be more than what i dictated they could be is completely up to you.

? have fun!

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Citrus, a platform for blogging and a social networking site. Citrus allows its users to post their original content, share others posts, and chat with other users.

Challenge (not required): create a simulation of your character's Citrus blog. Not anything too complicated, just show a page of it to let us see what type of blog your character owns. Don't make it too big that it occupies your whole CS. Put it somewhere in your character sheet. Good luck!

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