• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern The Boarding House On The Edge


I'll make the CS pretty simple. I don't care what format you use for your CS as long as you have all of the following:

First and Last Name



Room #

Short description of your characters appearance (At least 3 sentences)

Personality (at least 1 paragraph)

Story (at least 1 paragraph)

Explanation on how your character ended up in the boarding house.

If you are planning to make a supernatural character put his/her species (Vampire, Werewolf, Gumiho, ect)

And of course you could add anything extra if you'd like.


Only 1 supernatural character after every 2 human characters

After there are 2 supernatural characters with the same species there would be no more repeats.

A cookie from me means he/she is approved ^^

Below is just for me (only shows accepted characters.)

human count : 8

supernatural count : 2

girl count : 5

boy count : 5
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@Yunn I wrote my CS fast and it's probably bad. Sorry.)


Lauren Schwartz

Female || Eighteen || Room 8

She is reasonably short with long dark hair, the ends dyed bright pink. She wears mostly designer clothes, as well as excessive amounts of jewellery. Her fingernails are normally impeccable and painted pastel pink, though her thumbnail on her right hand has been gnawed right down. In an attempt to increase her height, Lauren wears wedge shoes daily. It doesn't work too well.

Lauren is materialistic. She considers her possessions very important, often lugging a suitcase full of belongings wherever she travels. She also considers herself to be a lot wealthier than others, since her mother's business is making it big in America, and isn't shy about showing off about her upbringing. However, she gets tense whenever asked why she left America in the first place. She's pretty unkind to other people, normally behind their backs, as a kind of self-defence mechanism. She doesn't like to talk too much about her own interests- cartoons, movies, baking- because she thinks they're stupid. Instead, she prefers to direct the subject of the conversation towards other people. She can be highly opinionated.

Before she was born, her mother moved to America and set up a series of highly successful clothing and make-up lines. There, her mother met her father and they got married. She was born shortly after and since her mother's business was so successful, she was spoilt while she was growing up. Her mother didn't have time to give her any affection, so she gave her money instead. Lauren became adapted to an expensive and luxurious lifestyle. She was close to her father, who spent a lot of time with her, but he tragically died when Lauren was eleven years old in a car accident. She was in the backseat and while she was okay physically, she's been struggling with emotional issues ever since.

She moved to Korea last year in an attempt to get away from her family- she eventually grew tired of her mother neglecting her and essentially ran away from home. Lauren
travelled a lot of the country, prior to her mother cutting off her credit cards. Now, she's staying at the boarding house for a lack of better places to go. She hates borrowing money from other residents because she misses the way her life used to be, so she normally keeps to herself about her problems.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b0d6a55b14d448094bbadf71bf2e72b6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138975" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b0d6a55b14d448094bbadf71bf2e72b6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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[border]Eunhee Kim

F e m a l e | | | N i n e t e e n | | | R o o m # 2[/border]

At an eager five-foot-two, Eunhee is just about as intimidating as a rabbit--possibly a little more with her sharp canines and fiery temper. Eunhee's chestnut locks tumble lazily over her shoulders, cascading down her back in loose waves. Eyes are the window to the soul, and Eunhee's honey orbs encase the warmth and kindness of her soul.

Like the depths of the ocean floor, much of Eunhee's personality is undiscovered, untouched, and unknown. On the surface, her clear waters are calm and benign. They're quiet and gentle, never searching for victims to drag into its depths. On occasion, there are dangerous high tides that form, eroding away at surrounding cliffs. Although the rough waves have the potential to transform into typhoons, they always return to their original state, becoming increasingly tranquil with every passing second under the serenity of the moonlight. Inside the depths of the ocean, there are many friendly creatures, each serving a different purpose, and each as important as the other. If one wanders too far from shore, nearing the uncharted depths of the sea, there will always be bright starfish, guiding you back to the light where you belong.


Eunhee Genieve Kim was born on a cold, rainy evening in April. The gloomy, ominous clouds that scattered the darkened sky reflected the mood in the room that fated evening. As the droplets of rain pitter-pattered across the frosted window in rhythmic succession, so did the warm tears across her mother's face.

Eunhee had been the product of an affair; a heartwarming love affair between a prince, and a peasant girl--as her mother described it. The prince had fallen in love with the peasant girl, and vowed to claim her as his princess; however, as fate would have it, he had already been betrothed to another. Still, their bond was undeniable, and the two continued to deepen their relationship, regardless of the unfortunate circumstances. In the end, the prince was killed by his betrothed after she had discovered the affair, leaving his beloved with a single gift--a child. Miraculously, God had revived the prince, but he had once again been taken hostage by his evil fiancé, who revealed her true form to be an ugly, old witch. Eunhee's mother promised the young girl that one day, she would meet the prince--her father--and live happily ever after; but for now, they needed to hide from the evil witch's magic, or else they would be cursed.

