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Realistic or Modern The Body in the Woods


Insecure Hipster Owl

The body of 10 year old Amanda Barnett was discovered early this morning by a group of locals, a week after she had been announced as missing. The girl was last seen by her sister on 30th May right before the older sibling went out of the house, leaving young Amanda to her own devises. Due to no signs of a break in, it is speculated that the child was either taken by someone familiar to her or was kidnapped through the back garden of her home, which neighbors the woods she was discovered in. Opinions have come forward suggesting that she deliberately went out into the forest due to Amanda's odd behavior as of the recent weeks before her disappearance. The child is said to have become paranoid and aggressive, acting quite uncharacteristically, as well as showing signs of a disturbed sleep cycle resulting in further moodiness and a state close to an illness, characterized by coughing.

Amanda's kidnapper is still at large but a thorough police investigation is looking into the issue so as to prevent any future incidents. Until the criminal is captured, all residents are advice to stay alert.

Unfortunately, the body of the girl was not only found in a pitiful state but is also impossible to retrieve due to its location, which endangers the well-being of her rescuers.

Our hearts go the the family of the deceased... Amanda will be missed.


There is a body in the woods.

The body of 10 year old Amanda Barnett who left this world before her time had come, who left this world alone and cold, who left this world without being heard.

There is a body in the woods.

The body of 10 year old Amanda Barnett, who will never be retrieved because she is forever engulfed in mud and whoever decides to liberate her from her prison will only go down with her.

There is a body in the woods.

The body of 10 year old Amanda Barnett who could have been saved if only her stupid sister had looked out for her instead of leaving to hang out with her friends.

There is a body in the woods.

The body of 10 year old Amanda Barnett who was kidnapped from her home in the middle of the day, dragged in the woods and mercilessly slaughtered by a sicko who still roams the streets of this town, while she lies below the ground, cold and scared, broken and abused.

There is a body in the woods.

The body of 10 year old Amanda Barnett who I intent to liberate. I do not care what fate awaits me because this is all my fault... I should be in her place...

There is a body in the woods.

The body that the tall man wanted us to give him.


It was that kind of day... The type of day when the sun shines as bright as a young child's curious eyes, when the breeze gently sways the treetops into a marvelous dance and provides relief for the heated earth, when birds in the trees sing a song so beautiful as to rival that of a choir, when everything is lazy and perfect. Clearly summer was coming, that long awaited time of freedom. Soon the small town of Oakhedge would be bustling with tourists, here to hike in the wonderful Ebony Thicket as well as marvel at the long, leisurely Idaho days and its starry cool nights.

However, before the masses of strange queer faces arrived, the people of Oakhedge had some time to indulge in the beauty of their settlement in solitude, for it was on this type of days that everyone, young and old, felt truly content. The streets filled with kids who ran all over the place, falling and then getting up immediately to continue their race with time, bearing on their knees bruises like the wounds of a soldier. Homes became crowded with family and friends as relationships were mended or strengthened. Some individuals more on the lazy side of things preferred to simply forget about their worries and freeze time even just for a moment.

Yeah, it was one of those days... yet the streets and homes were empty. Oakhedge had become a sort of ghost-town, with only the rustling of leafs making background noise in the distance as the wind seldom rushed through the rotting branches of old crooked trees. Normally this picture appeared mystical, almost like something out of a fairy tale, yet now it had taken on a sinister appearance, as though something was amiss with how the forest moved... actually, it breathed. The wood was one large mega organisms but now it appeared to be ill, brought down by a deadly virus. The forest reminded one a mournful landscape full of sickly human figures with broken limbs reaching towards the skies, some in prayer and others in maliciousness.

Something was lurking in Ebony Thicket...

And said despairing forms hummed in a chant and wept in unison as did the people at the cemetery that day.​

Jessica Barnett

Jessica was not here. Well, sure here body was still down on Earth, still in a sea of other bodies clad in the same dark attire. Yet, the girl's mind had strayed. She stared out into the abyss that gazed at her from the empty coffin, imagining herself laying in it. In this fantasy she felt cold and paralyzed, wanting to scream but joking on her words, wanting to move but being absolutely helpless, wanting to close her eyes but being unable to. That was the worst part of it - that she could see everyone peering inside her fatal prison. The faces were different and ugly, some grieving and others rejoicing. Jessica did not want to die.

