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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Aren pulled up to the Guardian's building. "Thanks for the help. There's someone in here who can help me with these," he gestured at his antlers. "So I think we can part ways now." He looked at the woman one last time. "And... I know it's not my place to say this, but... better luck next Mate Day. Hopefully it will end better than it has today." He walked into the building, into the illusions aura room.

He walked out with his horns disguised again. "Alright... where to go next...?"
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Mao got out of the cart and smiled. "Thank you." She said quickly, waving goodbye to him. Wow, he's a guardian too? He's the first one that I've actually met! She thought, and walked off from the guardians hall, trying to find someone to love her.
Horatio looked at her and wondered why she was looking away. "Are you alright Inutsuki?" he asked her with concern in his voice. He tries to get a better view of her face however his view is blocked by her notebook. He scans her chemistry signs which apparently show a mix of elevation and depression in mood, this must mean that she is both happy and sad at the same time. How is this possible? It must be an organic thing he thought to himself.

He hands Inutsuki the blue handkerchief while looking at the couples who are still dancing to the music
"It's alright to cry, just let it out...it's not healthy to keep it in. Here you might want this..." he said in a calming voice. "These artifacts of the past are the only things giving me hope that maybe my creators are still out there somewhere and once I find them, they can give me answers...but I highly doubt it...the human life span is very short...it's sad to see yourself outlive someone that you care about.." he said solemnly. "Don't you agree?" he asked Inutsuki.

Aine can't take it as she go in the cake shop and buy a heart-shape cake. She take a walk and eat the whole cake and have some creams in her mouth. But she lick it all off as she still walking around the town again. "Mate Day.....it nice and all, but I wonder what everyone do when they don't have a mate? Like me...." Aine think about it and then she accentually bump into someone. "Oh, sorry.....excuse me...."She quickly walk away and signs. She look at the time and it have to go back to the circus. "Time to get on the show...." Aine go and run and made it on time.

"There you are, Sweetie, no time for tell me you're day, put on the costume....."her mother rush her as the show about to start.

"Yes, Mom...." Aine signs as she put on the costumes and then climb up the pole as she waiting her time to show everyone her tricks.



Yin is passing out dress roses for people who have a mate. "Hello, get a dress roses, it come with pink or red ores mixed color....."Then she saw a beautiful bunny girl who interest of getting a roses. Yin smiles as give her roses. "Thank you!!" Then she go back to give out the other costumers. Then later, Yin is taking a break, and her stomach is growling. "Oh dear, look like its time to eat......" She get up and start walking to the town and see which food she going to eat.

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Zenario Zeid

Zen's smile was glowing with excitement. "Splendid," he replied to Megumi's acceptance. Inwardly he was already devising how he could possibly fool around behind her back, or even justify it to her face. Should be easy enough but first, he would have to stall as he thought of what he wanted to do today. He was a very hands on guy romantically, and somewhat dreaded dates. Not a single one had ever been entertaining for him until later on in the night, yet he always managed to act like he was having a good time prior to the "main event." There was the cafe in the kingdom, but then there was also the beach town. Zen could probably use his Aura to propel the kitty along with him as he flew. He'd done it before, but at times it could be quite dangerous, seeing as it was hard to maintain a continuous gust of wind strong enough to lift a full grown person and propel them forward. Then again, he could always carry her.

"I'd like to try something if you don't mind," Zenario said before he swooped the kitty off of her feet and held her bridal style. He flapped his wings, and with great strength, he was able to levitate above the ground, but it was tiring to attempt to fly with his wings flapping so hard. He lowered once again, desperately wanting to convince Megumi that staying here chatting and "cuddling" would be a day well spent. "Hmmm...it might be too dangerous to carry you, love," he put his hand under his cheek and pondered. Though he knew Megumi would have no qualm with walking, he himself was opposed to it. When you grow up with wings, walking long distances can be downright agonizing, both physically, and mentally. It just takes so much time! Then again, if Megumi was used to it, he may have to stoop down to her level. "How about we go on an adventure?" he asked with a whimsical joy in his eyes. He went to a nearby mount to retrieve his battle staff. "Perhaps you can show me where you found my gift?"

@Kayzo @Pretzel Heart @MrLlama @ you guys wanna meet outside or inside?

Doll Agia

Ew gross, Mate Day. Doll wasn't a fan. It was usually a boring day because most were out with their lovely, not committing crimes. It tended to get exciting around night time when all of the lonely drunks got together and got rowdy after drinking their sorrows away. But in the early morning, everyone was too busy being adorable or shagging each other in their homes. Most Guardians didn't even work on Mate Day, but Doll figured that Evil never sleeps. So she did her rounds as if it were any other day. But seeing this many people together does tend to make a person a bit jealous. Even Doll felt lonely on Mate Day, but she'd never admit it to herself. She had a job to do, something more important than love. At least, that's what she tried to remind herself.

As she circled around near the gate, watching the people below, she caught a glimpse of Larentia, or as she knew her, "Foxy." Just the sight of the woman caused Doll's wings to stop beating as her stomach erupted with frantic butterflies, hell, she nearly fell out of the sky. She hadn't even bothered to catch the woman's name yesterday before she left the guild because she was far too flustered to ask, and too socially inept to ask such a question casually. Even now, her face was turning pink with an inexplicable and irrational feeling. And then, almost against her own will, a part of her brain began to develop an excuse to speak with her. Doll rationalized that the fox was HIGHLY suspicious and possibly very DANGEROUS and UNPREDICTABLE, and she'd be doing the community a GREAT SERVICE if she kept tabs on this UNSAVORY individual. Yeah that's it. For the community. Blinded by her own delusions, Doll descended downward rapidly, landing ungracefully in front of the red fox.

