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Futuristic The Blight (ALWAYS accepting)

"We'd have to borrow a cargo truck I guess. I didn't really think about that. I could walk Eliza out there, but that'd be pretty risky." Dwayne frowned. "The caravan that just came in had something big enough to transport her in, I'd have to talk with them once we're done jerking each other off here." Dwayne was more upset with himself, for not thinking about transport. That was one of the few things he didn't like about Mechs, how slow they were. Hell, Eliza was one of the faster ones in her line, reaching a top speed of 30 MPH, just dont ask Dwayne to have her turn when they're sprinting or he'd have a bucket of bolts and a broken back.
"Cargo truck sounds good. See if you can borrow one. All of us need to make sure our equipment is in top quality. Now that I think about it we maybe can launch the mission if we get lucky. I guess we're done here. Prepare for the mission and we'll meet back here tomorrow night. Meeting over." Travis left the apartment. He went done to the market for some cleaning supplies. He reached the market and after he bought the supplies he saw it. It he also bought a new suit of armor. He went back to his bunk and went to sleep.

(If you want to see the new armor check my CS.)
Jackson walked into Steve's shop, it was a smaller shop with glass display cases full of clothes and jewelry. "Hey man, how's business?" Jackson asked. "It's good, what do you want man?" Steve replied. "Wondering if you got any thing new." Jackson stated smiling. " Oh yeah, some real nice stuff, look at this." Steve said holding up a leather jacket "Real leather."

"I'm talking about the back stock." Jackson said looking at a brown lether wallet. "Oh, you know I don't pack that stuff any more." Steve said nervously. "Steve don't bull shit me." Jackson said in a flat low tone. "I'm here to buy." "Ok ok follow me." Steve said walking to the back.

The back store room wasn't much to look at, a few empty shelves, one or two crates. That was untill Steve hit the "Light" switch, and the fake shelves opened up revealing enough fire power and military tech to rival the capsule. "What you looking for? I have a lot." Steve said gesturing to the shelves. Jackson pulled out a hand written list "Some fly drones, a bolt action rifle non-rail assisted, repelling gear, tear gas, mute charge, a set of S.R.U gear, and that assault drone I ordered a while back. "How are you gonna pay me?" Steve asked. "I'll give you an I.O.U and make sure the milita police don't come around for a week." Jackson said. "Not a chance. You still owe me for last time." Steve replied. "I mean it I'll pay you back." Jackson said. "Fine, anything else?" steve said fumeing. "Yeah stun ammunition for both my rifle and the bolt action. Oh and deliver it to my apartment." Jackson replied leaveing.

An hour or two later Jackson was back at his apartment waiting for Travis. Jackson finally had his apartment cleaned, his gear was organized. The bolt action, a box of mixed grenades, some blocks of C-6, three fly drones, a few misc magazines, the repel gear, a mute charge, and Jackson's laptop were on a folding table in the middle of the living room.
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Still carefully examining Jacinto's skin for any mark or wound, Sasha glanced up with her deep jade eyes and lowered the man's shirt to cover him up. "Then the bastard who sprayed his bodily fluids all over you must have some serious wounds," remarked Sasha simply, watching the merchant man stare at her before the other named Dwayne walked off, staring too at him for a moment before returning her gaze towards who seemed to be the leader of these 'Raiders'.

Her eyes turned back towards Carter, who glared darkly to the doctor, remaining silent as Jacinto told off his officer. Carter was about to jump and attack Sasha again before more of his friends darted forward to pull him back, encouraging him to walk away as the two were left alone with the other Raiders that brought her in.

"Your people did not know what to do with me...which is understandable. I killed a band of Reavers that were just over the hill from their scouting camp. They found me and did not want me to be left alone in the desert...they wanted to be careful with me. They were good to me," promised Sasha, glancing over to the timid captain who looked up to Jacinto. "We would have been ambushed if not for her, sir...we just...asked for her weapons and she gave them to us...and we cuffed her to keep her and ourselves safe...She didn't harm any of us, sir..." assured the Captain, the prompt making Sasha look back up to Jacinto in silence.