Unfortunately, life isn't always as magical as fairy tales are, and not everyone receives a happily ever after. On her sixteenth birthday, Eunhee's mother had been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. Though there was a fifty-two survival rate, they simply could not afford the treatment. Within a year, the cancer had spiraled out of control, advancing to stage four--the final stage, with a sixteen percent survival rate. Eunhee's mother left the world, leaving a seventeen-year-old to fend for herself in the cruel world.

H O W . S H E . E N D E D . U P . A T . T H E . B O A R D I N G . H O U S E

A month after the passing of Eunhee's mother, she received a letter. It was addressed to Eunhee from her mother that was supposed to reach Eunhee when she turned eighteen. However, Eunhee's mother couldn't rest peacefully knowing that her daughter didn't know the truth. And so, when Eunhee finally read the letter, her hopes of a fairy tale ending shattered, along with the pristine image of the man her father might be. The letter entailed the details of her affair; how her father had been the prime minister of Korea, how he mercilessly threw her mother away after he had heard the news of her pregnancy, and how his wife threatened Eunhee's wellbeing if they ever told anyone.

Weeks had passed, before Eunhee received a mysterious phone call. It was from a woman, wanting to set up a meeting between the prime minister, and her mother. Apparently, in the weeks leading up to her death, Eunhee's mother had been sending blackmail letters to the prime minister, threatening to expose their grand love affair unless he offered her money. She had been afraid that after her passing, she would have nothing to leave for her daughter.

The long-awaited meeting with the prince--the prime minister--was not at all how Eunhee had pictured it in her head. In fact, far, far from it. Eunhee had imagined a magnificent occasion, with luxurious ball gowns, a seven-tiered cake, and most importantly: lots of love. Instead, Eunhee was invited into a damp, forsaken factory, where she was handed a bulging packet of money, and instructions to the boarding house. If she were to violate these conditions, the money would be demanded back, and severe consequences would ensue.

Oh, what a magical first (and only) impression, wouldn't you agree?



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?Park Ha-neul?19?Female?Room 4?


Haneul has bobbed dark hair and brown eyes. She stands at only 5'2" and is light in terms of weight, but she doesn't really mind being smaller than most. She may put on some light makeup if she's going to a party or a formal event, but most of the time Haneul is barefaced. As for clothing, she tends to gravitate towards lighter and happier colors.


Haneul is a cheerful fun-seeker. She's almost always either smiling or laughing. She loves being happy and making others happy too. She doesn't like being alone, and you will very rarely see her by herself unless she's in her room. Even then, she's most likely texting someone or on social media. Haneul also enjoys going to parties.

However, she does have a few glaring bad traits. For starters, she has a hard time taking anything seriously. She'd much rather just relax without a care in the world. Haneul also goes out of her way to avoid her responsibilities, often pushing them onto someone else. This includes school, and she won't hesitate to ask someone to do her homework for her. She has commitment issues as well. Haneul doesn't like being tied down. She jumps from relationship to relationship and job to job.


Haneul was born and raised in Songho. She was the same as a kid as she is now - upbeat and fun. She was always surrounded by people whether it was family or friends. To her, almost everything was good in her life - with the exception of one thing. Her parents had higher expectations of her than she could meet. As stated earlier, Haneul has always been the same. That includes her lack of seriousness and fear of responsibility.

Things were mostly okay until high school hit. Haneul's parents were talking about college after only her first day, despite her repeatedly telling them she had no plans of attending. Things got worse and worse as she grew older, expectations rising and anxiety of the future increasing. Haneul didn't know what to do. There was no way in hell she wanted to go to college, but as long as she was with her parents, she would have no say in it.

So, she ran away. Her parents know she left - she even personally told them she was leaving. They expected her to come running back as soon as she left. Unfortunately for them, that wasn't the case. At first, she was at a bit of a loss - but then she remembered the boarding house. The boarding house that had always been there, yet she knew nothing about. With a lack of a better place to go, she signed her name on the piece of paper and has been living there since.


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Name- Minyoona "Minnie" Nae



About- Minnie is generally a very sweet person. She loves talking in small groups and getting to know people well. However, she prefers not to be in large groups. Minnie loves reading, writing, and photography. She keeps her phone on herself at all times incase there is a picture opportunity. She can get really reclusive if you hurt her feeling, this is because she hates and avoids confrontations. They make Minnie uncomfortable. She loves her name Minyoona, but prefers people to call her Minnie cause she thinks it suites her more.



Boarding house facts

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Name: "Kit"

Gender: Male

Orientation: Pansexual

Age: 21

Room #: 27

Appearance: Kit is considered to be a cute little thing, only 5'6 (167.64 cm) with a build bordering on slender, but with decently-toned musculature. He's got round cheeks with somewhat angular features and a sharp jawline. He has chestnut brown eyes, naturally red hair (but he tells people he dyes it for appearances' sake), and his ears are just the tiniest bit pointed, making people tell him he looks a bit like a fantasy elf; if only they knew the real story...

