The Anguished Breathing (Chapter I)


Now, the Indian watched silently, as his usual nature. But it was unknown how he would react to the images he was about to see.

Rowan, who had held back what was left of the hoard following the survivors, she was too reckless. She... she didn't continue on behind them. She took on too many in the hopes of being a protector. One of them caught her.

The first bite to the shin, and Darren knew there was no longer any hope for her. She was now sick, and would soon die, then reanimate. Darren had seen a zombie attack before. But he had never seen multiple...

The scene was gruesome. It faintly reminded Darren of a wolf, attacking a hare. Blood didn't spew, it painted the clothes of Rowan and the five dead around her. Skin ripped from her body like a latex suit, showing the underlying muscle and what existed on the tiny woman's body of fat. She shrieked in pain as what was left of the teeth in the zombies bit into the side of her stomach, molding to the flesh of her body before being ripped off with a mute silence Darren was thankful of never hearing. He could see the jagged edges of the torn flesh that still rested on her body, and he gulped before looking away in disgust. Valencia was right. It wasn't safe.

Maybe if more had gone out there, it would have been much more safe. Or maybe it would be a massacre.

Darren looked in the direction again, trees slightly obscuring his view of the hospital up close. Still in shock from watching the reality before him, he took only notice of the door closing, thankful he didn't have to see anyone else being eaten...

What a horrid gift.

Darren only looked back at the rebel once more, not able to see her any longer, but an arm being gnawed by a zombie over what seemed like a dog pile. Darren cringed as the zombies slumped over the woman's body began to tint red.

He then asked through the radio a second time today; "How many are left?"

The crash had shook the entire building, bringing the older gentleman to his hands and knees as he scavenged for food, avoiding the undead at all costs. The man was well built, with broad shoulders and light skin from the recent lack of sun. His blonde hair had streaks of gray in the strands, and permanent wrinkles of worry settled on his forehead. A thick cigar hung between his lips, smoke wafting lazily around him, grazing the ceiling with dark grey tendrils. Slung across his hip were two items; a pistol scavenged off the body of a dead police officer, and a flask filled with pure whiskey, already almost gone. Now the rusting flask clanged noisily to the ground, skidding against the floor and hitting the wall with a thud, leaving the man, Xavier, as they called him, groaning and muttering curses under his breath.

Slowly, he rose, running a thick, gruff hand through his graying hair and narrowing his dark eyes, pulling the cigar out of his mouth and flicking the ashes aside. He took careful, quiet steps forward, keeping to the wall, letting his free hand rest on the hilt of his pistol. All he wanted was the flask, and did not want to deal with any of those walkers while he was at it. That explosion, wherever it came from, had made enough noise to attract an entire horde, and Xavier did not, would not, deal with that mess. Although supplies were running low in where he had survived for the past year, it was secure and easy to defend, and Xavier did not have to do much work with everything they had hidden behind closed doors only accessible to the most professional of doctors. Yeah, some doctors, Xavier thought bitterly, scowling and bending down to pick up his flask, twisting it open and taking a swig. Couldn't even save my wife.

Shaking his head, he pushed the thought aside, shaking the whiskey and taking another good-sized gulp. Then came the soft rattle of chains, and a snap as they were broken. His whole body stiffened as he swore loudly, yanking the gun from it's holder and keeping his finger on the trigger, although not yet pressing down. Finishing off the alcohol, he tossed the flask aside, not even wincing as the metal clattered noisily against the aluminum floor. "God damn undead bastards..." he muttered, striding forward to the sounds of footsteps. Yet, they were different from those of the walkers. They weren't as slow, as lifeless as these that he heard now. Frowning, he continued forward, swinging open doors and peering around corners. Only a few zombies passed by, which Xavier ignored, quickly stepping into a nearby room as they passed, then stepping out and continuing down hallway after hallway, until, at last, he reached the area where he had heard the chains break.

He blinked blankly at the scene in front of him, almost feeling like he needed to rub his eyes, to make sure he wasn't dreaming. No, it hadn't been walkers that broke through the doors. No, it had been people. Living, breathing humans. Survivors of the apocalypse. He hadn't seen another human since the beginning of this disaster, and seeing them now was like a breath of fresh air. Xavier wasn't the only survivor. There were others. Hesitantly, he stepped forward, examining the ragtag group closely, letting the pistol fall back to his side, although remaining in his hand. "You're survivors." he whispered in the softest of voices, still in a state of shock of seeing others here. Everything he had seen in the past year had been dead, from plants to animals to humans themselves. There had been no life. And now, life was right in front of him.

