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Fantasy The Book of Sol

"Haha, now that'd be a crazy story," he replied to her jokingly accusing the PDF, FDR, and his organization. "I actually trust all three of those despite my issues with the PDF." As Natasha got a call and said she'd have to leave, he said, "It's fine. Nice having breakfast with you both and nice meeting you too Seana," he merely waved as both of the ladies dashed out. He finished the remainder of his meal alone, paid for all three meals then began leaving out. The driver was still outside with the front hood still having damages from Seana. "Eh, I don't have to pay for that right?" he chuckled a bit while actually wondering if he would have to. "No sir, we're in a city full of conductors. It is fine," the man replied. Damien was so glad Jenny booked a company that was so 'easy-going.'

The ride back to CPR headquarters was pretty smooth. It was in the afternoon at this point and no more conductors running amok causing havoc. He walked through the doors, greeted and received greetings from some of his staff. He walked through the doors of his office, then Jenny came running in, "Director Damien! We have a situations we need you to attend to immediately."

"What is it?"

"We have a hostile situation. You see the PDF and CPR soldiers were sent on the same mission after a group of conductors. One of the PDF soldiers mistakenly mistook our soldier as a rogue conductor then a fight broke out and..."

He cut her off immediately, "Give me the address immediately, brief me over the phone and I'm heading out." He grabbed his CPR gear from his office, phone, and keys then ran out of the office. He put on a in ear blue tooth and ran off.
Walking back into the men's locker room, Liam immediately moved to hit the showers. It was a brief work-out day, though it was with certainty that Liam would actually get into the actual regimen later. After he got all clean, there was the matter of dressing to be accounted for. Such was normal in a work day which consisted of little-to-nothing. As if he were going through the motions, the man buttoned up his white long-sleeved dress shirt. Next came the pants, which overlapped the bottom of the shirt. After fastening the article of clothing, he slipped a belt through the appropriate loops.

Making a knot for his tie was the easiest part of the process. Fixing it around his neck, Liam made sure that he was not being choked out before putting a hand through that damp hair of his. Slicking it back, the finishing touches of some nice black shoes, a vest of the same color and an expensive pair of sunglasses. Even while working, Liam was always sure to look his absolute best. It was yet another thing which he prided himself on; looking amazing at all times.

Stepping outside of the locker room at the bottom of the same hour he had initially walked in at, Liam passed a couple of men whom immediately moved out of his way as he continued down the corridor separating the rest of the facilities from the actual gymnasium. Hands stuffed promptly in his back pockets, he continued walking until he got an urge to smoke. Yes, smoke. The director of SWORD was known to be practically uncontrollable by the (extremely limited) upper authority, though that was the price for his consistency as well as brilliant performance in the field. A cigar filled with THC-engulfed plant matter was lit promptly.

Various looks from the people who happened to pass him did not stop Liam from exhaling large amounts of smoke into the vicinity. As far as he was concerned, they did not exist. The man seemingly moved within his own tunnel-vision, though there were a limited few whom Liam worked with that he actually enjoyed speaking with on any basis. When it came down to it, Liam was a professional. He associated with others when he had to for the most part, and kept his personal feelings separate from his work. There were very few whom he respected enough to actually stand around and waste his time with small, meaningless banter.

Of course, Charlie was one such a person.

She was on her way to the lab, and he was on his way to the elevator. The two paths collided when Liam turned a sharp corner and accidentally bumped into the woman. To stop from running her over, rather large arms wrapped themselves around her upper-torso in order to stop her body from actually hitting the ground. Once he stabilized the female, he brought her back to an upright position by taking a couple of steps backward himself. There was a small bit of ash on the collar of her shirt from the cigarillo, though it was quickly wiped off. It did not stain the fabric.

"'llo, Charlie."

@Elle Joyner
She looked out the window as the SUV moved, digging under the seat and pulling out a tablet. The screen projected a holographic plane, that requested a pass word. So Natasha spoke, in perfect Russian (despite only learning it in the CIA) and it brought up a video of Japan. Conductors were in combat with their local police force, and it was beginning to look like a massacre for both sides.

"This is happening now in Japan, but the US government will intercept it before it ever makes way to America. There will be a couple videos of this that will get out virally, but, by the time they finally do the US will have a spin for it that works in their favor," she pulled out her phone and went through some of the messages,"I'm taking a risk with telling you this, but this was started because of separation of Conductors and State, much like what PDF is doing. CPR is doing much of the same thing, just in the opposite context, but because there are less Conductors in the world than Normal Humans, they'll be hard pressed to stir something like what's going in Japan."

She looked over to Seana,"That being said." She stopped, and looked up to the driver. He was one of the rebels, but something seemed off about him today,"I lead a Rebellion aimed at taking CPR and PDF down. We believe there shouldn't be a separation of Conductors and Non-Conductors, we're all human beings. Yes, there should a special policing force to handle conductors, but why not just one organization? The FDR for instance. But I can't do what I need to do to achieve my goal under the FDR. I want the FDR's name clean, so here's why the rebels must keep anonymity."