But she had no way of escaping. The figures came and went. Suddenly, a loud voice was heard among the whispering of the deformed men. The speech of a little girl rang through the air and made Jessica's eyes swell with tears of joy. Everything was okay as long as Amanda was safe and sound.

But that wasn't the case in the real world. The coffin was not meant for the reckless older sister but for the younger innocent one, the child who was taken not only from her family but also from life.

Jessica at last forced herself to snap out of this horrifying daze and looked around. Almost everyone in Oakhedge had come to the memorial service. Most of these people did not even know Amanda and had first learned about her when news spread that a young girl had gone missing. And yet, everyone silently wept. Even though she had promised herself not to cry, Jessica joined in on the mourning.

She had to retrieve the body in the woods... She had to! However, she could not do it on her own.

Benedict Chance

Solo felt... out of place, to say the least. He did not even know the unfortunate kid, yet here he was, attending a stranger's memorial funeral. Well, by the hand of chance he had unfortunately become acquitted with Amanda Barnett quite recently or, more specifically, with her dead body as he was the one to find the lifeless corpse.

Such grotesque imagery sticks with one until the end of their days and hunts the imagination. He had many times now visualized the girl's demise - a strange man sneaking into the backyard of her house, wearing a clown's mask and funny gloves. She just wanted to touch his bloated red nose when the man... monster, snatched her up and led her far far away, never to be seen again. Solo had also thought of what the creature did next, yet those memories he had pushed in the back of his head and did everything in his power to forget.

"How did I end up like this?" the man thought to himself. He had arrived at Oakhedge mere weeks ago and simply planned on exploring some of the abandoned buildings nearby. Instead, he ended up with a carcass and severe paranoia.

Ever since stumbling across Amanda, he began feeling... frightened. Something just seemed to be awry and for the first few days Solo could not quite pinpoint what that thing was exactly. Yet, he soon came to a conclusion: he was being followed by someone... or something! Or maybe it was just an irrational fear born of shock. Well, ever since finding a garbage bag full of intestines in front of his hostel room, Solo has been extremely precocious, carrying around a camera at all times in order to record the sicko who has been tormenting him... and possibly had tormented Amanda. He even had the camera on his person at the funeral and was recording everything! Hopefully this would go by unnoticed...


David gets up from his seat on the bus, a peculiar ring comes from the front of the bus indicating that it was at a stop, "Thanks for choosing Greyhound, and may it be your only choice in bus!" The driver says in a supposed-to-be-happy tone which came off more as just a normal talking voice, "Why not?" David quietly remarks as he steps off the large vehicle. It was supposed to be raining today, but the weather channel lied to him, it was humid at the least. As David begins his short journey to the funeral, he notices something; a man was watching him. David had seen this man before, Robert Dawnson, him and David have had a couple of previous conversations but they really didn't know each other. Plus, David was sure that Robert was involved somehow, it was mostly in the way he acted, but it wasn't really enough to pin him.

David tries to ignore Robert as he strolls closer and closer to the graveyard, but Robert proceeds to follow him, step-for-step. But, Robert takes longer strides than David so it was very easy for him to catch up to Dave, "
Stop following the trail, The Bringer Of Salvation is not something to be toyed with. If you don't stop following, I will have to intervene." Robert says quietly to David before walking away. David stands there for a second, internally cackling at Robert's comment but pretending to look scared on the outside; Robert REALLY thinks I'm just involved? David nearly cracks up thinking about it but remains as straight-faced as possible.

He suddenly realizes that he's about to be late to the funeral, David races off to try and make it in time to the grim event. Upon arriving, David slows down to avoid looking suspicious, despite his heavy breathing. David walks over to join the crowd gathered around the coffin, he takes a place beside Jessica, "
I'm sorry for your loss. I think that every is affected by Amanda's death." David puts a hand on Jessica's shoulder for re-assurance. But, David's gaze shifts over to the coffin, it seemed to be radiating some type of force which was only being sensed by David.