Personality: Kit is trouble in a word, but not in an intentionally vicious sort of way. He just gets bored rather quickly and prefers to stir up a bit of mischief to appease his boredom. It's usually nothing more than moving people's items from one place to another or maybe replacing shaving cream with whipped cream--small pranks--but on occasion he's been known to take things a little over the line. He tries not to and is always apologetic when he does, but he just can't help himself; it's in his nature. He also likes to laugh a lot and is generally a perky sort of person, but he prefers clever wit to brainless jokes and has a bit of a smart mouth. With people he's really close to he can be extremely affectionate, like practically crawling into their lap and snuggling into their shoulder sort of affectionate, but it takes an awful lot for him to trust someone before he'll allow them that far into his circle. With everyone else, he's friendly enough, but there's a bit of a distance he always keeps between them.

Likes: burrowing completely under his covers when he sleeps, chilling on the roof, taking quick dips in the ocean, chicken, playing pranks, selective cuddling, witty humor

Dislikes: bullies, violent demons, being too short to reach things and having to go through the effort of finding furniture to climb on to get to what he's reaching for, people tugging on his ears, generally not into vegetables

Story: Kit is an "other sider," born to very loving parents who tried to raise him as human as possible. They descended from a line of fox demons who came into the human world years ago, most of whom died out or simply disappeared over time. They assume it was because they were constantly being mistaken for Gumiho, which was so far from the truth it wasn't even funny. Kit's people were just the average fox type - one tail, both genders, and certainly not the type to go around seducing men and eating their organs. Gross. They were just mischief makers, nothing more, nothing less, the ones who make socks disappear from dryers or who untied shoelaces, that sort of thing. They should've been able to live relatively peaceful lives.

Nothing was ever that easy, of course. Kit came home from school one day when he was twelve to find his mom and dad pretty much torn to shreds. Some other enemy species, but he couldn't fathom why. His parents were the type who always kept their heads down, never getting involved in anyone else's business as far as he knew. Clearly not the result of anything a human was capable of doing, the authorities classified the deaths as an animal attack and took Kit off to foster care where they tried to make him go by his human name, but he wasn't having that. His fox name was the only thing he had of his parents left, so he vowed never to answer to anything else again.

He stayed in the system for two years, going from one home to another before he basically just got kicked out for unruly behavior. Good. He hated living with all the strict guidelines anyway, and he didn't fit in with any of them. Not that he needed them, anyway; being a fox meant he was smart and adaptable, so living on the streets wasn't really too much of a problem, even at fourteen. Still, it was nice when he stumbled onto The Boarding House two years later and could have somewhere to call home where he was free to pretty much live how wanted. Five years later and he's still there, happy with holing up in his room for days on end when he wants to be left alone, or bouncing around and mingling with the other tenants when he's feeling social.

When it comes to money, it's never really been an issue for him. He's not a thief, not nearly as quick with his hands as his raccoon cousins are, but he's pretty slick. He wouldn't really call himself a "professional" con artist by any sense of the word, but he's been know to use his size and innocent looks to get some free handouts (and by "some" he means "a lot"). Basically, he's more of a pro panhandler than anything else, cranking up his patheticness to the max to make good money basically by doing nothing but looking sad and innocent and in need. People are such suckers. But, whatever, their kindness is his gain, and a job's a job so why look down on it?

Species: Fox Demon (lesser demon). No super powers, really, nothing that makes him too much better than his human counterparts. He's maybe a little more agile and probably has slightly better night vision, but nothing extreme. Maybe his ears, tail, and teeth can actually grow out at will and his eyes to go golden fox eyes as per the GM's preferences, but only if he's extremely aggravated (ie, in the presence of other "other siders" who may be giving him a hard time). I'd image if the door to the other side actually opens, once there he would retain the ability to transform into a full fox, but I'd prefer to keep his demon side pretty much on the downlow in the human world.

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lee, hyun; male; fifteen; human

potatoing is real. watch me finish this on tuesday night
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Lee Heerin (???)




18 years old







(FC: Im Nayoung)

Standing at 171cm (around five-foot-six), Heerin is considered tall for a girl. She weighs 50kg (around 110lbs), making her figure lanky and at times awkward. She has pale skin, large, dark eyes, and long, wavy, dark-brown hair. In addition to her pouty lips and tall nose, she usually walks around with an expressionless face, earning her the nickname 'stone-faced princess', and making people assume that her personality is as cold as her face. She dresses quite simply, preferring warm sweatshirts and long-sleeved clothing over more revealing ones since she gets cold easily.


It's not that Heerin doesn't feel things- she does, just like everyone else. It's just that it's extremely difficult for her to express her emotions through her facial expressions, actions, or even tone of voice. She's aware that people think she's cold and heartless, that they call her the 'stone-faced princess', and she does feel extremely self-conscious about it, but no matter how much she tries, she just can't show her emotions well. This is why people don't often take her seriously- they always think that she's being sarcastic because of the stark contrast between her facial expression and words. And since people always think that she's being sarcastic or rude, she has learned to just stay silent, further adhering to her nickname. Being unable to express her feelings and having no one to open up to is actually very bad for her mental health, making it very fragile. She is currently still in full control, but nobody knows when she will finally break and let her reckless actions take over.

