The Bard and the Perfect Brew

Bathe Spellborne

New Member
To sign up you can be any class, you can be roguish or good, all you need is a thirst to be quenched! Let me give you some races and we can begin!


High Elf

Drow (Dark Elf)


Halfling (Wood Elf)

Gnome (Hobbit)

Dragonborn (Half Dragon)

Teifling (Devil Men)

Goliath (10-12 foot Half-Giant)

Genasi (water, fire, earth, wind)

Featherfolk (Bird People)

Bearon (8-10 foot Bear People)

Scaven (Rat People)

I'm looking for three others to help find this Water Genasi brewer and his cart filled with Sharp Apple Brew! This is a light hearted story with hopefully some comedy, it's my first story on the site so I hope you like it!
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