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Fantasy The Blessings

"That is a fine plan." Artemis said bewildered. She knew nothing of war and strategy. That was never her forte. She was truly embarrassed about her blessing. She never realized when she used it, and this had gotten her into much trouble. She glanced towards Ebene who looked bored out of her mind. This was a strange meeting, and she wanted it to end soon. "Okay we shall launch the plan, shall we have a vote?" Artemis said, trying to get out of this room as fast as possible. "Would it be likable for the generals, and strategists to host a meeting so we may carry out this plan." She looked around for an answer.
Ebene did as Richard said, though she did not like it. She listened as everyone spoke, agreeing and disagreeing silently. Once Artemis spoke, drawing the meeting to a close Ebene had already formulated a plan. She tugged on her ear, a small sibling gesture, telling Richard to meet with her in the castle attic. She got up reviewing her new idea. It was brilliant, but she needed her brothers opinion. Even though she didn't want to admit it, Ebene respected Richard. They held similar views and he had always helped her as a child, especially when her dad at sent her off to war when she was eight. The king had always seen Ebene as a parasite. Her mother had died, while giving birth to her, and nothing had ever been the same since then. She was hated by many in her kingdom, and feared by even more. Ebene felt her wings begin to emerge from her back, and she shifted in her seat. She was letting her emotions get to her and she needed to block them out.
Richard stood and bowed in respect. "I shall take my leave. I will send messengers with the specifics of it all. I suggest you two get back to your kingdoms as soon as possible. The sooner the Thresh fall, the better." He left the room with his guards, the Elites staying behind though in the meeting room. Richard made his way to the castle attic, all Itspule guards now on high alert. Itspule Elites began to patrol the capitol, including the castle. Richard sat on a small wooden box as he waited for his sister.
Eben got up last, giving Artemis a quick nod. She walked normally through the public halls,but once she entered the private rooms she began to sprint. She reached the attic she found her brother sitting on the box. The old room was covered in dust, wooden crates and old maps strewn on the floor. A small section was cleared with a few wooden weapons and scrolls, littered on a desk. This had been Ebene's and Richard's hideout. They would plan war strategies, and practice the art of the sword. Once she breathed in the damp air Ebene threw off her cloak, letting her black winds stretch out into its full span. "So much better. I hate meetings with the allianced kingdoms. The only one who I can trust is Artemis." She looked to Richard, ready to launch into her plan. "Before we start did I do okay. I tried not to look too bored in the meeting."
"You could spruce up your performance for giving a care little sis." Richard chuckled. "I don't even trust her.... Both of those dreadful kingdoms have sent assassins at us plenty of times. Tyr's kingdom will be the first one to strike. They are ruthless and will prove to be a thorn in our side." He sat up, looking at his sister. "Artemis is also kind of cute. So I might want to see if our kingdoms can live in peace for a bit longer," Richard smirked at Ebene, laughing softly. He cleared his throat, "So do you think we should send our reserves from the North to secure our borders after the Thresh are taken care of?"
The Thresh were attacking Dentrex from two sides. North in the Rythel Forest and southwest from Glory Desert. The worst of the fighting was in the desert. That is where Thresh encampments had first been traced to. No one knew how many Thresh there were as they grouped themselves in small camps all around the desert. Using large armies to wipe out the seemingly small threat had proven to be difficult. When the Thesh camps were attacked the foes would scatter and retreat in a disorganized array. If Dentrex pursued the fleeing enemy they would end up being ambushed by larger armies of Thresh. The northern assaults where much smaller. Mostly raiding parties coming down from the mountains or forest. Although the threat from the north was less there were just as many troops stationed there as in the south.

They must have some means of communication unknown to us.
Sieph Dentrex thought as looked south with a high powered telescope. From Drestol's perch at the base of Mt. Phoenix Sieph could see all the way to where the southern army was camped along a long stretch of river. Sieph invoked his blessing and instantly the odd sensation of having his senses split filled him.

In the southern camp General Zafgar, an old and faithful patron to King Dentrex, was strolling the camp. Zafgar had enjoyed serving Dentrex. Once he had been a street urchin, thinking himself incapable of following or trusting anyone but himself. That is until he had been given the choice of the mines or the army. In the army of Dentrex young Zafgar learned that servitude can be the key to happiness when your job serves yourself. War and killing was exactly what Zafgar had craved without realizing and this he had had in abundance. He rose quickly though the ranks and soon found himself a personal battle guard to the King, who like himself, loved nothing more then battle. From there his political career as a general had started...another type of battle, tedious, but with merits of it's own.