When she finished speaking, a gun shot was heard as a bullet flew threw the air and into the back windshield. (it was bullet proof so it lodged itself in the glass) . Natasha looked forward, curious at how someone could miss at close range, removed a knife from under the seat, and thrust it deep in the man's neck. She didn't need to ask questions, she knew what was happening.

She grabbed the wheel immediately, steering it against a wall causing the car to shake violently, before slowly coming to a stop.
Seana sat a bit stunned as a projector and screen came into view. As a video started to play her eyes widened. There had been rumors about all out wars happening in other countries between conductors and normal police. As to who made the first strike depended on who you talked to but she had no idea it was nearly that bad. She grit her teeth feeling anger bubbling up inside her but kept calm and paid attention to the woman next to her.

She absorbed the information that was being given to her a heavy dose of disbelief weighing on her mind, but she had not reason not to believe her. All in all it made perfect sense the FDR were the middle man, privy to information from both sides. They had the most reason and ability to try and sabotage both groups. But why was she being told. A bolt of dred stirred in her stomach. A feeling that she was about to be dragged into something that was way over her head and didn't have much of an option but to go along with it.

Before she could even get a question out she caught movement from the corner of her eye and reflexively flinched away as the shot was fired. Her shield came up once more but was limited to her arms and chest much thicker than it had been before but that was mostly because she had expected a bullet to be trying to lodge its way into her heart. When the bullet cracked into the back window instead Seana looked up in time to see the deputy director stab the driver before taking the wheel. She clung to the seat in front of her for dear life praying that the car would stop with out crashing into another one. Once the car came to a stop Seana peeked over the chair seeing they had stopped safely before looking over at the other woman "T-the fuck was that about?"
She'd been lost in thought, and really it wasn't entirely without understanding. It had not been the meeting she had anticipated, and it had left her feeling a little moody. Well, as moody as Charlie Kenan ever got. Still, her attention was snared for those few seconds, and as she rounded the corner she crashed, almost full forced into the wall of muscle.

Arms looped round her back and for a moment she was reminded of dancers, albeit, less graceful. Then she was righted and met the man before her with recognition, a smile warming her expression as her lips curved upwards, "Liam! Hello! How are you? So sorry... I just had the strangest encounter, upstairs and I'm afraid I was a bit distracted. Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I? I mean... not that I could. Look at you... It'd take a hit from a bus to hurt you, any."

He brushed her shoulder and she watched the ash fall, chuckled softly. Gesturing to the cigar, she shook her head, "Those things are terrible for you, you know..."
The woman's numerous statements allocated movements within the nerves around his mouth to produce a smile. She was right, chances were it might take a little more than the average woman to injure him. Especially considering the two were merely turning the corner, it was not as though he was in any danger to begin with. Now if Charlie happened to be a human-sized knife, that might have been a bit of a different story.

Shaking his head, the man spoke once more.
"Naw. Not yer fault. If anything, it was mine. 'Preciate that, though." The woman was obviously being way nicer than she had to be. Despite the fact that she mentioned a strange encounter just a couple of minutes prior, Liam was still sure to ignore asking or prodding about the subject. For one, he had absolutely no care in the world. The only way that he might would be on the off chance that he happened to be the spotlight of the conversation.

"I heard on a number'a occasions that trees'r bad for me." Liam brought the cigarillo to eye-level, pausing his speech momentarily. "I always got the same answer." This was a mere seconds before he brought it back to his lips, taking a rather deep drag. Once he took it from his lips, he finished speaking; small spurts of smoke were released with each word spoken, with the entire sentence being accompanied by a wink. "I wouldn'ta taken the job in the firs' place if I gave a shit 'bout me health."

@Elle Joyner
Chuckling again, a light, airy sound, Charlie shook her head. To each their own, she supposed... and while she wasn't one to throw her opinion in uninvited, she continued, gently, a smile on her lips, "Well, try not to forget that just because you don't care, other people don't, either. You're a valuable asset to FDR, Liam... and a good friend. I'd hate to see anything happen to you."

Shrugging, she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her lab coat, rocking back and forth on her heels, "Anyway. I really should get back to work. I didn't mean to be away so long, I just can't figure out this floor plan for anything. Got lost three times, almost four, on the way down. Lucky for me there was a potted plant I tripped over, and no one had picked it up yet, so I recognized where I was after a minute."

Rubbing her brow she smirked, "And there I go, rambling like always. One of these days we'll have a conversation where you say more than I do... Though, probably not." Planting her feet again, she straightened, "But it was nice seeing you, Liam. You should swing by the lab, sometime, and say hello. Always nice to see a friendly face, down in the dungeon."

Liam slightly scoffed at Charlie's words, though he had a rather large smile painted on his face. "Too kind, as always." While Liam was most definitely a valuable asset to the organization, the fact of the matter was that he was far from a good friend. Someone who was as self-involved as he was did not exactly make for a 'friendly' type. When Charlie mentioned that she needed to get back to work, the man offered a nod in her direction. When she continued on about why she was away from the lab for so long, Liam found himself barely listening.