(( OOC: Sorry :( I didn't get any notifications for whatever reason ))

Vini had ended up leaning against a support pole near the front gate, in earshot of all the conversation around him. He wished he could breathe the air, and get a feel of the place, but for now he enjoyed the secrecy his veiled face provided him. He was just a stranger, of an average build, with a muffled voice. Unrecognizable outside of his armor. One of the few good points about his old helmet. He took a deep breath anyway, but his lungs were only filled with a stuffy processed air, once again the result of his mask. While it was technically clean of any toxins, it was filled with dust due to the old filters he used. Actually, Vini thought, it likely wouldn't even stop toxins. He'd rather not find out.

As he sat and listened, saying no words, and instead accumulating information, he held his revolver, Lucky, in his hand. A light clink could be heard as he popped out the reloading cylinder, and flipped it back it. Clink. His analysis of the denizens of the town was not the brightest outlook for a number of reasons. Even through his goggles he could see the dirty grime that covered everything around him. Clink. The people of the town were drunkards and violent criminals, haphazardly handed advanced tech and told they were heroes. Clink. No discipline, worse then the NSF. Clink. There were the common fools, but this Doctor, and this Jacinto, dangerous people. Unpredictable. Vini hated unpredictable. Clink. That was what worried Vini most. He didn't have the biggest guns, nor was he the best shot, or the strongest man. All he had was his ability and willingness to manipulate those around him. And that power was useless here. Clink. He spun Lucky around his finger in a grandiose fashion, simply for the fun of it, and slid the weapon back into it's holster. It was going to be a long stay...
Casually strolling from the small alley as inconspicuously as a fully armored man could, Antonio was immediately assaulted by the thick air swirling invisibly through the world, the heat of the sun raining down with full effect on the man as he stepped from the low level of shading the two buildings on either side of the alley provided, the insides of his suit already growing humid without a coolant system in place. While the sturdy and reliable armor did not come with a ventilation system, the option of having one installed by a local mechanic was still available albeit very expensive and at a price Antonio was just too stingy to pay in full.

Even when keeping to himself a significant circle was created by passing civilians, eyes warily scanning the short man with the giant, bolt-action rifle slung over his shoulder, the small .357 revolver strapped to his left hip, and suit of armor doing more than enough to be suspicious, his exposed head burning images into their minds in case the man decided to go crazy and start a massacre.

About a minute of aimless walking a figure, or two, caught Antonio's eyes. A sight that immediately piqued the interest of the mercenary. A man shorter than the average male, yet sadly still looked taller than Antonio, boldly dragged a man of a heavier set through the harsh roads. The size difference would normally look to be a difficult task for someone, the dragging man looked to have little to no problems. Now why would this happen? Antonio was usually too drunk to pay attention to the daily activities of this wretched city but today was a rare day when he had a majority of his body under control. Was this some kind of hit? Maybe the dragging man would get hunted down later for his deeds. Maybe he'd need a hired gun for protection. The thought of money was enough for Antonio to step towards the man as he stopped at an automobile, but quickly stopped himself as those steps were involuntarily, he was getting ahead of himself. Stifling his urges, the dark-skinned man slowly backed away while keeping eyes trained on the man who was now inside the automobile. After a moment of sitting there the man took off, the engine rumbling away into the distance.

Breaking into a half-sprint/jog type of motion, Antonio took off after the vehicle, never able to get within 30 feet but able to remember what turns the vehicle made and what direction it was going. Antonio's stamina combatted the internal heat building inside his armor, his body thoroughly covered in a sheet of swear but he powered on, through the dirt roads the vehicle traveled over and through the occasional wave of people, impatiently barging through without slowing.

Unfortunately after a particularly large wave of civilians enveloped the roads, Antonio was forced to stop as trampling over everyone would not work and the rumble of the vehicle gradually faded. Quickly asking about the vehicle with random people ahead led him to believe the driver was headed towards a gate and with only hurried thanks the man continued his journey.