He only looks at the coffin for a few seconds before his hearing cuts away to a low humming, he could practically feel
him near. "Oh my go-" David takes his hand off of Jessica's shoulder and staggers off a couple of feet, he pukes behind one of the gravestones which causes a couple of people to approach him and ask him if he's fine. David tries to talk but just ends up launching another volley of bile onto the ground, he eventually finishes his puking and leans against one of the headstones, taking in a few breaths. After having a quick breather, he stands again, this time ignoring the coffin; David accepts a bottle of water and a pat on the back by one of the attendants of the funeral.

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Marcus was equally confused and understanding of why he was walking towards the cemetery where a funeral was occuring. Marcus barely know the Barnett family but he still sympathized them in all aspects. Marcus felt he had a connection to Jessica, being the older sibling in a situation where a younger sibling died. Whether it be abusive father or unknown force, Marcus knew he had to be here.

Every day has been a haze for Marcus, from the first day where he moved boxes into a new home in Oakhedge, or the third day where he toured the school, only to get somber remarks from the students. And then there was the fifth day where he found an abandoned school, he did not venture inside, but the pure idea of that made goosebumps raise on his arms.

Marcus then entered the cemetery through large iron fences, passing rows of headstones just to reach the ceremony where practically the whole town was here, it seemed not so big since a few of the groups were visiting other headstones so the mass of the crowd was not so big. There were though, a lot of things to see. Some stranger throwing up behind a headstone, and few people actually laughing, what a strange sight here or anywhere in this town, and then Jessica. She was standing in front of the casket, dazed and unsure of the predicament here. Marcus wanted oh so much to approach her, to console her and to tell her how he knows what she is going through, but she would just lash out at him or push him away, putting up more barriers and walls in between me and her.

So, instead of going to Jessica, I slowly approach the man who was throwing up a storm a few minutes ago. He stands in front of the recently desecrated headstone with a water bottle as his sickly face appears that he is no longer with us, where he is venturing off into space.

"Are you okay?" Is probably the first word I utter to anyone in this town.

The graveyard. A dreary site where all bodies come in the end. Vincent would end up as another body among the others, rotting under the ground with the rest of them. Just another corpse.

Vincent sighed, chewing at his nails. These thoughts depressed him, and he did his best to push them from his mind. He had manage to find a spot where he could see through the crowd of people to the coffin, yet he could be a good distance away from the group. He didn't want to get close; people were difficult to deal with at the best of times, and Vincent shudders to think how difficult they would be when they're emotional. He knew he couldn't handle that, so he just stood on his one, a watcher in the distance.

He shivered, unsure whether it was from cold or just being around so much death. The atmosphere of depression was almost tangible and it weighed down on Vincent's soul.

He knew he would miss Amanda. She was the kindest girl he had ever known, save his sister. In fact, Amand reminded him a lot of his sister, and while that may have warmed his heart before, it simply made the pain of losing her all the more biting.


David wipes his mouth, his hands temporarily shake with a combination of nervousness and how much he just threw up. Not now, please go away, I will do whatever it is later. David thinks to himself, trying to wane The Operator away. But his efforts were futile, for the feeling still resided in him of the tall, suited, and faceless being getting increasingly closer, a low humming pierces through his ears. "Yeah, I'm fine." David reassures the man who came up and checked on him. He gives a small nod as if to say, 'I'm alright' and returns by Jessica's side, "Sorry bout that, I don't do too well at funerals." At this point, the force was practically right behind him, David could sense The Observer to his left, at a distance, of course, but still noticeable to those who may looks hard enough. David gives a quick glance of his eyes to see something different, The Observer was frowning at David, probably due to him telling Slenderman to go away.

David begins to get a slight tinge of sweat just at the top of his forehead, "
Uh, if you need anything, just let me know. I'm here for you." David coughs a couple more times before clearing his throat and respectfully bowing his head. He glances over at The Observer again, he was standing at the edge of the crowd, his white teeth in the shape of an upward arrow, the frown creeps David out, but he keeps his composure.

Jessica Barnett

Suddenly, a hand landed on Jessica's shoulder. Caught off guard and shocked, the girl lightly tensed, yet did not dare to look back in a surge of illogical fear taking over her being. For some reason, she felt sick at the moment this yet unknown person touched her, believing in her mind that it was Amanda's kidnapper.

