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One x One The Apprentice (Fox X Karcen)

Name: 84

Age: 13

Personality: 84 is perhaps a bit brighter than most of her people, she doesn't really know as she thinks she is just as smart as any other slime. If anything is really different about 84 it is her curiosity she often will explore little cracks and inside places she has never been. Still it is not like she ever tries to escape she thinks she knows what her fate is and that is to be someone's possession or to work in the brothel forever.

Bio: 84 as she is called was born, or rather made as slimes reproduce though splitting parts of themselves off , in the slave house. brothel she currently resides in. Really her life has been as ok as it could be as slimes are immune to most physical damage they can't really be hurt like what might normally happen. As slimes are made with some form of a racial memory 84 has more or less been a working girl from when she first formed though this is a bit of a mutually beneficial thing as slimes need liquids to survive and such fluids do feed her more than just water. So now 84


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Name: Sebastian

Age: 24

Personality: observant, Quick witted, determined when need be, Knows, when to laugh at the very least.

Bio: He's a human from the U.G.S. placed as the explorer of the unknown regions of Oavis. He's a High ranking explorer, and when he just started, he was eager to go out and discover everything he could. Nowadays, he keeps having thoughts about actually having someone around and be more social. His love to explore is still there, there's just another voice in his head telling him to find someone as well. He'd have no issue's befriending the people of that world as well, if he could.



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