However, Liam did catch the last part. A conversation sometime where he spoke more than her? She was right. Chances were slim, especially considering the fact that the woman's name was Charlotte Kenan. While she did enjoy speaking, Liam never minded listening. It was not as though anything she said was particularly boring, and it was not all the time that she related all subjects to her self. Honestly, it was quite nice. Definitely one of the reasons that Liam found himself stopping in a hallway to chat with her.

"I'll take ya up on yer offer, then. Be good, eh?" The director cooed as he continued walking in the opposite direction that Charlie was headed. "Maybe one'a these days we could grab a cup'a coffee. Ya'know how ta find me." A couple of minutes later, Liam had found his way into his office. Immediately upon passing through the open door, the secretary stood up to speak. Liam simply held a hand out to gesture the woman to keep her mouth shut. He didn't want to hear it, at the moment.

@Elle Joyner
"That was....." Natasha stopped trying to think of the best way to say it. She glanced at Seana, and then looked out the window pulling her phone back out. Type furiously on a 'projected' keyboard, she was able to send an encrypted message to Liam @Tree ,"Comrade, someone knows. I don't know who, but we need to meet in Conference room Z-1." That conference room wasn't listed on any blueprint, and neither was the level. It was the '13th' floor, that contractors seemed to skip on elevators for the superstition. No one seemed to notice that there was more floor than listed on the elevator, but why would they care to? Only way to the room was an elevator in either of the Director's offices.

With the message sent, she looked back to Seana and sighed,"Someone knows I'm the rebel leader. I doubt it's anyone in the other two organizations who are a head, Dusk for instance. They would just drag the FDR's name through the dirt, and get us shutdown. No, it's someone who needs the existence of the FDR. They don't need me though..."

She opened the door on her side, since Seana's side was against the wall and stepped out, Moonbeam following after. She turned to look where they were in Proximity to the FDR HQ and nodded. They had traveled long enough to draw close enough. She took her phone and looked at a security feed of her office, noticing the shadows in the back of the room and smirked,"Won't take much Umbreon to finish this journey...Seana. When you take my hand, you, the dog and I will....go on a little ride..."

@Shura @Tree
Seana stared at the woman expecting some kind of answer but the woman trailed off instead to messaged something on the phone. The teen looked around half expecting some kind of swat team to be storming the car or some kind of officials. When Natasha started to speak again she glanced over only mildly surprised that the secret was out. All secrets get out it was just a matter of time, but she didn't say anything. Instead she followed the woman out of the car feeling a lot better that she wasn't trapped in the small space. She looked around tempted to try and escape and blend into the crowd. Sticking around the woman was definitely a hazard to her health.

Before she could make a move to run she was spoken to causing her to high. She looked to the woman staring at her a second wondering what the hell "a little ride" meant. G'damn it I should have stayed in bed.... she thought to herself before taking the womans hand not seeing much of another option.

Tokala was currently three blocks watching what had become of the earlier situation, things were going well the PDF soldiers and CPR soldiers working well together managing to trap the other conductors in an abandoned building. But this was short lived as an undercover CPR agent came to assist two PDF soldiers opened up an assault on him believing him to be a rogue agent, but Tokala believed they just wanted to kill the man..perhaps a bad past. Now the PDF and CPR were at a stand off in front of the building the group of conductors were trapped inside. Aside from that the situation was calm, buut it was slowly beginning to heat up. He had been observing all of this through the scope of his M110 resting snug as a rug on the edge of the low wall in the parking garage. His pocket began dancing for a brief moment in three pulsations and in turn he'd bring his right hand that had been under the barrel to his right back pocket to unbutton it and pull out his phone looking at it for a moment. He'd take his gaze from the scope to reply.

We have a situation Mr. Payne
Four steps ahead of you.

As he was about to put the phone back in his pocket the jumping jelly-bean for a phone came to life and he'd bring it into his sight once again replying quickly before stuffing it in his back pocket again.

We have a situation Mr. Payne
Four steps ahead of you.
Try to diffuse it with little casualty, we don't want a repeat of last time.
Never intentional.

Tokala buttoned his back pocket back making sure it was secure, and hoping he wouldn't receive another text, he always hated phones. He checked the situation once again through the scope before standing up and taking apart his M110 starting with the barrel removing it leaving the silencer on, since all you had to do was slide it over the muzzle and barrel. After doing this he'd fold the stock and clear the chamber before placing it in a silver metallic appearing case that also had four other full clips. The suitcase was made from a material to confuse and disrupt any sort of x-ray or electronic scans to view what is inside, instead thanks to a few years of tweaking and a microfiber lining the entire metal suitcase it instead gives off the display of papers and several ball point pens. Once finished he'd lock the suitcase rolling his fingers over the letters on the lock to randomize the three letter combination. This being completed he turned and made his way for the staircase so he could start making his way up four more flights of stairs before he reached the opening and highest level of the parking garage to which he'd came towards the edge standing for a few moments taking a deep breath in enjoying the breeze and the day itself before taking a leap step forward as he started free-falling towards the PDF and CPR conflict, as he was gliding he started to slow before going upwards shifting his weight in the air and gave the sight of what looked like him surfing the air currents. He wanted to get inside the building where the other conductors were rather deal with the PDF bastards.

