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Futuristic The Cantolia Incident


Junior Despot/Man-at-war




"We are not going to make it!" Quishen grimaced through clenched teeth. The veteran captain ignored the stinging pain rising from the various lacerations on his body to study his crew scattered around the bridge. Another explosion sounded from the hull. The second officer returned Quishen's grim stare, there was no need to look at the instrument consoles, everyone aboard the Cantolia knew their fate was sealed.

"We can't shake them, Sir. They are not responding to our communications and they are not making any demands. Our choices are...limited. Engine capacity is down to 20% and our weapons and shields are offline. Radiation levels have passed the critical threshold in the engine room and I have quarantined deck 4 through 10 for decompression into space, we ..-" the Second Officer was cut off as another volley of explosions errupted from the length of the ship drowning out the alarms from the instruments for a fraction of a second.

"..we are not in a good state" Officer Amar continued after the pause.

Quishen nodded grimly while still starring at the few instruments that had power. His ship was doomed he knew it. What crew who weren't killed outright from the savage attack managed to escape into the lifepods, their fate signed to the void and mercy of their seemingly relentless pursuers. The captain and his most senior officers decided to stay on, to bide time with their aggressors and in the proud Alliance tradition, to go down with their ship.

Amar grabbed onto a railing as another strong explosion rippled down the ship. The bulkheads groaned under the strain of the shockwave. "We have to warn home!" he urged the captain.

"What about the comms. Is anything getting through?"


The Captain shook his head, "we are transmitting in the blind. there is no guarantee anyone can or will hear us. If our signals are not being jammed then the radiation will make communication impossible" he paused to look at another console "The distress beacon is transmitting though" he said. The gamble of jettisoning the distress beacon with the debris of the ship seems to have worked. The beacon had floated unhindered quite a distance from the Cantolia and seemingly undetected by their aggressors. Hopefully it would travel to a safe distance where someone could hear its transmission.

"Well men" Quishen began as another round of explosions wracked at the ship. "this is going to be our last stand. It has been a pleasure serving with the fi-..."


The Helmsman suddenly interrupted the captain. "Sir!, the scanners" terror seemed to be gripped in his eyes. Quishen looked at a large console near his seat, at first all he could see was the plume of debris ensuing from his own ship and the dozen or so angry red dots indicating the locations of the swarming enemy ships, weaving about the larger Cantolia. Then finally his eyes fell on the anomaly. A single lone signal now appeared off the ships starboard bow. "Unidentified transponder" the junior chimed in again. "It's the largest ship i've ever seen, it must be an error.....it....sir, the other enemy ships are retreating!!" there was a mixture of hope and confusion in his voice. Quishen was about to respond when a new alarm rang out. He didn't have to look, he didn't have to think. He knew exactly what was about to happen.

"It has been an honour serving with you all" his voice was almost a whisper. "We have seen what is to come...only death. We are all doomed!" There was a blinding flash and the deck of the Cantolia was bathed in light.

The ship disintegrated instantly and effortlessly into the abysmal depths of space.


Welcome to the Ceres galaxy. You are entering a turbulent region of space filled with intrigue, mystery, violence and adventure (and whatever else you want to throw in there). Two large factions lie at the heart of this galaxy, two authorities who over the last two decades have been plotting the demise of the other. The motive? Power, of course. Each side claims justice or retribution over the other but wars rarely ever change in nature. An uneasy truce however is not uncommon in these parts, there have been several in fact. The latest has spanned 70 years and still holds to-date, however, troubling news has arrived to Ceres that may just jeopardise this fragile peace.

Rumors begin to spread that the famous exploration ship Cantolia has disappeared in The Deep - a region of wild space that has yet to be explored and studied. Housing representatives from both major and a few minor factions, the Cantolia was an experiment of sorts, the first attempt at a peaceful and mutual venture in the name of science and exploration since the 25 year Rebellion Wars.  Therefore it comes as no surprise that each faction now begins to suspect the other at jepordising the peaceful Cantolia mission - an act of war as some claim; a prelude to another civil war.

You the player will embark on an adventure to uncover the truth behind the destruction of the Cantolia. You will travel the stars and seek out the fate of the legendary ship and become legends yourselves or perish in the void. This RP will involve exploration of alien worlds, tracking down clues and following the trail of the Cantolia which will culminate in the final chapter. There will be fighting of course, this is space and  survival is a key element.

To help embark on this grand adventure you will be provided a ship and a crew to assist you, more details will be in the 'Resolute' section. Players are asked to select a faction from the 'Faction & Roles' section where you will then choose a role for your character (eg: medic) and become a member of an elite team embarking on this grand adventure





First and foremost, common sense and courtesy applies in this RP. Please NO:

  • God mode characters
  • Trench-coating
  • Killing other players without permission
  • Starting flame wars in OOC
  • IRL Aggression towards others under the guise of drama/gritty story telling/method acting

I won't put any post restrictions so you can post as many times as you like. Feel free to interact with others and your surrounding. I am looking for players with imaginations, as I will need you to craft your own histories and backstories for yourselves. (There is only so much that I can wield for you). Be intuitive and expressive, its space/science fiction, so use your imagination. If you feel that you are overstepping the RP parameters, then PM me first and I'll see if it is in conflict. Put simply, I don't want a one line post in this RP. You don't have to dazzle me with words..just write well.

Most importantly, have fun!



Gameplay is expected to be filled with combat, puzzles, exploration and the fan favorite - betrayal.

This RP will require cooperation but also be aware that each faction and each player MAY have their own vested interest in this adventure. Additionally, during the course of the RP events may come to pass that strongly require the input by members of a particular role (eg: medic or engineer). In order to assist players with their roles they will be given specific intel (via PM) prior to/during said event, to better respond to the situation.

Finally, it is possible that players may be contacted covertly by their handlers in their respective factions. Each faction, as was said before, has a vested interest in this voyage. Fulfilling the requests by your handlers carries certain favourable rewards that may come useful in the RP. Failure to do so however has no negative affects BUT if you are caught/detected doing something underhanded as a covert operation..then you may get shoved out of the airlock.



Combat occurs much like a D&D game (if you are familiar with D&D mechanics), where I roll a dice/die to determine how successful you are in your efforts. I will present a situation to you the players and you write how you wish to resolve it, if you choose to fight then indicate how you wish to go about it. The more details you put in and the more logical it sounds (shooting a fireball from your hand in a world where magic doesn't exist is an example of poor logic) the more bonuses I can add to your dice roll which means the more likely you are to succeed in your fight.

You are all welcome to get into any scrapes and bruises of your inventions as you like and these combat situations can be resolved by yourselves. However, challenges I present are resolved only by me. You merely write what your doing (or what you intend to do) and I will react and post their outcomes as they are resolved.

If you are every confused about this mechanic feel free to PM or ask in OOC and we can sort it out together.
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The Setting:

Known Planets & Moons:

Factions & Roles:

Weapons & Gear:

Character Sheet:
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The Resolute, last spotted landing on the moon Eridos - in the Sakkara Sector






///Specifications: CLASSIFIED///
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