Background story:

At the age of 15, Heerin lost her mother in a car accident. Since the death was shocking and very unexpected, Heerin's father could not handle it at all. At the funeral home, Heerin sat there, expressionless as always, even though her heart was breaking and she wanted to sob. Her father ended up yelling at her, asking her if she was really human, if she couldn't cry just this once for her dead mother. She couldn't. No matter how much she tried, how much she wanted to, she couldn't. Her grandmother from her mother's side who was also at the funeral home at this time saw this incident and decided that Heerin's father was not stable enough to take care of his teenage daughter at his current state. So she took Heerin away from Seoul and brought her to Songho, where she lived alone. Heerin continued high school there and graduated without any major problems- just the occasional bullying that she also experienced back in Seoul due to her lack of expressions. Due to her special condition, her grandmother was scared to send her back to Seoul alone even though Heerin had taken the entrance exam for Korea's #1 university, Seoul National University, and passed with flying colours. So her grandmother requested for her to just study at Songho University, where her grandmother could still keep an eye on her. Heerin, who wanted to be independent and not burden and rely on her grandmother forever, made a deal with her- she would go to Songho University but move out of her grandmother's house to go live on her own. Her grandmother reluctantly agreed and told her to stay at The Boarding House on the Edge. She told Heerin that that was also where her mother stayed when she studied at Songho University. And that brings us to now- Heerin is in the process of moving into the boarding house, while planning to enroll at Songho University this fall.


Heerin is great at individual sports, especially fencing and dance. She was her school's fencing champion back in Seoul. She wanted to continue fencing in Songho but the high school here is small so sadly there wasn't an opportunity to do so. Dance is also unavailable at Songho High School since there were not enough students interested to open a club and hire a teacher, but thankfully there is a small dance studio in town, which Heerin often goes to. She feels like dancing is one of the only ways she could express herself, so she really loves it. And surprisingly, Songho University has a practical dance major, so she is planning to take that when enrolling this fall.​
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[Name] Namgung, Haneul

[Gender] Male

[Age] 21

[sexuality] Bisexual

Room #29

[Appearance] Haneul grew into a surprising young man, quite actually. His build is slim and narrow, but working hard at the shop helped create a very muscular body. His complexion fluxuates from lightly tanned to mediocre-ly pale, and compliments his chocolate brown eyes and hair. Hair that has grown out into his eyes, and he generally feels too lazy to push away.

[Height] 5'11

[Weight] 160
It had been a purchased train ticket, clutched with shaking hands, and a spur of the moment impulse that led Haneul to find his place of rest at the second to last room in the boarding house on the edge. The jostling of the empty train had lulled him into a trance as he watched the shadowy remains of his town pass by in the blanket of midnight. They pressed up against the train car's windows, threatening to break the glass and drag Haneul kicking and screaming back to the life he never realized he'd wanted to leave so badly until now. He was only fifteen, and to be separated from his parent's side was unthinkable. They'd ruled every aspect, smothered every chance he had of branching out and choosing something for himself. They took every part of him and kept him tied down to their sides. He was their little boy, their child that would always bring them the sunshine on a cloudy day. Every aspect of him was attuned to their liking and Haneul could never find the person he was supposed to be deep down. So when the text that his parents had decided to get a divorce came, he felt something inside break. A fragile glass vase that had been teetering on the edge for nine years. It shattered and what was left inside was something no fifteen year old could possibly understand. So rather than deal with it, Haneul left. He ran away from a reality that was the only one he had ever known, picking the farthest away place. The farthest place to run and hide.

At first, in all honestly, it hadn't been smooth sailing. As the shattered pieces of his life screamed at him every step of the way. The screams in the form of texts from both his parents that bombarded his phone. Finally, as the battery began to run out he turned it off, silencing the both his phone and the inner urge to stop the train and run back. But nonetheless he steeled away his nerves and sat rigidly still for the end of the ride, arriving in Songho-ri successfully by 3:00 am. But, he hardly knew the name of the place, or what he was even supposed to do there. Construct a new life? That was not a task he was up to. His stumbling at three in the morning led him to the cliff. Completely ignoring the house, he finally dropped to his exhausted feet at the hangoff, looking down at the expanse of the ocean. The emptiness inside him had clouded his judgement. He wasn't sure if it was truly death that he wanted, or just to be embraced by the ocean, perhaps floating him to another place where things would make more sense. This thought process was a bit deranged, and the lack of sleep was not helping. As his maddened staring continued, the waves roared and drowned out his cracked shards of thought. A sound cut through the densely layered night, the sound of a door opening. This was like an opportunity arising, and Haneul turned, as the creaking of the door drew him like a moth to flame. He had no capability of paying, so attempting to live there was a no, but he admired it's giant white walls. It was a silhouette in the dark, but he could feel the warmth and comfort like an actual family home, within.

