The Cast


Queen Narwhal
*NOTE:I will personally play all major roles aside from the five main characters. (Olaf, Lady of Light, Extras, etc.)

The Cast

  • Water-Falisity(Played by:SavvyCross)

  • Air-Rayne(Played by:

    Klutzy Ninja Kitty)

  • Fire-Eimyn(Played by:


  • Earth-William(Played by:


  • Dryad-Willow(Played by:


When you have decided what character you want to be, ask to reserve the character, then follow this format to fill in your own personalized info for your chosen character:

*Name of character you are playing+element*

*Picture(an add a physical descriptions if wanted as well. Try to stay away from anime pictures)*


*Preciously provided info on character (without the elemental picture)*

All Non-Playable Characters are below the main characters.

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[h]Water[/h][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [IMG][/IMG] [FONT='Trebuchet MS'][SIZE=36px][COLOR=#00ffff]


Falisity Jacowa



'Time Period':



Modern Day South America


Falisity Jacowa was given to a small tribe of people who lived deep in the jungle. There, she was taken in by the witch doctor of the tribe and taught the ways of healing using plants. It was the night of her 21st birthday, a day where she is looked at as a grown woman to the tribes people and given the job of the old witch doctor, allowing her to retire.

The Night of Reclaiming:

It was a warm, humid evening the night of Falisity's 21st birthday. She stood proudly in front of the tribe, shaking with nervousness. A cool wind blew the river up against the rocks, splashing behind her in a way that made it look as if she sat on a great throne. Thunder range in the sky and the crowd cheered, calling out in their native language. Falisity stood, holding the ritualistic staff as she called out into the sky in a lost language. The rain began to poor furiously, drenching the whole tribe. Suddenly, a scream broke out in the crowd, and soldiers seemed to appear out of nowhere. These soldiers wore armor so black, they looked like shadows in the stormy night. Falisity panicked and her heart started to race.

Then, all she felt was cold.


[h]Air[/h][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Trebuchet MS'][SIZE=36px][COLOR=rgb(0,255,255)] [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][IMG][/IMG][FONT='Trebuchet MS'][SIZE=36px][COLOR=rgb(0,255,255)][B] [/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Trebuchet MS'][SIZE=36px][COLOR=rgb(0,255,255)]

Rayne Johanson



'Time Period':

Early 1920's


Modern Day UK


When Rayne was sent back, she was given to a very wealthy family in England. The father was a Duke, and she was raised rich and spoiled by her adoptive parents. She enjoyed sneaking out to have fun with friends, as well as dancing at the parties her family often threw. The night of her disappearance was the night of her 19th birthday, as well as the night she was to be betrothed to the wealthiest Lord in the surrounding county. Many speculated that she had run away, angry with her parents for promising her to a much older man she had never met. Little did they know, her disobedience was the least of their problems.

The Night of Reclaiming:

Rayne ran outside to see a star falling from the sky, only it wasn't a star, it was an old man. She smiled as she watched him glide towards her. Gingerly, he took her hand in his and said "It's time for you to come with me, my dear." She began to shake her head and whispered, "My parents-" The old man placed his wrinkled finger on her young lips gingerly, shushing her. "Shhhh Rayne, don't worry. They will not miss you as you think they will. There is nothing to worry for. Just come, and live how you where meant to." Poor Rayne had no idea what the old man meant, but something inside her told her he was right. She took his hand tight is hers and in a puff of smoke they where gone.


[h][/h][h][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='Trebuchet MS'][SIZE=36px][B][COLOR=#ff0000]Fire[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='Trebuchet MS'][SIZE=36px][B][/h][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Trebuchet MS'][SIZE=36px] [/FONT][/SIZE][IMG],1278484812,2/stock-photo-pretty-young-man-posing-outside-shot-56676493.jpg&hash=f1b915966a3b06744bbe55683898e8cc[/IMG][FONT='Trebuchet MS'][SIZE=36px][COLOR=rgb(0,255,255)] [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Trebuchet MS'][SIZE=36px]

Eimyn Smith



'Time Period':



Modern Day Scottland


Eimyn (pronounced like amen) lives with his mother, father, and brother (also an elemental). His father is a blacksmith, and taught Eimyn a lot of what he knows. Eimyn took up the skills fast, giving him the advantage of knowing how to use fire for his own needs, but not without a smith's shop.

The Night of Reclaiming:

The previous nights attack played through Eimyn's head over and over as her sat next to the sleeping William who layed like a rock in the grass. A strange shadow formed suddenly over them, causing Eimyn to look up and see and old man standing before them, holding out his hand. Come Eimyn and William. It is time for you to fulfill your destiny. And in a cloud of fire they vanished.