It didn't take Tokala to long to finally arrive at the top of the building and surprisingly without catching the eye of either a PDF soldier or a CPR agent, just made it better for himself in all honesty. Upon landing he'd adjust his skinny tie and the collar of his black suit as he looked around the roof of the building for an entrance point. But there was nowhere of certain interest as it was entirely an old building with a metallic roof, this being said Tokala would kneel switching his suitcase to his left hand and would place his right hand against the roof. A total of seven seconds and where he stood became metallic dust, as he oxidized it all to make his own sort of entrance. Now falling into the building he searched around for the others before coming to a halt mid-air solidifying oxygen beneath himself in the form of a platform, though it wasn't concentrated making it barely visible. He then spotted a few feet below him, the second floor of the building that there was a room with a closed off door and blocked off windows, perhaps that is where they were hiding? The room would be enough to fit them all it was about the average size of a advisers room to watch on all of the workers on the lower floor so they'd have a view of anyone trying to get to them from below as well. Once he discovered all of this he'd release the platform and go to land himself on a metal walk-way that was used to check on the pipes, A/C and roof. Now he began his planning on how he'd approach the situation still entirely unaware of what the conductors were entirely capable of and if they'd be volatile or not.
She gripped the girl's hand, and managed to look down at the dog at her feet,"Moonbeam, here." The dog moved a little bit and rested his head against her leg, as she returned her attention to the phone,"Everyone loves their first time doing this...." The trio sunk into the shadow of the car.....

The journey would be one of amazement for those who had never been before. It would feel like a lifetime how long they were their. The experience itself was like traveling through the entire universe in such a short time. Darkness, random lights, twirling spirals. It was the thing acid trips were made of. It was the thing dreams were made of, but in truth? They were traveling through a hole Umbreon creates in space time, a phenomenon scientists have yet to understand. Hell, even Natasha didn't understand it she just took for what it is.

Not soon after, they'd find themselves inside her office. A very large office in fact, fitting of a deputy director. Yet, somehow, Liam's office always seemed better. Not that it was bigger, or smaller. Maybe it was because it wasn't her's? In any amount, when the dog had walked away, he shook his head. He couldn't articulate it in English, but he hated taking those trips. They freaked him out, and he didn't understand anything that was happening.
Liam stretched out slightly, leaning back in his chair. On his computer, was a social networking site. He had just popped on out of boredom, but someone had noticed; and appropriately, sent him a message. After scanning the contents, he realized that it had been sent from a woman whom he had met a couple of months ago while he was out drinking one night. One thing led to another... And yeah. Liam's not the type to call back, exactly. She wanted to know if he was busy tonight, but Liam did not answer. Of course, the chat said he had seen the message - this was yet another dodge on the side of the Irishman.

He did not have enough time. Nor did he care to have to deal with local club thots. When those moods came, he always found his way; he never needed to reach out in order to formulate a plan. It took all of the fun out of the chase, after all. To begin with, such times truly came few and far between. Liam was all about his work, and such, devoted a rather unhealthily large portion of time to it. Just as he closed the window belonging to the website, he got a message on his personal phone. Of course, this was not to be confused with his work phone. Liam read over the message with a blank expression on his face.

' Comrade, someone knows. I don't know who, but we need to meet in Conference room Z-1. '

After reading, a smile graced the man's visage. He was rather curious as to what had happened, but in due time, he would undoubtedly find out for himself. Standing up to his feet, Liam moved away from his desk and toward the elevator in his office. It was located behind a door, which was hidden away in a closet filled with files. "'Bout time we got some excitement." The statement which shot through his mental was not the same as the reply that Natasha received. In fact, the message he had sent back was not even a statement at all. ' Word - L '

Pressing the 'down' button, his elevator opened immediately. It was only used by him, after all. And occasionally, of course, Natasha. After specifying by speech that he wanted to go to the thirteenth floor, the elevator's doors quickly shut before it dropped down to the appropriate level. Liam had to make sure the elevator moved at his pace; when he was forced to use it, matters that were time-sensitive were occurring more often than not.

The elevator opened to the thirteenth floor. Right next to his elevator, was Natasha's. Walking forward, Liam passed a number of rooms before he reached the Conference room. Once he got to the door, it scanned his person. This included his eyes, which he had to fill with light in order to gain access. Not only did the system make sure it was he who was entering the room, but it made sure he was not a copy by forcing him to use a portion of his powers. Not a problem. Liam was granted access to a conference room which was still empty.

"... Typical. Woman loves wastin' mah time."