A small smile painted her lips when the other woman had, somewhat, complimented her rusted weapon, "It's nothing special," she shrugged half heartily, "But your right. I will gather together a few people so we can move forward for supplies. We'll be back soon." She nodded when the other woman had shown a look of agreement before turning around and traveling towards the injured.

Kura had thought to go alone to gather the medical supplies and such, but truthfully, she wasn't stupid enough to become the hero and try to conquer that small task. So with a few curt smiles and healthy handshakes - the red head had found about two elder men and two women that could aid her in her quest.

"We should hurry and get back here as quick as possible. The sooner we get to the colony the sooner we can all relax." Her small team of four nodded in agreement and began to scavenge the surrounding area for weapons - just in case.

When they were all ready to go Kura smiled at them and gestured for her to follow after her, towards the north, but a voice caught her attention. It was gruff and scratchy, like it hadn't been used in years, and with further investigation you could see that it belonged to an elder gentleman. Bags cascaded below his eyes, and his hair was a peppered grey and blonde color. The man gave Kura the impression that he had been here forever.

"Yes, we are. Our helicopter crashed a mile past the large rock out there." She hastily stepped closer to the man with her hand outstretched, "My names Kura." It may have been a stupid move to be so trustworthy of this man, but the red head felt - slightly bad for the him.
Is he alone in here? She questioned herself as she tried to peer around him for any other human forms.

Before the man could answer though, the male voice erupted over the radio again, nearly causing the young woman to jump out of her skin. She hurriedly grabbed onto the radio and turned its volume down and then - with a look behind her into the dusty room where the injured survivors sat - she began to count. "I have a rough estimate of... Fifteen to sixteen. I believe we had twenty on the helicopter, but yeah. We have also found a survivor in the hospital.."

A sigh escaped her lips as she dropped her arm to her side and turned back towards the man, "I counted you with the group as well. If that's alright?"
The man sighed in relief as Sophia spread the salve over the cut in his shoulder. She took a piece of cotton fabric and some medical tape she'd happen to find in a drawer and placed the makeshift bandage over it. That's all she could do for these people out here with such little time and supplies. Hopefully, the woman and her band would be back soon so they could head into the colony.

She came to the girl that the woman had carried from the crash site. The poor child had passed out from the pain and blood loss. As soon as they had gotten settled, Sophia had made one of the less injured women apply pressure to the girl's ankle to try to stop the blood. She laid a small hand on the girl's forehead, squeezing her eyes shut at the burning skin. Without the proper supplies, this girl wouldn't make it to the colony. And they didn't have those supplies. The girl would die and then become one of them. For now, though, she mixed a bit of water with some herbs to lessen the pain. She had the woman tilt the girl's head back so she could pour the concoction in. She'd relieve some of the girl's pain and if -
when - she died, well, they'd have to figure that out when it came.

A banging noise startled her, the bowl slipping from her hands and its contents spilling on the floor. She held her breath and looked around at the other scared survivors, hoping it was the woman with the supplies. All grew silent, and Sophia exhaled slowly. Someone had probably knocked something over unknowingly. Then, she heard a voice.
"...any are..."

One of the men stood slowly, picking up a spare pipe as he did. He caught Sophia's eye and slowly walked towards the sound. There was a subtle fizzling noise, and Sophia's eyes widened as she realized it was static. The man came back into the room, a grin on his face and a portable radio in his hand. The sound was soft, the batteries probably dying after so long a time. Most likely, it had been used by the survivors who had first holed up in this building when the whole thing started. The man handed the radio to Sophia, who took the thing like it was an idol. She toyed around with the controls until the static stopped. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?" She prayed that it was on the right frequency. They'd heard a voice after all, and, as far as anyone knew, the dead couldn't talk.

Rather than hearing a response, all that she heard was another loud banging sound followed by the loud, moaning groans that only one thing could make. A girl screamed, or maybe it was Sophia, she was too scared to tell the difference. The hoard that had surrounded the crash site had found them. The doors, though barricaded, threatened to give. Her shaking hands fumbled with the radio, but finally got it to work. "They're here, they've found us! There's too many injured here for us to move, a-and few are able to fight." She locked eyes with the man who had found the radio. He nodded once and handed her another pipe. The doctor - more used to saving lives - gripped the steel tube nervously before issuing a few gentle commands to the injured survivors and following the able ones into the hallway.