However, as she finally realized that the mysterious figure had spoken beforehand, the girl at last relaxed a little, giving off a breath of relief. It was David, one of Oakhedge's rather... odd personages, yet a nice guy nevertheless. Most people around these parts of the country were of the same kind - weird and alien, yet in a way intriguing with their behavior. Jessica wondered if others thought the same of her... However, David was a little different from most attending the funeral for he was one of the few people, excluding some of Jessica's close friends, to actually have the guts to walk up to her and give his condolences. And she appreciated that...

As a matter of fact, she intended to thank the guy when she perceived a barely audible "Oh my go-" before the reassuring hand was removed from her side. The next thing she herd was David retching, obviously vomiting. This, naturally, made Jessica concerned but also, as twisted as this sounds, happy.

Dave was not someone she knew well and had pretty much became acquitted with him through Amanda, the person that had gotten quite close to the man in the past two months. So, the older sister naively believed with all her heart that the boy truly cared for her young sibling and now she took David's reaction as proof. She assumed that he felt sick due to that same image that had disturbed her - the empty coffin, dark and cold, as deep as the void.

Curving her lips in a rather disturbing (or at least, out of place) smile, Jessica broke from the image of a sorrowful statue and became something... with an air of insanity. When David returned by her side, the girl could barely contain herself as he spoke. But as soon as he offered his help, she could keep quiet no more. "Dave, I have a favor to ask of you." she whispered turning around to face him as well as the crowd of mourners. Spotting a few other familiar faces, she continued "Meet me at my place, this evening, 8 pm"

And so, without giving any further explanations, Jessica simply walked off.

Benedict Chance

An unknown person approaching the grieving older sister, a reassuring hand placed on shoulder, a sudden disturbance, staggering and violent puking. Solo had it all on tape... and he would have thought the situation to be completely normal, had the audio and video not distorted the exact moment before the stranger next to Jessica had retreated behind the tombstone.

"He is involved. He is involved. He is involved!" Solo repeated over and over in his mind until the words became an internal scream. "But why?" As the paranoia returned, a mixture of terror and joy swept over the boy, making him shiver. At this point he was visibly shacking and sweating, not caring if others noticed, his eyes blaring at the stranger.

Fighting his way through the crowd, Solo at last got close to his target, yet it was already too late since the guy had walked back to Jessica. Cursing under his breath, Solo raised up his camera and accidentally bumped into a dark haired man, one of the people who had come to check on the puking guy.

"Sorry..." Solo hurriedly apologized.

@Stew @Wastes Storyteller
Several strange events occurred in a matter of only a few minutes. A strange and sickly looking man throws up and appears just to be spacing out. Then another weird guy is filming the entire thing than bumps into me, maybe intentionally. Then Jessica, sister of Amanda, just tells the "throw up" guy to meet her at 7 or some late time. Who knew a little girl's funeral could attract so many weirdos.

I approach the casket and look at the dark oak and other adornments, flowers and photos of happy times with her, I was never a fan of funerals, but just I had the notion to come to this one. I would follow Jessica or the other guy, but I turn to the filming man and answer him after he bumped into me.

"It's fine... Why are you filming?" I ask the man.


David was actually rather confused by the girl's favor. He tried to think it over to see what she meant by it, but he only came up with two meanings, and one of them was definitely not what she meant. David looks up and nods at Jessica as she's walking away, even though she probably didn't see him. David takes another swig from his water bottle before deciding to leave, the funeral was getting even blander as nothing was happening; but then again, what else happens at a funeral? He nears the gate to exit but just as he does, a cold sensation runs up David's arm, like pins and needles that were sitting in a fridge for too long.

He turns to look and sees The Observer has placed a hand on his shoulder, "
Two are watching now. Don't slip up." David's arms shakes slightly as it tries to regain its natural feeling. He looks past The Observer and into the cemetery, and there, inside the sullen grounds, was a man holding a camera above his head, "Meet her at 8, and don't be late!" David's eyes lock with the man's only for a split second. But in that second, David smiles the most malicious and evil smile that could ever grace a human face; but it was not David that smiled, oh no, it was the man who's nothing but a black void with white eyes and teeth.

David's arm begins to regain feeling and he walks off to get ready for the night.

