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Fantasy The Call of Rome


She couldn't help but laugh at the maiden. Although she had to act politely still, "Please, there is no need for such look. My master had been out of town and had assigned me to look after his daughter. His arrival would be this night. If not, tomorrow morning."

Stoddart was confused as to why the woman was laughing at her, but she just shrug it off and kept her calm composure. "Ah... I see then. My apologies for thinking other wise."

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"Not at all, I should be the one apologizing" She bowed to the girl. "So what has brought you here in this area, good knight?"
"I see. I take it nothing deastic has happened yet?" She followed suit. Although she should be going back, she enjoyed the knight's company. Besides, the daughter wants to be alone and go frolick in the streets. Perhaps she would return by sundown.

"No, not at all." She takes in a deep breath for and then exhales. "Which is good and bad. Good for the fact that the citizens and soldiers can live in peace and not worry about anything. Bad because I have no other purpose besides fighting..."
"Ah. Well, isn't that much better? To pick up a sword is to fight. To fight means there is war. It is better to do nothing and bask in the sun." She smiled.

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"I guess so..." She lays on her back, and just stare at the sun. "I've never really took the time to just relax myself. Heck, this break of mine is longer than my usual"

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"Oh? Us slaves have it more difficult. We were worked from sunrise till dead of night. Well, I find myself quite lucky as my master have taken me in as the daughter's slave and their cook. I was educated when I was younger." She thought back to when she was just a child. She never rested until she has done it right. Her small, fragile arms were aching from repeating.

"The path of the slave is a hard one" Stoddart says as she outstretch a hand towards the sky. "To have even a happy life as one... you need luck, and a great mind. Both of which is hard to get." She then clench her hand. "You're lucky madam, very lucky indeed... maybe you possess a higher luck then even me."


Emperor Pitilius Vitalion

The Praetorian guards were waiting for Marcus outside the temple. He proceeded on mounting his horse and rode back towards palatine hill.

@Anyone? )
Standing at attention, Zyraxes nodded to Cestasius and took up a position near the emperor, while Cestasius moved to the front of the Praetorian retinue to ensure a clear path for him.

Baldwin was on the sale after he got slaved.''Slave for sale!A good man only for a Sestertius!'' the slave trader shoutet.

''3 As,thats a good price.'' one of the People said.But the Slave Trader said ''3 AS?!You will throw me out of buisness!''

Baldwin knew that it is gonna be a long day.
Legate Caius

Caius stood quietly under the pavillion, the never ending sound of rain drumming on its roof soothing his mind. Wearing his full armor, Caius reached up and adjusted his shoulder strap once again, the Zeus cursed object continuously falling down. He made a mental note of instructing his armorer to fix it upon their return to home.

Spread out around him in neat orderly lines, thousands of tents were set up. What was supposed to be a simple patrol by the 27th Legion turned into a dreary event with the arrival of the sudden storm. Ordering his men to make camp as best they could, Caius had set about rethinking the march, and decided on returning back to the capital.

As he watched his men move about, taking down their tents and gathering supplies, Caius could only nod at their stoney expresions, and the silence in which they worked. The Gaul born legionaries had proven to be a hardy bunch, and Caius could only respect them.

Hearing armored footsteps approach, Caius turned his head to see one of his Centurions approaching. Upon entering the pavillion, he quickly saluted Caius, before speaking. "Legate, the camp will be ready to march within the hour." Nodding to the man, Caius salted him as he departed, before turning to watch the progress once more.
James drinks in a tavern inside the Roman capital drinking some wine and eating some bread and cheese- man I need to find some work soon, the money my old Comander left me is almost gone and I'm too far from home to even consider going back.
Legate Caius

His father was dead. That was what the letter he had received when he returned to his provinces capital told him. He left his second in command, a Gaul born man, in charge of the provinces in his absence. He needed to return to Rome, if only for a short time, to deal with matters of estate, and settling of the families debts and other accounts before he could be done with this matter...Setting out with the Prime Cohort of the 27th, Caius made his way towards Rome. The several week long journey had been rough on Caius, but he wasn't too old yet. When they got closer, he made sure to send word ahead to the city. While not a massive force, 200 armed legionaries approaching without notice would still be looked upon badly...

Now, sitting on his horse, Caius looked at the city of his birth once more. Spread out on either side of him, the two legionaries, also atop mounts, looked in wonder at the city they had only heard of. Other then the Centurion of the force, the rest of the Prime Cohort of the 27th were all Gaul born, and some of the finest warriors Caius had ever fought with, Roman included. As the Centurion barked orders for the men to fall back into line, Caius kicked his mount forward, leading the column towards the gates...

(Just trying to get Caius near the other people atm)
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