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Fantasy The Chronicles of Solis


The Leader of the Pantheon

The Chronicles of Solis


Map (2).jpg

Solis was created millennia ago by five gods, each placed in charge of a key aspect of the natural world. As the Gods worked together to create Solis, the people and animals flourished, growing and living in harmony with the world around them. As groups of people encountered each other, they began to set up a system, a monarchy. A monarch was chosen every decade through a tournament. For the next ten years, they ruled from a citadel by the Great Sea called Mirador.


Under that system, things weren't always perfect, nothing usually is, but for the most part people were happy and well cared for. Things fell apart when the Gods started a civil war. The five gods who had created Solis no longer agreed on how they should work together. As they fought, the land they had cultivated fell apart, splitting into five different countries within it's borders and beginning to attack itself. 

Centuries later, the Gods have reconciled their differences, turning their attention to the mortal world once again. They were horrified to see what their neglect had caused, chaos reigned the world and people suffered. Unable to intervene directly, each god chose a champion that represented their values and imbued them with powers. Now trusting these people to get the world back on track, the Gods can only wait, but they don't realise that in their absence a darkness has been growing...



Situated on the planes in the middle of the continent, Aplia consists mostly of farmers. It's the largest country formed from the remnants of Solis and is run by a governing body in the capital city. Unfortunately, the Government has very little reach past the walls of the capital, the farms outside being set upon by bandits and extorted just to stay alive. 


A very solitary kingdom, the leaders of Esthines live in constant paranoia. Their borders are lined with watchtowers and their military is one of the biggest in the five kingdoms. They live mostly in isolation, only trading for the necessities with other countries and trying to provide for everything themselves. Not many citizens are allowed to leave, and even fewer are allowed to return.

Skon Thar:

Everywhere north of the Great Sea Pass is part of Skon Thar, a warrior kingdom. There is no permanent control on Skon Thar, control being passed around from chief of one tribe to the chief that killed them. Despite being at war most of the time, the tribes also know how to work together to survive in their harsh environment. Trading between themselves and other countries is their greatest strength.


On first sight, Draesia seems to have escaped the chaos that spread to everywhere else. The Holy Emperor that rules them is benevolent and shares funds and goods with his people. The cities seem prosperous and the people happy, but below the surface things are very different. Anyone who expressed unhappiness or any sign of dissent swiftly disappears, never to be seen again.

Otrodor is less of a kingdom and more of a piece of land that no one except the natives can survive in. Arid desert covers most of the land past the mountains, broken up by the occasional river or oasis where towns are based. While not very united, the one thing most 'Dorians have in common is sailing skills. Given the deadly nature of the sand wastes around them, sailing over rivers or the surrounding ocean is usually the safest way to travel if you know how to deal with pirates.

No Man's Land:

South of the Draesian Mountains, and between the Aplian Planes and the Esthian border are stretches of land that belong to no kingdom. People still live in them, making what living they can without the protection or benefits of a kingdom to help them.


Epthys, Goddess of the Sky, Freedom, Fate
Kymir, Goddess of the Sea, Change, War(Conflict)
Acorr, God of the Land, Stability, Nurturing
Soros, God of Magic, Belief, Pride
Anemis, Goddess of Death, Life, Balance

More may be added if there are lots of applicants.

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Winter was just coming to an end in Solis, the final frost having com a few nights before, and trees and plants were starting to get their vigour back. While some parts of the continent, like Skon Thar, wouldn't lose the cold, places like Aplia and Esthines were looking forward to the spring and summer and the crops they would bring. As the sun rose and the dew disappeared, people began their daily lives, not knowing that anything had changed, as they usually didn't as they day began. Things were ever changing, but something monumental and almost invisible had happened the night before: the five Champions had been chosen and told of their new fate. The Gods could now just wait, wait for their powers to return completely and watch as their Champions fought, or didn't, to fix what their negligence had caused.

Another changed had begun, more visible to the ordinary people of Solis. A few minutes after dawn, the ground began to shake, gently at first and slowly building. It wasn't too destructive, no one was really hurt before it stopped much more suddenly than it began. Some were shocked, worried by the abnormal event, most not caring at all. They had other things to worry about, but something had nothing else to worry about, nothing else to do but think and plan as the shaking around it stopped.


Theris Fey

Theris woke with a start as the ground of the room he was sleeping in began to shake. He could feel the bed wobbling as he tried to get his bearings, but the quake had stopped before he was even fully awake. Glancing around, he tried to make sense of that. It was odd, especially following that dream he'd had. Talk about eating something bad before bed. With some difficulty, he got dressed and paid for his room on the way out of the inn. By the time he was out in the town, it was was nearly midday. That was fine by him. Not many people were in the mood for a fortune in the morning, but his stomach wasn't in agreement, nor was his wallet.

