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Fantasy The Bio Project [An Experimentation RP]

KN I GH T SK Y] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/38029-myrnacat13/ said:
@MyrnaCat13[/URL] I wanted to make a scientist character but I wanted to ask what you meant when you put the information
Experiment: and

Experiment's #:
Hmm.. I think I might be able to answer this one.

By experiment it means what the experiments you are doing on your patient.

Experiment's number is the number of your patient I believe although this could be wrong
JayKuro said:
Hmm.. I think I might be able to answer this one.
By experiment it means what the experiments you are doing on your patient.

Experiment's number is the number of your patient I believe although this could be wrong
That's what I assumed as well... but I just wanted to check up on that fact and make sure I wasn't mistaken before I went in and signed up.
[QUOTE="KN I GH T SK Y]That's what I assumed as well... but I just wanted to check up on that fact and make sure I wasn't mistaken before I went in and signed up.

Yeah I completely understand

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