@AkuNoOkami @Shura
Seana gnawed on her bottom lip anxiously as she watched the strange woman get ready for this 'ride'. Then she was enveloped in darkness which normally wouldn't freak out but this darkness was an unnatural sort of darkness. She gripped the womans hand slightly tighter figuring it was because of her and tried to remain as still as possible. The sight itself was fairly impressive and wondrous but Seana was not much of a fan of not being in control while moving. Being driven around in an unknown car was bad enough this was borderline fighting.

Finally the darkness faded and they were in some sort of office. Seana looked around quickly before glancing through the window noticing they had traveled several blocks in a few minutes. "W-what... the heck was that?" She asked "And where are we?" She muttered noticing she was in some sort of office. By the few trinkets here and there she figured it belonged to Natasha which mean they were in the FDR. It still didn't make much sense as to why she was being brought along through all this other than she had been dragged into something beyond her depth.
Damien drove as fast as he could to where the PDF and CPR agents were stationed. The tension from the standoff between them were growing and there had already been reports of attacks being thrown. This mission alone was unusual because the PDF and CPR typically don't get assigned on tasks together which is another aspect to look into. Bzzzt his phone rang. He clicked his bluetooth and continue to drive.

"Directory Damien, Agent Tokala Payne to handle the group of conductors. We need you to stop the CPR agents from starting a fight with the PDF. Just make them back down," one of the CPR agents report. "I'll handle it," he replied while hanging up. 'Seriously, who put together this mission though? We almost never team up with PDF' he thought as he drove. The target conductors Payne was sent to handle won't be a problem since Damien knows of the skilled agent. The targets are the least of his worries.

As he approached the area, a large boulder came directly for his vehicle. He swerved out of the way causing the car to spin a few times then land in an awkward part of the road. "What the hell?!" he yelled out as he saw one CPR conductor threw rocks at the PDF agents while they flung elements back. It was an all out brawl with neither side letting up. The area they fought in the city was getting demolished as a result. Damien hopped out of his car and ran towards the nearest agent. A large piece of debris went flying at him, but he pointed his palm towards it. 'This'll get their attention he thought," as electricity begun flowing through his body. He shot an extremely large bolt that obliterated the debris while gaining the attention of all the agents. They looked to see the source of this blast and it was the CPR boss, Damien Dusk.

"All agents whether CPR or PDF back down! Any continued violence at this point will be considered an act of treason against the government!" he threatened to all soldiers. The CPR agents began to group together immediately after Damien's words; however, the PDF didn't seem so convinced. They PDF with conductor powers and guns pointed at Damien walked closer together. "I'm serious," Damien reiterated. "Yeah right, you have no jurisdiction over us. You only control the CPR," he continued. The PDF agents chuckled, then Damien slowly began walking away signaling his men to follow. "Agent Payne will handle the conductors, we're leaving this alone for now." As he walked a swift buzzing noise came his way. Another large piece of debris flew right past the right side of his neck as an intentional warning from the PDF agent that just spoke. "You scared CPR director?" he laughed again with his fellow agents. Damien merely turned around, smiled and begun cracking his knuckles. He stopped for a moment, dug into his pocket, pulled out his cell phone and made a call. "Hello?" a voice said. "Hey Jenny, I'm going to need a cover story. PDF started something with me," then hung up. With a grin on his face, all he said was, "I'll show you scared." Electricity began manifesting itself as if he were a cloud with lightning blots surging around him. They continued to jump around his body as if he were a circuit. The PDF agents prepped their abilities and firearms at Damien, "hope you're ready."
This post was brought to you by the Shulace and Aku Connection BOOYAH BISHES

"I don't quite actually know how to explain that, the science is above me head," she started as she pointed to the dog to stay, and he quite happily obliged. Natasha managed to glance back at the woman as she looked over a bookshelf,"We're in my office in the FDR headquarters, ahh there we are. " She reached up, pulling a book out, the bookshelf sliding to the right revealing an elevator.

With a gentle smile she glanced to her watch, "Watch Liam be an impatient nuisance..." a roll of her eyes was followed as she placed her finger on the keypad to the elevator and uttering out a sequence of numbers,"One, Two. Seven. Two." The Elevator door slid open,"right now hurry up."

Seana stared at the woman a moment as she tried to explain what had just happen but in the end it was chalked up to science mumbo jumbo. Letting out a small sigh she followed the woman still feeling anxious about the whole situation. "O...day..." she muttered softly. "So... where are we goin-" She paused as she saw the book case open up into an elevator not really expecting it. She was definitely in over her head. Not wanting to make Natasha wait she entered the elevator. "Okay I know all of this is top secret kinda stuff, so why are you showing me all of it?

The elevator finally reached the 13 floor, and she stepped out,"Because you will be the change." She managed to walk out of the elevator and to the conference room and watched as it scanned her body. Similarly to Liam, she let some of the Umbreon go in her eyes, and it would recognize who she was,"Allow another person." She stated as she entered, allowing to let Seana get in too.

