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Fantasy The Book of Sol

"Somes simple enough..." She muttered softly. It was a bit unnerving to suddenly be pulled into some sort of grand scheme. It wasn't a bad deal overall, she did what she normally did add in the help of other people. It was the attention that made her weary of the situation. She normally laid low and tried not to be seen now she had to put herself out there and possibly be hassled by the PDF even more. The teen examined the hip she was given not really liking the idea of being tracked but put it in her pocket anyway accepting the phone as well.
"Yo-......bu-.....We-...." he couldn't really get a word out though he had tried a few times, but he sufficed it to just wait until she was done. Her rambling had gone on for a while, and been a bit hard to keep up with. So he did his best to remember the important statements to respond to, and well one stood out more than the others.

"You mean like Azazel..." he stated plainly once he was finished,"Azazel, his pops, is much more style -except that I don't look satanic or nothing. In any case, you sho' you fine? You rambling on a bit, leaving a bit dizzy." He smiled to comfort her. She must had been hit in the head to ramble on and then say crazy things like he poofed like Nightcrawler. She must be out her mind.

"It's no problem ma'am, it's all in a day's work. Sho' 'nuff should be some help roun' the way," he stated and as to confirm what he had just said, the sirens of Fire Trucks, Police Cars, and an ambulance had began to blare in the distance,"Speak of the devil. Looks like ya' gone be just alright now. I'm Special Agent Jayceon Williams-O'Reily. Yer friendly neighborhood x-men."

Only chuckle could leave his lips as he turned to face the oncoming service workers, waving them over to the young gal. His smile was big, but in his head questions were running through. Why did her car blow up? Was it his jurisdiction or was it FDR's since she was one of their's. So much to think about...and that lost coffee T-T
"Oh no... no, no, no. Definitely Nightcrawler. You know, except... not blue. And the rambling thing... that's not really so much from the car exploding as it just something I do. Well, I try not to do, but it just... sort of happens, when I'm nervous. It's also why I don't drink coffee. Well, that... and because I can't stand the taste."

Rubbing the back of her neck she nodded, "Charlie... Charlie Kenan. But... I guess you already knew that, judging from my ID... right here, on my lap. Ah. You work at PDF, right?" Gesturing to the windbreaker, she smiled, "Normally, I guess I'd feel obligated to show some sign of loyalty to FDR by making underhanded comments about where you work, but you did just save my life, and I'm not really huge on that sort of... competitive business. The way I see it, we're all just fish in a stream... can't really decide where it takes up."

Turning at the sound of the sirens, her face fell into a frown, "...You... you'll stay, right? I... I know this sounds really stupid and I don't you from Adam and it makes practically zero sense, but I figure you could have just let me explode with the car if you were out to get me, and I... I don't know who to trust, or why this happened and I don't think I'm the best judge of character... I'm scared to be on my own."

She was insistent on Nightcrawler, eh? If they were to be friends, he'd have to change that mindset of her's. Either way, it was relieving and at the same time distressing, to know that her rambling was just her in her normal days. Relieving, because maybe she didn't take any head trauma after all. Distressing, because....jesus it wasn't going to stop.

"Fish...in a a stream?" he questioned a brow perched high above the other before shaking his head,"I ain't no dagum fish, but I ain't got nothing bad to say about FDR. I rather them over CPR anyday. Conductors ain't got no need for an organization of the like I tell you what." He did his best to not let his disdain for conductors in general show, and managed to offer her a smile afterwhile,"Well I'm glad yer alright Miss Kenan. I think I'll take my....."

She wanted him to stay? She didn't know him, and him saving her didn't necessarily rule out that he shouldn't be trusted. Maybe it was all a ploy to get her to let him come see the FDR buildings and steal information? Nah. Not Jay, he'd never waste coffee no matter how good the plan would be. Coffee was coffee, and it should never be let free. Or so he always said,"Yeah sure ma'am. Just remember Azazel is better than Nightcrawler. I'll be right here though, ya ain't gotta worry about thing."

As the paramedics approached, Jay stepped back to let an EMT get to her.

It was a quick check-up... Focused primarily on her ears, which seemed to take the brunt of the damage. She was cleared, quick enough, and was only too grateful, never having been a terribly large fan of doctors or hospitals.

The police were next, and they were no less intimidating, but they, at least, couldn't take her anywhere uncomfortable. Or so she thought - but that incorrect line of comprehension was swiftly remedied.

"Ma'am..." The officer started, adjusting his blue cap, "We need to take you to the precinct, for questions."

"...I... oh. The... the precinct?" Definitely not better than a hospital, "...Are you sure I can't just answer the questions here?"

"We'd like to get this taken care of quickly, but there are certain protocols. If you'll just... come with us, please?"

Slowly, Charlie stood up, but shifted a quick, nervous glance at Jay. And Jay well...he blinked a few times. Right, she didn't want the two to be separated, and he wasn't about spend his day down at the precinct he had work to do. Damn it Jayceon, why do you have to be the good guy.

In a short time, he rose badge and flashed it to the officers,"Special Agent O'Reily of the PDF. This woman is an Agent of the FDR so I suspect conductor tampering, so by Article AZ-1 I'm using my authority to take jurisdiction of this case. Y'all gentleman have y'all selves a fine evenin'."

The officers seemed a bit irritated but tipped their cap to the young Federal Agent before walking away. It wouldn't be long after when Jay slipped his badge back into his pocket and looked at Charlie,"I guess we're going to be buddies for a while. Call it a joint investigation, eh?"

