The Capes


Nefarious Gekko

To apply, please read the "Applying" section under Rules/Regulations. Fill out the form provided and post a completed application to the thread. Please wait for acceptance before posting in the Role Play section.

Accepted Characters

Agency Members:
[superhuman] Stockholm -

[superhuman] Soto -

Rogue Superhumans:
[supervillain] Holvanum -

[Vigilante] Angelino - wolf

[Vigilante] Goulter -

All Humans not under the employ of the Agency will be listed here.
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Character Image:

(villain/Mind Misstress form)


Black hair, tan, and green eyes

(Vanessa form)


Blond, Light skin, brown eyes

Full Name: Vanessa Holvanum

Nickname: Mind Mistress

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Race: Superhuman.

Alignment: Evil

Occupation: Vanessa is an owner of the world wide Industry know as Holvanum Universe. Its an electrical company that makes everything electrical. (Cell phones, laptops, benders, fridge. Ect.)

History: Vanessa war originated from Russia. Her real last name was Sokolov. She was part of a military assignment. She was assigned to become one of these 'mutants' and find more about them. The experiment went beyond what they thought what would happen. She unlocked 100% of her mind and able to manipulate her body to anything she put her mind to. She was still under simulation when she heard that they where going to whip her memory and use her. She woke up and attacked them and killed everyone of them. With her powers she made a new image for herself and changed her last name. She moved to America and made a name for herself and has a secret life making herself wealthy and the most violinists mutant in the world.

Personality: Tricky, bitchy, cocky, intelligent, hard worker, tough, sexy, and a bit perverted (Villain)

Powers: heightened physical/mental capabilities (Shape changing and Unlocked 100% of her brain)

Weakness: A rare flower call The Ghost Orchid. It was used in the mixture and can take back her powers.

Weapon(s): Her mind and a long Staff.
5'4; slim, curvy figure; likes to wear clothes that show her figure, sometimes allowing for some cleavage; beauty mark near her left eye; bridge of freckles run across her nose

  • Full Name: Margaret Stockholm

    Nickname: Megan Holmes; sometimes called "Viper" or "Vipe" (due to her elusive, sly, and clever qualities)

    Gender: F

    Age: 24

    Race: Superhuman

    Alignment: Good

    Occupation: Investigator at Agency

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Standing at about six feet and three inches, Hikaru would be a rather imposing individual were it not for his small frame. Lacking in terms of physical prowess, Hikaru is perhaps not the most intimidating of people around. Though his cold glare might be enough to bring someone out of their comfort zone. Typically seen with a scowl and a mean look on his face, Hikaru appears to be one not easily approached. Maintaining a dignified stance, Hikaru carries himself with a sense of purpose and pride. As far as distinguishing features go, he is definitely lacking. Though his grey-white hair is certainly iconic. Other than that, he is known to prefer black attire, and always wearing gloves.

Full Name:

Hikaru Soto.


Referred to as Electrode on occasion.


Male, obviously.








The Agency; Field Agent.


Born and raised in Portside, Hikaru was the eldest son to immigrant parents. They worked modest jobs, and made enough to pay for themselves and their three boys. They were a rowdy and adventurous bunch, always getting into mischief. Though they were all troublemakers, Hikaru was always protective over his younger brothers. He often willingly took the blame for them, though his parents always knew better. His childhood was rather normal, with nothing out of the ordinary. He would have never suspected that he would one day wake up with powers at his disposal.

Just out of high school, Hikaru was getting ready for work one morning. It was just like any other morning, but one event would leave it forever burned into his memory. When his toast got stuck in the toaster, he thoughtlessly grabbed a fork and attempted to retrieve the stubborn piece of bread. The next thing he knew, he was traveling through what appeared to be a tunnel of bright light. Soon after that, he was tossed out into the air, landing on some hedges. He had nearly traveled across the whole neighborhood once he came to his senses. He wasn't sure what happened, but it wouldn't be the first time.

Anytime he got close to an outlet, or any source of electricity, he start to feel a strange sensation come over him. He felt like he was going to burst right out of his skin. He was getting worried, fearing he might end up like the Superhumans he heard about on TV. He wasn't the only one to notice. Concerned, his parents contacted the Agency. They answered the call, and came to investigate.

It became clear then, that Hikaru had powers. Clearly based around electricity, the visiting Agents attempted to trigger the emergence of his powers once more. Hitting him with a taser, he absorbed the energy and transformed for the first time. He was enveloped in light, radiating electricity and static.

Hikaru was recruited into the Agency. He was reluctant at first, but was encouraged to remain by his family. He wasn't sure if he was doing them proud, or they simply didn't want him around. Hikaru worked as a clerk for a year, learning the inner workings of the Agency before deciding to become a Field Agent. He's been working cases ever since, chasing down the bad guys and bringing them to justice.


