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Realistic or Modern The Apocalypse

Suzumaki Arakai


I'll explain a little bit about the ROLLING and FIGHTING!!

Say a the Gun Expert and Brawler get into a fight alright? If the Gunner makes a post stating that she's fighting without her guns, blah, blah; she gets to add a +4 instead of +5 because her guns aren't in use. Then here comes our brawler who decided to grab a random object and throw in at Miss Gunner, he has to roll with an addition of +4 instead of +5 as well because he's using a weapon.

Now. If the Gunner were using her gens, she'd roll while using a +5 addition. Same for Mr. Brawler. If he makes a post stating that he's just going all out, fists flying high and pumping out all over the place, bam! Bam!!! He gets to use a +5 as well.

But for people like the Vehicle Specialist and Medic, Scientist, etc...those guys; no matter what, they're allowed to use their +# and never have to drop lower because it's only fair. Also, normally I'll do the rolling for you so that it's much easier than waiting on everyone to roll!! Either way, it's fair.

If you have any questions or things you'd like to add into the RP, go ahead!!! I'm all ears!!​
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*claps* that story was very good sir, bravo! (I loved the "then the military came sliding down on long ass ropes part and idk why :3)

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