This join post was brought to you by @Elle Joyner and AKOOOOO

Tokala planned out exactly what he would do in five minutes and started the process and hopefully it'd fall into just how he wished it too. He'd begin to crouch down on the platform before stepping over making another from dense oxygen for him to step over and into better view of the room. He'd place his suitcase next to him on the make-shift platform and hold both hands out on either side of him before gathering a considerable amount of oxygen forming two chakram floating beneath his left and right hands. Tokala cocked his arms back and then would throw them forward letting loose both of them ending with his arms being half crossed while crouching. The chakram flew through the air in serene silence cutting effortlessly through the walls of the room and once inside he'd snap both fingers and then came the sound of a loud sudden suction like a jet taking off only down a few on the sound scale. Outside the building it'd be barely heard even with the fighting that was currently going on.

Tokala rose up grabbing his suitcase and made progress towards the room, it was a simple plan all in all. Send in two vacuums of a sort and drain the room of all oxygen and suffocate them, since the door was most likely barricaded he knew it'd take them awhile. If not this is why he was approaching the door now, and as he was approaching the door a large chakram three meters in diameter flew out from the room slicing open a wall and would return towards him hovering lightly behind him vertically like a shell almost. Unsure if he'd need to use it again he kept it there, especially now that it held so much oxygen and was a larger weapon. The closer Tokala got to the door the more gasps he heard from the group of conductors as they tried to figure out why their breathing had suddenly been cut short, in midst of the gasping he only heard three and it was a group of five so he was slightly curious to what was going on.

Thump, thump, thump.

Three bodies had fallen limp inside the room from lack of oxygen now but still no sounds from two more bodies what could be going on. Just as Tokala had made it fifteen meters from the door a man around his mid-twenties busted through the window and gasped for air all in the process while falling to the ground. Only moments after another person knocked down the door, it was female early twenties or late teens. But she passed out as soon as she got free. Seems she didn't have lungs as good as the other man, this being said Tokala sprung into action leaping over the edge of the walk-way towards the ground to see a man looking upwards at him now with a tattered pants and a sleeveless shirt. He smelt the combination of chemicals mix in only a moment and before him was an explosion of flame being sent in his direction. But his reaction was swift almost without thought and the chakram hovering behind himself was now before him and in his front of his now outstretched arms and open hands spinning violently. Tokala was simply draining the oxygen from the flame proving the assault useless it took ten seconds for this to occur however because the blast was certainly big and let out a loud bang, regardless from that the amount of concussion force from the sudden mixture of gasses caused Tokala to get taken back by it all almost losing his concentration.

After the explosion cleared the man was on the ground barely breathing, it appeared that was his final assault and he was now too fatigued to move on. Tokala took precaution and sent the chakram towards the man to remove the immediate oxygen from the air in a smaller 'shup' of sound to knock him out entirely now. After doing so he'd grasp his chakram and absorb the oxygen causing his eyes to gray over for a moment and made them look extremely light blue before returning to their dark hazel. The job was done and now it was time to restrain the conductors and move them back, he had no real concern for the fight outside, it was only a skirmish compared to the war to come in his own mind. Tokala began approaching the man and started to restrain him with a ring of dense oxygen, before seeking out the others and doing the same starting with the female who kicked down the door. Next were the three inside, the three inside consisted of two girls and one boy and all of them were teenagers, the girls were caucasion of skin tone while the boy was more tanned, they also wore pretty tattered clothes in Tokala's opinion, but it was no matter. After restraining them he lifted the boy to place him on his shoulder holding on behind his knee-caps and causing the rings around the three girls to rise them to the roof, along with the other male. Tokala would create a multiple platforms for him to step up to the opening after the other bodies once there he'd lay the boy with the four others. He'd arrange their bodies so they sat with theirs legs out and their backs to one another so he could place on large ring around them and not have to strain his mental concentration so hard on just them. Once finished he'd pull out his phone with his right hand and send a message out.

We have a situation Mr. Payne
Four steps ahead of you.
Try to diffuse it with little casualty, we don't want a repeat of last time.
Never intentional.
Retrieved five conductors, one ability already discovered. Activating tracker for pick up, no casualties.
Confirmed helicopter on its way.

After he did this he deleted the messages and sat down with his suitcase in his lap watching the other conductors.
It was a terrifying thing... the unknown - No matter how good a concept or thought might be, there were always factors to worry over, things that could go wrong, even the possibility of complete and utter failure. But the unknown being involved in a situation where that failure could quite literally result in your dead... there were no words to convey the fear. Still... multiple unknowns were MUCH worse than one. One, she could handle... One, she would survive. Probably. Maybe...

As the police moved on, Charlie turned to Jay and smiled, sheepishly, "Thanks. I... I know it sounds ridiculous, but I just don't know who to trust right now. Ironic, I know, because I asked you to stay, I just... Nothing like this has every happened to me, before. You don't exact wake up in the morning thinking someone's gonna try to kill you. Especially not... well, I mean, it's not every day your car blows up, you know what I mean?"

Frowning, she shrugged, "I'd like to help figure out what happened. And I think I know where to start... There's a man at FDR... I brought him a culture sample this morning and he just about had a heart attack that I was the one who dropped it off. It was fishy then, it's suspicious as all get out, now. Only thing is, I'm supposed to be dead right now... and if he... or they... or... whatever... knows that I'm not, it might get worse."
Liam eyed Natasha up and down briefly, before turning around. "I'll handle it, like always." Without so much as a farewell or a good luck from the Irishman, he would exit the office. Walking to the elevator belonging to his own, he pressed the down button and was instantly greeted by open doors. Stepping back into his office, he walked over to his own personalized coffee maker and made himself a nice cup of tea. Yep. He used his coffee maker to make tea. It wasn't an old school one, though... There were pods and shit for this shit.

