• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern - Character sheet - closed

Cold Ramen Noodles

This account is closed.

Role you want to have in the role play:




Appearance: (picture please. Anime, realistic, dress up game...I don't care.)

Anything else you would like to include is completely up to you. But I like establishing my character in the role play. Including more details does not mean that you will be accepted over other applications.


The Chronicles of Prince Nor- Medieval Setting with no actual research done in preparation

The Chronicles of Prince Nor- Out of character

The Chronicles of Prince Nor- The Role play
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Name: Prince Nor Aniston (copy this last name if you are playing a sibling of his)

Role: The Prince

Age: 15

Height: 5 feet, 5 inches

Weight: 120 pounds

Appearance:Nor one.PNG
Name: Konrad Ghezzo
Role you want to have in the role play: Bodyguard
Age: 43
Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 170 lbs
Anything else?: Konrad was actually born in Karnova but was never interested in the war effort for his concern was keeping his home safe from raiders. He would attend lessons to do with fighting and swordsmanship and in doing this he managed to become a skilled swordsman and later after his parents death a head hunter. This life of fighting eventually leading him to become an armed escort of sorts selling his service to the highest bidder.

Konrad is a hard and blunt man who doesn't much care for the company of others but does care for those close to him he is a very loyal man never even changing sides if the opposing party offers more than what he is being paid, if he says he'll do something well he'll do it.

However he has been known to be rather cruel, displaying incredible acts of violence in battle according to his men although Konrad doesn't really care about these whispers for as long as he gets his fill of wine hes happy to serve, yes he drinks a lot of wines and port but he never seems to get drunk or if he does he's certainly good at hiding it.
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Name: Princess Astaroth Aniston

Role you want to have in the role play:
Prince's Sister


5 foot, 1 inch

100 pounds


Astaroth, who keeps insisting that people call her Ash instead, dislikes how she's supposed to act due to her being the princess. Often she causes mischief, annoying her brother or demanding that someone teach her to fight. Completely uninterested in the fact that she's royalty, she quite enjoys doing the things more typically associated with being a boy, running around, creating trouble and messes, and most importantly avoiding dresses at all cost.
Name: Princess Astaroth Aniston

Role you want to have in the role play:
Prince's Sister


5 foot, 1 inch

100 pounds


Astaroth, who keeps insisting that people call her Ash instead, dislikes how she's supposed to act due to her being the princess. Often she causes mischief, annoying her brother or demanding that someone teach her to fight. Completely uninterested in the fact that she's royalty, she quite enjoys doing the things more typically associated with being a boy, running around, creating trouble and messes, and most importantly avoiding dresses at all cost.

Do you want to include a winter outfit given the setting of the kingdom?


xxx n i c k n a m e sx//xCelina O'Malley
xxx n i c k n a m e sx//xthe young queen
xxx a g ex//xfourteen
xxx g e n d e rx//xfemale
xxx r o l ex//xprospective queen of Geneva & fiance of Prince Nor
xxx f a c e c l a i mx//xTaissa Farmiga
xxx h e i g h tx//x5'0"
xxx w e i g h tx//x95 lbs
xxx s t a t u sx//xalive
xxx h o m e t o w nx//xGenova

xxxxxxx ~ Theme Song ~


xxx h a i rx//xMuch like her mother, Celina has striking thick hair that naturally curls around her shoulders in light waves. It is a light golden shade, resembling the summer sun. She normally wears it down or pulled back in a delicate headband of sorts.
xxxxx e y e sx//xCelina has chocolate brown eyes that are full of passion. Hooded with thick dark lashes, they can often take on a somewhat determined gaze when faced with a crisis. xxx a p p e a r a n c ex//xCelina is a natural beauty befitting royal standards, though she stands a bit on the thin side with a short stature of only five feet and a slim, straight physique. She has warm brown eyes and thin lips. Celina has a nose that could possibly be described as "beak-like" but she adores it the way it is. She is as close to the girly trope as you can get, minus the dramatic swooning. She likes all things delicate; sweet summer gowns and lace hats make up most of her wardrobe. However, despite her innocent attire, Celina is very witty and can outsmart many people in the court.
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hmm this is going well so far, so we only need the fiance and queen now?

As I said in my interest check, this is not first come, first serve by any means.I wanted to see if anybody else applied for body guard before approving you. But you'll most likely be picked.

moonlight mist moonlight mist Oh, wait a moment...did you want to be his fiance or his sister? I'm a bit confused. Fiance, right? If so, just ignore my previous post.

(I'm too impatient to wait. XD) KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor I'll go ahead and just accept you. I don't want to wait too long since your character looks just fine.

And WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys You can have the sister. :)

moonlight mist moonlight mist Pretty sure that you were applying for fiance but just didn't put that in the role section. If so, you have it. If you're going for the sister, then you can do the twin thing.
Woeful, do you mind posting a winter outfit that she would wear?

Of course, I will in just a moment. I'm struggling with my OCD at the moment and my CS isn't perfectly aligned >~< aha.

did you want to be his fiance or his sister? I'm a bit confused. Fiance, right? If so, just ignore my previous post.

My first idea was fiance, but I can change her role if you'd like. Just let me know!
moonlight mist moonlight mist You can keep fiance. :) That's fine with me. And I understand, as I have OCD too. You can just post the picture right here if you like. No need to put it in the CS. I just like to have a mental image of what she would look like outside.
I'm gonna work on a few more outfits for Nor to wear. :) I'll post them later. And I sort of just want to mess with the dress up game while waiting to see if we get a queen. Also, we can move our chat to the out of character thread I made.

You can post suggestions and ideas and whatever you like.
Since I trust everybody here to have good characters given that I've seen them, everyone has the chance to add in more characters if they so choose.

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