That night, he slept in the woods. And the next morning, he awoke without the comforts of his bed, or his mother pretending she was cleaning as opposed to watching him sleep. Disoriented from more than just sleep, he tried to place the means by which he'd ended up underneath a tree with a surprising amount of inchworms in his hair. It all came rushing back like a freight train, symptoms similar to a hangover, as he recalled everything in a blur. Fortunately for him, it had been just then that a local fisherman had been headed through the woods to a secluded part of the beach to fish. The man himself was not of ill heart, and though Haneul looked like a drunken bum (a young one, but still a bum nonetheless), he bent down to ask him just what he was doing in the woods at six in the morning. Haneul blinked very slowly, and finally admitted that he'd runaway from home after a very long period of silence and mulling over the mess of his memory. The fisherman, somewhat unnerved, invited him to come to his home for tea. (Of course his underlying plan was to ship the boy back to his parents but would you be surprised if I told you that's not what happened?) After a long trek to the fisherman's small home, to greet his equally apprehensive wife and five children. Tea was served, and Haneul was quite entertained by the fisherman's young children who would not stop asking continuous rapid fire questions. Haneul felt as young as them, like a newborn child who was learning about the world anew. He learned the fisherman had his own shop in town, and he'd been planning on fishing for the catch of the day when they met. Haneul felt bad for interrupting his trip. Of course after tea, the fisherman pried about his family life, and his reasoning for running away.

Haneul refused to give up his now steeled away position of hiding. The fisherman was aware of this (once being a stubborn youth himself), and finally made a deal with Haneul that if he called his parents, he could stay for at their home for a week to cool off. His parents were, in short, mortified by their son's decision. The tracker that had been placed in his phone by them was wisely removed after the call ended. (His parents had done it secretly but Haneul had noticed and thought nothing of it) However, a week soon turned into a month and so on. Haneul refused any schooling and decided to work with the fisherman at his shop. He also refused payment, but after it became apparent that he was more of a burden than a help. Finally after hearing about the boarding house countless times from other workers and patrons of the store, Haneul took the fisherman up on his offer of small payments, (and by then, checks from his parents had begun to filter in as they'd given up on trying to get him back) and moved into the twenty ninth room of the boarding house. As he'd finally settled into his new home, he got a call from his parents. They'd remarried for the sake of his happiness and they wanted him to come back for the remainder of his two years that he was mandated to spend with them. He was outraged by this action, and made the impulsive teenage decision to never go back. However, the checks from his parents still continued, sometimes in outrageous amounts.
Haneul is a different person. Much different from what his parents had imagined him to grown into. In fact he is not the person anyone could've ever imagined him growing into. After leaving his parent's side, he was only reminiscent of a person. The broken pieces of his were difficult to put back together, and frankly Haneul wasn't sure if he wanted what was left of himself. In starting over, he had to meet this new person that Songho-ri was creating. This person was, albeit not very stable, but your first creations never really are, are they? He found tenacity, in his strong willed heart, and when his parent's decided to do such manipulative things, he also found a deep bitterness and resentment that caused him to be wary of anyone new. His surprisingly quick wit and sharp tongue made for a good conversation companion, but not good at making friends in the first place. As a side effect of his life before, he is quiet and allows people to walk all over him if it's something he doesn't particularly care about, just as his parents did. He also learned from his life before that it is much better to stay silent if something is going on that you do not like, but unfortunately Haneul found the stubbornness and bitter attitude would not let him stay quiet. If someone needs to hear his opinion, they will. And, feeling as though much of his life was stolen by his parents, he also found the recklessness and crave for adventure. He'll do things on a whim, as though he's trying to account for the lost living. However, his coldness towards strangers is not completely demanding, as when he opens up to someone he can be very warmhearted and considerate. Afterall, he still is human. When conversing with friends, he can be a little cynical (as he's learned to only expect the worst from someone). And there are times when his immaturity gets the best of him. His instability that stems from his past is often displayed in how he sometimes simply walks away from situations in an effort to get his thought process back. He's also quite good at adapting to situations, and will go with the flow if necessary. However there are times when he is somewhat conceited, as he believes that going through his hardships made him a somewhat better person than the rest.

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Oh Daehyun

Male • 21 • Room 14

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Jung Hye-yong



Room #26



Slender , long legged with pouty lips , unblemished pale skin and dark eyes definitely makes Hyeyong a competitor for one of the most beautiful people you'll ever see. His skin is the colour of porcelain and is unblemished and smooth , his eyes are a piercing black. He is tall and lithe with barely visible but strong muscles and long toned legs. His hair fluffy and dyed platinum blonde instead of their usual jet black.


Quiet , Serious , Mysterious, Scary are all words one ,who doesn't know him,would use to Hyeyong. His face is always in a scowl when someone talks to him and he is famous for his death glares but if one looked close enough you would see that he is never truly angry or upset and more so broken and sad. Hye is broken inside , also sad and feeling almost worthless but he refuses to let anyone see that. He constructed a mask of seriousness and anger to hide his true self.

