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Futuristic The ATSAMI

woah...okay...my character somehow came out as depressing...his backstory at least. Once again my characters run off on their own with my pen.
I know what you mean... Don't think too much about it. If your character wants to have a depressing backstory, he can have his depressing backstory. There is no changing his mind. ;)
His backstory isn't exactly a tragedy.>.< But the way he viewed things in his life makes it depressing I guess? ;v;

I pray that he doesn't end up as a stereotypical tragedy. >u>;;;;;
Okay done with CS! There may or may not be some rough patches...but those will probably be filled as he develops more in the rp itself. And I don't THINK i'm missing anything. LOL I hope not.
Hello again, I just wanted to inform you that I have posted a WIP version of my character sheet... I am very sorry that it is not yet completed, but I am feeling really exhausted right now, and I just want to get some sleep. I will finish it as soon as possible -- hopefully tomorrow morning. Once again I am sorry to keep you all waiting.
EvilNoisyBirb said:
Okay done with CS! There may or may not be some rough patches...but those will probably be filled as he develops more in the rp itself. And I don't THINK i'm missing anything. LOL I hope not.
Nice. I will review it now. Sorry for not getting back sooner. Had to do finances and banking stuff today.

[QUOTE="Dear Inspector]Hello again, I just wanted to inform you that I have posted a WIP version of my character sheet... I am very sorry that it is not yet completed, but I am feeling really exhausted right now, and I just want to get some sleep. I will finish it as soon as possible -- hopefully tomorrow morning. Once again I am sorry to keep you all waiting.

Don't worry about it not being finished. You aren't really keeping us wdetails.preventing us from playing, per see.Technically, I am doing that, as I need to organize a few final details. I'd rather you not be exhausted whilst typing anyway. I imagine it would be beneficial to get rest.
EvilNoisyBirb said:

First Name: Apollon

Middle Name(s): Oliver

Surname: Basil

Alias: Apollo, Apol, Apple, Ludo (Ironically the same name as his dog)

Age: 24

Gender: Male​


Eye Color: Warm amber with hints of red

Skin Color: Peach/lightly tanned

Hair Color | Style: Messy blonde hair with a red streak on the left side. Prone to bad bed hair.

Scars & Birthmarks: Has a scar from a leash burn on his left elbow because he once tried to stop his dog's leash from being yanked off the table with his elbow. He learned to never do that again. He has a few other scars littered here and there from old scrapes and bruises. His most prominent scars are on his lower left abdomen, his right bicep and the left side of his chest from the car accident that caused his death.

Full Description: Reaching a rather tall height at 6'3", he was never considered small. That is something that he can be sure of in this new world. He imagines that he was at least an active person because of his athletic build and his tanned skin. Strangely, he also has a habit of maintaining good posture and what most would call "piano hands", which he notes as odd because most musicians usually don't do things that endanger their hands. Especially when he considers the scars that litter his legs and arms that clearly show that he participated in high contact sports at some point in his life.

While his stature from afar makes him seem a bit intimidating, his warm amber eyes and, more often than not, scruffy blonde hair give him more of a dog-like appearance than anything else. It also helps that he almost always has a friendly grin plastered on his face which he notes that it seems more like a habit rather than him being a happy person.

His preferred choice of clothing is anything that keeps him comfortable and warm.



Ludo (his Alaskan Malamute), Dogs in general, his mother, his little sister, piano, music, anything with running, roller coasters, warmth, food, reading by himself

Dogs, piano, music, anything with running, warmth, warm food, reading by himself, relaxing


Making his family worry, getting angry and expressing it, people with malicious intent, pickled foods, brain freezes, unnecessary conflicts, being bothered when he wants to be alone, colds/flu

People who cause unnecessary conflicts, getting angry and expressing it, pickled foods, brain freezes, being bothered when he wants to be alone, being helpless, small closed spaces, being crowded


Dying before his mother, disappointing his family, disappointments, regrets

Small closed spaces, suffocating, leaving something/someone behind, disappointments


  • Has a habit of folding his arms when he's irritated even when he's smiling.
  • Rests his hand against the lower half of his face while staring at nothing when thinking deeply about something.
  • Pats the heads of those much shorter than him. Probably from years of doing that to his sister.
  • Disturbingly good at lying when he wants to. Especially when it comes to things that may worry other people.

