The Blue Dragon Hotel (Sign Up)


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Currently not accepting

If I "like" (not the opinion, I mean if I click the Like button on your post) your character than it's accepted

If I don't I'll tell you what to fix, this is simply to cause less clutter and confusion :)

Any staff can be be a Main Provider for a Guest.

That will be decided before the roleplay starts though, you may request for a certain guest or provider.

Basically, Providers are the ones you owe your soul to and they look after you and get you anything you need (and stuff..)

Character Sheet:

Appearance: (Anime or real, Anime is recommended though)


Age: (19-26, will accept some older but please no younger and nothing over 32)

Role: (Guest/Staff.. if staff say what you are specifically)

Species: (Guests should be human but staff can be any sort of creature)


Bio: (For Guests, should include how you got to the hotel... if you're character is Staff you don't have to fill this out.)

Current Characters:

(see updates)

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Character Sheet:



Name: Analiese "Ana" MiRae Crowe

Age: 20

Role: Staff-Hostess

Species: Dragon-spirit Demoness

Personality: Ana is sly and flirtatious, often using her charm and wits to get her out trouble. Well, she doesn't exactly go around looking for trouble, but it would be more accurate to say that mischief always has a way of finding her. Free-spirited and (brutally) honest, if she has something on her mind, she'll say it alright. When she's not doing anything, she has sort of a dreamy air about her. But don't let that fool you, she's very perceptive and is always aware, and always alert. She provides and does her services dutifully, but if you go out of line... well, just don't.

Bio: -
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(To everyone: Actually to keep things simple

If I like your character it's accepted, if not I'll tell you what to fix )
Venomarrah said:
I'd love to be the receptionist!
My first character :)

Name: Ricardo Valentine

Age: 25

Role: Staff- Head of Security,

Species: A Shadow Person (Basically kind of like a demon spirit who can turn into peoples shadows)

Personality: Ricard doesn't take any crap from anybody, not even his bosses which is why he is highly respected as the Head of Security here at the Blue Dragon Hotel. He's really devious and can seem really cold and cruel. One of his favorite pass times includes hiding in peoples shadows to watch them, and lucky for him that's actually his job. Ricardo is actually quite a skilled fighter but prefers to have his men, the other security guards, handle violent situations.

"It'd be unfair if I fought them. Poor things wouldn't stand a chance~"

Surprisingly, Ricardo cares very much about his appearance and will hate anyone who messes it up."My suit?? How dare you spill coffee on it, you bastard! I hope your children burn in hell for all eternity!"Really if you stay on his good side though, Ricardo loves to joke around and have fun. He feels absolutely no emotions of love or affection though. Only lust.

Bio: (For Guests, should include how you got to the hotel... if you're character is Staff you don't have to fill this out.)
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Name: Asami Izumi Kohaku

Age: 22

Role: Maid/Hostess

Species: Claims she's human

Personality: Asami is a very confident girl, always holding her head high and knowing she can do whatever she puts her mind to. She never lets on more than she has to, and is a habitual liar. She is, however, rather convincing, and could make you think the world was ending right outside your window if she really wanted to (which she sometimes does). All in all, no one knows too much about Asami, even if they think they do. She isn't a provider for anyone, though that doesn't mean she doesn't want one. She's just waiting for the right guest to walk through the doors.

Bio: Asami is a demon-born girl of Asian descent. She was taught when she was younger that she needed to be beautiful, no matter the cost. And so that's what she did - she kept herself beautiful for her entire life. Always having things handed to her on a silver platter, her father thought she should learn how to work for herself, thus having her apply at the Blue Dragon Hotel. Originally, Asami was going to be strictly a hostess, but her mother told her she needed to reserve herself - at least a little bit - leading her to become a maid. Of course, she acts as a hostess on occasion, but this is a rare thing.
Character Sheet


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/bbb538fe5fd30281143be3291b45694a-d5dph03.jpg.b607b755669aeaebf4051bc60b5a02a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/bbb538fe5fd30281143be3291b45694a-d5dph03.jpg.b607b755669aeaebf4051bc60b5a02a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The figure of an hourglass and the posture of a queen, she stand at 5'8 proudly. Her tan and freckled skin shines and glows with perfection. Her eyes and a clear, crystal blue, alluring to both man and woman. Her hands are long, yet so very small and delicate. Her eyebrows alone are a threat to consider, arched and perfect. Full lips hide away her pearls of teeth and silver tongue. Her chestnut hair is always loose around her face, seemingly always messy in a very professional, sexy way. Though, all of this is only what she allows one to see. Her lower back hides fading scars from the past not yet one from her mind, along with a small white scar just on the back of her neck, only about three inches long, barely noticeable.