In truth Hye is one of the kindest , most loyal sweet people you'll ever meet if you manage to break down his walls. Hye is hardly ever truly angry but when he is its very frightening thing to witness , he becomes sadistic and cruel. His true self seemingly morphing into a monster that he pretends to be.


Hye was born into a middle class family and most of his life was normal until his father fell into debt after Hye's mother died. His father lost his job and started stealing to get by and get more money for the drugs the man has become addicted to. Eventually when Hye turned 10 , his father forced him to do terrible things from stealing to at one point murder and if he failed he put through terrible mentally and physical abuse . This caused Hye to build his mask as he tried to live with what was happening to and around him until his father did something that finally broke Hye completely , the man raped and killed his best friend as Hye watched. It started one day when Hye just stole a bag of bread from a shop and escaped to the? park when he turned 11.

There he met a pretty young girl by the name Choa sitting by a tree he hid behind. He tried to avoid the girl but she was persistent in trying to be his friend when she noticed his mask was fake. And with that they had become the best of friends. One day when they turned 16 they were having a sleep over thinking that Hye's father wouldn't come home that night. Sadly they were wrong as the man stumbled into house completely drunk. When the man noticed a woman in the house he grew angry and attacked them.

/\How he got there/\

After that night Hye couldn't take it anymore so he ran , ran as far as his legs could take him. And that is how he lived for years , constantly running and stealing to get by until he found the house on the Edge. He finally decided to settle down after growing tired believing he put great enough distance between himself and his old life. Now he is here , having gotten a part time job and being enrolled in school after explaining he was homeless to principal who was kid enough to let him into the school.




  • Flexible

  • Intimidation

  • Cooking

  • Singing

[border]Han Shin Il (“Belief, faith;trust and superiority”.)

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Room #17


Light ash blonde locks arranged in a messy style, defined facial features, doll-like lips and mesmerising onyx eyes. Shin Il has a naturally skinny frame with a low fat percentage and stands at the height of 177 centimetres.

Personality: (Fragments can be found in story as well.)

Dull, mawkish and miserable. Shin Il is truly nothing but a mere pit of heartache. A soul withered by the events of life and his eyes judging every single form of life that crosses his path. Hatred goes hand in hand with his neverending self-pity and often the male views the negative aspects before the positive ones.

Convinced by the thought that life is truly nothing more but a cruel series of tragedies he preaches to others about their efforts being meaningless. A lost child in the eye of the storm, stuck in the past and unable to gaze forward.


Youth, the age of hopeless love and the beginning of life's struggles. A time of stumbling, falling and rising once again. A story of those who pursues their dreams and hopes endlessly and those who lacks the strength to do so. The time of changes. Nonetheless, our protagonist experienced that time as well and the changes who follows.

A cheerful, ambitious boy and a tragic fate. It all had started out so undoubtedly well. Full of life, hope and overwhelming kindness Han Shin Il had faced the trials of youth. The core of him consisting purely of the will to survive, perseverance. Nevertheless, he believed in the arts of karma and practised it most proudly. Shin Il never doubted when brought the burdens of others and therefore he never failed. An endless source of strength, a blessing from above they would call him and caress his dark pileum. However, not even the angel in disguise could hide from what makes life just that, life.

At first, it had been indistinguishable. Ever so slightly his eyelids had begun to feel heavier during day time. Sometimes his thought process would decrease remarkably, leaving him vulnerable and blissfully ignorant of what occurred in the background. Nevertheless, such innocent things didn't worry those responsible for his life. Brushed it off they did. Regret was the fiend that would follow up as the consequences of that action. Weeks passed by, slowly the prodding sleepiness of his would come to become a nuisance. All the more often Shin Il found himself drifting off into an empty state of mind or slipping into the lands of dreams. In the middle of conversations, his mind would become foggy and impossible to navigate through. Daily tasks surely but slowly transitioned into hassles and during certain crucial times of movement he struggled to stay awake. It angered him, this irrational limitation that held him back from doing what he yearned to do. However, no one concerned themselves with him before it was too late. At that point, his mind had already drifted off into a darker place.

On the bus, in the street, while eating, studying, the exhaustion haunted him wherever he would go and not always he was able to withstand it. Here and there he would allow himself innocent naps that later on only increased. Shin Il was forced to decline offers from friends to hang out since he feared the next time he would fall asleep. Grades plunged downhill due to his difficulty to concentrate and recurringly falling asleep. In the end, just the subject of residing outside became dangerous for he who had no control over his body. Time and life wouldn't stop for his mere tragic existence though and one after one they all left him behind on the journey to adulthood. Stuck in a cycle of constantly being interrupted and waking up in confusion was what had become his life. The little boy, cast aside without any chance to a future grew accustomed to the darkness and distanced himself for the sake of not burdening anyone else. As of that time, he was already straining his parents with the responsibility of a place to live at and food despite that he was unable to get a proper job. It humiliated him of course, he who had sworn to the path of kindness, he who always did his best, the karma was nothing but a lie. God, was a lie. Everything he had believed in, was a lie. The irony, a bittersweet irony became the after taste of it all.