He started hearing the murmurings of people. He looked around while he sat in the hallway with his unconscious sister next to him. He didn't think she would be waking up any time soon and if anything were to happen, as much as he loved her, she would be a huge hindrance on him and the rest of the survivors. He sighed. He attempted to rise to his feet, but was startled into sitting back down when he heard someone say-
the dead are here. He cursed his luck. If it were the same ones from the crash site, they would have no way to combat them. These people were scared and frightened. Nikolas turned his head and saw people coming into the hallway. Sophia was calmly ushering people into the hallway. Nikolas put his head in his hand and sighed some more. He removed his hands from his face and rubbed his sister's head.

This would not bode well for them. He had no idea how they would even fend off the oncoming assault. People began to huddle around one another, clenching to each other tightly for fear of their lives. If they didn't survive this, surviving the crash would have been for nothing. Annalise was the only thing keeping him going and losing her to a f-cking horde of zombies was not an option. As the people in the hallway cried silently, Nikolas began to think of a plan. While in the army he was revered for the bombs he could make while using everyday tools. However, they were in a hospital. Hospitals didn't use everyday tools. So making a bomb would be out of the question. Nikolas pondered on what he could do. He watched Sophia grip the pipe tightly, knuckles turning red. Her appearance was calm, but her eyes were antsy. He could tell she wasn't ready for this. Suddenly, he had an idea. He limped over towards Sophia and said,
"I need supplies. Any flammable liquid will do. I need rags and empty bottles as well." He began to talk to the people in the hallway. "I need a lighter. Does anyone have a lighter? Anyone?"

Still in a state of shock, Xavier winced as he heard the soft moaning of zombies, stiffening and cursing under his breath. "God damn undead bastards..." He muttered, looking over to Kura as she spoke into the radio. His dark eyes flickered nervously from the long hallway behind him to the survivors in front of him. "Names Xavier," he said gruffly, spitting the cigar out of his mouth and stomping it with the toe of his boot. He raised his pistol, eyes narrowing as the groans got louder, glancing over his shoulder to the others, "I would get supplies fast. I'll hold off these mother f-ckers, you stay together." When the boy stood, demanding if anyone had a lighter, he pulled out a box of matches out of his back pocket, tossing them to him swiftly. "There ya go, son. Be careful."

He then returned his attention to the moans, slowly growing louder and louder as the sound of footsteps, slow and deadly, approached, dragging across the floor. Shooting would not be wise, considering noise would just attract more of them, but Xavier needed them to be distracted. Bring them to a different area of the hospital, so the survivors could escape. And hopefully, hopefully he would still be alive to join them. "Kura, that's the name, right? I need you to keep your group together. In the south wing of the hospital there's a room, look for two large metal doors. In that room there will be supplies. Not a lot, but hopefully enough. Medicine, canned foods, bottles of water. Gather as much as you can and head right back here. I'll lead these damn things the opposite way." His voice was authoritative, stern, yet still gentle and warm. "And do not forget, stay together."

Static stung the man's ears, and he cussed. "I can't get a signal in there!" Darren hissed, than repeated into the microphone, "Hurry! I can't hear a word you're saying now!" He had herd a number, but it would mean nothing to him unless Valencia was here. Everyone around him had seemed to silence further, the breathing of the people around him suddenly annoying Darren.

He turned to the sheep, herding behind him. His eyes narrowed. "I need eyes on that damn hospital!" He shouted as stress began to cluster in his chest, weighing his breathing. He know knew how many lives counted on him. He had already lost three. People flinched at the man, never seeing this passive Indian lift a finger close to an order. This man kept to himself, sang at the campfires, patrolled the streets at nights. This Indian who meditated twice a day was now cracking only slightly at the stress of the navigator.
Sophia raised an inquisitive eyebrow at Nikolas's request, a smile spreading across her face despite their situation. Whatever had was planning promised to be very...interesting. "There should be bottles of rubbing alcohol in one of the cabinets in here," she said as she turned to walk back into the room. Apparently, the banging sound had woken the child who was now unconsolably screaming from his chair. When his wide eyes landed on Sophia, his little arms reached out for her, and she scooped him up.

