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One x One The Awakening


Down the rabbit hole we go
Just the beginning, we can brainstorm here-
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@brighamman0 I figured for the beginning instead of setting a detailed plot etc. we could just begin with the little amounts of what we know and let the roleplay grow from there?
Yeah, that is usually the best way to do a roleplay imo! So, you want to play as a noble woman, maybe from some kind of medieval empire in the world? I was thinking maybe... she could have been supervising a war in a forest, somewhere along the way she has ended up lost...and she ends up walking into the strange town of Iadir? Just a possibility, let me know what you think. Tarneshe could offer her some hospitality I guess for the time being.
ooc-I posted a potential introduction for her this morning, I can always have that as a pre-face and skip forward adding onto that post where she ends up with an identity and in Iadir-or change it entirely just let me know what you think from what I had earlier in the In character Rping slot.
Ahh, okay so, she has washed up in Iadir as a new citizen, and she is one who is still sane like Tarneshe, correct? If that's what you're going for, it's interesting! I haven't tried that before, and I'd love to just send a reply after your starter. I was having a misunderstanding before. I can get a reply to you later today.

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