[SIZE=36px][COLOR=#b35900][B]Earth[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [IMG][/IMG] [B][SIZE=24px]Name:[/SIZE][/B] [B] [/B][B][SIZE=24px]William Smith[/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#000000]Age:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#000000] 14[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=24px] 'Time Period':[/SIZE] [SIZE=24px] [/SIZE][SIZE=24px][COLOR=#000000]1700's[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=24px] 'Location':[/SIZE] [SIZE=24px] [/SIZE][SIZE=24px][COLOR=#000000]Modern Day Scotland[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#000000] Bio:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#000000] William was always teased about his size and strength. Kids would call him things like 'Giant' and 'Troll'. His brother Eimyn was his only friend and comfort, though he was twice his size. Nobody ever explained why William grew as large as he did as fast as he did, but he always felt like he didn't fit in with the others, and found it hard to grasp things in his head as fast other kids. It took a normal child 2 days to complete sewing a basket for the first time while it took him a whole week. He was always one to help out around town when it came to heavy loads, though, and the village was thankful for it.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=24px][COLOR=#000000] The Night of Reclaiming:[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=#000000][SIZE=24px](Same as Eimyn)[/COLOR][/SIZE]




Willow Valentine



'Time Period':

Present day (2014)


Moscow, Russia


Willow has been moving around the world since she was very little. Her father was in the military in the States, and married her mother when they where both very young. When Willow was 10, her father was killed in combat leaving her to move with her mother back to the motherland of Russia. Willow struggled for a long while to learn the new language of her supposed 'ancestors'. She stayed inside most of the day reading the news and reading old books on modern science. The hardest part about living in Russia was the fact that she was a lesbian, and that was a big no-no in Russian society. This was the biggest reason she stayed in her room most of the time.

The Night of Reclaiming:

She had heard her mother scream downstairs in Russian. As Willow struggled to translate what her mother had said, an old man crashed through the door in her bedroom. He smiled worriedly, and held her shoulders. "Unless you want to be arrested for something that isn't your fault, i suggest you take my hand." He smile. Without a second thought, she took his hand and just like that they where gone.


Olaf, Lord of Time


The Lady of Light


The Lord of Darkness


Prince of Shadow


General of the Shadow Army

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Rayne Johanson

Element: Air

Age: 19

'Time Period': Early 1920's

'Location:' Modern Day UK

Physical Description: (See picture above) Platinum blonde hair and blue gray eyes.

Personality: Rayne is somewhat girly; she enjoys dressing up in wilder girl clothes rather than the formal gowns her parents have her wear, but still enjoys dressing fancy. Having been raised by her wealthy family and used to getting anything she wants, Rayne is very demanding that things go her way. She can be stubborn, selfish, cocky, and a bit snooty. Also, because she has learned from some of the finest tutors, she will sometimes brag about her knowledge and come off as rude. Deep down, however, she has a good heart and only puts up a pompous attitude toward strangers, people she barely knows, her parents, and few others. When she lets her walls down around people she is comfortable with, she has a bit of an adventurous side which is a bit more tricky, mischievous, and fun loving.

Bio: When Rayne was sent back, she was given to a very wealthy family in England. The father was a Duke, and she was raised rich and spoiled by her adoptive parents. She enjoyed sneaking out to have fun with friends, as well as dancing at the parties her family often threw. The night of her disappearance was the night of her 19th birthday, as well as the night she was to be betrothed to the wealthiest Lord in the surrounding county. Many speculated that she had run away, angry with her parents for promising her to a much older man she had never met. Little did they know, her disobedience was the least of their problems.

The Night of Reclaiming: Rayne ran outside to see a star falling from the sky, only it wasn't a star, it was an old man. She smiled as she watched him glide towards her. Gingerly, he took her hand in his and said "It's time for you to come with me, my dear." She began to shake her head and whispered, "My parents-" The old man placed his wrinkled finger on her young lips gingerly, shushing her. "Shhhh Rayne, don't worry. They will not miss you as you think they will. There is nothing to worry for. Just come, and live how you where meant to." Poor Rayne had no idea what the old man meant, but something inside her told her he was right. She took his hand tight is hers and in a puff of smoke they were gone.


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May I request Eimyn? 
Name of character you are playing+element Eimyn-Fire

Name Eimyn Smith


'Time Period':1700's

'Location:' Modern Day Scottland

Bio:Eimyn (pronounced like amen) lives with his mother, father, and brother (also an elemental). His father is a blacksmith, and taught Eimyn a lot of what he knows. Eimyn took up the skills fast, giving him the advantage of knowing how to use fire for his own needs, but not without a smith's shop.

The Night of Reclaiming:The previous nights attack played through Eimyn's head over and over as her sat next to the sleeping William who layed like a rock in the grass. A strange shadow formed suddenly over them, causing Eimyn to look up and see and old man standing before them, holding out his hand. Come Eimyn and William. It is time for you to fulfill your destiny. And in a cloud of fire they vanished.





Hair style:


*Personality* Eimyn is somewhat quite guy. He is quite, and serious, giving the impression that he is a deep thinker. He is fiercely protective of his family and those he cares about. He is, at times, an emotional being, but most of the time, he is relatively calm. With those he is comfortable with, he is outgoing, and generally the life of the party, otherwise with thos he doesn't know, he can seem to be impolite in his quietness. He enjoys the outdoors, but particularly enjoys his blacksmithing more. He doesn't expect others to do things for him, but rather prefers to work with others to do things. He can be stubborn with something he believes in and will stop at nothing to complete a task.