"General Zafgar, the visage of prince Sieph has appeared and asks for your attention." Said a young squire who approached Zafgar.

"Ah, shadow Ef! I have been expecting him. Thank you boy." Zafgar continued towards the center of camp where Ef usually appeared. He looked north towards the castle high in the hills imagining that he could spot Sieph's physical body looking at them from the castle. The Blessed were terrifying in not only their powers but their wings as well. Tyr and Sieph could make it from the caste to the southern camp in a matter of hours.

"You wont spot me. Your eyes are too old." Sieph had appeared at Zafgar's side. His lips did not move as his visages could only communicate via telepathy.

"Cast you to the magma pits, Ef!" Zafgar was only mildly surprised. "You always were a rascal, preferring to use dirty tricks rather then learn to fight properly. Never taught you anything!"

Shadow Ef responded by toughing his nose, "You taught me to use the dirty tricks before you used them first. I have looked over your most recent reports and it looks like things are going well...But have you really found out so little about the Thresh? Have they still not given any demands? Are there no prisoners to question?"

Zafgar's face was all seriousness now. "They fight to the death when they are not running and capturing a live prisoner has proved...difficult."

"Difficult! How hard is it to incapacitate one of those barbarians without killing it. Surely our army is not so vicious that they can't leave one of them alive?"

"Well...It is rather disturbing..." Sieph raised his eyebrows at that. "When a Thresh knows that they will be taken prisoner they will kill themselves rather then submit."

The transparent proxy of Sieph stood there silently as he pondered the dilemma so many miles away. "Well then, continue to gently prod them as you have been. Keep the forces in their defensive positions along the river and harry them with small battalions. Put more effort into making contact and less into killing every last Thresh." Zafgar frowned at this. That would be hard. "Start sending emissaries again, I don't care if they never come back. Make contact. Now, where is my father?"

"Out leading one of the battalions as usual. He has agreed to follow your wuss-er carful plan but he begins to grow weary. Soon he will want to push them in to a real battle."

"Tell him that the time for blood will come. If we can find a way to use them rather then simply slaughter them then the final batter shall turn that desert red." With that Shadow Ef disappeared.
Ebene chuckled at Richards joke. She didn't want to admit it but she had a weak spot for Artemis. They had always been friends, and even when her family wanted Ebene dead, Artemis was able to persuade them out of war. Even though most of the blessings given to the children were dark and terrifying. Artemis served as a light. She had a bright spirit and couldn't hurt a sole, only able to persuade people into peace. Her parents had wanted her to use her powers for other wise, but Artemis just couldn't do it. Most people saw it as weak but Ebene saw it as a strength. She stood up for what she believed, and didn't care what others thought of it. She may put on a look of a fragile fairy tale princess, but she was strong and independent.

Ebene cleared all the thoughts from her head, focusing on the situation. "Sadly I believe that is needed. We should send them to our southern border, since it would be harder to get above us. If anyone tries anything tricky we will have our cavalry intercept them at the mountain pass." Calvary was Itspules prize when it came for war. Even though it was a division of only two thousand they were the best trained, and acted as ten times their size. Ebene herself was trained on horse back as a child and now lead a good portion of that division.

"Anyways, I have a plan." She said pulling out a block. "The Thresh can't be found, they are part of our society now, spies and traitor everywhere. This is why we will not be able to find them." Ebene said getting excited. "Unless, you are one of them. I am not sure how much you will avor this and it is really crazy. I am not sure it will work." Ebene bit her lip trying to think of a good way she could explain this. "I am already a huge suspect for fathers murder. What if we faked my death. I could get a disguise and try to become one of them. I amnot sure how I would communicate with you though, and what my disguise would be. Would we ask for the women who gave us these blessings, or.." Ebene continued on and on excitedly soon forgetting about her older brother.

@The Master
Geigas yawned, and stretched. He had skipped the meeting, as he knew the other Princes and Princesses would probably despise him. Geigas had always been one to deceive, and some believe he had something to do with the Thresh. However, Geigas decided to lay low, for now, but he himself had spies all over the lands, some even unknown to the fact that he had marked their soul threads.

How delightful.