Taking a seat behind his computer, Liam took a look at his cellular device. It was the one which belonged to the PDF... CDF? CBS? It was hard for him to remember which shit name the organization he worked for was under. The entire point was a single message to be sent to every employee's phone in the building. Well, not in the building; in the organization. Not every employee, either... Just the ones who would kick ass under Liam in the first place.

Meeting. Approximately fifteen minutes. Briefing room one.

This would give Liam a small pocket of time to enjoy his cup of tea while sitting in silence. Kicking his feet up onto his desk, the Irishman would lift his free hand behind his head. The hand holding the mug of tea was lying on the armrest of the chair, occasionally lifting up to his lips so that he could take a sip.
Kristine Nash

Mood: Bored, what's new.

Location: Scene of the CPR-PDF Standoff.

Company: Director Dusk, Agent Payne nearby.

Other: -

This morning had been boring, there was no other word for it. The sun was blazing through the office blinds, teasing everyone inside as the long strips of shadow cast over the room like bars to a cell, denying them the beautiful weather and the chance to spend the day outside making the most of it. But no, there was work to do, like always. Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge Kristine Nash was no different, a pile of case work files sat ignored on her desk as she reclined in her chair, feet up on the desk. Kris was leaning so far back she could look back at the room, upside down. She certainly didn't look like someone official, slouched in her seat and dressed in a light vest top, denim shorts, and a massive chequered lumberjack shirt that could easily fit three of her inside it, but hey, she was comfy, what else mattered?

"Hey... Hey... Hey, heeeeey..." she droned aimlessly towards some helpless Agent at a nearby filing cabinet. "Heyy... You, you with the hair." Kris added as the man tried to ignore her. His brow furrowed as he let out a sigh of frustration, eyes still locked on the cabinets contents.

"Come ooon, I got something to ask ya. Heeey!" Kris continued, a smirk of a smile spreading across her face as the Agent rifled through the files at an increasing pace.

"What! What do you want? I'm busy." the Agent finally snapped, answering as he stomped over to Kris with his desired file in hand. From her reclined position the man was upside down, which was quite amusing as she could see right up his nose.

"So, you're able to poop gold, but you have to finger an old nun to make it work. Would you do it?" Kris asked the Agent without getting up.

"God damn it, not again, Kris!" he yelled, slamming the file down onto the pile on Kris' desk. And with that the Agent stormed off, his face bright red from annoyance and anger. It seemed that this was a common scene as no one else in the office even flinched, well no one other than Kris, who was now giggling to herself like a stoned monkey.

"Same time tomorrow, Clive, yeah? Always good talking to you!" Kris called down the room through stifled laughs as the agent barged through a door and onwards to wherever he was going. There was a faint answer from the corridor, a faint "My name is not fucking, Clive!" or something, but it wasn't too clear, not that Kris cared all that much, she had other things to do after all.

Picking the newest file up from the impressive pile on her desk, she gave the title a scan over. It was another robbery, suspect apparently floated through the faults walls like a ghost before stealing as much gold as he could carry and floating back out again. Second Gen Conductor by the looks of it, always much more annoying than First Gens. Her problem now was 1, identifying the individual, and 2, getting him to stop before he caused more trouble. The CPR stood for protection and guidance of Conductors after all, and Kris would much rather help the suspect than try to lock them up, not that locking up would be much use for this one.

Still going over the details of the file, Kris picked up the quiet click of heels across the offices lino coated floor, a walk of purpose and importance. Peeling her eyes from the papers, they met with the gaze of Jenny, Director Dusk's secretary. She was a pretty woman, plain to look at but not in a bad way, it worked for her. She looked like the kind of person that finished work, took off the suit, and got done up in her best choker, corset, and shredded jeans to go rock out at the nearest metal bar, at least that's how Kris pictured her.

"I've had a message from director Dusk, he's bumped into some trouble, and could use some backup." Jenny said in her usual official tone and handed Kris a note of paper.

Warehouse complex Ne by N.

Distance 3.2km.

"His location." she added. If it was any other agent, it would have been a set of coordinates sent to their PDA, but for Kris, it was all analogue. Electronics and her power didn't go well together, the side effects just didn't agree with the delicate workings of circuits and memory drives.

Kris took the note and put it in her pocket, standing from her desk, There was no time like the present, especially if it meant being able to go out and enjoy the beautiful weather.

"Ohhh, Thanks Jenny. See the rest of you fuckers later, I'm going out sunbathing!" Kris shouted to the office as she flipped the bird over her shoulder on the way out the door. Everyone either ignored her or shook their head, it was a wonder she had managed to become an agent in the first place, never mind climb the ranks...

A short time later.

With the warehouse coming into view, Kris dropped her altitude, it was much much quicker to get around using her powers, and with her CPR bade she could get away with it to. As the building came into view she could make out Director Dusk facing off against three PDF officers, their crystal armour a dead give-away as it glinted in the sun. They were always stirring up shit and getting in the way of CPR business, if she had known that this involved PDF guys she would have stayed in the office, or sent Clive or something...

"So much hassle..." she muttered, pulling some iron rods out of a small pouch around her waist, each one was maybe six inches in length, and about the same diameter as a quarter. She always carried a few rods with her, along with her lighter. Although there was iron everywhere you looked in a city, it was helpful to have some directly on hand.