Name: Ivria Lovelyn

Age: 25

Role: Receptionist

Species: Siren

Personality: A cunning, selfish woman, Ivria is a mischievous creature. Born of the lures of the sea, she's found a deeper love for her talents to be used among her fellow staff in the hotel. Competitive and always relying on herself, she only sometimes finds close alliances with others. That much said, she is close to a select few in the hotel. Confidence oozes out of her nonexistent pores. Everything about her is methodical, slow, and knowledgeable. Nothing leaves her mouth without a moment's deliberation upon her mind. Many say she plays her own game, as to which they all seem to be in, yet do not know where they stand. She has many plans for this delicious scam, and loves working every day to sign away the souls and bodies of every guest that walks in.



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Elena usually has her wavy blond hair down, and dresses in a *ahem* form-fitting red dress with a black blazer. Her eyes are a jade green, and entice many humans; you have to have a very strong will to resist her "suggestions", such as "Come in, come in! We have a few rooms open, we could let you stay for a few days, just sign this contract!" Her complexion is the color of snow. She is about 5'2" and has slender arms and legs, with dainty hands and long, nimble fingers. She is slightly busty, though she doesn't call it that. She says she's "lucky." Anyways, when in her demon form, she retains her natural beauty, but gains a large set of silver horns and black dragon's wings (inherited from her father, of course). Her eyes become more intense, and her hair becomes platinum blond, unlike the soft sunshine color it is normally.

She looks younger than she actually is, as people mistake her as a teenager and ask her "How she made a successful business so quickly". She only smiles and laughs.


Name: Elena Stone

Age: Human age: 21

Actual age: 2,169

Role: Staff--Owner

Species: Demoness

Personality: A free spirit, she soars high above everyone else--at least in her mind. A chronic liar with a bad memory, her backstory always changes, along with her stories about menial things, such as "How she got that scar," or "When she started working at the Hotel." She tends to become fond of exceptional (special/famous) Humans and has a few half-blood children of her own, who have a bit too much human in them (if you know what I mean; they get caught in the Hotel.). Beneath all of the tight smiles and fake laughter, she is a smart, calculating person. She despises most other humans, but she has a reputation to uphold. Arrogant and bold, she'll shove you out of the way, even if you were there first. She enjoys what she does; being the ringleader of the Impossible Crime. It's almost like..she's the Devil.


Icarus isn't particularly large, but he is very tall. He stands at a towering 6'9", with shaggy ginger hair and piercing blue eyes. He usually has a nonchalant look on his face, but beneath all of the laughter is a look of anger, a bit of terror, and hatred. Most staff mistake him as one of their own, calling him "Demon Boy", but that only confuses him and adds to the hatred he has for everyone. He has a 'normal' complexion, like someone who goes outside, but not all the time. He has a similar effect as Elena; he's super persuasive. He has the possibility to become very..VERY... dangerous.

Name: Icarus Stronghold

Age: 20

Role: Guest

Species: Human? Possibly a half-blood?

Personality: A jokester, it's very easy to get on his bad side. Sure, the fact that he's a jokester should mean that he's open and carefree, but in reality, that just covers a much darker secret....

Icarus is a control/neat freak who hates being bossed. around. He's always wearing a nice, crisp shirt and a pair of black jeans, as if he cares about how he looks. ((I GET THAT MY PICTURE IS WRONG OK))

He doesn't really give a shit.