Shin Il grew weak, his caring heart now wrapped in fear and his mind ruthlessly doubting everything. The former happiness was gone, hope eliminated from his very core. He began to fear to believe in the good things in life and wherever he would go the melancholy would weigh him down. "Whatever I do won't make a difference, it's hopeless, life truly is nothing more but a cruel game". It was a pitiable sight, the one who had amidst the declining self-esteem of youth marched forward was now hesitating over the smallest things. The perfectly fine apple had putrefied.


How he ended up in the house on the edge:

The reason behind his arrival to the house and he inhibiting it for several years is rather simple contrary to one's beliefs. It's his way of staying out of the way for everyone. Teachers who were forced to adapt to his condition would be relieved of their duty to teach him. His parents as well, wouldn't have to worry about their son and how he would be able to provide food and shelter for himself in the future. At the age of 17 Shin Il ran away from home and arrived at the House on the Edge. For him, the house was a solution to it all as well as the prison he would have to reside in for the rest of his life.


Shin Il has the disease Narcolepsy.

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Nan Jiyeon



20 years old




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Choi Hanbyeol



17 years old




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? ??


Since birth she people had always complimented on her looks whether its her big doe like dark brown eyes, or her naturally straight voluminous hair. When she was a child many had mentioned her slightly puffed out cheeks which had been a crowd favorite among any women above the age of 30. She wonders if all the cheek pulling she had gotten from an early age had caused her to continue having her chubby cheeks.

Unlike her cheeks, the little girl who was just like her cheeks, chubby, has changed. After her growth spurt she had managed to reach the height of 5'6 ft and the stubby figure from before was nowhere to be found. She had become quite slender, and being more active than before she has easily maintained an athletic figure for the past few years. Her once pale skin has even slightly tanned from going out more often than before.If one had to describe her style it would be handsome. She can be considered a tom boy. She does have clothes from the men's section in her closet. Things such as plain t-shirts, tank tops, sweaters in the winter, plaids, jackets, button ups, and jeans are her style. She even has the same style of shirt but in many different colors whether it's blue, black, white, red, and possibly even in darker or lighter shades.

Accessory wise she always has a silver watch on her wrist while she has a silver locket around her neck.Other than that she sometimes wears snap backs, studded earrings, suspenders, and ties from time to time.





You could say like her clothes she exudes a more handsome and boyish character. Rather than the typical refined girl she has no room for your typical manners. Maybe because she's been living an uncolorful life in the past she wants to live more freely, more expressive, leaving more of an an impact on others. Active and lively she can be the vitamin to brighten up your day, or she can be that overly energetic kid who is out to ruin your potato life.

She is a determined individual will do whatever it takes to get things done. Well...if she feels like it. Of course the good deeds, or so she calls them, are mostly shown every where it's on her own volition. She won't exactly accept favors easily. Although she mostly will, she's learned there are times to reject. Especially when things go against her own morals or will. The most important thing she values within her is the ability to speak up and share her own opinion, as well as her own ideas.
Her story starts off in one in Chuncheon in Gangwon province. Her parents were well off being both doctors at one of the highly acclaimed hospitals in the nation and would often work late night shifts and sometimes had stayed at the hospital over night.

Due to this she never really had any deep attachment towards her family and was always left at home with a house keeper. But since it had been normal for her she really didn't see anything wrong with it. She still got along with some people in elementary and was able to play like a normal kid, although she would always be jealous of the other kids who would always talk about their parents.

It soon became worse the day her younger sister had been born. Unlike her who had been born healthily her five years younger sister was born with poor health. Naturally the little attention she had with them was soon stolen.

There was only one time where her parents had placed any attention towards her which was through her grades. That was the only reason why she had studied to enthusiastically. Soon studying took up her time and left her with little time to create personal relationships. Soon she had become a wallflower towards most in her class.

It was only until that wallflower went through her growth spurt during the last few months of middle school did others around her notice her. Though at most she thought nothing of it. After entering high school with her looks she had attracted many who asked her to join their clubs or activities. At first she had rejected them all. It was until she had received a particular request by a group of people to act in one of their videos. Of course she had flat out refused like the other requests calling it stupid.

But later she had ended up agreeing with them as they bothered her studying. After ups and downs in the making of the film she had begun to have a fondness of the group. At first she had thought it would be over once the video was finished, but after that they had brought out a projector in the club room and watched a movie together. After watching the movie, It's A Wonderful Life, she began to ponder whether her life right now was worth living. Realizing she had no worth, she had wanted to find a different path where she would be able to impact others the way the main character had done so.

Thinking of this she soon joined her school's film club, and after exploring many things she had moved away from acting and found interest in making another life and giving a message through the making of a movie and moved more towards being a director.