Throwing the rod above her head, it broke apart into small pointed bolts, each one roughly the same size as a rifle bullet. Kris yawned to herself as some of the projectiles let loose, silently speeding through the air before they dotted a line directly in front of the three PDF soldiers, a warning shot if nothing else. By now she should have been at a low enough altitude to see, being twice the height of the building the men in question were standing outside.

"You guys wanna cool it? I'd rather not shoot you in the foot or something, I'm guessing you'd rather not get fucked up either, Director Dusk isn't gonna go easy on you you know." She droned, circling the scene below with more bolts ready to fly. It was more interesting than sitting around the office at least.

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A short while of conversation and Seana was finally shown out of the secret meeting room and allowed to leave. He mind was still spinning more or less from the rather sharp turn of events. Rebel organizations and government secrets. She knew thing were bad in other countries but never expected full out wars to break out. Sure conductors were powerful but they weren't invincible. When she started the day she expected to have a run in or two with the cops not be kidnapped and pulled into some secret organization. She glanced around feeling a bit paranoid after nearly being shot before ducking around the corner and into the familiar back alleys.

The teen shoved her hands in her pocket and pulled out the phone she had been given. A small frown curved her lips as she wasn't really okay with just being tracked where ever she went. The whole situation overall was unnerving to say the least. "Ugh... I need a drink..." she muttered softly while roughly smoothing her hair back from her face.
The five men stood there with their conductor powers out. A few stood with crystal armor seemingly unafraid of Damien; however, they knew that all Directors were not to be underestimated. They recognized the power of the directors of the PDF so they naturally worried about fighting the director of the CPR, and they never thought they'd get into an actual fight with the director, but heading back to PDF base saying they pummeled a director would be a great story to tell the other soldiers. "So you all going to attack?" Damien asked with a smirk. He merely stood there in front of all five men merely with a semi-fighting stance as if he wasn't fully prepared. As soon as the first three were about to jump at Damien, three iron rods landed in between them. The three men were taken back in surprised and they looked up. Damien's grin got larger because he already knew he it was. He turned around and saw Kristine Nash, "Hey there," he signaled from the ground completely ignoring the men in front of him as if this were a happy occasion.

"You guys wanna cool it? I'd rather not shoot you in the foot or something, I'm guessing you'd rather not get fucked up either, Director Dusk isn't gonna go easy on you you know," she said. Those words were a bit funny to Damien hearing himself get boosted up like that. "Haha," he chuckled, "thanks Kris; however, you know that you'd do a better job at-" mid sentence one of the PDF soldiers with crystal armor came charging at Damien. He sent a crystal-like sword thrusting forward towards Damien's chest. Damien heard him approaching and when he got close to hitting him, he merely pointed near the mans feet. BZzzzzt! "Gahhhhh" the man screamed. Near him was an electrical wire that was cut as a result of the fighting from the building. The soldier stepped on it when he was merely inches away from harming Damien. "It's rude to interrupt when someone talks. I wouldn't have been so rough if you just waited," he smiled once again, "Eh, who's next, I may be feeling nice today. Had a pretty good breakfast."

The four men were shaken after they saw their comrade get fried in such a manner. They then recognized how much of a threat the director could actually be. They started to panic then immediately focused on another idea. They needed some leverage to escape this predicament...in that moment they found their new target, Kris Nash. All four men darted in her direction swiftly and Damien could have easily stopped them, but he merely stood there and said, "Eh, I wouldn't do that if I were....you all." He looked up in Kris's direction and said, "you got it. Let me know if you need some help or something. I'll go see how things are with the CPR. Tell me when you're done." Damien pulled his phone out, called Jenny and began discussing the happenings of the CPR. His nonchalance about the whole thing caught the men off guard; however, having the director leave meant they could still get away with being a CPR agent and telling the story of how even the director fled against them.
It was happenstance... Beautiful, sweet happenstance. She'd looked up from beneath the dashboard just in time... Really, a second or two later and she wouldn't missed her, slinking into the alley like a stray cat. That familiar face, blanched and nervous. Poor Seana. She'd get wrinkles, for certain. Popping the access panel closed, hotwiring abandoned in lieu of this exciting new development, she kicked open the door, the hinges whining with rust, and made her way across the street.

She had been nearly stretched thin with boredom. That morning already, she'd stolen three cars and none of them were even worth the trouble. On to her forth, she wasn't even excited, anymore. Really, it was a Godsend, the distraction - and she could not have asked for better timing.

She arrived at the mouth of the alley just in time to hear the girl's murmured sentiments and smirked, leaning against the wall with the nonchalance of an old friend, "Hey. You know what they say. It's five o'clock somewhere..."

Leaning back, she lifted the hem of what might have been a skirt before an unfortunate attack by scissors, and pulled a small metal flask from a holster strapped against her thigh, holding it up and wiggling it to the other brunette, "You still a Gin girl, Sena?"

Seana stretched her arms over her head nearly jumping slightly when she heard a voice behind her. The teen glanced over her should recognizing the voice and was grateful for the friendly face. Well mostly friendly. It was always a roll of the dice with Delilah. With a roll over her eyes she turned to face the other woman, "Se-A-na" She corrected wondering what was so hard to remember about her name.

Still a mischievous smirk curved her lip. "Gin or Fireball depends on the day." She chuckled softly. "Good to know you're still roaming the streets though. Haven't seen you around in two weeks. Are you actually laying low or just getting better at hiding?"