Bio: Icarus had to get away. The crowds, the people; they just weren't his thing. So, looking for a place to camp out until someone engineered a plague that wiped out everyone (no joke), he stumbled atop the Blue Dragon Hotel. And that, was that.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/TWins.png.cf11e749b5a0e761fc03aeb2267fff87.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12231" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/TWins.png.cf11e749b5a0e761fc03aeb2267fff87.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ren Iwasaki (red eyes, black hoodie)

Age: 19

Role: Guest

Species: "Human" (Reaper)

Name: Aki Iwasaki (Blue eyes, white hoodie)

Age: 19

Role: Guest

Species: "Human" (Reaper)

Personality (for both of them): The twins are actually quite quiet but they are also really mischievous. Aki has more energy than Ren who is rather laid back. Ren actually doesn't speak much but if you irritate him he will yell at you. He's quite irritable and has a bad temper. Aki on the other hand is really patient and kind but at the same time he is a total trickster and loves to play jokes on people. Though Aki is quite accepting of new people and loves to make friends, Ren doesn't usually find much interest in people besides his brother which sort of annoys Aki some times.

Bio (For both of them): Ren and Aki actually grew up at the Hotel. Their mom got trapped there when she was 25 and well, having spent the rest of her life there of course when she got pregnant that meant they were destined to stay there as well. There mom has long since died, her soul consumed by her Provider and they don't know who there father is since he was fired from the hotel. The two don't have to worry about their souls, they actually don't have any, because they aren't completely human. So they pretty much live like princes there but are disliked by many of the staff. They have never considered trying to leave but who knows when that might change ;)



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Would it be possible to be a butler that also serves as a host? I don't know why, but I can just imagine all the situations such a character could get himself into...
[QUOTE="Zachariah el Morgan]Would it be possible to be a butler that also serves as a host? I don't know why, but I can just imagine all the situations such a character could get himself into...

That can most definitely work :)
Could made up creatures be allowed too? I have an idea for an animated wooden dummy for a member of security, if that's cool? If not, then a zombie for a butler sounds fun!
[QUOTE="Pom Pom Express]Could made up creatures be allowed too? I have an idea for an animated wooden dummy for a member of security, if that's cool? If not, then a zombie for a butler sounds fun!

Made up creatures are totally acceptable and encouraged. Just make sure to describe them well enough for everyone to understand.

[QUOTE="Party Poison]Would you mind if I made another character? I'd love to make a guest.

Yes please do :)


Yes, yes, I know. I am gorgeous. There's no need to remind me. And as for seeing my wings... Well, I'm sure we can come to an agreement. As the saying goes, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours..."

Name: The name is Azumi Rosario.

Age: I'm old. Very old. As in, almost older than time itself. But, for all intents and purposes, I appear to be 23.

Role: My official job title is a butler. However, unlike most butlers, I pick who I want to serve. Once I've chosen someone, well... that's when the real fun begins. Did I mention I dabble as a host? I can take care of any... needs you might have. Especially if it's you. Yeah, I'm talking to you, my Nami. Or maybe you need some service... do you, Ammie?

Species: Okay, so I'm an archangel, which is a bit different from the other staff. Does it really matter? It's a long story, not that I'd tell you even if it was a short one.

Personality: Well, let's see. I'm very intelligent, charming, brave... not really humble, though. I couldn't care less what people think about me. After all, who are they to judge? Plus, if anyone is gonna judge, it's my Father. Yeah, that Father. Anyway, I'm pretty lazy, if what Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael tell me is true. So what? Sue me. Not that you're ever gonna be able to see a lawyer or go to court seeing as you can't get out of this place. What else...? I'm probably one of the few staff members who can resist Elena's persuasion, and I'm also one of the few who find the Iwasaki twins interesting. You know what, I think I'll just let you find out everything else for yourself. A word of caution: Ammie and Nami are mine. Just puttin' it out there.

Bio: Wouldn't you like to know?
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Great, one made up dummy for security and another zombie for butler awaiting approval!

Name: Sen

Appearance: Sen is made completely of red wood. He is approximately 5'6". Fairly light for his size, because of his hollow body, he's a measly 25 pounds, roughly. A simple cylindrical design, his body is about 12 inches in diameter. His head only a few inches smaller. His arms are simple thin rods, proportionate to a human, though fingerless and lacking joints. His legs are the same, proportionate to humans, lacking feet and joints.

