The Butler and The Master


Junior Member
(Character: Ryo Inozuka)

(Bio in blog)

Ryo was busy cooking breakfast. He had a lot scheduled for today and he was moving rather quickly. Ryo was the best butler or rather he'd like to think of it that way. He didn't accept money. He wasn't interested. What he did like was souls. And his master had a rather delectable one. However, they had made a deal. Ryo would serve under his master until his life's goals were completed. Ryo hadn't shared what was to happen after his life goal had been completed. He was still pondering what he wanted in return and he of course had plenty of time. He didn't think about it much. For he rather liked serving this master in particular.

Ryo finished making a freshly prepared omelett. He was wearing a black tuxedo with white gloves. He had sparkling red eyes and a rather dashing smile. However, this was only a disguise. His real appearance was so attractive that human would not be able the temptation of approaching him. However, he is still attractive nonetheles. He was tall, lean, and fit. Qualities that he deemed attractive.

He set the dining table. Everything was perfect for his master to start his day. He walked upstairs to his master's room ready to begin another day of servitude. And it was safe to say, that he wasn't dreading it. In fact, he was rather looking forward to today.
Atakura awoke, in a bright good mood. He looked up at his ceiling, thinking. There was much to do today and little time to do it. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Hm. He wrote a note in his smartphone (Usually Ryo remembered anything he needed, but this was secret) He wrote 'Special Surprise for Ryo'. He would make sure everything would go as planned, Ryo was his favorite butler, after all. Atakura stood up and pulled on a grey tee and waited for Ryo to come get him
Ryo was up the stair rather quickly and knocked on Master Atakura's door.

"Master Atakura, your meal is ready."

Ryo stood by the door patiently. As it was impolite to enter the Master's room uninvited. He hoped that everything was all right. He straightened himself up. He checked his pocket watch (as Ryo felt it fit his butlering attire). It was a bit old fashioned perhaps, but that was probably the only thing old fashioned about him.
Atakura opened the door and looked at Ryo. Without warning, Atakura hugged Ryo. "Hello!" Atakura then walked past Ryo, down the stairs, and sat at the Table.
Master Atakura was certainly excited for something this morning. However, Ryo was happy about his eagerness to start the day. Ryo was used to Atakura's hugs but he never knew when to expect them. However, he was never upset when it happened. Atakura is the Master after all. And what the master wants, the Master shall get. Ryo scurried after him down the stairs.

"Do you have a drink that I may prepare for you?" Ryo said, giving Master Atakura a dashing smile.

Ryo red eyes seemed to glimmer with excitement. He could hardly wait for today's events to start. Today their target was going to suffer its greatest downfall. And they were going to be the cause of it all.
Atakura grinned. "Do we have a can of Dr. Pepper left?" Dr. Pepper. Atakura's Favorite drink. Where ever they went, Ryo made sure to keep one with them just in case Atakura got thirsty. Atakura had been thinking for quite some time, that he needed to get his Romance on. Giving Ryo hugs was only Phase one of his plan. "Oh Ryo, After breakfast, would you like to help me recharge my Electricity Gun?"
Ryo knew that Master Akatura would ask. He pulled one out of his many pockets. It was still ice cold.

"Of course. I always have one on me. Don't forget that we have an important guest coming to visit us." Ryo reminded him.

An important political figure had planned on visiting today and she was expecting the best service. However, Master Akatura would be getting served first regardless of what that woman wanted. She was going to help them get take over this city and once this operation had gained momentum they would on taking over this country.

