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The Bucket List


alien sympathizer


Nolan Bradbury | 20


Nolan hopped out of bed and out the door without stopping to even throw on a clean shirt. He'd come in late last night and crashed without thinking about setting his alarm, so now he was running a solid 20 minutes late to his first class of the day. Of course at this point it'd probably be easier to stay in bed and forget about making class that day, but he was terrible at catching up with people to get the notes that he missed. It might have seemed silly, but no matter how hard he partied, Nolan did not want to risk failing any classes. He might not have looked it but he was there on an academic scholarship, and his GPA was currently barely making the cut. 

There was no doubt that people were growing annoyed by him weaving in and out of them. Nolan didn't really care much about the fact that he was probably disturbing their mornings. At a normal pace, it would take about 10 minutes to walk, but sprinting he managed to make it there in just under 5 minutes. He slipped quietly into the lecture hall, finding his seat without even having to look. It was pretty much muscle memory by now. Nolan always sat in the third row from the back next to some quiet chick who always took amazing lecture notes. A blessing, as he saw it, since if he was getting confused he could always peek over her shoulder and read her neatly organized writing.

The remainder of the lecture went by without incident, and after they were dismissed Nolan reached over and grabbed the girl's arm gently. A part of him hoped he wasn't being too pushy, but a larger part of him simply didn't care. It wasn't like he was going to harass her or anything. "Hey..." he dragged out the syllable as his mind searched for her name, but when it came up blank he simply shrugged it off. "Listen, my alarm decided to fuck me over this morning, can I see your notes from the first half of the lecture I missed? I'd really appreciate it." This was no doubt the most he'd ever really spoken to her, but for some stupid reason he figured that because they constantly sat next to each other they'd developed some type of bond. Maybe not though, because she didn't really seem to be the type to talk to boys like him. She was quiet, nice even. Nolan was reckless and currently reeked of cigarette smoke and alcohol.
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