I hope this is okay. It took me a while to find the correct clothes.
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Willow Valentine


15 years old






Moscow, Russia

Time Period:

Modern Day (2014)


Willow has been moving around the world since she was very little. Her father was in the military in the States, and married her mother when they where both very young. When Willow was 10, her father was killed in combat leaving her to move with her mother back to the motherland of Russia. Willow struggled for a long while to learn the new language of her supposed 'ancestors'. She stayed inside most of the day reading the news and reading old books on modern science. The hardest part about living in Russia was the fact that she was a lesbian, and that was a big no-no in Russian society. This was the biggest reason she stayed in her room most of the time.


She stays quiet most of the time observing the world around her. She yearns to socialize with others but is out-casted. Willow is lonely deep down inside so on the outside she comes out as rude and spontaneous (random). She acts tough and boldly to hide her true self since no one accepts it. Willow is stubborn and snap backs easily. She is grouchy and troublesome. Willow loves to be humorous sometimes and may pull pranks to be considered cruel humor. She is very tomboyish but will like wearing the cliche chick clothing that are not so bright though. Willow wishes to have company but stays alone most of the time making her depress. She is intelligent though from reading many novels and non-fiction books. Willow sometimes breaks down and cries to herself at night when no one is around from all the emptiness that surrounds her. Sometimes when Willow thinks about things she would think about having friends and she would imagine herself being trustworthy and loyal to her friends, if they ever existed. She is cool and collected in public but at home she can lose her temper easily. Since her mother is her only companion she cares deeply about her but also has conflicted emotions on her for bringing her to such a dreadful place.

The Night of Reclaiming:

She had heard her mother scream downstairs in Russian. As Willow struggled to translate what her mother had said, an old man crashed through the door in her bedroom. He smiled worriedly, and held her shoulders. "Unless you want to be arrested for something that isn't your fault, i suggest you take my hand." He smile. Without a second thought, she took his hand and just like that they where gone.



Name:William Smith




William is slow but relentless. While he may easily be beaten in a battle of lightning wits, William will chip away at a single idea for hours or days at a time, refining rough inspiration into chiseled logic. He usually looks to others for leadership, but is naturally suspicious of any idea he has not had time to ponder. Once set on a course of action he is nearly impossible to dissuade through argument. He rarely chooses to involve himself in other people's conflicts. Violence upsets him. However, he values his family, and will do anything thing to ensure their well being. He is very self conscious about his slowness of speech and uses as few words as possible to express himself, rehearsed well in advance. He is quick to cover his anger with laughter, but will remember grudges for a long time. William is happiest when he has a goal and purpose clearly set before him, no matter the size of the task or reward for completing it.



'Time Period':



Modern Day Scotland


William was always teased about his size and strength. Kids would call him things like 'Giant' and 'Troll'. His brother Eimyn was his only friend and comfort, though he was twice his size. Nobody ever explained why William grew as large as he did as fast as he did, but he always felt like he didn't fit in with the others, and found it hard to grasp things in his head as fast other kids. It took a normal child 2 days to complete sewing a basket for the first time while it took him a whole week. He was always one to help out around town when it came to heavy loads, though, and the village was thankful for it.

The Night of Reclaiming:

The previous nights attack played through Eimyn's head over and over as her sat next to the sleeping William who layed like a rock in the grass. A strange shadow formed suddenly over them, causing Eimyn to look up and see and old man standing before them, holding out his hand. Come Eimyn and William. It is time for you to fulfill your destiny. And in a cloud of fire they vanished.
period friendly Falisity concepts. You don't have to use these, but make it similar to these if at all possible?


Keep in mind she was takin on her birthday, and so she would be in ceremonial clothing for a tribe. You can post seperate pictures for outfit and general features​
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Name: Falisity Jacowa



'Time Period':



Modern Day South America


Falisity Jacowa was given to a small tribe of people who lived deep in the jungle. There, she was taken in by the witch doctor of the tribe and taught the ways of healing using plants. It was the night of her 21st birthday, a day where she is looked at as a grown woman to the tribes people and given the job of the old witch doctor, allowing her to retire.

Personality: Falisity is a very unpersonal person, she only deals with people when she must heal them, basically when she has to. She enjoys tending to earth, and learning all it has to offer medically, her element is water. She doesnt talk much but normally when she does it has to do with the healing agents in the natural world around.



The Night of Reclaiming:

It was a warm, humid evening the night of Falisity's 21st birthday. She stood proudly in front of the tribe, shaking with nervousness. A cool wind blew the river up against the rocks, splashing behind her in a way that made it look as if she sat on a great throne. Thunder range in the sky and the crowd cheered, calling out in their native language. Falisity stood, holding the ritualistic staff as she called out into the sky in a lost language. The rain began to poor furiously, drenching the whole tribe. Suddenly, a scream broke out in the crowd, and soldiers seemed to appear out of nowhere. These soldiers wore armor so black, they looked like shadows in the stormy night. Falisity panicked and her heart started to race.

Then, all she felt was cold.

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