Examining her sweater, she realized that it could qualify as a rag. The helicopter crash had singed parts of it and there was some blood and dirt on it. She slung it over her shoulder as she bent down to look for the alcohol. All the she found was a half-filled plastic bottle of it, but it was better than nothing.

She headed back out into the hallway and found Nikolas. "I've got a rag and rubbing alcohol. I don't know where to find any glass bottles though." She handed the supplies to him, an amused glimmer in her eye. "Do I even want to ask why you need these?"

Her head whipped around when someone had mentioned the dead. Then the banging noises registered and the young woman found herself cursing silently, "It's nice to meet you Xavier." She gave him a small smile before looking at a black hair adolescent who had been brought on the scavenger hunt. Kura had heard the order the elder man had said, but she still did not want to leave the rest of the survivors in the dark, after nodded at Xavier she spoke to the elder teen, "I need you to go back and find the fair haired brunette. She may have a kid on her hip at the moment. Tell her where we are going and maybe they could meet us there so we can devise a plan."

When the teen nodded eagerly and took off to go find Sophia, the redhead gestured for the three other in her group to follow, "South Wing - two large metal doors leading into supply room. Got it?" They mumbled a few yes' and then the group was on their way, following dusty signs down the narrow hallways.

After about five minutes the dead began to slowly emerge from the shadows, but it seemed like the team Kura had put together could handle themselves. Swiftly they took out the loaners and continued on; they made sure their eyes never once wavered off the sign overhead. It would only be a string of bad luck if they got lost in the large Hospital.
South Wing - two large metal doors - supplies, The redhead kept repeating in her head.

The small group skidded to a halt at the sight of two large metallic doors that caught a glint of sunlight from a window nearby. Although these doors were chained like the ones outside - this one was not rusted or worn down - which wasn't very helpful. "Damn..." she muttered as she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. Her hand pushed her bang out of her eyes when suddenly, an idea popped inside her head, "Anyone got a bobby pin? Or even a paper clip?" Eyes scanned the three survivors behind her for a moment as they all rummaged through their pockets.

"Here. My last bobby pin - I won't be needing it anytime soon right?" An older woman (around her age) extended her hand to reveal a silver bobby pin. Kura smiled and picked it up before bending it into a straight line. She turned back towards the padlock on the door and shoved the pin in their, which did nothing at first until the young woman began to jiggle it around. Her small group took out a few more of the dead that had decided to follow, but other than that, nothing was getting in there way. A few more minutes passed until a clicking sound was heard inside the lock and the chain fell to the floor with a loud 'CLINK'. Kura smiled to herself and put the bobby pin in her front pocket; she pushed the door of the supply room open just a crack until her eyes and made sure there was no dead inside.

"Come on.." she opened the door wider and let the three other in before shutting the door behind them. "Look for duffel bags and then I want you all to try and scrounge for anything you see. Medicines, food, bandages, etcetera. kay?" Kura followed her own orders as well once she began to hunt through a cabinet and taking out a tattered backpack.


"We better get the militia their weapons. I can hear the horde rounding outside," the young woman cocked his head at John - signaling him to follow him, "So where are all the weapons stored? I mean I once knew where they were, but Valencia usually moves them all around town; you know for safety regulations." His eyes glazed in front of him as he began to wrack his brain for their location. Maybe, he should start getting out of his lab more often?
John followed after Clyde in quick footsteps, hovering one of his main hands over the weapon that lay at his hip. It all was an utter and absolute mess. The amount of chaos happening at once was something that John's poor brain couldn't handle. Weapons. People. Zombies. Those three words were the only thing that clicked for him, and he slithered through the sea of people alongside his peer and stood at the center, flinching lightly when the whistle rang. "Jesus." he whispered, wavering his fingers over his ear for a second as the sound continued in each hole.

"I don't think you want Valancia herself out here.."

