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The Blue House

Blue House.png

The art featured here is all by Yuumei

Interest Check

Theo liked the Blue House. It was home, sure, but he also liked it for what it made other places like, too. Places that weren’t the Blue House felt a little safer because it was there.

Theo wasn’t in the house now, he was on campus, at The University. It had a name he was sure, but most people here just called it The University, and its actual name kept slipping his mind. He wondered if perhaps this place had some sort of magic of its own, but he would be left wondering, because for now, he had bigger things to see to.

There were new doors in the house. That always meant new guardians. Theo had been one of the newest, and he was excited to meet others. It was important he find them soon, especially because the Protector wasn’t here. An anxious knot twisted itself inside his stomach. Theo remembered the Protector coming to fetch him, somewhere between life and death, a voice, and a warmth. These new guardians didn’t have that, and with their powers keeping them grounded in the human world…it would no doubt be a confusing time.

Theo stretched and shifted between the paws of a giant stone lion, one of a pair that guarded the entrance to the round lecture hall that stood as a set of three in the center of the campus. A vast, sprawling green opened up in front of him, and he watched the passersby intently for any sign of…well, we wasn’t sure exactly, that was why he was waiting for the older guardians, and of course, his human friends. Theo pulled his backpack into his lap and opened the top, digging around for the stash of chocolate bars he’d hidden in it this morning. He could take a minute from searching to have a snack…right?

Arai Arai luciferin luciferin Lost Echo Lost Echo Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Dovinique Dovinique Goonfire Goonfire

Lioness075 Lioness075 Zazz Zazz Bluffly Bluffly monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 ((Tagging you four just to let you know I posted, I still need your CSs a bit more finished than they are))

character sheet
interaction: none ; location: classroom
mention: SilverFlight SilverFlight ; notes: none


The voice, harsh and grating, startled Gavriel from the depths of sleep. His body was drenched in sweat, his clammy skin clinging uncomfortably to the sheets, while his head throbbed as if it had borne the brunt of a heavy blow. With a sigh, Gavriel took off his sodden t-shirt, the fabric heavy with sweat, and flung it into the laundry bag. His parched throat begged for relief, and Gavriel stumbled toward the nightstand, his movements sluggish and uncoordinated. Fingers trembling, he grasped the cool glass, the condensation leaving tiny droplets in his wake as he poured himself a much-needed drink. The water, clear and refreshing, cascaded down his throat, banishing the dryness and coaxing him into full wakefulness, the cobwebs of sleep gradually dissipating from his mind like mist under the morning sun.

As his senses sharpened, he became more aware of his surroundings. His bleary eyes swept over the room, taking in the chaos that lay in its wake. His belongings lay strewn across the floor in a chaotic display of disorder, a family photograph askew with its frame cracked, music drafts fluttering like wounded birds, and books splayed open, their pages crumpled and creased. Yet, amidst the scattered remnants of his bedroom, one sight drew his gaze like a magnet–the grand piano, its once pristine surface marred by a gaping dent, as if a malevolent force had descended upon it with unrestrained fury, leaving behind a palpable sense of violation.

Gavriel found his mind shrouded in a thick fog, memories from the previous day elusive and fragmented. Frowning, he attempted to piece together the events that had led to this disorienting amnesia, but each effort only served to exacerbate the dull ache pulsating behind his head. It was a frustrating cycle, the more he strained to recall, the more elusive the memories became… like trying to grasp water slipping through his fingers. Certainly, Gavriel knew himself well enough to understand that excessive drinking was not within his usual behaviors, ruling out that possible explanation for his mental haze. With a resigned sigh, he stopped his attempt for recollection, recognizing that dwelling on the unknown would only serve to deepen his headache. Pushing aside the mystery that hung over him like a shadow, Gavriel resigned himself to the practicalities of the present moment. With a sense of urgency gnawing at him, he dragged himself and made his way to the bathroom. The looming reality of his impending class compelling him to focus on the task at hand... preparing for the day ahead. Time was slipping away like sand through an hourglass, and he had only one hour to gather his wits and ready himself for his class.


As Gavriel made his way to campus, his senses were suddenly bombarded by a kaleidoscope of sights that seemed to dance before his eyes. The mundane landscape he had grown accustomed to was transformed into a vibrant mix of colors and shapes, each corner of the street adorned with unexpected bursts of creativity. His gaze flitted from one captivating scene to another, his curiosity piqued by the newfound artistic flair that seemed to infuse every inch of the cityscape. Caught off guard by this surreal spectacle, Gavriel's initial shock quickly gave way to a sense of exhilaration. Despite the urgency of his class, he couldn't help but revel in the enchanting ambiance that enveloped him, his footsteps quickening with a newfound energy as he soaked in the beauty of his surroundings.

