The Children of Solora: A World in Discord - Q&A


procrastination symphony


<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Q&A</span></strong> <strong>Who is the one running this RP?</strong> Nano aka me. Birb is your resident tattle tale. I came up with the plot while bouncing some ideas with Birb and know the rp the best, so I'll be the one answering most of the questions that have to do with details of this verse, lore and plot. Birb is the main person in charge of CS evaluation so be careful guys~ <strong>What happens if I'm away from this RP for a while?</strong> Assuming that you mean from about 4 days to a week and that you've contacted us beforehand, you will be provided a general synopsis of what happened in the Overview tab. In the overview tab, I will be posting the main events of the chapter, the location that all of the characters are at and significant character events. If you need any additional information, you may request for a more detailed explanation in the OOC. <strong>Some of the posts in the IC have a background and a border. Is there any significance to this?</strong> Posts that have a background and border are posts placed in the PoV of an NPC. This makes the NPC posts look completely different from normal posts and helps avoid confusion. The background and border will be the color that I used to represent the NPC. <strong>Why is Nano so full of BS?</strong> Oh, that's becau- Wait, bish wha? =A=* <strong>What kind of time period does this RP take place in?</strong> This RP should have a medieval kind of feel. Basically, the typical setting in a fantasy story. Avoid guns and advanced technology such as cellphones. <strong>What makes up this world?</strong> As stated in the overview, the world came into creation when Solora sacrificed her own life's essence in order to create more gods to create and govern the world. The gods then took what was left of her essence and formed it into the world that the people currently live in. In this sense, the world is technically Solora herself, just in a different form. <strong>What comes after death in this world? What about the gods of the underworld?</strong> Since the underworld is different depending on the pantheon, I have decided to create a different system for this world. When a person dies, their soul is then sent to the core of the world in order to be reabsorbed into the core before being used to create a new soul. This is different from reincarnation as the soul is pretty much converted back into its state before it was a soul and then fashioned into a completely new one. The gods of the underworld are the ones who are responsible for making sure that the balance between the core and the outside world remains stable. Due to their god's close relation to the core as well as the fact that the demons of the void are technically corrupted versions of the energy that makes up the core and the world itself, the emissaries of the gods of the underworld are potentially able to sense the presence of these demons. <strong>Why couldn't Solora have just created the world on her own?</strong> I wanted to make the beginning of the world something different from "POOF! Look, the world was created." I also needed a way to explain how all these different gods came into existence without seeming completely nonsensical. When I told Birb about Solora, she actually came up with an excellent way to explain this by comparing Solora to a flower. Solora is like a flower. A flower contains multiple seeds which later disperse and grow into a garden. <strong>Who is the prophet?</strong> The prophet is described as an entity who sings in a soundless voice. She lives in a separate reality and is unable to directly intervene in the "main reality." The prophet is a mysterious existence. Even the gods are unable to understand her and simply know that she shares the same will as Solora. <strong>You keep alternating between "demons of the void" and "the lost (ones)." Why is this?</strong> This is because "Demons of the Void" refers to all of the demons who have been created as a result of the power of the Children of Ruin tainting the remnants of Solora's essence. "The Lost Ones" is a more specific term and refers to the weaker demons of the void. "Thanatos" are pretty much the much stronger demons who are usually the demon commanders. <strong>What exactly are the demons of the void?</strong> The demons of the void are a result of the corrupted power of the gods fusing with the remnants of Solora's essence. The Lost are essentially masses of dark energy. Despite not really having a mind, the reason why they destroy villages and towns and devour humans is because they are, in a sense, "seeking out the light of Solora." <strong>Who will be the antagonists in this RP?</strong> In the beginning of the RP, the characters will be facing the weaker demons of the void aka The Lost Ones. We can't have our heroes dying too early in the story now can we? A little later on in the story, the protagonists may face a lower ranking Thanatos or maybe even a demon general. Who knows? Maybe even later on in the story, we may get to face a the traitor. <strong>Am I allowed to play as one of the antagonists?</strong> Eh...we'll see. Your main should be on the protagonists side because <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">why else are you in this RP</span> otherwise you wouldn't really be able to do much in the beginning since the higher ranking demons of the void will not appear until later on in the plot. <strong>Am I allowed to be a protagonist who isn't one of the Children of Solora?</strong> The answer is no. This is because only certain Children of Solora were chosen to be part of the prophecy and this idea completely goes against the plot that I already have planned out. <strong>Would I be allowed to make a character who isn't human?</strong> Because the Children of Solora are all just humans with powers given to them through a special blessing, you will not be allowed to roleplay as a cat-person, vampire, or any other kind of species that isn't human. In fact, a majority of the species in Solorus will be the same kinds of species that you can find in real life. <strong>Are the Children of Solora just blessed humans?