Seana tilted her head slightly "Change? What change?" Seana questioned before letting out a huffed sigh. She had a feeling some solid answers would be coming anytime soon. Crossing her arms she followed Natasha watching as the door scanned the woman before allowing them into the room.

"Liam, Seana," she said skipping all of the formalities that would come with a meeting. Instead, she pointed to a screen and it projected out a holographic image of the current event going on between the PDF and CPR. She sighed gently,"Liam, someone knows that we're leading the rebels. It's clear it is someone who has deeper interests than bringing the FDR down. They just want the rebels gone, we were attacked. Which brings me to why she is here. She's going to be the face of the rebels...well not literally face but..you get it." She was rambling a bit, nervous for the firs time in a while, so she bit on her lip.
"Woahwoahwoah. You know, firs' thang is firs'. Da fuck you doin' makin' me wait?"

After that particular formality was finished, Liam was sure to extend a hand out - practically finding Seana's and forcing her to shake his hand as he faced her.
"Liam. Pleasure's all yers, really." Dropping her hand with a wink, Liam turned to look over at the hologram which had been projected onto a rather large screen. It seemed the PDF and CPR were having quite an enjoyable time battling it out, but this spelt more serious troubles for the rebels.

When Natasha had made mention that Seana was to be the face of the rebels, Liam looked at the woman like she had five heads.
"What'ta you, fockin' jokin? Who is dis person?" Using a thumb, the Irishman gestured over to the woman, who was obviously still in the room. Listening to his each and every word without fail, because as always, Liam was speaking at his own volume. "Do you know anythin' 'bout her? Or are you jus' flakin' out because'a da situation?"

This was a viable question in Liam's mind. She seemed like she was halfway off of her rocker as it was.

"What's yer plan? Even if she's da mascot? Have you even anythin' further?" Liam considered a lack of a thought out plan something that was a further waste of his time. Freaking out was one thing, but making brash decisions due to blown covers was certainly not Liam's style. "By da way, who gives a flyin' fock 'bout who knows our shit?" The man honestly didn't think it made a difference either way. However, the game of 21 questions had been kicked into full effect.

"I don't need to know her, that's the point of it. We don't know her," she started rolling her eyes a bit at the man. His concerns were appropriate, and he had the right to ask, but she just hated being asked a hundred questions,"In order for us to Unify Conductors and Normal humans we can't have any chances of the FDR being dirtied. We have to look the cleanest out of them all. We need the people support, so when they shut CPR and FDR down they don't shut us down too."

"Calm yer tits laddie," she said purposely mocking his Irish background as she often did with him,"Yes I thought further. She goes about doing what I already caught her doing today. Be a vigilante, but instead of just helping conductors, she starts helping normal folks too. We'll protect her in the way we can, but she'll mainly be on her own. She'll garner the attention of the PDF."

There she went rambling her whole plan,"Blah Blah, eventually she'll have so much media attention she'll become a hero to the people. She'll be fucking batman. Then we can go about making the case that conductors ain't no different than humans, some are assholes and others are well, good. It'll work..."
Seana was still a bit disoriented and trying to keep up with what was going on. She shook Liam hand smiling slightly, "Uh... yeah Nice to meet you too." she muttered softly. She shifted her gaze to the hologram unsure of what was going on but it did not look like a good situation overall. The CPR and PDF were both in a stand off, no real surprise there.

The teen was snapped out of her thoughts when Natasha mentioned something about her being the face of the rebels. "Whow, wait what?" She questioned looking between the two adults as they continued to discuss her role in the grand scheme of things. It irked her more than just a little how they were treating her like a child, making choices for her instead of even asking if she ever wanted to be involved! Still simply grit her teeth and watched the two hearing them out before flat out rejecting their idea.

She blinked a few times when Natasha explain what she would have to do. It didn't seem like a half bad gig, she would continue doing what she normally did and get back up along the way. "So that's all I have to do? Just what I normally do? And what do you mean by support?"
Work was slow. It was slower than slow. It was molasses, drooled out of the mouth of a dead snail, dripping down a frozen window pane. After her earlier excursion to the second floor, Charlie had spent the remainder of the morning fiddling with older samples, tweaking new samples, checking results (or lack there of) of the experiments and altogether biding her time until she could clock out for a much needed break. That time came at last about an hour later, and it was with no small amount of exuberance that Charlie keyed in the code for her lunch break, slipped out of her lab coat and ran, rather than walked, to the elevator.

Out in the parking lot she opened her messenger bag and rifled around inside. She located her earphones after a minute, which she popped on, before pressing play on the device, tucked into one of the bag pockets, the thrilling sound of vintage music pouring into her head, forcing away any residual negativity from the unfortunate encounter with Morris.

Dancing down the sidewalk, ignorant to how less than rhythmically blessed she was, she sang along to the Go Go's, "We Got the Beat". Halfway to her car, her fingers dug into her pocket and pulled out her car keys, and spinning round in an uncoordinated circle, she pressed the unlock button. The chorus started up again in her ears and she sang, louder, reaching for the door handle. It was easily the best part of her day, unchallenged...