Yet, as the minutes ticked away, the pressing reality of his schedule began to weigh on him like an anchor dragging him back to earth. With a reluctant sigh, he tore his gaze away from the mesmerizing sights and redoubled his pace, determination propelling him forward as he raced against the clock. Breathless and flushed with exertion, Gavriel finally burst through the campus gate, the sprawling green expanse of the field stretching out before him like a welcome oasis. As he hurried across the manicured lawn, his eyes caught sight of the imposing stone lion that stood sentinel at the entrance, its weathered features softened by the presence of a solitary figure sat upon its outstretched paw.

A pang of discomfort pricked at Gavriel's senses as he passed by the boy, a fleeting sensation that he quickly brushed aside in his eagerness to reach his destination. Class was his foremost priority now, and he couldn't afford to be distracted by trivialities. Inside the classroom, Gavriel scanned the sea of faces, his heart sinking at the sight of every occupied seat. Finally spotting an empty spot towards the rear, he hastened to claim it, exchanging nods of recognition with familiar faces as he settled into his seat.

"Almost late," came a cheerful whisper from the girl seated beside him, her voice breaking through the hushed anticipation that hung in the air. Gavriel turned to meet her gaze, a warm smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Almost, but not quite," he replied, his spirits lifted by the familiar presence of his friend.

The girl, Yara, laughed in response before returning to her own seat, the easy camaraderie between them a comforting reminder of the bonds they had forged since Gavriel's arrival in Newdeiy. Before they could engage in further conversation, the lecturer made his entrance, signaling the start of class and effectively putting an end to any further distractions.

coded by archangel_
Blue House - Theo SilverFlight SilverFlight

The Blue House may have been a spiritual and magical home, but a forward thinking building it was not. Of course the rooms of it’s guardians took care of themselves, symbolic items sprouting from nothing into complex shapes and forms comforting and nostalgic to their owners. But it didn’t get groceries, or fix tables in the common room, or restock the cupboard when there wasn’t any coffee (A travesty). And that was where Brigette came in.

For the unfortunate still in the Blue House, the giant stood over 1 of many new doors that had appeared in the last few days, a handful of screws in 1 hand, a power drill in the other. A small stack of deep rose-coloured wood plaques sat by her feet, golden embossed surfaces catching the light from Brigette’s glow. It was somewhat of a tradition to do this with the new guardian, working with them to engrave the plaque before mounting it next to their door. It was somewhat of an icebreaker, and helped her learn a little about the newcomer.

But with an influx of so many and without the…Brigette thought it best to take care of the task herself. She could engrave them once they were mounted without much extra effort. She picked up another plaque, wiping the golden surface as she checked it was level, the nameplate exactly perpendicular to the new door the house possessed. “Perfect,” she muttered under her breath, relishing in the peace and quiet. The plaque shone proudly against the new room, the contents of which eluded and concerned her. There may be further work required depending on what was inside. Her own door was bordered with metal after some stray embers had drifted out into the hallway.

Despite her best efforts, the events of the house that morning hadn't eluded her either. She’d watched Theo head out the door already, which was somewhat of a relief. On the surface, he was more…approachable than Brigette, and she had a huge list of things to attend to anyway. Turns out the Protector was doing a lot behind the scenes, and it felt like new things were popping up every minute. Plus, she needed him to stand on his own paws for a while until things settled back down. And with any luck he'd come back with some of the new members. The others were in varying states of awake and drifting or already heading out.

In her pocket, a heavy and complex key weighed deep on her conscience. One of the first things she'd done after the protector had gone was lock their room to prevent anyone else from entering it. A harsh action but hopefully the others would respect and recognise the necessity of her action. If there was something in there with answers as to their disappearance, Brigette wanted them to remain undisturbed. For now.

It was always hard to come back to the real world after staying at Erika’s. Days spent under the weighted blanket that was her Great Pyrenees reading fantasies were safe. The safest she’d ever really felt. But as always reality invaded and class came around to have to be attended.

Anita stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her contacts were in, and she’d applied as much makeup as she dared. She almost, almost looked human. Normal.

Anwen?” Erika broke her staring contest with the girl in the mirror. Turning, she opened the door to her friend, giving a shaky smile. “You can stay here for the day, you know? Maggie’ll love it.” The dog in question came up to her owner’s hip, nudging the woman into petting her.

It was tempting. Oh so tempting to hide out in this little paradise. She knew Erika was being honest. She wouldn’t mind leaving her in her apartment. But Anwen had a test to take. She wanted to act like a child, hide inside like she was ill, but she knew she had to be an adult. “I’ll be fine.” She promised.

Erika pursed her lips, studying her friend. She’d looked really bad when she’d shown up at her doorstep two nights ago. It was only because she looked normal now that she kept her thoughts to herself, simply leading the way to their bikes.

They made their way to the front lawn and as they were locking their bikes, Erika looked up, spotting someone and waving, “HEY THEO!” She yelled, catching more than just his attention due to the distance.

Anita blushed, hunching beside her bike as she secured it. Why did her friends have to be so loud?! Even as Erika grabbed her hand, pulling her toward whom she assumed was Theo, she silently wished she could disappear. She didn’t mind meeting the other woman’s friends, it was just everyone else that Erika attracted the attention of.

SilverFlight SilverFlight (Theo)

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