Jessica Barnett

The words had accidentally escaped her mouth as is the case with every rushed thought, yet she was content with her deed... The more the merrier and, sure, David might actually not comply to her plea, yet Jessica felt in her bones that he would come to the meeting. He had to... And he wasn't the only one. "Adrian, Elizabeth, Albert, Micheal, Stephanie, Stephen, Sophie" she recited these names over and over in her head until the task became a no-brainier. Repeating those whom she had begged to come along in the woods was now engraved into the girl's being, something she had memorized. Yet, it felt incomplete. Moreover, a lot of these people might not actually be happy with coming along a mission as the one Jessica had set herself on, and thus she needed to recruit more participants. But who?

Adrian, Elizabeth, Albert, Micheal, Stephanie, Stephen, Sophie... Vincent!" the last name somehow managed to manifest itself outside the girl's mind and came out as a scream. It was the auburn-haired boy's presence that had caused such an explosive reaction. Vincent was again someone Jessica had become acquitted with through Amanda. He was a rather quiet individual, who apparently withdrew due to some incident involving a family member. That was as far as Jessica's knowledge went regarding the guy, yet it was enough for her to be sure he would be able to sympathize with her. And, after having experienced the lose of a loved one firsthand, Jessica now felt for Vincent as well. Prior to this she had never really thought too much about him or exactly what he went through, thus lacking a lot of detail, yet now this aspect of the girl's life, like all other, had made a complete 180 degree change.

Walking up to Vincent, Jessica spoke up. "
So..." she barely managed to stop herself form asking how he was (that was quite the inappropriate question) "Thank you for attending the funeral."

Benedict Chance

"Why are you filming?" how could Solo answer such a question. "I just have severe paranoia and think that a tall guy is staling me. Oh, he might also be the same person who brutally killed that Barnett kid." that would be quite the odd thing for anyone other than a madman to utter. Plus, he wasn't really popular with anyone around this parts, and being an outsider didn't bring with itself any perks but only made others wonder what the hell such a person was doing in Oakhedge. "I-I am doing a funeral filming service as asked by the family of the deceased. It's... it's aimed at creating a memory." he responded when the right words at last came to mind, not taking his eyes off of the one who had just up till now been speaking with Jessica. The man was nearing the cemetery gates when he suddenly interlocked gazes with Solo.

There was something very unnatural in the whole situation, and the feeling of helplessness was only furthered when this stranger, someone Solo had just become aware of today, someone whose name he did not even know, grinned... And for that split second, Solo felt a wave of primal fear mashed up with disgust rush over him.

Turning away, he faced his conversation partner once again, trying his best to erase the image of that godawful smile. "
The name's Benedict Chance..." he began speaking, trying not to let his voice crack "Do you know anything about that guy that just left the funeral?"

@Stew @Cipah @Wastes Storyteller
"I'm Marcus... And not really. He just threw up behind that headstone and then walked away, looking like someone was following or watching him." I responded. Benedict seemed on the edge, like he wasn't filming the funeral and filming for some anomalies or something.

"I feel like I read somewhere on the internet about some guys throwing up and then disappearing. Think this is like that? If it is, I wanna get all the details. This kind of stuff interests me." I explain the Benedict. I feel like I pouring my heart out to some guy I don't even know. But I feel like he is my key to figuring out this town. Maybe if I befriend him, I'll get to see what he is filming, we already have that in common. I pull off my backpack and pull out my own personal camera.

"I have my own camera, I guess we have filming and photography in common, huh?" I say, trying to connect to him.
Vincent scratched the back of his head as the girl thanked him for attending. He avoided her gaze, for some reason feeling like he had committed a horrific act just by showing up. It wasn't like anyone had made him feel that way; the emotions coursing through him were quite a surprise to him.

"Uh, yeah… no problem… I'm, uh, sorry for, y'know…"

He nodded his head in the direction of the crowd and the coffin, feeling his face heat up as he stumbled over his words. He was painfully aware how awkward he was making the situation, yet he wasn't sure what he could do about it.

Jessica Barnett

It took Jessica a while to respond to Vincent. She knew what he was addressing, yet for a split second pretended to forget. In all honestly, the girl found it really hard to even come to terms with the fact that the funeral was going to be held without Amanda's body. Actually, she still hadn't accepted this painful reality. "Don't be..." she at last murmured. It was at this exact moment that Jessica realized that Vincent's face had become red all over. The situation must have been quite awkward for him and Jess did not blame him. If she was forced into the same position as the boy, her reaction would probably be similar... Well, in the very least she would feel quite uncomfortable.

