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Fantasy The Behemoth

Bathe Spellborne

New Member
Bathe sat down in a small tavern in his home town of Candle Wick, the place was about half full and Bathe knew more would be flowing in steadily through the night. This would be a great chance to earn a bit of silver, with a smile on his face he hopped up on to a table, "who has heard of the Behemoth of West Shore?" Eyes began to wander his way, "on a cool autumn morning..." A drunk dwarf interrupted with booing from a corner table, "sir do you have something to say?" The Dwarf mumbled something about the Behemoth's existence, "Dwarf, do you realize that the Behemoth was the single largest creature in the world, it took dragon riders to bring him down the first time, but no one knows how it was destroyed the second and final time... But I do, I was there..." He smiled the story was about to start, "it all began one day when a Knight, an Archer, a Mage, and yours truly had an unlikely meeting in a tavern much like this one..."

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