Finally reaching the gate Antonio slowed to a slow and cautious trot. While the vehicle was indeed at the gate, it looked as if a struggle had occurred. People were crowded in one spot, but did not look like ordinary civilians. Raiders and NSF he guessed. There were certainly no fellow Red Masks as far as Antonio could see. Still a distance away the dark-skinned man took on a slow approach, taking slow strides towards the gate, fingers idly grazing against the handle of his revolver, ready to draw if necessary...his bulky rifle on standby, the helmet hanging at his hip ready to be used as a club if need be.
"How many of 'em?"

Jason asked while staring forward. The military base stood ahead, a broken barbed wire fence surrounding it. The building itself was not destroyed completely, but dust coated its walls like a magnet on a refrigerator. The screams of the Reavers could be heard even from such a far distance. Kat quickly scanned the area surrounding the base. Each Reaver turned blue as her data screen counted them.

"279," She than had a slight frown on her face. There was a larger speck somewhere inside the old military base, wandering around the deserted hallways and rooms aimlessly. The word 'Alpha' popped up above its head in red.

"... and one Alpha."

Jason let out a shrill whistle and chuckled to himself.

"Well I'll be damned. Guess this mission didn't turn out so bad after all."

The screen went back to normal, and the Reavers ahead were no longer outlined. Kat's worn cloak fluttered in the dusty breeze as she stared forward.

"There are too many of them surrounding the base. I can snipe a few from here, but my ammunition is limited." Kat said before reaching behind her and removing the sniper rifle from off her back. She checked the suppressor on the tip to make sure it was secure before kneeling down.

"And than what?" Jason muttered while glancing over to her. She was silent, and than leaned her glowing blue eye into the scope. Her finger rested on the trigger as a Reaver wandered in front of the red dot sight.

"We kill them. One by one."

A bullet was fired, but it made no sound. The Reaver's head exploded like a firework of blood, and its body fell limp. Kat reloaded the gun, preparing to kill another.
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The senior Raider looked back towards the lunging man who had been brought down by the doctor before him. His body twitched against the arms of his men and it seemed funny to Jacinto that he continued to bluster and bluff as if he would attack, even though acting against Jacinto's orders would land him in the deep six. The Raider's lips cracked at the edges slightly, revealing a ghost of a smile as he suppressed the urge to laugh for a moment, physically biting his tongue slightly in an attempt hold back his amusement at the situation.

"Sounds like you owe Doctor Najem a drink Carter, not a bullet to the head, and someone please remove her cuffs" said Jacinto, looking over the Doctor towards his men who stood in broken formation, holding back the hotheaded Carter.

After a brief pause he turned his tired gaze back to the eyes of the woman who stood before him.

"I apologize on behalf of my scouts, sometimes, with the influx of less civilized talent, we forget who we are."

Came his words, quiet and annoyed, followed by a slight sigh as he glanced back towards his young and quite dumb scout commander.
The captain of the team that found Sasha came up with the keys, sorting through them for the right one before carefully unlocking the cuffs, pulling them off of Sasha's raw and blistered wrists. Her hands rubbed her skin faintly as a slight grimace curled on her lips from the pain. The other men kept holding Carter back, pushing him further away from the scene to get him to calm down while Sasha looked up towards Jacinto and shook her head gently.

"Not all of your men are poor excuses, sir," she assured him seriously, glancing into his eyes a little more, standing up on her tiptoes and reached up to touch his face. Jade eyes stared into the exhausted eyes of Jacinto as she grunted a little to the apparent exhaustion. "You have sleep deprivation. Blood vessels in the eyes expanded, irises completely dilated, eye sockets faintly sunken in...let me take care of this," she stated firmly, starting to walk past Jacinto and looked back at him. "Do you have a medical bay nearby or any herbs or medicine I can give to you?"