Hikaru has always has a no-nonsense coldness about him. He is stern, focused and maintains a strict indifference. Some may call him emotionless or even heartless. Though Hikaru is far from being cruel or unfeeling. He has a strong sense of morality, of what is right and what is wrong. He is selfless when it comes to protecting others, though he can be a bit condescending during social interactions. He doesn't speak often, but when he does, he speaks with confidence and assurance. When it comes to interacting with others, he is impatient and blunt. Hikaru can seem a little arrogant at times, but he means well. He just has a hard time getting passed his ego.


Electrical Mimicry

Hikaru can transform into a human-shaped lightning bolt that can travel through electrical wires, fly, emit bright light, and electrocute things. He is limited to only being able to control the electricity that his body turns into. He is capable of projecting lightening bolts both while in human form and lightening bolt form, however his projectiles are considerably weaker while in human form. While in lightening bolt form, he is far more harder to damage or harm as any physical contact with him would result in electrocution.


Obviously, he is susceptible to the limitations of lightening and electricity while in his lightening bolt form. As such, his powers can be disrupted or "shorted out" if he comes into contact with water. He needs to be close to an electrical source if he plans on being in his lightening bolt form for any extended amount of time. While in lightening bolt form, he is also susceptible to any Superhuman who may have electrokinesis.


He carries with him a taser, which he will sometimes use as a fuel source for his own powers. Other than that, he'll rely mostly on his powers when engaged in combat.
(the image is mnot working i will post the link soon sorry)

(those are mechanical wings)

Full Name: Josh Angelino

Nickname:Fallen Angel


Age: 31

Race: Human


Occupation: vigilante/ multi-millionaire ceo

History:as a young boy he and his brother John grew up in Queens New York. he was always fascinated by spiderman and some other super heroes. he decided one day to invest more money to design gadgets to help him to protect New York. this was in eighth grade. in 9th grade he knew what he was going to be in the future the ceo of his father's company and make it a prosperous company. after he graduated Trade school his father died of a heart attack leaving his fortune to his young sons and his company to Josh.

One he was settled into his new life he started to design his suit and finance the materials to build it. he then started to hunt the criminals in New York NY.where he adopted his first aleas The Hunter. then he perfected his wings and changed his suit design and his name. he has since been known as Fallen Angel. Since then he has paid all news papers to keep from printing any article about Fallen Angel.

Personality: he is a relatively laid back and casual person. loyal and caring when necessary.can be a bit big headed. extremely intelligent. he is a hard worker and has a stern disposition

Weapon(s): 2 swords a glove that has darts that can be launched

Tools: wings and head set
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Full Name: Lucas Vermine Goulter

Nickname: Clockwork

Gender: Male

Age: 199

Race: Superhuman

Alignment: Neutral (Although he enjoys harassing both sides from time to time)

Occupation: Vigilante

History: Lucas was born in sometime in 1850, although he won't say what day. He was raised in the Wild West, surrounded by the prospectors and miners who were looking for their fortunes and stories of cowboys and villains, and dreamed of joining them in keeping the peace. This changed when he witnessed a gang of bandits hijack and blow up a train at 17. He quickly joined them and began a legendary chain of hijackings, which ended with a botched plan 20 years later, when he accidentally blew up himself and the rest of his gang. He miraculously survived, and, through a few more similar accidents, he realized that physical trauma couldn't kill him.

When he was an elderly 60, the first World War broke out, and he was one of the first to join the battle. Of course, he was denied, despite having the body of an able 25-year-old. So, he got a fake ID and joined the fight as an aerial bomber, doing well for the side he'd planned to join as a child. Nothing special happened in that time and he stayed until the second World War, where he was arrested after blowing up his and 10 other brigades in a bout of boredom. After that, he planned and fulfilled a daring escape from his prison as well as swore off taking sides. In that spirit, he moved to the city of Portside in order to lie low. He did, at least, until he heard about the Agency taking the city under their protection.

He began bombing their projects left and right, often leaving teasing notes to tell them to stop. He got the name "Clockwork" over time due to the fact that he often chose to use old clockwork bombs over more modern explosives. He worked with the Agency a few times over the years to thwart supervillain threats here and there, answering any questions they had for him. Through this, the Agency has developed quite a file on him.

Personality: Lucas is a bit of a wild card, prone to blowing things up because, "Why not?" He often just blows open the vaults on banks without taking any money, and, if he does, he often burns it while running away. He has no problem with working with either side, so long as he isn't contracted to stay with them. He's cautious, rarely staying in a hideout for more than a week, often blowing them up when he leaves. He teases heroes and villains alike, although has no interest in being formal enemies with them. He's reckless, since his explosions can't kill him. He also occasionally goes on manic rampages where he rides through the city on a jet pack, throwing bombs everywhere, laughing.

Powers: Unable to die by physical trauma (such as burning, stabbing, dismemberment, etc.), Doesn't age

Weakness(s): Really prone to illness, susceptible to poisons,

Weapon(s): Tons of bombs, a couple rocket launchers, a jet pack, and grenades

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