Clyde had said, letting that burning sentence linger through the bustling crowd, which helped calm them down at once. John raised his eyebrow at the statement Clyde had told him about Penny, allowing his shoulders to give a little shrug before switching the leg he leaned on.
"We all know Penny." he muttered under his breath, keeping his voice low especially around the people of the colony. "It's not just Penny either.." he added, glancing around at the different faces staring at him, quite literally begging for answers. It was a sad sight, watching each face glare right into soul and see everything that he was offering for them. Nothing, at all. He was doing what he was told, like an obedient dog - a rather depressing way to think of it, yes. "Oh, yeah. That would be a good thing to do." he nodded, straightening his tall stature and raising his chin for a firm, quick speech to the people of this place. "No offence taken, friend." he gave a cheeky grin and then went on with his words. "There is no reason to be afraid.. any of you. This is being handled in professional hands and our very main priority is to keep the citizens and children safe of this colony." he paused, breathing in. "Please, return to your homes and lock yourselves in for safety measures."

Simple, yet to the point he nodded when they did as they were told, leaving Clyde and John standing their among the wall. The scratching and moaning could easily be heard over the thick wall, and this made John a little queasy himself. It was a long time since he had to deal with those things.. he just hoped he wouldn't have to again.
"I think that would be a good idea." he jokingly jabbed, nodding, and began to follow him at once. "Hm.." he thought for a moment, scraping his clouded mind to think of where those weapons would be held. "Well, somewhere in the main buildings I would assume, since people aren't typically allowed in there."

He walked around the streets with a ax in his hands and a pistol in his pocket. He didn't know how to use a gun but, he guessed going outside in the middle of a apocalypse, he'd better start learning. He didn't know anyone and didn't plan going up to people, asking them if they would teach him how to use a gun. It would be awkward and maybe he'd be laughed at by a girl who knew how to use most of all the guns made in history. He walked slowly, his shoes clicking against the concrete sidewalk. Though the sidewalk wasn't much of a sidewalk anymore. It had been broken up my cars and motorcycles, had dry blood splattered everywhere, the fence by it broken by who knows what. Maybe a zombie rabbit. He chuckled quickly hoping not to draw attention too.


Sawyer turned around quickly, throwing his ax in a swiping movement. There was a crushing sound. He hit it. The dead fell down with the ax stuck in on the side of its head. Sawyer stepped on the zombie and yanked out the ax.

"D*mn zombie" He said glaring down at the zombie, its brains squishing out of its heads "I thought you guys didn't have no brains, on the count of you messin' with this bad a**" He said grinning. He spit on the carcass. Then, he started to walk away, head to the ground.

Once finishing my speech, I gave a quick nod and asked for everyone to follow me, towards the gate. Then, I saw a group of three from far off down the street who seemed to be planning, talking amongst themselves as they left the office behind them. The building was used for planning of the militia, only being used maybe once a month. I mentally reminded myself to fix up the outward appearance with its broken windows ad lifeless features as did the buildings outside of the colony. I always tried to keep the colony intact, and make it look.. well, livable.

Hearing their voices, I knew who they were very quickly. I stepped behind the gentlemen and pronounced; "Actually, I've moved them to my study this time." I smiled in humor, as I think I might have spooked them, and bowed my head lightly. "Sorry, boys. I've come to help myself. It seems too many people weren't moving under the orders of others." I explained, then turned to the group of medics following behind me. "Let us move to my study for a short moment, to gather weapons and prepare to open the gate."

He grinned at the way John had handled the people. Of course, the young man had met - and had quite nice conversations - with the his comrade before, but he had never left his lab long enough to associate with him. Clyde was already making up a socializing schedule.

He was ripped out of his thoughts just as their leader had popped up behind them. On instinct, he turned quickly to meet face to face with her since her voice hadn't fully registered in his mind, "Oh, hello Valencia."

"That seems like a reasonable place to hide them," he nodded truthfully as he peered around her to look at the few medics that had followed the young woman here, "And it is not a problem." He waved toward the medics and chuckled when they only gave him a confused glare.
Looks like I'm not the only one who needs to get out of the house. A cheeky grin crossed his face as his hand limply fell off the handle of his gun, which had been sitting their ever since Valencia had come out of nowhere. "Shall we then? We shouldn't leave our gusts waiting.."

As if on que a few moans of the dead echoed from behind the wall, but this only caused Clyde to let out a sheepish laugh. The young man had never been afraid of these zombies - and he could only answer why with:
Because I work on them everyday. I tear them apart, make them smell nice, inject toxins in their skins, and even peak inside their small brains. How could he be afraid after all that?