Full Description: Apollo, before and after his death, is loyal to a fault. Yes, loyal is a positive trait for the most part. But like all things good. Too much of it can kill the good. Apollo tends to do that he thinks is good for the people he cares about. So while he might regret hurting someone by layering on lies, if it hurts them less the truth, Apollo would still ruthlessly do what he thinks is right. The sun’s job is to bring warmth, but even the seemingly gentle sun can burn the earth to the ground.

After death and losing his memories, Apollo does lose a bit of the intensity of his care though. He keeps his habit of covering up most of his feels with a bright smile, but he much less ruthless and headstrong about his loyalty. This, however, is probably going to change when he starts to establish strong bonds again. However, even with his loyal but manipulative tendencies, Apollo contradicts himself in that he gets tired of giving even to the people that he cares about the most. He’ll always value his precious people...but sometimes he needs to step back and just recharge his batteries. The man may be strong and stubborn but he’s not exactly superman.

Nor is he, genuinely, the nicest person in the world.


Full History: Apollon, mainly known as Apollo, initially grew up with his mother and father, and eventually his little sister, before his father passed away. Even before his father’s death, Apollo wasn’t very close to his father because of how busy he always was. So Apollo spent more time with his mother rather than his father. He does admit however, that he felt happiest when his family actually had time to be together. Piano and listening to music was something that he mainly used as an outlet when he felt too drained to deal with people. Often, he would just rest on his bed, staring at the wall, doing nothing except listening to music. However, piano wasn’t always just an outlet for Apollo. It was something that connected his family. Even his distant and loosely connected father was tethered to him by this instrument. Sometimes, though rarely, when both his parents had time, they would sit together on the piano bench and they would just pick songs and play together. Most of the time, it would just be Apollo and his mother, sitting together and playing soft tunes while ignoring the empty space to Apollo’s right. Other times, Apollo would just play alone. Too frustrated. Too angry. Too tired to smile for even one person. Too drained to give anything more to anyone.

This didn’t mean that he was a loner. Apollo had friends. He would often go out to play soccer, tag, basketball and any other outdoor activity him and his friends were in the mood for. He actively reached out to his friends and, was in a sense, a social butterfly who watched out for his friends. But sometimes he would smile at his friends, tell them an excuse that was usually half a lie and half truth, and just go home to study, do homework, listen to music, or even just do absolutely nothing. Some people thought it was because of his life at home. Others thought that it was just that he was two faced. If anyone asked Apollo would just laugh sheepishly and claim that some days that he’s just tired and other days he’s just busy. Those weren’t exactly lies. But they weren’t exactly truths either. But he couldn’t tell everyone that some days he was just tired of them. No matter how nicely he could put it. It would hurt them. It wasn’t how Apollo was.

Apollo’s social life aside, he was what most would call a responsible son. He had to be, with his father barely home and his mother, though not as much as his father, working at odd hours with her job as a nurse. Yes, he had Ludo. His parents had brought the Alaskan Malamute home for Apollo on his tenth birthday. Ludo was his companion and his family. But even a smart and loyal dog like Ludo couldn’t do housework. And Apollo, even as a child, couldn’t bring himself to feel comfortable to have any babysitter take care of the house as well as him. So as soon as he was tall enough to reach the sink, he started to help around the house and do his best to not make anyone’s life harder than it should be. Because he thought, maybe then, his small family wouldn’t seem like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle. If he used his time to buy his parents time, maybe they would use it together for once.

As years went on, the time his father spent with his family remained sporadic. But his parents did have another child. Luna Elizabeth Basil was born on Apollo’s 12th summer. Apollo adored her. And he showed her. He filled in the missing holes that his ever absent father left. He couldn’t bring himself to let his little sister become as...false and fragmented as he was. So he filled her with whatever love and light that he could, like how the sun fills the moon. He read her stories, he tucked her into bed at night...he sat on her sister’s right side while his mother sat on her left on the piano chair. He made himself forget about the void, the hunger that he had for a complete family, with his little sister.

So when his father passed away during his 16th winter from a car accident, Apollo couldn’t bring himself to mourn and cry for him along with his mother at the funeral. He had quietly held his mother’s hand with Ludo on his right side and his confused sister held in his arms. Tears had fallen, but it wasn’t for the man who was barely ever there. They were for his heartbroken mother who loved even the meager scraps that his father had given her. His mother felt and loved deeply. That day, Apollo wondered and feared how much he would break her if he left her before she could leave him. A week later, Apollo couldn’t help but childishly blurt out that he wouldn’t leave this world before she did. And for the first time in days, his mother smiled. The sky, his home had cleared.