Wandering around the Aplian town, Theris scanned the shops. He'd arrived the day before and hadn't had time to really see what was available before settling down for the night. There had to be somewhere relatively cheap and good around here somewhere, maybe even somewhere he could barter a potion for breakfast. It was always great when he could do that. For now, though, he just wandered, letting the midday sun warm him.
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Static Kine:

Static felt the earth shaking beneath her feet as it built up a bit before stopping. She decided not to stress over it too much, as it was early in the morning, and it could've just as easily been her own imagination due to being tired as real life. She got off of her bed, laying down the blankets again, and headed towards her tiny kitchen. She had a very small apartment, pretty much one bedroom, kitchen, and a bathroom. Once she got to the kitchen, she took out a pan and some ingredients, and got to work on her breakfast. After eating, she decided to go outside and head for the marketplace to pick up several things she needed to make dinner for the rest of the week.

(I haven't put down a location yet. This is because it would be nice to bump into another character during the little shopping spree. It's always a pain to be on the other side of the map from everyone else due to a poor starting position.)
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Damien Morana

Location: Draesian Village, Building Roof

Mentioned: @illicit or @Some1

Interactions: None

Damien was awake before the earthquake, having been trying to familiarise herself with the small Draesian village she was staying in. She was meant to be scoping it out, planning for a mission that Lady Soman had sent her on. There was an important official coming over in a little under a week and Damien was to kill him. Hiding spots, sniping spots, quick routes out, she was meant to be looking for these, but instead she had climbed to the top of the tallest building in the village (admittedly not that tall) and was sat on the edge of the roof with crossed legs as she watched the village down below, pondering her dream. 

Dami was not the kind of person to dismiss it, she knew that Gods were real and even though the woman in her dream hadn't introduced herself, Damien knew who she was. It was hard not to recognise Anemis when the Devoted were supposed to be devoted to her. But being chosen to restore balance? Yes, Solis wasn't an ideal place but had it ever been? Anemis hadn't explained much, only her supposed powers and what she was meant to save them for. She was sure that Lady Sonam would understand if she explained the situation, but could she give up her job to do it? There must be a reason the official was being targeted, and if she left there might not be another opportunity. It wasn't like she could refuse the call from her Goddess either.

The Draesian people were starting to mill around below her, preparing for their days. From what she could tell, it was a farming village. They all looked happy, but they lived in Draesia, so who knew how they actually felt. These were the type of people she'd be helping if she answered that call. But there was only so much she could do on her own. No member of the Devoted had ever been able to successfully enter the palace of the Holy Emperor, and how could she help them while he was still around? Maybe that's where those 'allies' came in?
"Thank you and have a nice day!" Patrick said as his last customer for the day left. 

It had been a slow day, but that is fine. It just meant that he got a lot of baking done today. There was always baking going on in Patrick's Pastries, whether it was cakes, bread, or deadly weaponry. He wasn't very discrete about that last point, though. He didn't need to be. No one would dare speak up about it. He felt that is was just normal to let things like that slide in Draesia. But even if one brave soul did speak up about him, they could easily be silenced. But then a delicious smell wafted through the bakery. His pies were done.

He walked into the kitchen at the back of the store, grabbing an oven mitt as he went, and opened the oven, pulling out a pan of small pies, the crust a golden brown. These ones weren't weapons. Well, they weren't meant to be weapons, anyway. But he could use them as weapons if he was really desperate with a little creativity. He shut the oven and picked up each pie one by one off the pan, placing them on a particularly large cooling rack sitting on a counter nearby.

After a few minutes, the pies had cooled a little bit. Patrick stuck a finger into one of the pies and licked the jam off of it. It was pretty good. This was not good enough for Patrick Beika, though. He wanted them to be perfect. To him, they were trash. Just then, he heard a thunk on the door of his shop.

Opening the door, he saw no one. But on the front of his door was a note, attached by a chocolate chip cookie in the shape of a shuriken, the edges sharp enough to kill. 

"Father requires your presence" Was all it read in terrible penmanship. Patrick had a feeling on who sent this note. Patrick pockets the note and takes a nibble of the shuriken cookie. Of course. Such a remarkable taste could only be achieved by his eldest sister, Theressa Beika. She was such a masterful baker, it made him angry. He crushed the rest of the cookie in his hand and walked back inside to get changed.

Dan Beika was the head of The Bakers and Patrick's father. They hadn't ever gotten along. Patrick felt that he disappointed his father. He wasn't as good as his sister, who was a prodigy. Not a word was said when Patrick walked into the room where Dan lived. The building, which was another bakery, was actually the main hideout for the entire Baker clan. It was pretty impressive how many floors underground it traveled.

Dan wore the standard Baker outfit: He was covered head to toe in black cloth. The only part of his body that was exposed were his dark blue eyes and his mustache, which had a mask specifically cut for it to grow through. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor in the middle of his bedroom, staring.