Ryo stood next to Master Akatura as the other servants scurried around doing less important things. However, Ryo had the most important job, protecting Master Akatura from predators. He was a target especially because he had money and because Master Akatura had money, he had power. Many people were after him but Ryo was able to prevent every attempt of assassination. What kind of butler would he be if he couldn't perform a task as simple as that?
Atakura cleared his throat and spoke "Don't think I have forgotten about your life goal." Atakura looked out the window to see figures moving in the yard. Waiting. "Ryo. Would you please turn the elimination system on? We have predators outside."
Ryo flashed Master Akatura a model smile. He loved this part of his job. He pulled a small remote out of his pocket and pressed a small red button. He could screaming on the outside and the predators were incinerated. However, he would have to clean up the mess. He hated leaving Master Akatura even if for only a second, but that was because it only took a second for him to be killed, but that political leader would be coming soon so he had no choice. Ryo also remember that he had to tend to the yard. He wondered perhaps if Master Akatura would like to accompany him.

"Please excuse me Master Akatura, but the predators have left a mess outside. And I do have some work to do in the garden. We will be eating lunch outside. Would you like to accompany me?"

Ryo always ended up looking something like this when he worked in the yard:

View attachment 3575
Ryo was inhumanly graceful and swift with his movements, but afterall he was demon butler was he not? Within a few minutes the dishes had been cleaned and Ryo was already carrying Dr. Pepper in his pockets and with what seemed to be inhuman speed, he had picked up his Master and carried him outside. Ryo sniffed the air.

"Lovely day isn't it Master Atakura?"

Ryo set his Master down in luxurious chair complete with cup holders. Ryo set a Dr. Pepper in one of them at set to work in the yard. He never worked in the yard with a shirt on. It got dirty faster that way and it also caused him to sweat more. Ryo hated sweating in t-shirts so he fixed the problem by not working outside in them at all.
Atakura opened his Dr. pepper and looked across the street. Two children, maybe 11 or 12, were tossing an old worn out foot ball. Atakura did one of his many confusing things, he went inside and took one of his footballs and threw it across the street to the kids. Then sat down again.
Ryo smiled at Atakura.

"I have such a generous Master!"

Unfortunately, Ryo was not such a generous person... Only when it came to Master Atakura was he ever kind or generous. Everyone else was expendable to him. Ryo made this week's garden Japanese style. A popular garden for all of his Master's guests, but thing was certain, Ryo did all of his work in the most entertaining (and of course graceful) of ways. Why? Well, a demon can't show case all his skills without doing the impossible can he?
"Do you think that is her perhaps?" Ryo asked.

The ambassodor of England was a rather cruel woman. She was bitter and wore TOO much make-up. She gave one the feeling of a clown. Her clothes were often times the color of sickly pink, but of course if Ryo and his Master were to take things over, they would have to work with her for now. Her name was Dr. Rubin. She has a butler of her own, but has been trying to hire Ryo for years.
Atakura watched as it stopped infront of his mansion "Yes. That is her" Atakura stood and walked over to the gate and opened it. He motioned for the Limo to come in
The limo pulled in slowly and the driver got out and opened the door. A woman wearing a little too much pink and clothing for this hot weather got out of the car. Ryo could smell the woman from here. It was a poor mockery of a flower scent. It sickened Ryo a little, but he did his best to put on a smile.
"The ride was splendid, thanks for asking!" the woman said cheerfully and then she cleared her throat, "Ryo, my things if you would?"

Giving her the most charming of smiles Ryo retrieved her things from the trunk. Ah yes he remembered, Madame Deltroix (Dell twa is how it is pronounced). She was a rather interesting woman. She had a daughter the same as Ryo's master. Madame Deltroix had been trying to get her daughter married to Master Atakura, but seeing as the girl was still not married her efforts had failed. Ryo quickly put away her things and slipped on his white gloves. Lunch was to be prepared now. Today's midmeal would be Poached Salmon, mint salad with a side of scones, toast and champagne for Madame Deltroix. His master had always requested Dr. Pepper and so he would have it with his meal. This in mind, Ryo set to work keeping an eye always on his Master.
Atakura frowned when Madame Deltroix's daughter stepped out of the Limo. Atakura flinched as the girl hugged him. "Atakura! How have you been? I've missed you!"

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