He took a step forward as if to follow Valencia, but he faltered as if remembering something suddenly. His head swiveled around to John, "Coming?" he asked with a simple smile upon his face.
Sophia turned to go back to her patients when someone grabbed her shoulder. Turning back, she saw a dark-haired teenager grasping onto her, eyes wide. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

The teen looked shaken. "Kura said...for you to meet her the South Wing. Two double doors." Sophia's brow furrowed. Kura? That was the redhead then? "That's where the supplies are."

"Thank you. Can you help me get some of the weaker ones up and moving?" The teen nodded, eager to help.

Sophia sighed and quickly threw her supplies into her medicine bag. Her eyes flashed to a girl's still form - the one that had grabbed her at the crash site. Her skin was grey, and her body was motionless. Reluctantly, she laid two fingers against the girl's neck. She squeezed her eyes shut against the tears when she could find no pulse.

She jumped when she felt a soft touch on her arm. The dark-haired teenager looked at her sadly but with a sense of urgency. The ones who can walk support the others as they slowly make their way down the hallway. At the pace they were going, they would make easy picking for any dead. Sophia just hoped that Kura and her team didn't leave any alive...or as alive as the dead can be.

I nodded, beginning to walk to the new destination I set forth. As the group followed, I turned my head over my shoulder to Clyde. "And how have your studies been?" I questioned, trying to keep silence from the area. Silence meant more availability to hear the moans from outside, which would only stir what people I had.

I waited for the boy's reply as I watched the ground which my feet stepped, dust slightly kicking up each motion stirred. It only reminded me of the town's progress. Because, at one point, that was all the town was.

The man watched as Kura gathered a group together and dashed off to the double doors as he had instructed, running a hand over his peppery hair. Pulling out a cigar, he placed it in his mouth, pulling out a match and flicking it against the cardboard, watching it light, then bringing it to the tip of the cigar. Ashes fell gently to his boots as he narrowed his dark eyes, gripping his pistol tighter in the palm of his hand. Now the walkers were close enough to where he could see them, the flesh hanging off of bone, mouths open wide with low moans and groans passing dead lips. He raised the gun, pointing it towards the opposite direction from where the others went, then pulled the trigger. The loud bang echoed throughout the room, and the walkers paused in their tracks, slowly turning towards the sound and wandering slowly to it. Just as Xavier planned.

Jogging forward, Xavier slipped behind the slow paced walkers, keeping as quiet as possible as he ran down the hallway, slipping into a random room and looking around. It was empty, besides a shelf piled with different medical drugs, going from something as simple as Advil to something as strong as powerful prescription drugs. Scanning around the room, he found a small backpack, opening it and blinking at the contents. There were two action figures, one of batman, and the other of ironman, both covered in a thick layer of dust, the color from their paint fading from the past year of being kept away. There was also a piece of paper, colored on with red crayon. It was a scrawled stick figure of a woman, of a man, and a little boy. Underneath each was a name. Mommy. Daddy. Me.

Hastily, Xavier shoved the paper back in the bag, tossing the action figures aside as he held back tears. Yes, he was a grown man, but even he had tears to shed after seeing something so little that meant so much. Who knows where that little boy is now, he thought bitterly, tossing the medications in the bag. Probably dead. Probably one of those... things. Shaking off the thought, Xavier slung the backpack over his shoulder, now heavy from the medicines. For some reason, he had decided to keep the picture, a reason he had yet to know. Seeing that reminded him of before all hell broke lose, before disaster struck and shot the world down.


Quickly, Rene relayed the information she needed to give to Penny, prancing from foot to foot antsily, constantly running a hand through her thick hair. She just wanted to flee, to get away from the intimidating Penny, and, once she finished, she did. Hastily spinning on her heel, Rene dashed out of the room, darting outside and taking in gulps of air as the sun bathed her face in golden light. It looked like most of the others had gone to their homes, besides a handful of people, people Valencia probably instructed to go with her. For a moment, Rene stayed utterly still, raising her chin slightly and listening to the soft breeze mixed in with the sounds of moans. Moans?