Vini sat for a moment longer, observing their conversation. He found Dr. Sasha to be reckless, foolish, and very naive. Jacinto seemed to be a more decent sort, more or less managing to keep his rather unstable men in line. He was better than nothing, that was for sure. Vini brushed himself off, having a bit of dirt caked onto him from his long journey, then sauntered over to the group before him, moving a bit behind the doctor when he first made his presence clear to them. He laughed whole heartily as she offered to use medical supplies to aid his sleep deprivation. His hand moving up next to his eyes as if to wipe a tear from them. He walked next to the two, standing a bit between both of them to Sasha's right. "With all due respect, wouldn't you say it is a little bit..." Vini searched for the word, "...daft... to use the limited medical supplies available to the wasteland to aid what could be fixed by taking a nap?" Vini attempted to sound jovial, but his helmet's muffling once more made his voice harsh, and him a tad threatening. He extended his hand to Jacinto, to shake, "The name's Robert Clark, though to my friends I'm Red. And Mr. Jacinto, I believe it would be in both our interests for us to be friends. Wouldn't you agree?" Vini said, this time his voice actually shifting to a slightly more cutting tone, it's effects amplified by the mask, though it was less a threat so much as warning, and assertion of personal power.
That mask is........ rather odd

Thought the Raider in a tired internal voice as he eyeballed the man who had spoken. His mask was the only thing about his outfit that outwardly displayed technology, and it's contrast was a strange one to say the least. Atop of the odd contrast between thick leather armor and tech, the green glow of his mask's eye sockets unnerved him and stung his eyes, causing him to slightly narrow his lids as he viewed the metallic features of the man's external face.

"I don't know you Clark, friends is a strong word, for now you're some guy I don't have to kill or imprison, count yourself lucky.... 'cause that beats half the city...... and doc, the man is right, all I need is a good night's rest after interrogating......" said Jacinto, trailing off as he motioned towards his rusted buggy, parked a dozen yards down the road, where the twitching and bloody crime lord sat chained to the frame of the old and beaten vehicle, a pained look upon his resting face as his body hibernated in the black void of unconsciousness.
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Iko stood a couple a miles away from what from what he could tell from the lingering smell of smoke and liquor and the echoing sounds of gun fights , civilization. He had only been wandering the wasteland for 5 days staying hidden from everything that past by him including Human and Reaver. He eventually decided to follow the sound of a car staying a mile away from it. Still being able to hear the rumbling of the wheels loud and clear.

Iko was hungry and longed for a place to sleep but it seemed the guards weren't letting just anyone in as he could hear nearing the walls so he would have to sneak in. He had now turned on his Camo suit on, this irritated him because his suit has not been charged and it was almost out of juice he needed to get to an outlet, and as the caravan in front of him entered the gate he followed in right behind them instantly turning off the suit so it wouldn't drain too much of the battery.

He listened at what seem to be a functioning city except for the numerous amount of heavy armored people clanking around and the sound of fights and the almost deadly air. Iko touched a button on his helmet which filtered the air intake which would nullify his smelling, this will make it a little harder for him to maneuver around the city but his hearing should be more than efficent for now.

He stood for a minute and realized there were alot of people standing by the gate. He didnt want to run which would make him even more suspicious so he walked toward the sound of a bar.
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Travis opened the door to the capsule science department. He was called in to test a new device. He heard the new development was some sort of magnetic glove mounted field. It requires a prosthetic hand. He fit the bill. The scientists had modified his armor and attached the glove. Time to test. He walked into the testing room. Scientists looked in from the window. They was a variety of magnetic boxes of various sizes.

He pressed a button on the glove. He could feel the magnetic field around his hand. It's power was limited so he had to move fast. He directed the field to the boxes. Over the course of the trials he learned the total battery life is about 5 minutes but the glove could only hold something for about 5-10 seconds. It depends on the weight of the object. The scientists watched him the whole time and never missed a moment while scribbling notes. He managed to move 20 pounds of metal. He finished the testing and was allowed to keep the glove. The scientists called the glove the kinesis module.

Travis needed to buy for supplies for the mission. He knew about the small black market in the commercial district. He passed by the church. Travis saw a decent amount of people in the church. He muted out loud "I'm surprised in these dark times people still have time for this sort of thing." He really didn't know what to think when it came to a otherworldly power. He walked past the club. "Too loud for me." The loud music at this time of the day was annoying him. He kept on walking down the street towards the stores. He passed by some of the not so well to do people of Pleasnton and saw them begging. He tossed a coin to a young boy. " Here kid buy yourself a loaf of bread." He heard the kids voice reply "Thank you Raider."