@Elle Joyner
This collab post was brought to you by Aku and Elle

He had open his mouth to say something, but stopped when a sound had emerged from the center of his vehicle. "Special Agent O'Reily, your assistance is needed. Coordinates being uploaded to your car's on board GPS." He blinked, and took a moment to hurry to his car and get into the driver's seat pushing a button on a screen that then revealed the location.

"Well, guess we have a trip on our hands..."

Charlie nodded, giving a shrug and a simple smile, "...Let the adventure begin then, I guess...?"

Jay nodded, closing the door and sliding his seatbelt on. A push of a button, and the loud engine of the car roared as it revved. A thrust of his left foot, switch of the gear seceded by a thrust of his right foot the car took off.

Racing through the streets barely avoiding cars and things left to right,"We'll be there in like five, excuse the driving."

Strapping on her own belt with something of a self-preserving thought, she gripped her chair with a nervous nod, "Mhm. Sure. Totally fine. I mean, what are the odds after my car blows up this one crashes, right??"

Swallowing, she shook her head, tearing her eyes away from the window, "...Where are we going, anyway?"

When she questioned him, his hands and feet worked in sync as he did what he needed for the car to slide through the intersection, before straightening itself out,"There's a little squirmish with the PDF and CPR again. Apparently there is no senior PDF officer on site so I need to defuse the situation."

And as he said that the car came to a stop. He glanced at her,"Stay safe."

"Woah, wait! You... you're not leaving me here?" Unbuckling her belt, she reached for the door handle, "What if they try to blow me up again?"

"I can't exactly take you in the middle of a battle between the two groups! Do you even have powers, or field training?" he questioned with a brow rose a bit of worry lingering in his words.

"...Of course I do!" She frowned, "I'm not totally useless!"

A moment passed as he watched the men begin to attack and he had to react, grabbing her wrist and the two of them disappearing in a puff of smoke FWOOF...before reappearing in another puff between the attacking men and the two CPR agents.

Jay released Charlie's arm, and brushed his PDF jacket off before holding his badge up to the PDF men, who he outranked,"Stand down...." he muttered gently, before turning to face Damien Dusk,"Well look what the cat done drug in, if it ain't Deputy Director Damien Dusk. Ain't it a lovely day. How about we all calm our tits, and go home and quit goin' roun' and fighting, right?"

@Elle Joyner @Giyari @KuraiKitsune
Of course... Why would they have walked? Nightcrawler never walked anywhere. It didn't get any less disorienting and it certainly wasn't an enjoyable means of travel. This time, at least, she didn't have to worry about coming out of it half-deaf. Stumbling, as he released her she looked up and her eyes widened at the sight of far more peoplethan she was comfortable, making a neat little stand off... proverbial guns drawn, teeth bared.

"Oh..." She muttered, "This is all very West Side Story. Are we the Jets or the Sharks?"

She couldn't be entirely sure why she had lied to Jay. It wasn't going to accomplish anything if she got killed in a stand off, rather than getting blow up in a car. Sure, she'd look better in an open casket, but all in all, dead was dead, no matter how she spun it. Still, he seemed to hold some manner of authority, and the badge flashing seemed to do the trick.

Turning as Jay did, she faced the Deputy Director as well, frowning softly. PDF... CPR... If anyone from the FDR office showed up, it was sure to be a hell of a party, "Why are we fighting, anyway? Besides the obvious..."
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Kristine Nash

Mood: Sarky


Company: Director Dusk, Charlie Kenan, Special Agent O'Reily,

@'s: @AkuNoOkami


Breaking off yet more shards of metal which floated around her body like a little asteroid belt of pointed darts , Kris Circled around the group below, preparing to strafe seven shades out of the cheeky PDF soldiers after her warnings had landed on deaf ears. With one of them lunging at the director she focused her eyes on her tarhets, luckily Dusk could handle himself, but that wasn't the issue, the other lot were. With her on scene Director Dusk wasn't their only target, Kris was also CPR, and therefore equally deserving of their aimless idiotic rival hate apparently. As much as Kris enjoyed sitting on her ass, combat was fun too in it's own kind of way, blowing off steam was always fun, even if a bit of bloodshed might be involved, just a shame it was against gormless grunt soldiers.

"You're seriously going to start this, yeah? Your loss, assholes!" Kris yelled as her shards of metal spun faster, taking on an "electron" like appearance as they orbited her body. She raised her hands from her sides as the soldiers charged, and with one whip of her wrists her projectiles spun off one by one, a dull "thwup thwup thwup thwup" sounding across the area is her bullets embedded into the ground on either side of her attackers... An interruption.

A puff of smoke was unexpected, especially when you were just about to nail some guys to the floor by their shoes. Her metal darts littered the surrounding area with inch long spines, like little silver flowers forcing their way through the concrete.

"...Are we the Jets or the Sharks?" a voice shouted as the smoke cleared. More PDF by the looks of it, clearly they were the smarter breed too. Smart or not, Kris still got a feeling they were assholes, though that was of course only a feeling, and it was a feeling Kris had about numerous people numerous times a day, even if she had already met them before...

"Pfft, Jets! 'Murica, fuck yeah!" Kris whooped from above as she sucked back all her iron darts and reformed them into a set of bars once more. Sarcasm might not have been the best way forward, specially when she had almost shot the people she was shouting at. That was their own fault for appearing in the crossfire though, what kind idiots stand in front of a firing range anyway...