If there was any royalty Geigas liked, it was Tyr and Ebene, for he enjoyed Tyr's skill of interrogation, and Ebene for being a good friend of Artemis, his little sister. He had always been the loner child, but he couldn't help but enjoy Artemis' company.

Geigas would dress himself in a casual attire, along with putting on his fur-coat, ones with zippable flaps for his wings. Satisfied, he'd fix his hair, and walk over to his table.

Geigas never usually ate at the table as a child, as he usually retreated to his room because he found the silence boring. He had always been called a bully by the other kids, but most adults just saw a genius and well-behaved child when they investigated him. However, like now, Geigas was always planning, scheming for the future, which would only effect the present.

And he planned on a complex version of a chess board, styled like the world they lived in.

His soft, white hand rested on a pawn, and pushed it one block forwards, closer to the black's line of defense. He would just have to have one of Thresh's pawns to move forward, and there would be an opening behind their lines.

Geigas couldn't help but smile, and wondered how the meeting had went. Soon enough, he would go find Artemis, but for now he would plan in luxury and style.
Richard laughed and hugged her and smiled at her. He sat back down, "I actually spoke to a Thresh member and made a deal with the ones in our land. If they support our kingdom and spread our influence, they will be granted access to our desert region. It is basically a holy land at this point for those guys." Richard smirked. "I have no intention of ending the Thresh so easily. They are powerful enough to topple the Dentrex and Jasper within the next year if the kingdoms stay independent." He chuckled. "But they fear us because although the Jasper kingdom is the most mysterious, our desert is untouched by anyone and no one knows what we have up our sleeve." Richard looked around then back at his sister. "I hope you understand that we have to kill all the royals once the other Thresh are gone..... If you can promise to me that Artemis will not fight, I can make sure she survives." Richard suddenly seemed to get a little darker.
Artemis walked into her quarters and plopped down on her bed. she was tired and lost. Nothing happened at the meeting, it was as if everyone was secretly plotting each others death. She took a breath, thinking about her siblings. They had not shown up, and left her alone to try and tame the other blessed. She was a little angry but couldn't hold it for too long. She didn't enjoy grudges, they did nothing for her. She sat on her bed for a while, looking through a tattered book. It was full of her songs that she had written as a child. She began to softly hum her favorite. As she did this she got up, sitting at her harp and strumming it. She let the words of the song sink into her, letting her body feel what she was singing.
During a brief brake in the onslaught of reports, financial ledgers, and various complaints Sieph stood at the window and simply enjoyed the view. The vista before him made Sieph wish he had time to fly. The thought made him want to stretch his wings. Carful not to tip any ink jars or stacks of paper Sieph extended his wings and arches his back. It really would be nice to fly. Perhaps if I will fly down to the gates to welcome Tyr home.

The door opened and a servant came into the room with a tray of fruit and a pitcher of mulled wine. Another servant followed with a stack of papers and Sieph resumed his seat. The prince ran much of the kingdom from these chambers atop the castle. A war council would be held when Tyr returned, and hopefully a decision would be made soon. The army was ready to strike and the citizens primed for a draft when the need for reinforcements came. Maintaining this balance was hard though for the citizens grew more rowdy each month of taxation. At least the mines are full. Sieph thought with a twisted smile.

The smell of cinnamon wafted to Sieph's nose as the metal carafe was set on the table. Sieph tossed a couple chunks of orange into his cup and poured the steamy wine. The touch of the metal was cool despite the hot liquid inside. Admiring the lavish pitcher and sipping the fine wine Sieph enjoyed the last of his rest before returning to work.
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Ebene nodded her head, not wanting to protest. She looked away, out the small window at the back of the attic. Ebene was blessed with Strategy and War, yet she didn't like killing. Ebene as known for leaving people to be imprisoned, and her brother would finish them. This had always made Ebene feel weak. "Richard why doesn't anyone get along. I mean we act as if we are at war with each other." Ebene thought. The only reason they had all stayed together was because of the Thresh. What if that small rebellion was better, what if it was, 'No!' She said to herself. She was not a traitor she could not think like that.

"Thank you Richard." Ebene said. She left to her room without another word. She sat on her bed, looking over the battle maps and the letters from many Itspule spies. "What is this?" She said to herself. "What is going on,why war?" Even thought Ebene wasblessed with war and Strategy she didn't like it without reason. The logic that always lingered in her mind tore her apart as she fought others. Others who shouldn't even be her enemy.