She straightened, her eyes widening with realization. "I am an IDIOT!" she yelled, smacking her forehead and sprinting forward. The flare... The stupid flare she shot in order to get people's attention. It had attracted the zombies to the city walls. And she was to blame. "Dammit!" she cursed herself quietly, feeling completely and totally stupid for pulling such a mistake. She would not let anyone else pick up the mess she caused, only she would handle this. It was her fault, ergo, she would handle it on her own. Eyes wide, she at last found Valencia, walking with a group of people, and ran towards her, for the first time in a long time, completely out of breath. "Valencia," she choked out, keeping in step next to her, staring guiltily at her feet, "I'm sorry, the zombies at the wall are my fault... I want to clean up my own mess. I didn't mean to cause trouble, but they wouldn't be quiet, and I couldn't get their attention, so I shot the flare without thinking, and I shouldn't have." She was speaking rapidly, trying to get the words out in between pants. Guilt gnawed at her stomach, and she was unable to meet anyone's gaze. If she hadn't shot that stupid flare... there would be no zombies at the wall.
She huffed underneath the weight of a woman with a dislocated knee. The child squirmed in her arms, itching to get down, but she just clutched him tighter. How much farther can it be? It felt like they had been walking forever, but it may have just felt that way because of how slowly they were moving. She jumped slightly at the sound of a gun being fired somewhere in the building but calmed herself with the knowledge that the dead couldn't use guns. Yet.

Soon enough, a pair of large silver doors appeared in sight. The survivors hobbled as fast as their injured bodies could carry them, some of the better off survivors scooping up the injured in their arms just so they could get there faster. Sophia tested the handle on the door and, seeing that it was unlocked, opened on of the heavy metal doors.

She about cried when she saw the bags the others had all ready put together. If they were full of medicine, just one of them would be enough to save everyone here. Depositing the injured woman in a chair, Sophia went in search of Kura. A smile spread across her face when she saw the familiar red-head. "Kura, everyone okay? Do you need any more help gathering any supplies?"

With quick haste the young woman and her small group threw anything they could find in their bags. The supplies they had gathered ranged from: bandages, prescription drugs, minor drugs, salve, and even a few MRE's and cans of food that had been left here by whomever not long ago.

Kura heard the silver doors burst open and she jumped up with her makeshift weaponized pipe in hand, but when the other survivors could be seen she relaxed and continued with her gathering.

"Did you get everything and anything?" She asked the two males and female that had accompanied her. When they had nodded forcefully and zipped up their bags - the other woman came up to Kura. "Yeah, we're all good. And no we have everything so we can go when everyone's ready." A small smile crept up on her face when she realized they had done it, they had finished their small mission.

But the happiness was quickly wiped from her face when one of the dead could be seen behind the male who was in her small group. It was moving slowly towards him, with its arms outstretched and its mouth gaping open. The young woman's eyes went wide when she noticed a wooden door that was halfway open.
It must be a closet - and the corpse was inside it.

"Watch out!" She shouted, but before the man could even make a confused face the walker lunged/ hopped and tackled him to the floor. It's teeth sinking into his neck and the man's screams echoing off the walls. "Shit.." she muttered as she dropped her own bag in shock.


The young man followed after Valencia when he was sure John was also coming along. He was scanning the now deserted streets in a daze when his leige spoke and he was able to register her words.

"They have been - coming along," he rubbed the back of his neck, "At the moment I've just been trying to make the dead smell better. I had planned to try and conclude if they smell others of their kind, but I didn't schedule that till next week." A sheepish smile covered his face as he placed his hands in his pockets. He was an organized fellow and it worked well since he was the only scientist here in the colony.

It was getting late so he decided that it was time to go home. He didn't want to retrieve to his house like the others did. He didn't want to. He jogged his way home, swinging his ax on his side. His hair was getting in his eyes, so for a solution he blew his hair away. He must have been looking like a dork, blowing his hair like that. He must have looked like a four year old, holding a lollipop instead of an ax. Sawyer truly wished this world wasn't so messed up. "I'm gonna lock down the doors for tonight, maybe go to bed early..." He trailed off. Was he going crazy? Talking to himself... he had know one though...

He arrived to his house. It was broken up and beat, much different from what it looked like before everything turned ugly. He sighed, and started to open his door...
We can leave. We can finally get to the colony! Sophia was so happy, she almost threw her arms about the other woman's neck. She began to help pick up the bags, when she heard the scream. By the time she looked up, the others had all ready beaten the dead to death again. The man fell limply to the ground, his hands tearing at the exposed flesh of his throat.