As suggested, without fingers or joints, Sen can not grab anything. He wears a shawl, grey with orange stripes zig zagging vertically along the length of it. If he were to have a belly button, the shawl would be just long enough covering it. While standing straight, he can place his arms into slits on either side. Placing his legs together, he seems like a simple pole with a rug draped over his head.

His head is a small cylinder, apart from two small horizontal slits for eyes, there are no distinguishing marks. Any speaking on his part is through magic, as is how the dummy was animated to begin with.

Age: An unaging wooden dummy, his appearance doesn't change with time.

Role: Security

Species: Animated wooden dummy

Personality: Sen was created for one reason. To keep people in. While generally people don't even want to leave the wonderful hotel, Sen is high spirited, curious about the humans and their flesh and blood ways. Sen likes to ask questions, as well as answer them, though he doesn't understand concepts such as love, hate, fear, and pain, among other things. Seemingly too serious at most times, Sen simply doesn't know how to react to normal situations.

When people try to escape Sen enters a trance like state. He was created to keep people in. How he accomplishes this is through the magic that had awoken him. He is capable of blocking off paths, and at times, creating new ones. He has no need to engage in fights, or defend himself, as he feels no pain, so he sticks to his blockage of paths when it needs to be done.

(How's this? Care to tell me what you think? I'll post another sheet for the zombie, pending your approval of this one :D )



Nami is a short 5'2 with a shapely figure. She's a little on the fluffy side, but embraces this wholeheartedly. She has freckles adoring her peachy flesh, some of them gathering in specific places, mainly on her cheeks and shoulders, but not limited to. She has full lips and round cheeks with thick lashes. Her hair is a dark brown in color, often being seen as black, and it too is thick, reaching the middle of her back. Her hands are small & have nails that she keeps at a short length (partially due to a nasty biting habit), and usually painted various colors with various patterns.

Name: Manami 'Nami' Rei

Age: 19

Role: Guest

Species: Human

Personality: Nami is a playful and naive girl who likes getting into trouble. Although she doesn't always find her way out of it, she can't help the thrill it gives her. She is very social and enjoys talking with people, finding out about them. She does, of course, share just as much as she asks of others, or else that simply wouldn't be fair, right? She's full of energy and acts much like a young teenager, rather than a young adult. She can appear to be a bit oblivious in certain situations, but don't let that fool you - Nami graduated as a valedictorian in her small-town high school.

Bio: Ever since she was little, Nami decided she wanted to travel the world. She spent much of her childhood traveling with her father, as he was a business man with a constantly moving job, but moved in with her mother, who stayed in their tiny city, when she was thirteen. When she graduated high school, her dreams of travel faded and she aspired to be an artist. Heading off to an art school, she found out it just wasn't for her, dropping out in the second semester, though she still paints in her free time. Thus, her adventure-filled soul reignited, and she found herself at the steps of the Blue Dragon Hotel (among other places).


Name: Gretchen Eisenberg

Age: She isn’t sure, but she appears to be in her late teens/early twenties

Role: Night Auditor(basically the night version of a receptionist)

Species: Vampire

And for that reason, she mostly works at night.

Sunlight doesn’t kill her, but it’s uncomfortable.

The equivalent would that it feels like sunburn.


Gretchen is what you call a “deadpan snarker.” She lives and breathes sarcasm, releasing her magnificently scathing comments; seldom at the appropriate moments. Too add to this, she does it with a straight face, making it difficult to discern between whether she’s being serious or not.

Gretchen has a healthy dose of cynicism in her; she’s a realist that has a very organized mind. She is able to plan extensively and problem-solve easily with an even temper. However, she’s pretty insensitive, and has little tact with handling people’s feelings. Her morals are also very questionable, and she can do a lot of jerk-assy things to get what she wants.

For example, Gretchen hangs out at the hotel bar a lot. She often lures the guests into getting drunk enough, so she can suck their blood, while they’re passed out and intoxicated, and when they wake up, they won't remember anything. So while the guests pour their drinks, she’s also getting ready to have a drink of her own…

However, she’s vivacious, and generally enjoys the company of people. Gretchen can be mean, but not that mean.
I would just like to tell you that I did a bit of editing to both of my characters, so you might want to change the character spoiler thingy.

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