Soon Ebene had snuck out of the castle a cloak wrapped around her body. She needed to see for herself. What did the Thresh want, and were they really the bad guys. She walked into the town, were people bustled around, wearing ratty cloaks and no winter clothes, even though it was freezing. Many sat on the streets begging while children ran, sneaking bread and food from foolish merchants.

"Excuse me." Ebene looked down to see a little boy tugging at her cloak. He had dark blach hair, and a shirt that was ripped at the sleeves. He wore a thin blanket to cover himself from the cold, and his pants were cut off at the knees. He couldn't have looked more than seven, but his cheeks sagged like an old man.

"Do you have any change, or anything I can use to keep my sister warm." She bent down but remembered what she had been taught. 'It is not your place to serve other. You were born divine, and they must serve you.'

"No." Ebene spoke quickly, and walked away briskly. She took a step forward and felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw a man with a scruffy beard and a dark green cloak. "Come with me or the kid will not see the light of tomorrow." Ebene turned to see the small boy being held by his throat. A hand was over his mouth and his tired eyes were now wide with terror. Ebene gritted her teeth, weighing her options.

She looked over the man, concluding she could easily cause him unbalance while she stuck a knife in the other mans hand freeing the boy. She began to reach for her boot when a dark tattoo caught her eye. No it wasn't a tatoo. It was a burn, shaped into the symbol of an blind eye.

"Fine." She said, and immediately she felt a cloth cover her nose.

She had been captured by the Thresh, and for some reason. It was a good thing.
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Richard was in his room, when an Elite came to him and informed him about his sister's capture. Richard sighed, "I pay you fools to keep her safe too you know." He stood and put on his armor, he was going to save his sister and start a war.

Richard had spent his years as prince making a personal army. He called them Elites and they were coated in their armor so no one would know that they were people from the Northern desert. He had trained them with the ability to kill blessed with ease. Richard planned on using them to over power even the Dentrix. Not even Ebene knew about them, only that they were powerful guards.

Richard had put the city on lock down, not a single person leaving the capitol when Ebene was captured. The Elites had already made sure of that the moment they saw her in a cloak walking around the city. Richard stood in the capitol's square, beside the giant fountain. Richard announced that he would kill every man in the city if the Thresh did not return Ebene in two hours unharmed, unaltered, and completely safe and sound. Itspule's main army was guarding the walls so closely together that escape was impossible, the Thresh were locked inside the capitol.

Richard took his Elites and placed squads of three all over Itspule territory. Each one within seeing distance. Richard wanted to make sure that there was no chance of the Thresh getting away with Ebene. He returned to the capitol and waited at the fountain with fifteen Elites. Richard was not one to take back stabbing kindly. He would slaughter anyone he had to, to get his sister back.
Tyr exited the castle, intent on boarding his carriage and returning to Dentrex. There was much he desired to discuss with his brother. As he descended the steps he noticed the flurry of activity and called out to one of the guards who scurried past him. "You there! What is the meaning of all of this?" He asked, gesturing to the surrounding city.

"This princess has been captured by Thresh M'lord" He answered simply before rushing off to where ever he needed to be. Tyr chuckled. So the famed Itspule guards couldn't even keep one of their royals safe within the walls of their own capitol, how quaint. Still it wasn't his problem, in fact any hindrance to the Itspule kingdom was very welcome. Still he needed a way out of the city that was seemingly on lock down.

After exchanging swift words with another guard he approached the main fountain, flanked by his own guards. Catching sight of the anxious prince he let a smirk dance upon is lips and drew nearer before speaking. "Richard! My oh my what mess have you gotten into now?" He chuckled folding his arms across his chest. Though he appreciated the entertainment he had no desire to see Ebene dead. No, she was another one of the blessed, for a God to be slain by men was a tragedy that crossed all borders. A God deserved the privilege to fall at another God's sword.
Richard's expression became dark and sinister. He grabbed Tyr by his color and flew out of the city without any warning. Richard was holding tightly onto Tyr the entire time until he finally dropped him outside the capital's wall. "Leave now and tend to your land...." His voice made it seem almost like a threat. Richard flew back into the city, and shortly after Tyr's carriage was out. Richard was going to execute Tyr on the spot, but knew that right now he needed Ebene more than anything else.
Tyr did nothing but laugh during the speedy flight and continued to do so as he brushed off his collar, watching as Richard returned to his city, infuriated. It seems he cared a lot about his dear sister. It was admirable in a way though Tyr recognised a weakness when he saw one. It seems that the young princess could be a handy asset if it called for it and made a mental note to discuss the possibilities with his brother. He waited along the road for his carriage train to catch up. Richard had been in a hurry so Tyr only stood a few hundred feet from the castle walls. Soon he was back in the comfort of his carriage, well on his way back to Dentrex.
Ebene woke up her mind spinning. She quickly took in her surroundings. She was sitting in a chair, not bound by any rope. She looked around, sensing no one around her in the dark. A door was directly behind her and that was it. She got up swiftly, sneaking towards the door. All her weapons had been confiscated, but she excelled in hand to hand combat.