After tasting a bit of success in a small short film festival in the area, winning the people's award she realized directing and making a film might be more than just a hobby for her. She loved seeing her own production on a big screen for the crowds to see, and watch their reaction towards her work. Wanting to continue making more in the future she had invested most of her money from her part time job on film equipment.

But as her years of high school passed her parents gradually begun to realize the drop in her grades. Seeing that she wasn't set on the path they originally planned for her, being a doctor, they tried to put her back on track and had sold off all her equipment as well as increased the amount of tutoring lessons. The amount of time she spent outside had turned minimal basically being on house arrest.

She discussed this problem with her aunt, making a call at a public phone while she pretended to go out tovisit the library to study. She was then informed of the boarding house where her aunt stayed while she had left home too to pursue her career as an artist. Convinced this was the only option she had left they made a plan where her aunt will take her there.

Dumping all her books and notes out of her backpack, she stuffed the bag with some clothes and necessities to bring with her to the house. After getting into her aunt's van while her parents were out working they took an eight hour drive towards Songho-ri where she stayed for the past three years and soon her fourth to get her degree in film at the nearby university before truly coming out and experience the world.

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Park, Chan-Hyeok





april 22 | taurus

park {朴} magnolia tree

chan {燦} vivid, illuminate

hyeok {赫} bright, radiate



















fifteen {15}


cozy, feels like home, that perfect temperature

C O N S {?}

cluttered, covered with books, cramped
Chanhyeok enjoys having a very cozy room and often sleeps in the tightest of spaces. He’ll have tons and tons of blankets and pillows, some borrowed and never returns but many are made by his own two hands when he was bored. Mind you, those are the more terrible ones but oversized and soft. Hid blankets range in a multitude of colors and nothing matches. The assorted pillows and blankets make his bed feel like home. The bed is average sized within itself and is merely a fullsize. He never complains, however, saying it’s better than sleeping on the floor.
M I S C .
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Park, Chanyeon




朴 [Park]: magnolia tree

燦 [Chan]: bright, vivid

姸 [Yeon]: kind-hearted




Cis Female




December 5




boarding house






Standing at 5’10’’ or 177 cm, Chanyeon towers above most girls and even some guys. If she weren’t so tall, her figure could be called petite. She’s skinny with minor curves and a slim waist. Her black hair is naturally wavy and reaches just past her chest. Chanyeon has a lovely face with delicate cheekbones and a tall nose, but the features that stand out the most are her large dark brown eyes. They’re not quite innocent enough to be called doe eyes, though, since they’re usually glimmering with mirth or mischievous intent. She doesn’t wear a lot of bright colors or bold patterns. She favors clothes that are either very dark or very light in color.



Chanyeon was three when her mother left. Her parents were young and unprepared both financially and emotionally for kids. Yet when Chanhyeok, Chanyeon’s older brother, came along, they did their best to adjust. Five years later, the twins were born. Her mother could only handle three years of taking care of three kids and barely scraping by, so she left them. Chanyeon doesn’t remember her all that well, considering she was only three when her mother left, and she doesn’t miss her in the slightest. Having her dad and older brother is more than enough. Her father is a multi-medium artist who paints and sculpts. After losing his partner and muse, he fell into a rut during which everything he created was melancholy or even disturbing. Not many people wanted to buy his new works, so he had to find other ways to support them. He was usually out of the house working odd jobs. During his absence, Chanhyeok took care of Chanyeon and Chanhui, Chanyeon’s sister.

Chanyeon and Chanhui were attached at the hip throughout their lives. It would be uncommon to see one without the other. They went to parties together and had the same friends, even if Chanhui was more reserved while Chanyeon got used to being the center of attention. Despite their differences, they connected through their interest in fashion. Chanhui had a passion for designing it and Chanyeon was more enthusiastic about wearing it. In high school, with the help of her sister, Chanyeon became a trendsetter. They were both decently popular and had their share of admirers. Chanyeon became a bit of a player, which drove her brother crazy since he wanted nothing more than to protect his sisters and, by extent, their innocence. Their father got better over time and took up his art again. Their family was still poor and struggling to make ends meet, but Chanyeon didn’t let this get to her.

In her last year of high school, Chanyeon had a crisis as she still wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. She knew that it would be best if she went into a well-paying profession so that she could help support her family, but she had no interest in medicine or law or business, and she doubted her mediocre grades would get her into any top universities. Simply put, Chanyeon didn’t have any aspirations. Her father suddenly shot to success after a well-known art critic posted a video online praising his work. WIP

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Rainbow Rowell

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7/1/16 ? Coding by @Kawaii ? Park Siblings

Park, Chan Hui


Name ?

Park, Chan Hui

Hanja/Hangul ?

? ? ?/???

Entomology ?

[Park] Magnolia Tree; [Chan] Vivid, Bright; [Hui] Beauty, Imperial Concubine

Age ?


Gender ?


Sexuality ?


Birthday ?

December 5th 1997

Zodiac ?









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