"Not another one," she whispered to herself. They'd all ready lost one girl to the dead. Not him too. His voice became a slow gurgle as his breath grew ragged and laboured. A man stepped forward, cocking his revolver and pointing it towards the man's head. Sophia lunged forward, grabbing his arm. "What are you doing?"

He turned to regard her softly. "That zombie missed the jugular. You're the doctor. You know it will a slow and painful death. If that happened to me, I'd rather someone put me out of my misery mercifully and quickly."

Sophia simply nodded her head and turned away, pressing her hands over the child's ears and held him tighter against her chest. The sharp pop of a bullet fired caused the tears to rise to her eyes again, but she quickly swallowed them back. The man laid his hand on her shoulder, and she flashed him a sad, grateful smile. "Come on, we have to get out of here."

I nodded, my eyes now on a boy who seemed to be just now entering his house. "And this scent study, what purpose does it have?" I questioned, my eyes moving back to the man beside me. It was then that Rene was before, me, panting and explaining as we walked. I stopped in my tracks, looking at the girls face as it stared at my feet. I frowned slightly at the news of her mistake.

"You did not think," I began, a finger looming before me as I thought, my eyes on the sky. "But you reacted." My eyes watched her, a smile on my face to ease her. "I appreciate the lengths you went to follow out with my orders. You did as you could to get the colony's attention." I began walking once more as I spoke, only feet from the tower, of which was the radio and my study. "Though I had only spoken of the halt in using flames once, I'd hoped everyone would remember this. Where did you find it?"
The group quickly picked up all the supplies and survivors they could carry. A small group went ahead and scouted. Occasionally, the sounds of gunfire ricocheted down the hallway, but soon after the call came that the way was clear. It was slow moving again. Now that they'd gotten the supplies and made it this far, though, they were all filled with renewed vigor. They would make it. They had to make it.

Soon, they came to the exit. The scouting party piled up at the doors, anticipating a zombie attack once they opened. They kicked the doors open and dashed outside. No zombies in sight. They must have all gone to check out the crash site. The colony walls in the distance may as well have been St. Peter's Pearly Gates. The group limped towards them as fast as they could manage. Someone tried to contact the man in the colony now that they were out of the building. Hopefully, the colonists wouldn't have them run any more errands.

Sophia trudged along somewhere in the middle of the group. She couldn't fight with the medical bags on one shoulder and the child on the other, but for some reason, the other survivors had begun to look up to her and Kura as leaders. The thought made her uncomfortable. Kura was a good leader, and she would gladly follow the other woman. But having all these people rely on her? It terrified Sophia.

She wouldn't have to worry about it for long though. The colony was close in sight.

Rene stared at her feet as Valencia spoke, twiddling her thumbs mindlessly behind her back. She hadn't thought, as Valencia stated, which was her common mistake. She put her heart before her head, her emotions before rationality. Or, as most would say, she simply acted without thinking. Which, with how much disaster that had struck in the past year, was not the best way of thought. Currently, thought, that did not matter. What mattered was admitting her mistake and helping in any way she can with the undead crowding at the walls. "I've had it with me since I first entered the city," Rene said rapidly, answering Valencia's question, "My brother gave it to me before..." her voice trailed off briefly and she shook her head, bringing her thoughts back to the present. "I've had it the entire time," she repeated, chewing on her lip and running a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry," she added quickly, moving from foot to foot as she did habitually.


After slinging the bag over his shoulder, Xavier ran out of the room, skidding to a stop when he saw the walkers slowly making their way towards his general direction. "God dammit..." he muttered, clutching the strap of the bag tighter in his hand. There were too many of them for him to escape that way. Spinning on his heel, he sprinted the opposite direction, his feet pounding noisily against the linoleum floor. Groans and moans followed him through the deserted halls as he ran, taking sharp turns and panting heavily. Multiple times, he nearly ran into one of the undead, barely stopping in time in order to stumble under their flailing arms. Then, at last, he could see the exit, the place where he had instructed the others to go. The door was open and he jumped outside, spinning around quickly to slam the doors shut behind him. There were dozens of them, wobbling towards him on broken, rotten legs, eyes hollow and mouths agape. Briefly, he was stunned by the sight of so many of them. But that hesitation quickly ended, followed by him shoving the doors shut, gasping for air. With a final glance over his shoulder, he ran forward to catch up with the other survivors.

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