"Ebene." A man said as she walked through the door. His arms were wide, and he had a dark beard. She did not recognize him, but he seemed awfully friendly.

"I have watched over, and now I can finally see you in person." The man advanced towards her, but she swiftly stepped to the side, her arms out.

"What is this place?" She said looking around. The room was small, with a desk and few chairs circling it. It smelled of rotten fish and Richards boots.

"I think you know that answer Ebene." The man said lifting up his sleeve revealing the same mark. He was right, she knew where she was. The place everyone wanted to find and destroy. The Thresh's hideout.

"Why didn't you kill me when you could?" Ebene asked, and the man smirked.

"Why didn't you just let us kill the boy." The man said walking towards the table.

"Ebene we know you want what we want. You are tactical and strategic. You know when it is time for a war to end." He said looking at her in the eyes.

"The war is against you, how could you want to be defeated." She said.

"Are you sure. Do you really think we are your enemy. What have we done other than help your people, and you know some of the things we have done are in your favor." He said, the smirk still plastered on his face. Ebene remembered back to her fathers death. She had felt no sorrow towards him, and she felt no loss. Ebene let her arms drop, and looked to the man.

"What do you want from me?"
Richard gave the orders for his men to prepare. It had been an hour and a half and he was getting impatient. Richard had all the men of the capital rounded up together. His anger was starting to cloud his mind. Richard had his men from the North mobilize. He was going to kill everyone South of the desert to make sure he got his sister back no matter where she was.

Richard prepared himself and was outside of the capital, his wings flapping so he was a couple yards off the ground. His Elites standing behind him. He would remain there until his sister was returned, or until all of the non-military men of the Itspule capital were executed. Richard's eyes were filled with wrath and pain. He would rip apart mountains if he had to, his anger boiling inside him.
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Artemis set the letter down on her bed sighing. what had Ebene gotten herself into, and why? She knew that Ebene could easily beat a few thresh henchmen, and she must have gone with them voluntarily. She walked over to her desk digging up a letter from her friend.


Ever since my father was murdered I have begun to think this alliance is falling apart. The only reason we have stayed together is because of the Thresh clan. We call them an enemy, but they have only hurt the people we despise. Yes they have battled us, but only left injuries and few deaths. I have begun to question who I trust and what I believe. I am sorry this is a darker letter, but I needed to tell someone. Do not show this to a soul. I have used my personal hawk to deliver this so no one can intercept it. I leave you with a question.

Who are you fighting for?

~Your Friend
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Ebene spread her wings launching from the dessert. The man had drugged her once again after explaining what she needed to do. Right before she had left, a messenger barged into a room. He told the man that the Istpule kingdom had mobilized many troops, and the one leading would kill anything in his path to find Ebene. He said that they had two hours and she needed to return to him immediately. Ebene told the man she could stop it and he let her go find him.

Ebene soared towards the kingdom, hoping Richard would not get too mad at her. She would except any punishment given by him, because she knew that this had probably made him scared. After thirty minutes she had reached the capital and dropped to the ground. She looked for Richard, hurrying through the town.
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Richard flew back into the city. He had his spear in his right hand and his long sword in his other. Richard landed in the town square where all the men were tied up. He looked around then raised his spear, spinning it and aiming it at one of the men. Richard saw Ebene out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head Richard saw her. He dropped his weapons and ran over to her. Richard hugged her tightly, not letting her say a single word. He held her tightly then looked at her, "Are you hurt? What did they do to you? What happened?" Richard asked her a bunch of questions. "If they did anything to you I swear I will end them..." His hand rested on Ebene's cheek as he looked at her.
The Thresh were quite the hindrance. They seemed to have an army and resources far larger then Dentrex had encountered. For them to assault three kingdoms, regardless of tactics, was a frightening feat. Then why did they only attack the southeastern border with small raiding band? Sieph was befuddled by their tactics. It seems almost as if they simply want to wage an extended, low casualty war. The prince thought as he read a report on the last skirmish.

