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Fantasy The Call of Rome


Imagination will bring us everywhere


Welcome to Rome, the land of Love, wonder, and prosperity. Rome is the capitol of the Great roman empire. This Great empire are presided by the Emperor and the Senate. You have been chosen to be a citizen of this great empire. Will you rise and be well renowned?Will you lead the empire to it's glory? or will you fall? Will you spark a rebellion that could Destroy this great empire? it is up to you, the faith of rome depends on you. Whether you be a General, a Senator, a Praetor, a Slave, a Citizen, etc.


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Emperor Pitalius Vitalion

Marcus was at the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, praying to him and asking guidance regarding on how to properly rule his empire and the people with it. The Roman empire had so many problems, war at all places, but Marcus does not like to be stressed with that matters. He had generals to fight for him, He could fight, but he chose not to. Marcus would rather stay at rome and govern it rather than fighting futile wars. He stood and looked at the Giant statue of jupiter. Marcus smiled and bowed.

(It has started!
@CharmyPie @ViolntSian @animegirl20 @Angelostar4

@MrPotato he is at dem temple)
With her wooden sword drawn Stoddart, eyed at her opponent with tense glare. The opponent wasn't letting his guard up with the shield at all, but she could get through his defense quick enough, she just needs an opening. "Come on, come on! Strike me!" The man said, all too eager to inflict harm on Stoddart. Though she was slightly pissed that the opponent was taunting her, she never let up on her stance. "Fine then! I'll just get you right now!" He lowered his guard with his shield, and swings at Stoddart with horizontal slash.

In this moment, Stoddart sees that the man's neck was exposed. Narrowing her eyes, she thrust her wooden sword towards it, and it connects, causing the fighter to stop in his tracks. Quickly, she throws the wood sword on the ground and walks away from the opponent. The man slumps his shoulders, and return to the barracks of the soldiers. "Well, that was a easy victory." She thought. Looking up to the sky, she notices that the day is too young to turn it in and go to bed. "Might as well explore the city... got nothing better to do." Adjusting her purple scarf, Stoddart heads into town. "Though, I mustn't get careless. Real battles are never fought like that..."

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Claudia lay on the emperor's bed. She was naked. She rolled over and felt the fine sheets and silks that covered the bed. She let her fingers run through the cold smooth pillows. She woke up with her emperor gone.

"Mmm…" she uttered as she opened her eyes. She sat up and stretched. She walked over to a closet and took out a robe. It was thin and smooth. She put it on herself, nothing more, nothing less. She wondered where her love has gone, and decided to wait patiently for his return.



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Titus Lucrecius Aquila 'Magnus'

Titus watered his beloved flowers that was located in a small garden behind the temple. He had planted these very flowers years ago when he was named Head Priest for Temple Jupiter Optimus Maximus. He was at peace, more than he would be during his Legionnaire times. In addition, he was calmer and wiser and his patience had grown vastly. Titus smiled as he finished waterings the last of his flowers, setting aside the watering can and walking back to the temple.

Inside the temple, he could see a familiar figure whom he recognised immediately upon closer inspection. Titus walked over to him and greeted him.
"Emperor Vitalion," He said as he attempted a kneel. He was able to kneel with ease despite his greying age.

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MrPotato said:

Titus Lucrecius Aquila 'Magnus'

Titus watered his beloved flowers that was located in a small garden behind the temple. He had planted these very flowers years ago when he was named Head Priest for Temple Jupiter Optimus Maximus. He was at peace, more than he would be during his Legionnaire times. In addition, he was calmer and wiser and his patience had grown vastly. Titus smiled as he finished waterings the last of his flowers, setting aside the watering can and walking back to the temple.

Inside the temple, he could see a familiar figure whom he recognised immediately upon closer inspection. Titus walked over to him and greeted him. "Emperor Vitalion," He said as he attempted a kneel. He was able to kneel with ease despite his greying age.