Well... before her car exploded, anyway.

It was your average day, except for the fighting between the PDF and CPR. No, wait, that was pretty average too. Actually, it had been a surprise that Jay wasn't called into go handle that mission, but he wasn't necessarily complaining about it either. Today would be a good day to just relax. Namaste. You know, not stress about Conductors or any organization just be easy. So that's exactly what he would do as he was taking a break from office work.

He found himself at one of his favorite cafe spots, a cup of coffee square in his hands. A simple sip, until something didn't feel right. There was something off about the nitrogen in the air, and a sound of a click confirmed it. He managed to glance towards the car Charlie was near, and everything went in slow motion. He vanished in small explosion and puff of smoke, appearing in another puff a smoke behind Charlie and used his left arm to grab her around her waist.

Using his power, he set off of a smaller controlled explosion, which kept the car's explosion tamed a bit buying him the extra second he needed to get them both out of there. And so he did, they vanished and in yet another puff of smoke they appeared down the street. His arm was still around her waist when he looked down into her eyes,"I reckon' that was bout a close one, ya' alright ma'am? If I hadn't come through like Azazel ya be a buncha' bit roun' the pavemen' "

His attired for the day was rather his usual for a day he expected to be in the office a lot. A white button up with a black tie and a black vest to match. Over that he wore his black windbreaker jacket that had PDF on the back, and it all matched his black suit pants.

@Elle Joyner
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"Your magical plan, made up in fairy-tale land, was generated in a matt'a of a day?" Liam was totally not surprised. The Russian was totally capable at any given moment to pull some ridiculous shit like this. A hand went up to his own forehead, massaging it with a few fingers as he closed his eyes and let off a slightly aggravated sigh. "Whatevah. We do what we gotta, eh laddies?" He raised an eyebrow, looking over the person who was to be the 'face' of the rebel organization.

She had no idea what she was getting into. He reaction told a tale of a thousand words, without one needing to actually be stated. Turning his back from the two, Liam removed his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes briefly before placing them back on.
"Wha' she means by support, is dat we'll be 'round to make sure ya ass ain't get merked in da street from actin' reckless. So do what ya do normally, y'know? Jus' be sure we're gonna have an eye on ya. If lil' Russia ova here is sayin' any truth, you're name is gonna be awfully big in a short 'mount of time. Be careful. Shit's gonna get real if that happens."

Liam had no idea where the start and the end was for any of this. Natasha obviously had to come up with a much more linear plan, which he figured she would let him in on within the early stages. Not that Liam was particularly good at strategy, but he was a great mind in his own right, after all.

She was dead. She was dead and she was being carried off into the heavens. Somehow, she thought that angels might be a little gentler, which for a moment made her panic that she was, in fact, destined for another location... but that wasn't what Sunday School had taught her, and besides... she didn't imagine that the devil would smell so nice. Or at least, that was her assumption. Then again who said Satan couldn't buy cologne? Maybe all that fire and brimstone got to him...

The sound of the explosion had knocked out her hearing pretty sufficiently, a dull ringing sound muffling the ambiance. Somehow, though, she'd expected the Heavenly chorus to sound less like a busy city street, even with damaged eardrums. She could hear him mumbling, but couldn't entirely understand what he'd said. Probably "Welcome to the Pearly Gates". Opening her eyes, she came face to face with her angel and blinked...

"...Y...you look a lot like..." Her vision swirled, suddenly and she felt her legs give way. He was still holding her, a little less tightly, but tight enough that she stayed upright, bracing herself on his tie. Angels had a funny dress code, too...

"...I never looked good in a robe, anyway..." She murmured, before she blacked out completely.

Natasha Perov

She shrugged her shoulders a bit when he referred to her as lil Russia, and nodded in confirmation of what he was saying,"Don't worry Liam, we're going to keep doing what we do best. Which reminds me, we 'ought go intervene in this CPR and PDF confrontation, don't ya' think?" She smirked before returning her attention to Seana and held a little black piece out to her,"This is a GPA tracker, it will keep track of your position."

She stopped and walked towards a cabinet, before pulling something out. It was a phone, and she clicked it on, before walking back to Seana,"This will also track your position, but this is how you want to contact us if you need to. My phone is listed as Tasha, and Liam's as Liam. Each call will be encrypted, in or out. That's all.."

"Liam, plan of action of jumping between the CPR and PDF? They don't seem to be settling down anytime soon, and I think Dusk is involved. It's some action for you," she said in a mischievous way but not a single bit of emotion could be found in her face.


Special Agent O'Reily

"Ya' seem ta' be off yer wagon ma'am," what was she talking about? He looked a lot like what? An agent who just dropped his coffee to save her life? Oh, dear. He did drop his coffee. What type of day would it be for him to have dropped his wonderful cup of coffee to save a stranger. Damn his chivalrous ways. Why couldn't he had not been around to save her, he would still have his coffee and would me sans a delusional woman.