Sieph's father had personally lead the attack, killing 12 Thresh and sustaining no losses. No contact and no prisoners. The report had come with an embellished rewrite that would be circulated among the citizens. It emphasized how brutally the Thresh fought while boasting that still they were no match for the Dentrex legion. The propaganda also included a short description on yet another Thresh raiding party in the northern forest. It was slanted so that citizens would believe that the victory was due to superior armor and steel that came from the forges and mines of Mt. Phoenix.

The propaganda was mostly true. There had been a Thresh raiding party in the north, once, and steel made in Drextex was good...most of it just as good as that of the other kingdoms. Mostly true. Off in the distance far below the city a horn blew and echoed off the volcano. A similar horn responded from the city. At last, my brother returns. Sieph signed the pamphlet for circulation then poured himself one more glass of the now cool wine. The prince drank one gulp then climbed the stair case that took him the the roof of the castle. Below a caravan of wagons wound it's way up the side of the knob towards the city.

Spreading his wings Sieph let himself fall of the side of the tower into a dive. He streaked past the window of his study and along the black facade of the tower. Arching his back Sieph sped away from the tower and leveled out into an easy glide. Slowly her circled down to the approaching wagons and searched for his brothers carriage. A few discrete words before the war council would be nice. Sieph spotted the cart, whistled a sharp note, then landed on the roof of the carriage with a soft thump.

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The journey had been less eventful than the one out to Itspule. Only two ambushes occurred, both of which were fought off easily with minimal casualties. In fact Tyr insisted on riding on top of the carriage after the first so that he could counter the attackers himself. It was unclear whether they were Thresh or simply disgruntled citizens, either way, they died quickly.

Tyr loved combat, not for the romanticised reasons others did however. He loved the moment after the lines broke, after the soldiers still fighting lost all respect for rank and orders, the inevitable moment where everyone falls back on their primal instincts and the battle field falls into chaos. That was when Tyr was at his strongest, feeding off the panic, fear and primal lust of the soldiers around him. After all chaos was indeed the natural order of things.

He smiled to himself fondly as he reminisced about battles past when suddenly a dull thud rang throughout the carriage, emanating from the thick roof. It didn't take his intellect long to figure out who it was, too heavy for a bird, wouldn't have even gotten close if it was a civilian and the thresh weren't stupid enough to think they could mount a successful assault this close to the capitol. As the carriage came to a stop, Tyr leant over to the door and swung it open, jumping out of the carriage and turning to look up at the winged figure on the roof.

"Brother! Though it is customary to knock the roof is a very unorthodox place to do so." He smiled, genuinely happy to see a face he could trust... enough.
Geigas emerged from his room, stretching. He had dressed himself formally, and was twirling about the hallways before he began calling out his sister's name...

"Artemis~", Geigas would call out in his usual tone, swaying back and forth as he twirled in the halls. "What're you doing, how'd the meeting go?", he'd randomly call out. Geigas didn't really care whether she heard or not, he just needed something to amuse him.

Because when he was bored, that was when Geigas became extremely dangerous. The last time he was bored, a few people died, but no one else knew that yet...

The pawns were in place, and his boredom would die soon enough.
"No, I am fine." She said pulling away. She didn't like lying to her brother but it was the only way. She needed to keep him safe. "I got away before they took me anywhere. I guess knock out stuff doesn't work to well." It was a good thing Ebene had practiced the art of lying all her life or richard would be on her like a wild beast. "Anyways we should draw back the Elite, we do not want another uproar in the towns. That was quite annoying last time." Ebene spread her wings flying to her room before Richard could say another word.

"What is going on." Ebene said clutching her head. "Why now, why me?" She asked pacing her room. "Stupid Thresh, stupid alliance, stupid people, stupid me." She said as she wailed away on her iron bedpost. She sat back down brushing her dark hair from her eyes. She pulled out a chess board and began to place the pieces moving them around the board. It was common for Ebene to do this when she was confused, but today it didn't help. She didn't even know where to move the first pawn.

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