@Wickedkent @Syra @MrSquid123
The citizens of Rome were at peace as far as Stoddart could tell. Their going about their daily lives, and no one is causing a scene, which made the guards work all the easier. Stoddart breath through her nose, and then exhales it as she was through the people. Walks after long days of training put Stoddart in a peace of mind, and it was a good way to relax her body. "Maybe after a few more minutes, i'll head back and fight some more... yes, that sounds good."
MrPotato said:

Titus Lucrecius Aquila 'Magnus'

Titus watered his beloved flowers that was located in a small garden behind the temple. He had planted these very flowers years ago when he was named Head Priest for Temple Jupiter Optimus Maximus. He was at peace, more than he would be during his Legionnaire times. In addition, he was calmer and wiser and his patience had grown vastly. Titus smiled as he finished waterings the last of his flowers, setting aside the watering can and walking back to the temple.

Inside the temple, he could see a familiar figure whom he recognised immediately upon closer inspection. Titus walked over to him and greeted him. "Emperor Vitalion," He said as he attempted a kneel. He was able to kneel with ease despite his greying age.

Emperor Pitalius Vitalion

Marcus looked at the priest that just approached him. The Man had the robes of the high priest of the temple. Marcus then recognized him after looking at his face. A Face that he would never forget.

"Gener- er.. High priest Titus" He said with a smile. "Arise" The priest infront of him was once a very well-knowned general. Every battles he went was victorious and because of it Marcus gave him the Agnomen of 'Magnus' after he retired.


Titus Lucrecius Aquila 'Magnus'

"What brings your Emperor to the Temple?" Titus asked as he arose from the floor. He wondered if the Emperor was simply here to pray or to pray for the goodwill for an important upcoming event. Either way, he was happy to see the son of the late emperor, whom he had regarded both son and father benevolent and stalwart rulers.


MrPotato said:

Titus Lucrecius Aquila 'Magnus'

"What brings your Emperor to the Temple?" Titus asked as he arose from the floor. He wondered if the Emperor was simply here to pray or to pray for the goodwill for an important upcoming event. Either way, he was happy to see the son of the late emperor, whom he had regarded both son and father benevolent and stalwart rulers.


Emperor Pitilius Vitalion
Jason looked at him and smiled. He then walked towards the statue of Jupiter and looked at it.

"To pray, Pontifex" He said and then looked at him. "For the prosperity and success of our empire"​
Wickedkent said:

Emperor Pitilius Vitalion
Jason looked at him and smiled. He then walked towards the statue of Jupiter and looked at it.

"To pray, Pontifex" He said and then looked at him. "For the prosperity and success of our empire"​

Titus Lucrecius Aquila 'Magnus'

The old man smiled, his hand touching his silver beard that was kept for months now.
"Of course my Emperor. So shall we all," He said as he walked to a nearby table that was filled with religious tomes and manuscripts he had been studying for nights. "I trust the Legionnaire is well?" Although he's retired now, he couldn't lie to himself that he still cared about the Roman Legionnaire.


The town was as usual, lively and full of people. Merchants selling, children running, ladies giggling, men talking, it seems that everywhere they never end. Though in one small alley, a young woman seem to have a man wrapped around her finger.

She gave a small chuckle and leaned in more to him, placing her hand to his chest, "So you're saying that there is nothing special happening? Even in the Colosseum?" Her sultry voice enchanted him, as if hypnotized. She proceeded to trace her finger on his chest in circles, making the man stutter and sweat. "Y-yes. So far n-nothing has... ha-happened."

She hummed and suddenly pulls away, whatever contact she had with the man, it was now gone. "Until then, my dear. I'm afraid I should be going now." She gave him a slow smile and casually walked away as if nothing happened. The man, however, was too much in a daze to react. Before he realized she was gone, it was too late. He didn't even got the chance to know her name.

The said woman slipped into the crowd, completely blending in. She was headed to the nearby riverbank. She figured that she would do the things she wants to before her master comes back from the neighboring town.
Might as well do everything, Severina., She thought to herself as she arrived at the riverbank. To her delight, it was empty. She proceeded in washing her hair, it smelled like the man's sweat.