"And they started it, I only just got here and they were all "Huuuuh! PDF rules, CPR drools! Eat shiiit!" And then they went for Dusky over there. So whoever you two are you can put a fucking lead on them and take them home..." She added, her tone shifting from joking to serious in an attempt to get a rise out of the newcomers. Sure the PDF went for them, that was true, but if they hadn't then there was little doubt that Kris would have egged them into it...

"Oh, sweetie..." Delilah started, with a signature smirk, tossing the flask over to Seana "You know I'd never hide. I just... choose, when I want to be seen. What about you? What have you been up to? You look stressed..."

"Of course." Seana caught the flask "Oh you know same old same old." She muttered unscrewing the cap and taking a quick draw from the flask . She wasn't really looking to get drunk but a nice buzz was always welcomed. "Runnin' around. Avoiding the cops and PDF dogs, getting caught up in stuff I really shouldn't be." The teens shrugged replacing the cap to the flask and tossing it back over to Deliah.

"Busy bee..." Delilah muttered, catching the flask, "What sort of stuff? Anything I'd enjoy." Wiggling her eyebrows, she took a sip of her own, "It's been a little slow around here, and I could use some fun."

Seana contemplated telling her but decided against it. The less people knew the better, last thing she wanted was to be yelled at for blowing some big secret. Thought they never said she had to be some grand vigilantist all on her own. "Hm If you want. It's mostly taunting the PDF and CPR. Doing their job better." She chuckled

A smirk grew into a grin and Delilah took another long sip, replacing the cap and tossing it back to Seana, "...Well now, that does sound like a good time. Unfortunately, it also sounds suspiciously like work. You a G-man, now, Sean? Don't tell me you've gone legitimate."

"Hell no." Seana replied ignoring the mispronouncing all together. At this point she was on purpose. "We both know the dogs can't do anything right aside from screw everyone over. It's just entertaining to watch them try to catch me, then get frustrated. Plus someones gotta do something right around here. PDF's killed enough conductors around here. Rather make sure no more die just because someone is trigger happy." She shrugged. In all honesty she was aggravated with the PDF and the fact that they were getting away with blatant murder.

A brow quirked and the smile faded as Delilah kicked off the wall, "Sounds like they need to learn a lesson... Maybe I will take you up on that. Beats hotwiring cars, anyway."

Seanas smirk grew slightly. "Hm I know where both are right now. We could go and crash the party."

"Mm... You know how I like a good party. Let's roll."

"Awesome." Sean a nodded before thinking a moment. "Still got any of the cars you hotwired?"

Thumbing across the street she smirked, "There's one right there I was working on...."

A sly smirk matching the delinquents spread across Seanas face "Perfect. Lets get it up and running. We got a party to Crash!"

Collabed with @Elle Joyner
Seems the party is just getting started..

The helicopter was finally arriving upon the scene and Tokala was watching the wondrous show below him between his own organization and their rival. It may be a harmless rivalry at times, and other times it was as livid as when you came across your Rival in any of the pokemon games. I mean who else goes out of their way to try and beat your ass knowing well they counter-picked your first pokemon just like counter picking a pesky Katarina in mid, or a Vayne in bot lane when playing League of Legends. It just all came to skill to see who comes out on top eventually. The CPR were the ones with the ones with better skill thanks to the mutations that allowed them the powers, yes the PDF have powers too but they're normally all the same and once examined and viewed you know all that they are capable of and the counter is as simple as one..two..three.

"Sir are you going to be coming with us?" Said a voice coming from behind, Tokala would turn to see it was a pawn of the CPR basically a foot-soldier. He had placed the bodies on a platform that'd rise back up into the helicopter given the command. He didn't see the harm in catching a free ride back so he'd turn around with a nod going to retrieve his suitcase before standing on the platform next to the soldier rising upwards until they were inside the helicopter. Once there Tokala had a greater view of everything, much like looking at a 3-D map as it literally was from his current view save for the few buildings that were too large to clearly see past. What caught his eye the most however were all the small paths and connections to and from the streets as they were the alleys, it was like looking at rivers with various streams connecting them to the larger tributaries. The helicopter started to tilt and make its way back towards the CPR base however Payne felt as if he wasn't finished with this scene yet. Without a word he'd rise up suitcase in hand opening the door and would step off without a word being taken away by the wind and natural sway of things. Free-falling for a few hundred feet he'd come to a halt in the air creating a platform again much like he did in the building however it was easier to maintain as he was outside with a larger access. From his current spot he had a view straight down the entire road, even to where it was out of his range however he had his tricks for shots like that. He'd crouch down and open up his suitcase starting to place together his M110 once again grasping the bipod attachment and resting it on top of the platform before he began to lay down. Once he was comfortably in position he'd extend his left hand towards the suitcase to get the four other clips he had with him and place them upwards in a row on his left side so he could reload easily if the need arise. Now let's see who else shows up to this get-together turned into party to remember.
He shifted his view to Special Agent Jayceon. "Ah, if it ain't Agent O'Reily, it's good to see you again on such great terms," knowing that this isn't the first time they both met each other to calm down their men. "Me and Kris are perfectly calm," he turned back to look at Kristine, but at that moment she gave another funny gesture to let the PDF know they suck. Damien chuckled again and said, "See perfectly calm. You need to train your men better, the standoff was a fault on both sides, but your men threw a punch at me. We're allies...or something like that you know?" Usually for making a statement like this, he'd be willing to give the opposing party a handshake out of respect; however, at this moment he wasn't feeling respectful especially to the PDF. This operation could have been perfectly smooth if it was left solely up to his men, the true conductors saving the conductors and he feels the rest of the CPR feels his sentiments. 'Let us save and protect ourselves,' he thought.

