The Beings of Agranorn.

The DoomyFish

The Avatar of the world soul.


"some lands are mundane, some have magic, then there's Alganorn..."


Name-King Shadar Lagoria 

Age Appearance-early thirties 

Actual Age-Unknown (the race has no known upward limit.) 



Orientation-Heterosexual but he hasn't had a bride in 26 years. 

Appearance- Pale grey hair, bright white eyes, pastel like white skin. 

Abilities: like all agragorian's King Lagoria can absorb energy from the environment, his opponents, his allies, and nearly anything else in the world. The maximum range of this absorption for him is 1200 yards, growing stronger as one gets closer. On a touch he can drain all of the energy a being has, too much energy can cause agragorians to go insane and even explode in extreme cases. This absorbed energy is channeled into a variety of learned abilities including physical augmentation, regeneration, flight, energy projection, and healing others. 


History: Thousands of years ago shadar was once a normal human farmer who had fallen in love with the princess of the long forgotten kingdom. However this was when gods still dwelt in the realm of man, and another being had his eyes on the same princess. Unfortunately for him this being was Aginu god of magic and mysticism. The princess was a very accomplished mage whereas Shadar was a common man. In love sick blindness he studied magic for a few years before challenging the god for her hand. The name of the game was a contest of magic and the princess would be the judge. Shadar had only a few parlor tricks such as  spraying silver sparkles, or unleashing a beautiful bolt of opalescent fire. Whereas Aginu caused it to rain gems at her feet, and caused the animals to be friendly towards her. Despite the obvious better presentation of Aginu, the princess chose the farmer as the Victor. She had seen his effort and hardwork an was looking for a life with Husband, not to be the fancy of a god. 

In his rage Aginu cursed Shadar to Become the first Agragorian. An ageless being incapable of reproducing. Shadar watched helplessly as the woman he loved succumbed to age over the next decade. For a short time after that he lost his mind, several nations were destroyed in his fury until eventually the scorned god Aginu took responsibility for him. Aginu came to destroy Shadar, but the century of life he had lived made Shadar a much more deadly opponent for the god. Yet Aginu persisted and struck Shadar down. 

It was in the underworld that Shadar became what he is today, he refused to be held prisoner there. Using the magic he had learned to fight the god Aginu he managed to gather quite a following, and duped the gate guard leaving with thousands of souls. Leaving them in the high mountains he went again at the god Aginu. This time the god was not ready, still celebrating the defeat of the annoying mortal thorn in his side...he was caught unaware. Aginu was slain by Shadar who absorbed his godsoul becoming far more powerful than before. With this power he uprooted the mountain he left the spirits who followed him. Then etched a city into it, Turned the spirits into beings similar to him, and the Immortal City of Alganorn was born. For millennia it has floated above the surface of the planet, but only in the past year have the people within come down and initiated contact with the world below. It is rumored that Shadar had a Queen, the spirit of the very princess he had fallen in love with thousands of years ago, she died giving birth to the first and only child in all of alganorn, it is also rumored that the old mans power has waned over the millennia. 


IMG_1136.JPGName-Prince Aldus Lagoria

Age Appearance-early twenties

Actual Age-26




Appearance- silvery platinum hair, stormy grey eyes, pale skin. 


Aldus has the energy absorption power that all Agragorians possess. 

The range of this ability is much less than his fathers at only 120 yards. He also cannot fully drain a person on touch. However his learned abilities are slightly different than His fathers. He possesses greatly heightened speed, Reflexes, senses, a much weaker healing factor, Invisibility to all senses,Low class energy projection, and the ability to teleport anywhere within his absorption range. 

History: Aldus was born as a legend, He was not only the sole heir to the king, but also the only child to ever be born in Alganorn. Growing up the entire city watched after him, it was as if the world he knew revolved around him. Over time that began to change him. He grew arrogant and snide fully convinced of his own superiority. He even challenged his father for the throne once when he was 16 getting utterly thrashed by the old man prevented him from attempting doing so again. It wasn't until he met Herac that his attitude changed. The old warrior taught him who his mother was, a subject far too painful for his father to touch on. He learned of her kindness and love towards all and immediately felt horrible. His mother had given her life for him and his behavior had tarnished her name. He changed after that focusing on his training with magic, combat, and Politics. As he grew older he joined the guard to learn military training in an effort to gain further discipline. After climbing in the ranks of the guard to captain he pleaded with his father to let him take a platoon and two senators to establish contact with the Lower world. To his surprise his request was accepted his father dropped the barrier of the city and sent a platoon with Aldus at the lead as the envoy from Algenorn. 


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Name-Herac Tyrados 

Age Appearance-Late twenties 

Actual Age-Unknown.(he was in the underworld long before king Shadar got there.) 



Orientation- Bisexual 

Appearance- Golden blonde hair, Grey eyes, Pale skin. 


Herac possesses the agragorian absorption ability. His range is 90 yards. He channels the absorbed energy into the abilities of Super strength, super durability, endless stamina, Heightened reflexes, heightened speed, and heightened senses. 


Herac was once a denizen of this world, but that was untold ages ago.  He was there before the gods, before primitive man, before the dinosaurs.  In his day an extensive society of humanlike beings ruled the planet. They came from their dying world before any life had crawlen from the oceans. He was a guardian, one of few warriors of legendary skill. However like all other civilizations his came to an end, a massive asteroid slammed into the planet. His people were unable to respond and they perished accordingly. Afterwards he spent millions of years in the underworld, but time had no purpose once dead. One day a brave farmer who had challenged a god for the woman he loved arrived in the underworld. The man named Shadar Logoria. Herac trained the man, turned him into a warrior. Together they were able to trap the guardian of the afterlife and slip past him with several thousand souls who followed the Man named Shadar. One of whom was Ari Daphnia, the princess whom the farmer loved. After the farmer gained his vengeance and herac was again given a body, he reunited the farmer and his princess. He would serve the man named shadar for the following 2000 years. Until the death of Queen Ari, it was at this point that he dedicated his life to being the teacher, friend, and guardian to the young prince Aldus. 
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Will do I'm posting just a few more.

Raidos the scholar, Darigaas the diplomat, and Kyrule the second soldier :)

As far as their people go they are very powerful but have a low population with the entirety of their species only being around 4700.


Name-Darigaas Inuan 

Age Appearance-29

Actual Age-(Thousands of years.) 



Orientation- Heterosexual 

Abilities-Darigaas possesses agragorian absorbtion with a range of 320 yards. 

She can channel the energy absorbed into phasing, flight, energy manipulation, regeneration, and minor telepathy. 


(More info pending.) 



Name-Raidos Akamuna 

Age Appearance-19

Actual Age- (around 5000)




Abilities: Raidos possesses the agragorian absorbtion ability with only 15 yards range. She can channel the absorption into Ice manipulating abilities, Flight, And Regeneration. 


(More info pending.) 



Name-Kyrule Akumuna 

Age Appearance-21 

Actual Age-(over 5000)




Abilities- Kyrule Has agragorian absorption ability with an incredible 1000 yard range. He can channel the absorbed energy in weather manipulation, super strength, super speed, regeneration, and flight. 

(More info pending.) 


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