Unfortunately, the calm never lasts.

After his father’s death, Apollo’s mother continued working, Apollo continued his education, Ludo continued to be his companion and his little sister grew. After graduating from a college that commuted to with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, Apollo worked at a software company and lived a relatively normal and peaceful life. That was, until his death. At age 24, Apollo ironically died in a car accident like his father. Though the impact itself didn’t kill him, the metal rods from the transport vehicle that had crashed into his car pierced through his body. Leaving him unable to move out of the wreckage and suffocating to death in his own blood...and the guilt of broken promises.


Birthday: January 24th

Family: Leto Elizabeth Caelum-Basil (mother), Oliver Lucas Basil (father), Luna Elizabeth Basil (younger sister by 12 years), Ludo (family dog)

Occupation before death: Software programmer

Fun Facts:

  • He has a red streak in hair because Apollo’s sister had naturally red hair. They thought it would be nice to have something to remind one of the other. Luna has a blonde streak in her hair as well.
  • Apollo’s father was not, in fact, a cold distant asshole of a father. He was just too busy to actively participate in familial matters.


"Let's have a few warm up questions. Respond with the first word that comes to mind."

1. Nature:

wonder | uncontrollable

2. Mother:

sky | guilt

3. Hunger:

annoying | reminder

4. Tear:

essence | drain

5. God:

choice | choice

"That probably wasn't too hard. Now, let us answer a couple multiple choice questions."

6. When you are faced with an unfamiliar problem, what do you usually do?

  • Address the problem immediately.
  • Think about what to do and then take action.
  • Sit back and let things work out for themselves.

7. When you are in a group situation (like completing a group project), how do you usually act?

  • I rarely participate.
  • I act as a team player.
  • I take charge.

8. During normal conversation, how quickly do you speak?

  • Faster than average.
  • Average
  • Slower than most.

"We are a little over half way. Next, we'll answer some binary questions."

9. Would you consider yourself introverted or extroverted?

- Introverted. I mean...don't get me wrong. I like people. But sometimes I just don't have the energy to deal with them anymore, you know? I guess you can call it...a drained social battery?

10. Would you consider yourself logical or creative?

- Logical? It's a bit hard to say because I feel like I can be both...but I would prefer logic. It seems safer, I guess?

11. Are deadlines very important to you or only suggestions?

- Definitely prefer deadlines. It's a bit weird to have an unclear finishline.

12. Are you scared easily, or are you very composed?

- I don't think I get scared easily. I can't know for sure though.

13. Are you cautious, or reckless?

- Cautious. Definitely not reckless. But not paranoid cautious either.

14. Are manners important?

- I guess? It depends on how you look at it I think. My version of manners is just not being rude and malicious for no good reason.

"Wow! Almost done. Good job! Just one last question. It is short answer."

15. We understand that you have lost your memories like all of the others, but who do you think you were before you came here?

- I think...I was a loved person. I don't think I would be feeling so uneasy otherwise. But I feel like I was also a bit...I don't know how to exactly describe it. Cynical, maybe? ...Actually I think I still am.

"Good job! Be ready to turn it in. You need to give it to one of the attendants before 5:00 P.M."

RP Data

Team | Position: N/A yet

Power: N/A yet

Funds: N/A yet

Memories: N/A yet (But possibly just the name of his dog Ludo)

Other Noteworthy Info: N/A yet

Fantastic. It is accepted. I really liked the in-depth background on his family in the history section.
Everything should be good now, thanks for the patience.
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[QUOTE="Dear Inspector]

First Name: Henry

Middle Name(s): Thomas


Alias: Hobbes (the name of the man who altered his religious views)


Gender: Male​


Eye Color: Grey, with hints of pale blue

Skin Color: Pale, due partially to inherited genes, partially because of lack of exposure to the sun

Hair Color | Style: Light brown dusted with strands of grey, although he no longer possesses much hair

Scars & Birthmarks: He discovers a noticeable scar running across his left cheek, but he cannot remember how or when he received it

Full Description:

Henry retains easily identifiable features - large, prominent ears made increasingly noticeable due to his impending lack of hair, and a slightly blotchy, uneven complexion. His grey eyes are wide and distinguishable, accented by the dark, heavy nature of his shapeless eyebrows. He possesses a strong jaw softened only the gentle curve of his cheeks. His figure is sturdy, strengthened by muscle and a thin layer of fat, while the breadth of his shoulders are thick and broad. In contrast to the aforementioned fact, Henry's hands remain unusually delicate and small, giving them an essence of fragility.

