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Realistic or Modern The Boarding House On The Edge


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princxss said:
Does the face claim have to be korean? <:
Well I would prefer to have most characters to be korean or asian since most of it's set in Korea, but other ethnicity of face claims are welcomed ;3
Okay, so here's the thing… I am absolute shit pretty bad at writing personalities, so I just turned my character's personalty into a huge metaphor/simile about oceans.
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princxss said:
Okay, so here's the thing… I am absolute shit pretty bad at writing personalities, so I just turned my character's personalty into a huge metaphor/simile about oceans.
xD That's really interesting, I'll look forward in reading it then.
princxss said:
Okay, so here's the thing… I am absolute shit pretty bad at writing personalities, so I just turned my character's personalty into a huge metaphor/simile about oceans.
Oh, it's so good! I love it!!!!

Also, HAHAHA! Kit's surrounded by ladies. Someone help him. He needs a guy buddy, lol.
Oh, no, not boyfriend. LMAO! Fifteen? Yeah, definitely not a boyfriend, lol.

**Good lord, Kit is the hyung/oppa? Well that's the worst possible role model ever, lol.
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Concerning your character I'm confused on her Story and Reason for being in the house.

Her story involves a prince. This is where I find it the most confusing since the roleplay is based off in modern day South Korea. And I find the part where the prince gets revived by god a bit iffy to me. Just revival in general would be something I wouldn't want to make possible in my rp, and there's not really much of a reason why a god would revive him. I also don't want to involve god(s) in the rp, just supernatural creatures.

In how she ended up at the boarding house there's a part which said "The long-awaited meeting with the prince--the prime minister--..." Which had me confused as to if the prime minister and prince were the same person.
They are the same person. Sorry, it's a little confusing. Basically, the mother had spun up a fairy tale story about her father being a prince.

Edit: it's a story her mother told her. Like Cinderella for example, except that her mother couldn't tell a young child the gruesome details of an affair to a child, so she replaced the real life details with fairy tale characters?

ovo Am I just over-complicating things here…

Edit 2:

IN SHORT: there is no
real prince, it was a story created by her mother. KIND OF LIKE the birds and the bees, you wouldn't actually tell your child the way sex worked when they're tiny brats, you compare it to something else. In this case, she was comparing her affair to falling in love with the prince. The reason I used the prince--the prime minister was to show that they were the same person. The mother didn't want to reveal the father's true identity, so she called him the "prince'.

Yikes sorry! >>
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princxss said:
They are the same person. Sorry, it's a little confusing. Basically, the mother had spun up a fairy tale story about her father being a prince.
Edit: it's a story her mother told her. Like Cinderella for example, except that her mother couldn't tell a young child the gruesome details of an affair to a child, so she replaced the real life details with fairy tale characters?

ovo Am I just over-complicating things here…

Edit 2:

IN SHORT: there is no
real prince, it was a story created by her mother. KIND OF LIKE the birds and the bees, you wouldn't actually tell your child the way sex worked when they're tiny brats, you compare it to something else. In this case, she was comparing her affair to falling in love with the prince. The reason I used the prince--the prime minister was to show that they were the same person. The mother didn't want to reveal the father's true identity, so she called him the "prince'.

Yikes sorry! >>
Oh ok, I was just a bit confused xD .
Hi~! Man, it's been a while since I've roleplayed... Hope my character Heerin is all right~ ^^ I look forward to roleplaying with you guys (if she gets accepted haha)~

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