Deciding not to plague him with her presence any longer, Jessica gave off a weak smile and said "
A couple of people and I will be having a little get together at my place in memory of Amanda... I would be quite happy if you could make it there this evening, 8 pm"

And with that, the girl was off yet again, slipping away in order not to have to face a refusal. The mere hope that those she had asked would pity her and comply was quite enough... Though, they might still go back on their word if they knew what she was planning to drag them into, especially Vincent. She had been rather cryptic with her messages to the others but with him, Jess had simply full on lied.

And she was just about to lie once again. Spotting Marcus Sampson together with that Chance guy, she began rushing towards them. At this point other attendants began throwing the girl specious glances. Of course they would since in their eyes she appeared to be going completely insane. Maybe she truly was... Yet that did not matter now, as she had reached the two guys. How ridiculous was the fact that out of the 9 people she had invited, more than half were simply acquaintances, if they could even be considered that! And now she was about to add two more strangers to the peculiar group.

At this point barely able to catch her breath, Jessica jumped in on Marcus and Ben's conversation, disregarding the cameras both were wielding, whispering "
My place, this evening, 8 pm. Be there...". Looking Marc dead in the eye, the girl lingered for a while before giving her farewells.

Benedict Chance

It was a shame that Marcus knew pretty much nothing regarding the stranger. Losing hope and feeling more pressured by the minute, Solo was just about to excuse himself when the conversation continued. "So you're interested in morbid stuff? That's cool, though I doubt that he would just vanish like that..." he responded, thinking that befriending Marcus might be of great use since the guy seemed to be more into this rather dark side of things. And, with a murder having been committed recently, maybe he knew something. Plus, currently Solo needed help with figuring what the hell was up with this goddamn town. Something was undoubtedly wrong and an... ally of sorts would certainly be a benefit.

What a coincidence, both of us being interested in photography. However, I'm guessing that you don't film funerals. Say, coul-" yet Solo was interrupted mid-sentence by the approaching of a figure. Recognizing her immediately, the man froze at the sight of Jessica's rather determined expression.

Hurriedly he hid away the camera and was ready to receive a tongue-lashing from the girl when he heard the most peculiar invitation in his life. Well, it was closer to a threat and that made Solo even more curious. But despite interest rising from within him, the man remained still, looking on as Jessica pretty much stared down Marcus.

As soon as he had left however, he exclaimed "
The the 'ell was that all about!? Are you friends with this kid?"
When my conversation with Benedict was cut off by Jessica, sister of the recently deceased, who asked me to come her house at 8. I barely know the route to her house so I should I get there. Maybe Benedict many know.

"I don't even know... Do you know where she lives? Because I don't." I say, Benedict seems to know more than he lets on. I feel he isn't just filming the funeral. I don't even know why I'd go to her house, but that other strange guy is going and maybe I can get closer to him and figuring out what is going on. Maybe it is a thing about Amanda and about mourning, but maybe it's my first "party". I have no clue, but that one guy and Jessica have something strange going on in their lives.

And me and Benedict are the only ones who care enough to figure out.
Vincent watched the girl leave, inwardly battling himself over whether to accept her offer. He shivered in the cold as he thought. He knew that being at any kind of gathering would undoubtedly be awkward on his end. The kindness and consideration he heard in Jessica's voice swayed him, however, and he decided he would show up.

He sat down by the tree, resting his back against the trunk. He didn't feel like leaving the ceremony just yet. He decided he would watch until its end and visit his sister's grave before preparing to go to the wake at Jessica's house.
Benedict Chance

"Yeah, I do know where she lives..." Solo replied, thinking exactly what excuse to give as to why he was aware of the location. He had lied about being a professional photographer filming a funeral memorial so that might do the job, yet the truth of him having discovered Amanda's body would surface sooner or later. For now though, he decided to remain quiet for fear of Marcus becoming suspicious... or that might just have been a baseless worry. The guy had proven to not only be interested in the macabre, but also to have points in common with Solo. This made him wonder whether Marcus was on the same page as him... But it was still better to keep quiet for one should not depend too much on anyone in this world since even one's shadow leaves when one is in darkness.