Travis reached an old and worn brick building. There was door on the wall he knocked on the door. He heard a voice from the other side "Leave! Your not wanted-" Travis cut him off and mutted something to the man. "Ah welcome back Mr Thomas." "Bryan Thomas" entered the room once the door was opened. This section of the black market was run by a man named William Smith. No one knew if that was his real name but that's what everyone called him. William greeted "Bryan" as he entered. "Bryan my friend! How have you been?"

Bryan doged the question. He was never one to talk about himself. "My "medication" is low. I need a refill."

"Ah yes your "prescription". It just came in." William snapped his fingers and pointed to one of his men. They came out and handed Bryan a box. "Now get out and leave me." William said.

Travis noticed it was getting late and headed for Jacksons house.
Sasha remained quiet for a moment, piercing jade eyes glancing over Jacinto to see if he would be alright for just a night's rest and nodded in agreement. She stepped to the side to allow him passage back to the rusting car holding the twitching body of another large unconscious man. Unsure as to what to do, Sasha started to walk behind him before falling to the ground with a groan. Blinking for a moment, Sasha felt overwhelmed with light headedness, hands pawing at the sand beneath her, her stomach flipping angrily from the sudden exercise before and shakily struggled to push herself up on her own two feet. Dehydration...wonderful...

((OOC: Sorry it is so short :( I am on mobile on my way to work))
Jackson opened his door " Hey man I picked up some gear." he stated while opening the door. "I also picked up a few things for you." he said walking across the room picking up the bolt action rifle, and tossing it to Travis. "I also got a few fly drones, they are about the size of a humming bird and are also most undetectable. Infact I got so bored waiting for you I sent some to the station." Jason said siting infront of his laptop. "come here I'll show you."
Dwayne had been walking away from a friend's place with a set of keys for an old hauler big enough for Eliza, after the original meeting with Jackson and Travis when he saw the group he'd left earlier was still more or less in place, though they were more talkative and less crazy lady throwing people around with chains, even though Dwayne preferred the latter of the two scenarios.

He had watched Jacinto talk to the masked man, who'd helped earlier in the fight, then turn and head towards his vehicle, the crazy woman who Dwayne found attractive followed, then collapsed.

"This would be an excellent time to jump in, impress the lady doctor with medical knowledge, win her affection."

Instead laughter came out. Dwayne was never really good with the opposite sex.

Dwayne walked toward the two still giggling a little, "We should probably get you some water, and maybe a bed. This is normally where I follow that line up with a crude remark where I dont have water but I've got a bed we can share, but I've seen what you do to dick heads and even with you like this I'd most likely lose." Dwayne watched Sasha to make sure she didn't fall over again, "But I do have medical supplies I can grab to help you out at least, and I guess I do have a bed you can use while you recovery, Eliza wont mind, she likes company."
Iko had entered the bar and it was loud very loud and this was good because more sound to him is like more light for eyes. With he moved to a table far back that was empty and sat down. Iko didnt know what to do from this point he was a rouge, he didnt belong anywhere.

Iko thought for atleast a half a hour and finally decided he was going to stay here for a week and then travel back into the wastelands. Iko's thoughts faded as he heard a pair of footsteps headed his way. He didnt bother to look up because he couldnt "look" anyways. As the footsteps stopped iko could here the folds in the person run against his side in an upwards motion which told him the stranger was folding his arms

"What the fuck are you doing here." the stranger said in a distguted tone and spit at Iko. iko easily dodge the spit and stood up.

"Defected or not, you NSF are a pack of sick bastards, you either get the hell out of this bar or be my new punching bag. "

Iko was tempted to kick the guy ass in front of everybody but he didnt want to be on any hit list this soon. The bar was now quiet, by the squeaks of the floot boards and chairs Iko could tell other people had stood and were waiting for him to make move. Iko moved his head around to make it seem he was checking his surroindings.