"Anyways Agent O'Reily, this situation is dissolved. Let both be sure to not let it happen again, we wouldn't want anymore true conductors dying," he said as he walked off. He turned to Kris, "Good work, yeah!" he said emulating Kris a little bit. As he walked towards his car, he felt the evil gleams and stares on his back. The tension from the PDF to CPR at every moment whether a standoff or peaceful puts everyone at ease. Even after the matter is done, it still lingers in the air. He got into his car that was a little damage, but still functional, got in and invited Kris in. "We'll head back to the CPR base and go from there, by then we should here something from Agent Payne."

They drove off as they were on the road, he received a text from Jenny, "Hey Director, Agent Payne finished his task and was watching the standoff from an aerial perspective. He didn't take the helicopter we sent, so it'd be nice if you would swoop him up. GPS coordinates attached! Cheers <3." He text sounded more like an order than secretary giving updates. He drove to the location and saw Agent Payne chilling in the area. "Thanks for handling that professionally Agent Payne, I can always count on you." He turned back to Kris too, "You too Kris, nice back up since I didn't have a chance to mention it. Anyways you guys lets all head to CPR base and find out what's next on the schedule, I'll drive if you don't mind."
It was like stealing candy from a baby, hotwiring a car... all things considered, an ironic sentiment, seeing how stealing candy from a baby was possibly the one things Delilah wouldn't ever do. Maybe. Likely more dependent on the disposition of the baby... or what type of candy it was. Or how bored she was. At any rate, within five minutes she had the car running and they were on their way.

It wasn't part of the plan, not that she really had a plan... but it wasn't exactly the way she had intended to spend her day. The first three cars had been driven to a contact downtown and were, undoubtedly, being stripped down for parts. It was an easy way to make a dime when she was bored and while it didn't amount of the usual thrill of jumping across rooftops, running from the cops or setting abandoned warehouses on fire while still inside, it was, nevertheless, a rush...

But there was also something about seeing someone who... to the best of her abilities... Delilah had managed to maintain something of a friendship with. At the very least, she'd have a little fun at the expense of the CPR and PDF stooges and go on her merry way...

Looking over to the girl in the passenger seat, Delilah smirked, her fingers drumming on the steering wheel, "So you wanna be Thelma or Louise?"

(@Shura )
Seana flopped back into the passenger seat with out much of a worry. Any normal person would be paranoid about being in a stolen car but it was such a junker we were probably doing the owner a favor. She stretched out her legs with her hands behind her head with a yawn as they started to drive. She looked over as her friend spoke up and shrugged. "I think Thelma is the one who did the driving isn't she?" She offered with a small smirk. "Regardless just head down to the warehouse district." She added.

Cerulean eyes watched the streets as they drove mind absently drifting back to the strange events of earlier in the day. just what exactly was she supposed to do? Helping out other conductors was nothing new however that one only a hand full of times needed a day when it happened to cross her path. Was she supposed to intervened in every little mundane problem people had? The teen crossed her arms in thought a moment before noticing some commotion near by. Shifting her haze Seana noticed some sort of protest going on. It was clear to see the people who had gathered were those most likely angered by the recent killing spree done by the PDF. They carried signs and chanted for the rights of Conductors and for the PDF to be brought to justice.

It was nice to see she wasn't the only one who thought the dogs needed to be put back on a leash and possibly roughed up a bit so they behaved. Unfortunately where there were supporters there were also the fools who gathered against Conductors. A mo of equal size gathering and shouting out against those with mutations. Both sides were barking at each other and spitting insults to one another. And these were the people she was supposed to help? Part of her wasn't sure she could exactly be impartial to those who called her kind monsters and freaks. Regarding them as nothing more than power hungry bullies when most of the time conductors were the ones being bullied.

It was unknown who threw the first attack but in an instant the two warring sides had build up enough aggression and tension for a fight to break out. Seana sighed heavily. "Should we try to break it up before more people die?" She questioned over to her friend. Seana already knew she would step in. To do what exactly? she wasn't really sure but nothing good could come from the small war breaking out.

@Elle Joyner
Kristine Nash

Mood: bored

Location: Director Dusk's car

Company: Director Dusk


Other: S'a little short, hope no one minds...

"smell ya later, losers!" Kris jeered as she floated down and landed with a clunk of her boots on the concrete next to Dusk. It's not like she held any animosity to the PDF guys, they were just another load of people to fuck with is all. Either way, it was something to do.

Taking up Dusk's offer of a ride back to base, Kris climbed into the back of the slightly dented up sedan. Company cars were always nice, private cars didn't get a valet service every time they went into the garage, that new car smell was almost constant.

"Yo, so
are we still on the same side as those guys, or has one of us fucked up again and we're meant to hate each other? Or does it not really matter because we're the same organisation with different names? Man I don't even know... You know I'm meant to be a teacher, yeah? My work contract has me down as a Civilian Conductor Trainer... And here I al trying to shoot some assholes in the foot for a laugh." Kris rambled, slouched down in her seat watching the scenery flash by out of the window while she fidgeted with the ends of her hair.

Natasha Perov. in her office to the scene where seana and hey there delilah are... so @Shura @Elle Joyner

She was in her office, and the phone she kept, that is her work phone, vibrated. It was from Liam, and it was a widespread message about some meeting that Natasha wasn't interested in attending, but the relationship she had established with the Director was that to keep balance and peace between the two, they would attend and support everything the other did. Which is part of the reason Liam showed up at the super secret meeting, and probably part of the reason he went along with it despite disagreeing.