Mild-mannered and ignorable, Henry leaves little to be remembered. His gaze always focuses right below his acquaintances' eyes, never subjecting himself to their supposedly judgmental scrutinization - much to the disconcertion of his companions. He holds himself loosely, a puppet supported solely by strings, while his long arms dangle at his sides, giving an surprisingly accurate impression of an ape. His voice is quiet and hesitant, as though he is unsure of the language he speaks and he always sounds definably polite and monotonous. He prefers to dress in bland, inconspicuous clothes that succeed in remaining unnoticed by passerby. He wears plain dress shirts assorted in various shades of grey, black, and white, which were always kept impeccably clean.

However, upon awakening completely free of his past, Henry's entire being and presence changes dramatically. His posture straightens significantly, and he begins to gesture wildly with his hands when speaking. His eyes grow lucid and playful, no longer possessing the secrecy they once did, and he makes a point to look directly into his companions' eyes. Henry possesses a more honest and disposition, appearing approachable and friendly where he once seemed distant and bland.


Likes: Film, coffee (black and unsweetened), hand-made bar soap (the lemon-scented kind), his favorite fountain pen, rock music (although he never admits it)

Appreciation, children, philosophy, classical fiction, counseling, being needed

Dislikes: Coffee spoiled by obscene amounts of sugar, "generic" acting and film, his father, drawing attention to himself

Obnoxious noise, self-centered people, dishonesty, pity, weakness

Fears: Rejection, his father, abandonment, failing to live up to expectations

Ignorance, discovering his past, confusion


- Henry has a tendency to gesture wildly with his arms and hands when speaking (after death).

- He does not blink when speaking to someone (after death).

-Henry does not make eye contact with those he speaks to, opting to stare past their head instead (before death).

- He drums his fingers anxiously upon his leg when making a decision (before death).

-Henry clenches and unclenches his fists when irritated, as though debating between acting and staying silent (before and after death).

Full Description:

Driven by a desperate desire for the sense of belonging, Henry attempts to meet the societal standards of acceptance, even suppressing some of his own characteristics, dreams, and ideas to achieve his goal. Ironically, by doing so, he has unknowingly eliminated any possibility of feeling accepted, as he never quite reveals his entire self to anyone. Upholding the theory that to be different is to be feared, Henry remains frightened of expressing any individuality, thus maintaining a rather bland and uninteresting impression and appearance. His colleagues and acquaintances disregard him as a man who leads a simple, humble, if slightly purposeless existence - just another fish in a large sea of sharks.

Fear dictates the majority of Henry's actions, forever leading him to remain a mere shadow of his true potential -- a lifeless shell with no core. Fear of failure forced Henry from his childhood dream to star in an Oscar-worthy film - it was much respectable to pursue endeavors in psychology. Fear of hostility and shunning led him to his wife - women were so much safer. Despite his refusal to acknowledge his true thoughts and feelings as anything more then "childish desires long gone", Henry experiences a persistent, painfully present guilt deviating from his inauthenticity. Henry's guilt over "deceiving" his wife (and best friend) into believing he felt anything more than platonic love results in his choice to remain silent for fear of being met with shame and hurt, although part of him desires to inform her of his true feelings. When Henry's son encounters resistance from his mother once joining a band, he does nothing to interfere, despite his advocacy for the child's case.

Perhaps the only redeemable quality the man possesses is his capacity for empathy and overwhelming desire to help others, despite the fact that he is unable to help himself. Unfortunately, Henry rarely acts upon his thoughts, but the few times he has outwardly shown himself were in times of extreme sympathy for others. He prefers to show kindness passively without drawing attention to himself -- dropping no small amount of extra change into a beggar's cup, preparing his patients' favorite coffee without being asked to do so, allowing his son to have his girlfriend over, even when he was supposed to be grounded. Those little acts provide tiny windows into Henry's real self, however difficult to recognize.

When he awoke to a world in which his previous self did not seem to exist, it was as though Henry was reborn. Free of the experiences and beliefs put upon him as a child - events that eventually defined him - Henry no longer hesitated to voice his own opinions and conceal his thoughts. More confident, enthusiastic, and energetic, Henry's entire demeanor transformed into something that none of his family members or acquaintances would be able to recognize. His posture straightened, his eyes were no longer dull, and his voice lost the quiet hesitancy that once plagued it. He was a new man -- excited by life and the opportunities it offered.