"A robe? Are yo-" she blacked out, a bit limp in his arms and he managed to look around. Perhaps it was just shock she passed out from? She did almost die, and now that he thought about it, it was sort of a traumatic event to experience and be saved from. Joy, he'd be a bit responsible.

He rested her on his shoulder, as he moved her to his black 2012 Nissan GTR Skyline. An older car, but he had restored it and he drove it around like it was his favorite car in the world. Well, it was. Making sure she was alright, checking for injuries he sighed before patting her down in the most awkward way possible. He was a gentleman after all. He found her badge/id first, and then her wallet.

Flipping it open, he picked up his phone,"This is Special Agent Jayceon O'Reily. I need medical assitance, fire truck, and police force. There's been a car explosion, I suspect tampering. Victim is unconscious, she is a ..." he flipped open her badge, noting a bit disappointingly she was an FDR agent,"FDR Agent, named Charlotte Kenan, inform her superiors. I will be on the scene upon Arrival in a black Nissan, plate Uniform Alpha Delta Uniform Kilo Echo. Thank You."

He got off the phone and placed her badge and wallet back in her lap before getting out and looking off into the distance,"She's cute, but ehhh.... FDR agents are for the dagum' birds."

@Shura @Tree @Elle Joyner
She was dancing... Except contrary to reality, she was much more graceful and coordinated, which was a pretty good indication that she was dreaming. That, and her father was there. Abraham Kenan was a tall man, thin and wiry with silver glasses that always dipped to the end of his long, narrow nose and bright blue eyes that seemed to hold a world of exciting prospects. He, in reality, had been a surprisingly good dancer - but then, Fred Astaire had been a beanpole, too. She was no Ginger Rogers, but Daddy didn't seem to mind.

Her feet shuffled along with the slow rhythm of Gershwin, and she clung to her father's shoulders, afraid to let go. Certain if she did, everything would fade and she would find he was only an image in her mind... Of course, she was much too smart to believe otherwise, really... but IQ and emotion rarely went hand in hand.

Pulling away, she looked up into those endless oceans behind silver spectacles and her lips curved in a smile, "...This is a dream, you know." She stated, in a matter of fact tone.

"Is it? And how do you know that, Chuck?"

"Well, logically speaking, we're in a ballroom and no one else is here... and I haven't tripped, not even once. Plus, well... you can't be here if this is reality."

"You sound as if you're formed a pretty definitive theory. But are you sure?"

"Most definitely. I think I may have been blown up. I'm not sure why, but I think maybe it has something to do with Alvin Morris. That, or the potted plant I knocked over. People are awfully particular about their greenery these days. Oh! And it's the strangest thing... Angels have the most bizarre sense of fashion, now. Suits and ties... who knew?"

"Certainly not me. But who am I to judge? All Mister Rogers sweaters and lab coats."

"I liked your sweaters. Mom saved them in a box, you know?"

"That's because she's insanely sentimental."

The music ended and her father slowed, the next song resonating through the large empty room.

"...Claire de Lune." He murmured, as the music played, "You always loved this song..."

"Daddy...?" She asked after a minute of silence. Her voice sounded hollow, scraped out and thin, a shell of fear and uncertainty "Daddy, is this Heaven?"

"I thought you had decided it was just a dream?"

"I'm not so sure, anymore...Am I dead?"

"...I don't think so, my dear..."

"How can you be sure?"

"Well, Chuck... because I'm not dead. But that's a conversation for another time. You have to wake up, now, sweetheart."


Claire de Lune was suddenly and inexplicably sceaming in her ears, as her hearing returned, her headphones still clapped over her ears, the music player set on shuffle. Her eyes opened, she woke with a startled gasp, straightening upright and then promptly flattening out on her back again and pain blossomed behind her heads, filling her head with pressure, "Augh!"

Pulling off the headset, she opened her eyes again, this time focusing them on the man, leaning over her. Man, not angel... because with consciousness returned reasoning. He was handsome, but unfamiliar, and one look at the windbreaker he wore was indication enough why. Rubbing her forehead she sat up a little more carefully, eyeing the man with what might have been suspicion, "...What happened? I feel like I just had one of those cartoon anvils dropped on my head. No... a piano... definitely a piano. Did you blow up my car No. Sorry. Stupid question. You ... why would you go to all the trouble of blowing up my car, just to save me. OH! You did, didn't you? You saved my life. But how? I mean... I kind of... I think I remember? Y...you poofed... or... bamph'd. THAT'S the name of it! Like Nightcrawler in those comics. And I'm rambling. Sorry, I do that. And who blows up a car, anyway? This isn't an action movie! I spent good money on that car. Well, no. That’s not really true. My grandmother gave it to me. But that’s besides the point. It’s the principle of the matter. And I just had it cleaned, too… I mean… it’s a hunk of junk, but it was my hunk of junk. And now it’s just a fiery mess… People have no consideration, these days. Ah. Sorry… I’m doing it again. Um… thank you? For saving me…?”

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