Letting out a tired yawn, Stoddart found herself tired of walking for a short while. Finding a riverbank, she sat along the edge of the riverbank and just stare into the waters. It's rather clean, and beautiful waters. "I wonder... am I training too hard for myself?" She splash some water onto her face, to wake her up. "Maybe I should listen to the mens advice, and loosen on up... yeah, I should loosen up just a bit." She stood up, and then checked her surroundings. Stoddart soon saw that a woman was washing her hair along the riverbank, but she didn't want to say anything to the woman, just admiring her beauty from a distance. "Why must the things I love must be so different from others..." She thought sighing.


She swiftly looked around the moment she felt someone was watching her. Severina saw a woman clad in armor, staring at her. She smiled at her before she continues washing her hair. Maybe she could give her information.

"Could my eyes be deceiving me?" Stoddart thought in surprised. "I think the woman just gave me a smile.... how interesting." She just sat down on the ground, and just stares at the other side of the riverbank.



She finished washing her hair and looked at the woman. She was still staring. Quite strange but at least she is still there.

She smiled again and bowed, waiting for the woman on the other side of the riverbank to speak, as her status is much more higher than Severina's.

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"Huh... i'm surprised that the woman isn't speaking to me." Stoddart thought, not considering the possibility that this woman could be below her in status. "I guess i'll make the first move then." She gets up from off the ground, and starts walking towards her. "A simple hello shall be efficient... hopefully" She tugs on her purple scarf a bit, feeling rather nervous to talk to woman of this beauty. But, she wouldn't let it show to this woman.



She simply watched the woman approach her, her smile was still visible on her face. I should make relations with this girl. Perhaps I could get daily news when we have become friends. She thought as the woman reached the other side of the river.

@Angelostar4 (gtg bbyyyeee)
Stoddart sat next to this rather stunning lady, and gave her a friendly smile. "Good day to you." She says with politeness. "How goes you on this fair day m'lady?"

@ViolntSian (See ya!)
Zyraxes waited outside the temple. As a follower of Sabazios, he did not feel it appropriate to worship in the Temple. Roman gods were for Romans. Cestasius knew this of course, and would take over the Praetorian detachment inside while Zyraxes waited at the entryway. Looking out over the plaza in front of the temple, Zyraxes stood patiently, ever alert. Shifting his grip on his hasta, he rubbed the ashwood shaft to clear the sweat on his hands and settled in.
MrPotato said:

Titus Lucrecius Aquila 'Magnus'

The old man smiled, his hand touching his silver beard that was kept for months now.
"Of course my Emperor. So shall we all," He said as he walked to a nearby table that was filled with religious tomes and manuscripts he had been studying for nights. "I trust the Legionnaire is well?" Although he's retired now, he couldn't lie to himself that he still cared about the Roman Legionnaire.

Emperor Pitalius Vitalion

Jason looked at the former general and nodded.

"All is well" He said. "I believe I must return now, I still have an empire to rule" He chuckled and walked back towards the temple's grand doors.


Titus Lucrecius Aquila 'Magnus'

"Farewell Emperor Vitalion," the old man watched him left the temple. Titus went over to the massive statue of Jupiter and stared dreamily upwards.

@Syra @MrSquid123 (ye children gonna visit yer old man?)


"Ah, I was just washing my hair off a foul smell, and please, I am nothing of the sort but a slave." She scoffed, if only she had money and did not have the title of a slave, maybe then she would welcome the title of a lady with open arms.

"What about you? Judging from your clothing, you are in the army of the emperor?"

"Hard to believe that this woman is a simple slave..." Stoddart thought in surprised. "I'm just surprised that nobody has taken her in... or maybe she is a runaway." She cough a little bit to clear up the awkward silent on her end. "You be correct... madam, i'm but a simple solider in the army. Though my garbs make me stand out, do not think highly of me." She places a hand on her chest, and bow. "Just an ordinary person." As she gets back to standing position, Stoddart look at the woman with a serious glare. "If I dare ask... where is your master?"


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