Yet, Henry felt, despite his contentedness, there was something...off. He could not seem to banish the dull pain of self-loathing that lingered in his chest, nor could he site its source. Every action he made, every word he spoke, was somehow wrong... Different thoughts -- thoughts that were not his own, questioned his every move, desperately begging him to stay silent, to not be involved. Keep your head down. Don't look her in the eyes. She's not here to help you. Henry quickly dismissed the warning; he was being weak, and if there was one thing Henry knew he detested, it was weakness and the unavoidable pity that never failed to accompany it.


Full History:

Born into a large, deeply conservative and Christian family, Henry spent the entirety of his childhood in a beautiful, contemporary suburban home located on the "good" side of town. Although Henry's parents were constantly occupied, between singing for the church's choir, carrying on with their daily jobs, and caring for his younger, constantly needy siblings, he was driven to receive a small portion of their evadable attention. He adopted their words and views, even when he did not know what they meant, in hopes of gaining their pride in return. As Henry grew older, he began to question some of his parents' beliefs, but he did not once raise his voice; fear of losing their love kept him from doing so.

Never fully comprehending of his parents' and family's religious fervor, Henry attended church diligently, vainly attempting to convince himself that the routine gave him peace. Quietly upset by his lack of faith, he never dared to mention the feeling to his family, knowing that they would not accept such revelation without distress. Deciding that he had no other choice, Henry stayed late after the church's nightly service, informing his parents that he only wished to pray a little longer. Instead, hesitantly, he made to give his confession.

Father Hobbes was a dark-skinned, seemingly impassible man who spoke little other than what his religious duties required of him. Regardless to say, Henry was quite surprised by the response that the man offered him. Expecting perhaps a stern reprimand and intensive bible studies, Hobbes told Henry that faith was different for everyone... Some people needed a god, something to watch over them and guide them, and others only needed to believe that there was indeed goodness in the world, and that it was their duty to maintain that goodness. Affected by the conversation, Henry returned to his home, confused, but no longer guilty about his feelings concerning religion.

Upon entering high school, Henry realized he was different than most of his male peers. As his friends spoke of the girls they thought were "hot" and wished to "bang" (Henry was not familiar with that particular terminology), he found he could not relate in the slightest. Although there were many girls in his school whose company he enjoyed, he would not, he could not think of them in any other way except in that of platonic friendship. Terrified that someone would discover his lack of feelings for the opposite sex, Henry dated numerous girls throughout his high school career, each one of them hurt or angry by his lack of interest and passion. Yet, he successfully maintained the façade, and that was what he wanted.

After abandoning his childhood dream of becoming an A list actor, Henry earned a PHD in phycology, and began his own independent business. A couple years after, he married his close friend, Lucy Sawyer, whom he had shared many of his college classes with. While it was true Henry felt no attraction toward Lucy, he loved her deeply, and considered her his closest confident. Despite the hefty title he bestowed upon her, Henry still could not bring himself to tell her of his sexuality, believing she would leave upon hearing the confession.

The young couple had only one child and son, whom they named Edward, after Lucy's deceased father. Henry adored little Edward, affectionately calling the little boy "Eddie". He spoiled the child to no end, determined that his son would never feel as though his parents didn't have time for him. Lucy constantly berated him, telling him that he was going to turn their child rotten if he continued giving the boy anything he wanted, but she always did so with a smile. Eddie adored his father, and did everything in his power to be exactly like the man. It was only after witnessing a conversation between his grandfather and Henry, in which the latter man accepted his father's insults without a word of protest, did Eddie begin to think differently. Eddie's changing views of Henry, as well tension concerning Henry's "disinterest" between him and his wife, caused Henry to become even more of a shadow of himself, rarely interacting with his family.


(Add Any other relevant character information here)


"Let's have a few warm up questions. Respond with the first word that comes to mind."

1. Nature: Unpredictable l Free

2. Mother: Occupied l Apathy

3. Hunger: Acceptance

4. Tear: Fear l Pity

5. God: Choice

"That probably wasn't too hard. Now, let us answer a couple multiple choice questions."

6. When you are faced with an unfamiliar problem, what do you usually do?

  • Address the problem immediately.
  • Think about what to do and then take action.
  • Sit back and let things work out for themselves.