</strong> The Children of Solora are technically descendants of the gods but the first descendant of the gods wasn't exactly conceived or born in the way that you'd think. After the creation of the world, the gods kind of isolated themselves in an alternate reality of some sort so that they would be able to watch over the world without because able to directly interact with it. This was to prevent a war between the gods that could have possibly occurred due to having different opinions on which group of humans they wanted to side with. However, The Prophet warned the gods that while it was a good idea to separate themselves from the physical world, it also prevented them from being able to do anything should something possibly attempt to throw the world into discord. As The Prophet has a big influence on the gods, they decided to heed The Prophet's words and decided that the best way to deal with such a situation would be to grant several specific humans a portion of their essence (these were pretty much the first Children of Solora). All other Children of Solora are descended from these humans and are therefore counted as being "descended from the gods." <strong>Are the Children of Solora born with their powers?</strong> Never. If this were to be the case, then there would potentially be multiple children from a single generation who had the power of the gods. Someone in the family might be born with a little bit of power due to being descended from that God, but that will be extremely minor and won't even signify that the person will be chosen as the Emissary of their god. Most gods will actually observe the children of the next generation and choose the one that he or she thinks will be best (could be strongest, smartest or even just the person most suited to the god's personality) after the child has reached a certain age (typically 10~12ish although it really depends on the god). <strong>Will the Children of Solora be well known?</strong> No, not individually anyway. The families descended from the gods pretty much kept to themselves after the incident involving the Children of Ruin. The general public knows about the existence of the Children of Solora, but won't be able to distinguish them from normal people until they witness the Emissary using their powers. Most of the Children of Solora probably wouldn't be so keen on revealing themselves though... <strong>Is my character allowed to have the ability to shape-shift into an animal?</strong> A Child of Solora might be able to shapeshift into a specific animal, however this will only be when the god/goddess is shown to have turned into that specific animal several times and is a major aspect of the god. For example, Gabija often transformed into a cat, stork or rooster in order to enter the homes of people. This would mean that the Emissary of Gabija would be allowed to shapeshift into a cat, stork or rooster. However, if it is just a symbol of the god or was just a minor event in a single myth, the character will not be able to shift into that animal/creature. An Emissary of Athena wouldn't be able to transform into an owl because an owl is simply one of Athena's symbol. <strong>How lenient or harsh will you be with Character Sheets?</strong> While I won't straight out say "your CS is shit," I will possibly pick on more minor details along with the major problems in your CS. While this seems mean, this is because I want to prevent problems occurring from the start. Mary sues and Gary stus are a big no no and characters who are OP af definitely will not be tolerated. Btw, Birb will be evaluating as well, so do be careful. O.o ; <strong>So...what would be considered "too OP?"</strong> Guys, a majority of these characters will be children. CHILDREN. I know that the youngest will be around 15ish but that's still pretty young if you think about it in the long run. Compare this to the gods who have been around for thousands of years and have a complete and clear understanding of their powers. The Children of Solora are, in a sense, borrowing the power of their god(dess) and therefore will never be able to reach the same power level as their god. Also, while this RP is pretty much about a war, we won't be focusing on fighting 24/7. The Children of Solora will receive time to interact with each other and also tasks that don't involve combat. We want an RP'er who can properly write about these scenes with a relatively consistent character personality, not a character who can destroy a whole demon army on their own. <strong>The god that I chose for my character doesn't have a very detailed power description and is more of abstract symbolism. What should I do about my character's powers?</strong> If your character isn't as obvious as the sea or hunters, you might want to compile a list of what their main symbols mean. For example, take the sun and the moon. The sun commonly represents fire, anger, light, passion, life, happiness, etc while the moon commonly represents mirrors/steel, ice, darkness, mystery, clarity, etc. From those symbols, branch off of a few and develop base powers. You can have your character develop more advanced techniques based on those powers later on in the RP. <strong>There's a tab labeled "CoS" in the CS skeleton! What does it mean?</strong> ...Did you really read my rules? *squints* <strong>Am I allowed to add an ability/power that I didn't list when I first submitted my CS?</strong> Well, you can but please PM me to ask for permission to add the ability on. Whether or not that ability will be considered too OP may also be determined by the list of accepted skills that your character already has. <strong>Why is it that Sifa, Ciril and Aren are the only ones from the old Divine Order with a profile (although tiny)?</strong> This is because Sifa, Ciril, and Aren were the three key figures of the final Divine Order a millennium ago. Also, they will be the only ones who might have an actual scene in the RP (although small). I didn't really want RP'ers to feel that they shouldn't pick a certain god because member X or Y of the old Divine Order had also been descended from that god. <strong>Aren't Sifa and Ciril too OP?</strong> 1. They're NPCs for a reason 2. How else do you think the old Divine Order had been able to take down the army of the Children of Ruin so quickly? 3. They were far more experienced than our current group of Children of Solora. This is because the Children of Solora were enlisted in the Imperial Army from a relatively young age. 4. Before the demons of the void invaded Solorus, the Children of Solora being together was not very uncommon whilst now a majority of the families are isolated in their own towns/villages. This allowed for the blessed children to be able to learn their powers all together. 5. Sifa and Ciril were at the helm of what was considered the strongest Divine Order Unit in history. <strong>What is the relationship between Sifa and Ciril?</strong> Childhood friends, the leader and the right hand, and the two strongest members of their generation. No more, no less. <strong>Hey, isn't Sifa's faceclaim Shiro from No Game, No Life?</strong> She's actually not...In fact, the picture used does not depict any specific character from an anime or manga. This is the artist's personal character design. </p></div>


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