"Why so quiet, you scared."

Ik grimaced at that comemnt but kept his cool and exited the bar, he felt the chest area of his armor and felt the outline of the letters NSF. As he walked he used his Knife making sure it was off and scratched the letters off.

He turned off his air filter for a quick second to smell the air for food, perfumes and metal so he can find a market. He followed the smells and the footsteps that seemed to lead in the same direction. It didnt take him long before the sound of bargaining could be heard.
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Jacinto's tired mind struggled to comprehend the swarms of people who had stumbled across his path, seemingly out of nowhere. It was odd to him for some reason, usually people kept far from the Raiders, allowing them to handle their business, but apparently the newcomers had missed the memo, resulting in the sea of fresh faces, masked or otherwise, that was now present before him. If it weren't overwhelmingly chaotic enough, the woman who had come into the city had collapsed before him, in what seemed to be a mixture of exhaustion and dehydration, an opinion shared by the unknown man who had approached the circle of strangers.

"I'd listen to..... what's his name..... that guy" said the LT in a monotone indicative of his exhaustion, gesturing vaguely with his hand towards the man who had approached the doctor offering his help.

"I know you know your medicine, but if you need an outside pair of hands, the clinic ain't too far from here, just head to the south side by the church and the gun store, can't miss it, there's a big red neon sign on top the building, looks tacky as hell but..... that's Jenkins for ya" said Jacinto in his worn out, yet stern and authoritarian tone.
Travis caught the rifle. It was a Sako L61. It was one of the few Finish guns lying around in country, it was pretty popular back during his military days. It was updated for the current technology. It was in good shape. Travis would enjoy using it. He screwed a nearby suppression module onto the rifle. He aimed the weapon to test the scope. It seemed to have a target finder built into the scope. "Thanks for the rifle Jackson." Travis walked over to the computer.

Travis folded up the gun and kept walking. As he walked to the computer he picked up one of the drones. It really was the size of a bird. "Wow." He thought. It was fitted with a small tazor. It wouldn't do much against a group of people but against one it could take the person out for a view. He looked down at the computer and watched Jackson type away. Travis never had a thing for computers. He knew how to use them but never had time or something much more important was going one. He sat down and waited for Jackson's explanation.
"the fly drones are not much for combat, but in terms of recon I could get one of theses into the capsule undetected." Jackson says typing away. "Take these." Jackson throws a few pieces of tactical gear at Travis.

"The armor your wearing will lock up if we use EMP, you will also need the harness for the rapel lines."
He caught the tactical armor. It was Pleasanton police gear. Modified of course to make it nearly unrecognize by the common person. He'll put it on when he returns to his bunk. He had a helmet, vest, boots, and glove pieces. Travis also picked up a harness. "It seems we could replace scouting ourselves with the drones." Travis said. They watched the drones explore the station. When the drones finished they added the data to the map and sent each of them a copy.
"They have thermite-2 mines all over the tunnels, we would of melted if one of them went off." Jackson said. "The mech may not be able to get in." As Jackson said this he stood up and picked up what looked like a charge the size of a trash can lid. "Do you have any rapel training?"
"Rappelling training? Yeah I did in basic. I'll send a message to Dwayne about his mech and thermite-2." Travis said. "I doubt it though." He sent a message "How would your mec react to thermite?" "Thermite..." Travis thought. Travis vowed to never use thermite. Back during training he looked at several thermite burn victims, living and dead. The bodies gave him nightmares to this day. There was a lot of things he would do to a person but living through a thermite burn, he could never do.

Travis and Jackson talked over the mission for a few minutes. Travis checked the time. "Crap!" The man thought "I'm going to be late!" He ran for the door. Jackson tried to stop him. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Can't really talk, I have to leave now." Travis said. He ran from the apartment and towards the cinema. Another Harry Potter movie was playing. The series had become a guiltily pleasure for Travis. He reached the theater and entered the movie. He made it just in time as the movie started. After it was over he changed armor and did some practice in the tactical armor to get a feel for it.
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