Reciting the quote in his mind, Solo continued "
I don't know about you but I am certainly going to this meet up or whatever. If you wish, we could go together seeing as you don't know the way." In all honesty, the man just did not want to be in the company of Jessica and whoever else she had invited. This town was creepy and the residents even more so...
"Sounds good, were should we meet up so we could head over? Don't really want to go over alone if that strange guy will be there." I explain. I didn't trust him when I talked to him, don't trust him now. Benedict seems like he knows his way around, maybe he's been here longer than I have. I would assume being he is filming their funeral, or is he really doing that? What if he is filming all of us for some nefarious purpose? I don't believe that but it could be an option.

But he's the only option I have for discovering the secrets of this town. Sounds like an episode of Gravity Falls to me.

I begin to look around, making sure we had no people watching us. Sure enough, we did. Talking about going to the sister of a dead child's house at night doesn't sound too safe. They turned back to their mourning conversations but they still kept an eye on us through sips of their drinks.


At home, David sits as his workbench, he cleans off a couple of damp spots on his mask, "Oh David!" The slightly raspy voice calls from behind him, "What do you want?" David asks the void of a man, "Am I interrupting?" The Observer asks. "No, you're not interrupting anything, I'm just touching up Timor." The Observer walks into the room, "Isn't that that piece of shit mask that you made? You didn't even put on the Operator symbol!" The Observer breaks out into a wild cackle, "At least it's better than anything you could make." The Observer stops laughing and proceeds even closer to David, "At least Slenderman favors me more." The Observer now resides besides David, "Hey, at least I have people who care for me-" "And why do I care about people caring for me?" The Observer cuts off David, now frowning.

"Shut the hell up." David says quietly, "What was that?" The Observer leans down closer to David's face, "You heard me, bitch. Shut. The. Hell. UP!" David grabs his knife from the side of the desk and brings it up to The Observer's neck but The Observer stands back just in time to dodge, "Oh, you're in trouble." The Observer quips before grabbing David by the neck and slamming his head onto the workbench, "YOU'RE LUCKY I DON'T TELL THE OPERATOR ABOUT THIS!" The Observer yells into his ear before throwing David away onto the floor.

David gets up a couple of minutes later after letting his head settle, he walks into the downstairs bathroom and takes a couple of Advils. He stands in front of the mirror and splashes water onto his face. He stares into the porcelain sink before suddenly launching another volley of puke down the drain, he tries to prepare himself for that night, when he was sure he would see The Observer again.

Chloe Smith.

There was a van that came rolling into town, there was nothing out or the ordinary with the van, or with most of the occupants. But if any native where to spot the back of the car, they would see the sight of a pale blue eyed child staring at them with a blank doll’s stare.

Chloe looked at the window, clutching in one hand a bouquet of dying flowers in one hand and a cellphone in the other. She was not smiling or frowning. She was just there.

“Hey CC, are you okay? We’re here now.” Called her oldest brother.

Chloe turned to look at her brother and smiled a weak smile. “I know, we’re at Amanda’s home now Derek. Thank You.” Her voice sounded watery, just like when they began this trip. But that was not the most alarming thing about this. It was her fits that had happened over the flowers and her choice of clothing. Her parents would arrive a few days later, as this was an odd time for their family to go traveling anywhere. But this was Amanda, her friend, and this was her “only chance’” to help people with the mourning of Amanda.

Suddenly Chloe picked her cellphone and put it to her ear. Sher looked very concentrated on what someone on the other side was saying, even though there was no power in the phone. Her siblings knew that she was talking her friend. The one that knew what to do. But Chloe knew that her family had no idea what her friend could do, which was okay. As long as they didn’t stop them there would be no need for them to find out.

“Yes. We’re here. I know. I know….We’ll meet them after I visit the place okay? You don’t like flowers, so I’m not going to change the flowers out. You’d probably make me pick weeds….Yes, weeds are good too…I know. I promise. Okay. I need to get out now. Good day.”

“CC, did your friend say something to you?” Her sister Brenda asked.

“My friend said there was a lot more friends to meet here, friends of Amanda. He said that I need to go quickly for there is a lot of work to do.”

She hopped out the car and set off running towards the location that her friend told her to go, hoping that he wouldn’t be mad if she was late. After all, if they did what they had to, she would get what she wanted from this trip. Her friend promised.

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