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Fantasy The Bard and the Perfect Brew

Bathe Spellborne

New Member
Bathe awakened, in the doorway of his home, he lived in a small town known as Candlewick, it was not a quaint town or a nice town, it was however an enjoyable town if you had the heart for it. Sitting on the boarder of two kingdoms it was filled with Rogues and brutes, thieves and assassins, but the thing was, if you commuted a crime in the town the rest of the villagers would hunt you until your legs broke from running. So although the town was filled with criminals it was a peaceful place, even the towns mayor, Mayor Rogers had been a great pirate once but to avoid the law he came here. The thing about Bathe that made him stand out here was he had never committed a single crime, but he came here to avoid any trouble. A funny thing really to avoid burglars and killers, surround yourself with them. But the roguish townsfolk enjoy the elvish bard's stories of magic and dragons and great adventures so they allowed him his residence.

On this particular day however Bathe wasn't about to stay in town for long, a single bottle left unopened out of a pile of five empty twins to that bottle. And he eyed it warily, the night before a Brew cart had passed through town and Bathe had bought a case. His plan was only to have one but it had been the best brew he had ever tasted! Sweet like apple, but strong like rum, he couldn't describe it really, it was almost hot like cinnamon, but cool like mint. "One more left," he said, looking over to the last bottle he stood up and put it in his enchanted ice box. Looking outside he frowned, his memories of the cart driver leaving town after his sales were correct. The creature had been a Water Genasi but the man's name was not coming to him. Stepping outside the amount of bottles in the streets was crazy, apparently he wasn't the only one to have enjoyed that brew.

Returning to his house he sat down thinking, waiting. The enchanted ice box began to glow tealish green instead of light blue, "time for one last taste..." Taking the bottle out Bathe took a sip, "four lords this is good." The taste was the same if not better then the night before as he finished the bottle he began to pack a small bag. "I'm off to find that Genasi brew man and his cart," the elf said to himself! And with that Bathe was on the road, nothing but an empty bottle with the words Sharp Apple Brew etched into it to go off of.

((OOC: Hey guys I'm new here but I'd love for you to join in my story, you can just call me Rogue and this is my character Bathe Spellborne!))
((Not really, I'm confuse on that, I don't feel it wise to test out my first RP on the site in someone else's for fear of doing something wrong or messing up their story. However if my story goes down in flames then that is ok I won't feel too bad, p.s. what is a CS?))
(Also, that's not a CS. The list of races would go in the overview tab. A CS generally looks something like this:








Some other things you could add, that I have seen on CS's around the site, are these:



Theme song

I hope this is helpful.)

(And, you would need to specify what type of picture you would like them to use, anime is used a lot, but if you don't like anime, tell your roleplayers what type of picture they should use.)
((Oh ok, but I feel like just a name and a race will do for my rp, maybe a description of what they look like? But anything more and I'll know too much, I don't want them to share with Rogue the writer things that Bathe the Bard wouldn't know... Ya know, give more depth to discover in my opinion!

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