7. When you are in a group situation (like completing a group project), how do you usually act?

  • I rarely participate.
  • I act as a team player.
  • I take charge.

8. During normal conversation, how quickly do you speak?

  • Faster than average.
  • Average
  • Slower than most.

"We are a little over half way. Next, we'll answer some binary questions."

9. Would you consider yourself introverted or extroverted?

I... don't really know. On one hand I feel like I need to be around them... People, I mean. On the other, I know that they are all self-absorbed, however friendly they may be.

10. Would you consider yourself logical or creative?

Creative. Logic never takes new ideas into consideration.

11. Are deadlines very important to you or only suggestions?

To me, no. If I want to get something done, I will; deadlines only pose the threat of making my work less than it potentially could have been.

12. Are you scared easily, or are you very composed?

I am... Composed. Yes, definitely composed.

13. Are you cautious, or reckless?

I consider myself cautious. Rather safe than dead.

14. Are manners important?

Oh, I don't know. I guess they are if you want to have positive, working relationships with other human beings. But to each man his own, I suppose.

"Wow! Almost done. Good job! Just one last question. It is short answer."

15. We understand that you have lost your memories like all of the others, but who do you think you were before you came here?

I think... I was a father? Yes, I think that sounds right. I know I loved someone... There was a feeling of deep affection. I think I might have had a husband too?

"Good job! Be ready to turn it in. You need to give it to one of the attendants before 5:00 P.M."

RP Data

Team | Position:




Other Noteworthy Info: Will add to soon!

Accepted! I really like the nature of your character and the inclusion of religious views. I also like the variation of age, having an older character than what most generally use.

Sorry for getting back a bit late. All Hallows Eve, and whatnot.
I'm a bit confused at characters. Can my character be from any walk of life? (Right now I'm thinking millitary) And if so, how much would he/she know about their previous life? What kind of life does everyone come from? Is it modern and like our world, or is it futuristic and fantasy-like?
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whitefoxkiller said:
I'm a bit confused at characters. Can my character be from any walk of life? (Right now I'm thinking millitary) And if so, how much would he/she know about their previous life? What kind of life does everyone come from? Is it modern and like our world, or is it futuristic and fantasy-like?
Oh also, are there limits to our characters previous lives? Like, you can't be too skilled or something? I'm not talking OP. I'm talking people who's job in their previous life was something like being an Astronaut or a Demolitions expert or a fighter pilot or something like that.
whitefoxkiller said:
Hi there. I love this idea. I'm still a bit confused, but I'm also kind of in love with it.
Why, thank you. Sorry about the confusion? I have some expression issues.

whitefoxkiller said:
I'm a bit confused at characters. Can my character be from any walk of life? (Right now I'm thinking millitary) And if so, how much would he/she know about their previous life? What kind of life does everyone come from? Is it modern and like our world, or is it futuristic and fantasy-like?
Your character can be from any walk of life. Anything at all. In terms of memory, they would have no knowledge of their prior life. They do, however, retain all skills. Thusfar, people have come from more domestic lives, if that is what you are asking. The world everyone came from was very akin to modern life, but with some major advancements in technology. Post-mortem brain scans being a notable one, as well as the often used energy weapons, higher efficiency engines, motors, etc, artificial gills, moderate space exploration and colonization (typically for those who are much wealthier, and it still has major disadvantages), practical and artificial organs, complex and human-like AI, human-like robotics, etc.. I hope that helps. I really should have noted that before. If you have any more questions, please ask.

whitefoxkiller said:
Oh also, are there limits to our characters previous lives? Like, you can't be too skilled or something? I'm not talking OP. I'm talking people who's job in their previous life was something like being an Astronaut or a Demolitions expert or a fighter pilot or something like that.
Not really, no. There is some normalization of skills, like supplementing normal people with the knowledge and ability to use basic weapons, at least, as well as distribution of skill. If you make a very skilled character, your team will likely given a highly unskilled character(s).
CalamariHero said:
Accepted! I really like the nature of your character and the inclusion of religious views. I also like the variation of age, having an older character than what most generally use.
Sorry for getting back a bit late. All Hallows Eve, and whatnot.
Thanks @CalamariHero! And don't worry about the late reply; I was quite busy myself. I look forward to interacting with everyone's characters!
I feel so bad. I am sorry I left for several days. Things with work got really unstable, I don't even know where to begin. Worry not. Provided that everyone is still on board, we will be able to start on the weekend. My schedule and work have returned to nap normal state and there should be no interruptions.

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