No division among ranks, makes for a happy team. Yet, there was always an exception. Work. If she had to to do something for Work and it was a valid reasoning for missing the obligation, they were both cool.

Not even much longer as she had started to leave her office, a projection of a scene that seemed to be escalating appeared on her desk. She quickly turned to face it and watched, noting the Operative who sent it who was a good judge on situation analysis. It was a live feed, so she made sure to note where it was. Didn't seem too far, and so she turned to a closet behind her desk switching out of her more dressy clothes into a a pair of form fitting green fatigues, black combat boots, a black wife beater. She reached to her head to tie her curly hair into a ponytail, before adorning her FDR windbreaker and a pair of black aviators.

"Finally, FUN." she took in a deep breath finding a shadow on the feed and jumping into the shadow under her desk appearing on top of a building. A smirk hit her face as she did a front flip off of it, and between the two sides,"Hey! Hey. What's going on here?"

Jayceon O'Reily...lost in confusion with ramble ramble @Elle Joyner

Tensions didn't increase, instead they ....vanished all together. Maybe he should have expected that from the Deputy Director considering his involvement in something that could turn into tragedy real quick would be a bad PR move for CPR. Even with what the PDF have been receiving lately, any wrong-doing by conductors on a large scale would make their actions seem just when they weren't.

He took a less defensive stance and cracked his knuckles rubbing the side of his head,"I reckon this ain't the first time Deputy Director has had to bail from a fight he wanted. Ain't really my scene dealin' wit' no political affairs. Let me just git' muh' work done in the field, and I'll be arright." He smiled a bit and turned his attention to his new companion opening his mouth to speak, but stopping when his pocket vibrated and he removed his phone to view the message,"Special Agent O'Reily your expertise is needed. Coordinates will be sent to your phone."

He blinked a bit and rose a brow,"can I just get to dagum investigating this here car explosion? Dag'nabit." A deep breath left him turning to face the woman he had brought with him,"Welp, looks like our skills is needed else where, down for the ride?"
"Louise it is, then..." Delilah responded, her lips curved upwards. The trouble she cold get into with this one... Seana didn't have the same absence of conscience that Delilah possessed, but she was certainly no goody-two-shoes. If Delilah could worm her way in a little deeper, get Seana to make a few unhealthy decisions, she might have an ally worth keeping around.

Rounding the corner, Delilah followed Seana's gaze out the window, grinning at the sudden commotion on either side of the street. A protest... She couldn't have orchestrated a better scene. Slowing to a halt, she pulled up along side the curb, drumming her nails on the steering wheel, "Guess it couldn't hurt to see what they're bitching about."

Reaching into the pocket of her hoodie she pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, "...Or, we could just have some fun of our own. You ever see what happens when a protest gets smoked out...?"

Liam was sure to stop by the door one last time before dismissing the people who had come to listen. "If y'all run across any fuckin' sneaky Russians, ya gimme a ring. I ain't playin', firs' thing you do is find me." With that, he nodded to the group and took his leave, heading immediately for the elevator leading back up to his floor. Liam takes a lot of fucking elevators. He did not bother to let the men know that the meeting was over, because him leaving was indication of that enough. His men went about their business as per usual, depending on their profession or place within his team. Meanwhile, the Irish man had to figure out what was on the horizon. He had men ready and willing to jump at his command.

Walking back into his office, he decided it would be best to contact Natasha. He did so with a text. "
Aye. Ya let me know if i'm needed at that lil shindig." Standing beside his receptionist, he watched the news coverage. Nothing about a clash was being reported yet, but of course, that would change given a matter of time. Sitting down on the countertop belonging to his employed assistant, Liam placed a cigarillo between his lips and lit up. Smoke rose from both his lips and the burning cherry as the smoking apparatus hung loosely from his mouth. Tired eyes remained hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, feet placed firmly on the ground as he looked at the box with moving pictures.

The news then caught up with the protest. Nicely done, media. Liam was relieved that the FDR was was quicker to the gun, because such intelligence and willing to act on it was absolutely necessary. Removing his cellular device from his pocket, he sent a message to all of his men - letting them know to prepare themselves in case SWORD was needed. Natasha must have known better than to get Liam down there without a real issue. He is a problem solver, in every sense of the term. When he is invited to parties, Liam shuts them down. Same applied for his job. Going to the protest meant that Liam would have to deliver on keeping the peace. He would do so, much like a child taking their play time too seriously.

Two fingers moved up to his mouth, removing the cigarillo from its resting place and allowing the ash drop to the floor next to his feet. He used a single boot to rub the gray matter into the carpet, essentially leaving no stain in the process. His receptionist let out a groan, staring at Liam as he sat there. Perhaps she was upset due to the other night? Feeling the eyes burning into the side of his head, Liam looked over to the woman. She narrowed her eyes at him. After a solid thirty seconds, Liam gave a small smile.
"The fuck're you doin'? Get me a cup of tea." Letting out another, even louder aggravated sigh, she stood up and walked toward the tea maker.
Seana tilted her head slightly as she watched things getting more tense with in the protest and looked over the Del as she lit up a smoke. She glanced between the two sights thinking a moment before spotting a familiar woman literally appear out of no where. "Ah.... g'damn it..." She muttered to herself watching the woman as she took over the situation. "Eh I'd hold off on the smoke screen, for now." Seanna suggested as she looked over to Del once more.

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