"I have answered your summons, father" Patrick said in response to his father's silence.

"I can see that" Was all he said.

 After another minute of silence, Patrick asked: "If I may ask, why have I been summoned, father?"

"I have a mission for you"

It had been a while since Patrick had been on a mission. "Can you please provide me with the details so that I may complete this mission as efficient as possible?"

"Yes, I can" His father responded. "There is a village to the south. Tashien, I believe it was called. An important figure is passing through there exactly nine days from now. I want to travel down there and make sure nothing happens to this figure. The details are in this letter" Dan pulled a letter out of a fold in the cloth and handed it Patrick. Patrick only nodded and left the room.

A few days later Patrick arrived in Tashien. The sun was just rising, and the earth shook. The earthquake did not last long, but it stills shocked Patrick. Earthquakes were not common. In fact, he has never experienced an earthquake in his entire life. But he didn't let this get to him. He needed to focus on integrating into the lives of the townsfolk so that he has an inside view, and will be able to catch anything if anything is being planned. Patrick changed into some clothes that were less suspicious, and headed into town.

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Damien Morana
Location: Draesian Village
Mentions: Some1 Some1
Interaction: None
Now was no time for pondering. Damien slipped off the side of the roof, climbing down the side of the building. It would be a good spot to shoot the official from, but there wouldn't be much of a way out if she was there. It was in the middle of the village, no way out without having to go past people. She doubted there was anyone here she couldn't fight past but it would slow her down and was an unnecessary risk. She didn't know most of the people here, she didn't know what they could do. After all, she'd heard of a secret Draesian society. Several in fact, most of them probably just rumours.

Damien wandered through the middle of the village, looking for place to strike from. The official was unlikely to go out of their way to visit any locals, probably spending most of their time at or near the inn. Maybe killing them inside the building would be best. There were windows she could escape out through, it would most likely be busy, and there were multiple clandestine ways she could do it. Poison, stab them while sleeping, smothering. Still that was a decision for when the time came, for now she needed to scope out the inn. Making her way through some of the crowd, she headed towards the inn.
Patrick had decided to head towards the local inn first. He was sure he could learn more about this quaint little town there, which will help him plan his movements. The streets were quite crowded for what time it was. He will have to figure out why later. But he can use this to his advantage. Patrick has always felt safe withing a crowd. It was easy to appear inconspicuous inside a crowd.

Patrick had no idea where the inn was. He was about to give up searching and ask someone, but he noticed a woman, who stood out a little bit from the rest of the crowd. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something was off about her. Maybe it was the way she walked. She walked without fear in her step unlike how the other citizens had walked. Whatever the reason was, his gut did not trust her. And his gut had gotten him out of many a perilous situation. He must investigate.

Patrick made his way over to the woman. "Good morning. I am on a journey, and I have been walking all night. I would like to rest now, but I do not know where the inn is. Could you tell me where it is?"

TheOne TheOne
Damien Morana
Draesian Village
Mention: illicit illicit
Interaction: Some1 Some1
Damien glanced up at the man speaking to her. He set something off in her head, some kind of alarm bell, but she wasn't sure what. Had she met him before? No, she'd know if she did. Maybe he was some kind of criminal she'd seen on a wanted poster. Or she'd met a relative of his. If that was the case, he wasn't going to be a problem for her, but the thought didn't relax her in the slightest. No, there was something about him. She'd have to be careful, watch him. Why did she recognise him?

Pushing her feelings to the back of her mind, Damien craned her head over the crowd. The inn was still out of sight, she couldn't just point it out to him. Well, more time with him would give her more time to figure out what was wrong with him, why he made her anxious. Giving him a polite smile, she gestured for him to follow her and started walking again. If she could ask him some questions it might help, but alas, she could not. Maybe he'd reveal more than he meant to while they walked.
Theris Fey
Apbuggy Apbuggy
There wasn't much to do in town, no good shops to buy food from. Oh well, he wasn't too hungry anyway. Now he just need a place to set up. It wouldn't be too hard to find a spot considering his shop is just a blanket and some wares set out. There seemed to be some kind of market in the town square, so he figured no one would mind him setting up shop there. He pulled the blanket, old and kind of threadbare, out of his bag and found an empty spot to set it down.

He was by a wall, the best place really. No one could sneak up on him that way, and a large crowd was filtering past him to avoid the crowds in between the market stalls. He also set out some potions, nothing too expensive in case some thieves decided to stop by, to entice customers in. He lined them out on one edge of the blanket, a slightly glowing, light blue one ranging through to one that sparkled like the night sky. None of them did anything overly impressive, not too many potions did, but they drew attention, and that was his aim. Finally he pulled out a handwritten sign advertising the store and he place it down next to the potions.

"Potions and fortunes! Know your future!" He began to call out, his voice joining the cacophony of all the other sellers in the square.

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