"S-stop right there!" she yelped as she attempted to regain her balance. And though she had no good reason to, she pointed her lance at the woman and inquired, "And just where are YOU off to, hmm!?"

Wanna know the real reason why Doll had stopped her? She wanted to see if this woman had a significant other. Of course, she'd already deluded herself into believing her behavior was for the community, but truly, it was for no one but herself.

Megumi stood idlely and let Zenario play with her and pick her up, giggling as he did. "You can try anything on me." She said as she was swooped off of her feet and lifted up. So romantic. She thought, obviously blind to the fact that he wasn't completely in love with her. Smiling slightly as she was put down, the shorter girl looked up at the man she loved, lost in his looks, happier than she had ever been in her life. Megumi was suddenly brought back to reality when Zenario spoke the magic word. Adventure! Her eyes lit up and her tails swaying almost immediately began to swing back and forth. "Adventure? I'd love to go on and adventure with you!"

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Zareh said:
Horatio looked at her and wondered why she was looking away. "Are you alright Inutsuki?" he asked her with concern in his voice. He tries to get a better view of her face however his view is blocked by her notebook. He scans her chemistry signs which apparently show a mix of elevation and depression in mood, this must mean that she is both happy and sad at the same time. How is this possible? It must be an organic thing he thought to himself.
He hands Inutsuki the blue handkerchief while looking at the couples who are still dancing to the music
"It's alright to cry, just let it out...it's not healthy to keep it in. Here you might want this..." he said in a calming voice. "These artifacts of the past are the only things giving me hope that maybe my creators are still out there somewhere and once I find them, they can give me answers...but I highly doubt it...the human life span is very short...it's sad to see yourself outlive someone that you care about.." he said solemnly. "Don't you agree?" he asked Inutsuki.


'Fine.' she attempted to lie before being handed the handkerchief, her writing messy thanks to her shaking hands. 'But-... crying it's-... I always cry.. I'm such a weakling whenever I get scared I run away and cry... I want to be like the hero in stories, like the ones the guards spoke about while I was locked up... but I'm more like the danzell in distress..' she laughed weakly.

At hearing the next part she sighed
'I.. guess... I mean, I can only assume my parents are dead so I kinda get what your talking about.. but not knowing them I-... I guess, I find it... 'hard' to feel sad about it... it's like asking me to talk to someone that isn't there...' she wrote, holding it up and smiling at him through teary eyes, still wet from the earlier crying.

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Mao swung her tail and decided that the circus would be a fun thing to do today. She adored the first show so much that she couldn't help but come back again, and today they might have a special! Hopefully it's for single people too. She thought sadly, walking down towards the large tent. After paying to get in, she found a seat in the middle rows and took a seat, waiting for the vent to start. I wonder if Aine is going to do the same thing as last time?

"We're flying?" Vinera asks in surprise as his arms go around her. She eyes his wings nervously as she wraps her arms around him. 'This could be fun.. But what if I fall..' She thinks worriedly.

Horatio looked at Inutsuki and mentally frowned at her reaction. He tries to comfort her by rubbing Inutsuki on the back and bringing in gently her closer to his shoulder. "Definition of Hero: a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities....or another term for a submarine sandwich" he said in a robotic monotone voice. He takes out another book which is the one where it describes the history of the Kemonomimi. He flips through the pages with one hand until he reached the page he was looking for and shows it to Inutsuki. "Take a look at this page." He said. The page had a drawing of a female lizard Kemonomimi warrior wielding a giant steel sword. "This is Tessa Luboku, she was the captain of the guardians about 234 years ago. She was known as one of the most skilled and feared warriors across the land of Fauna. Her strength aura allowed her to lift things twice her size, all of this made her the commander of the guardians. However...." he turns to the next page of the book "Tessa wasn't always like this, in fact...she started as a young frail child who grew up on a farm. She was afraid of everything and cried over every little bad thing that happened. In fact many of the people called her "Tot Tessa" because she is always acting like a young child even in her twenties. It wasn't until she was put under dire circumstances which made her realize her strength and potential. About 3 years later at the age of 26, she became the captain of the guardians and was known for her courage and strength. She was what people called a hero."

Horatio closed the book and looked to her but suddenly a tiny spark emitted from his head and his cyan light eyes start flashing a bit however they stop.
"All Heroes start small, like you....there's a saying that I remember once hearing...." as he was about to say those words, a transparent figure of a woman appears, sitting by Horatio on the other side.

"Heroes aren't born, they're made" Horatio and the spirit said in unison, the spirit vanishes without a trace which is surprising since Horatio did not notice the presence of her figure.


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The show of the circus is about to start and Aine slowly take a deep breath as she waiting for her act. The showing about Aine and her brothers and sisters is looking for someone to love. This show is for all the singles who are looking for a mate. The start a song and Aine is a main singer.


Aine is wearing a white dress like costume and her brothers and sisters are also wearing white costume. As Aine start off singing, she start walking on the tightrope and doing some dancing. While her brothers and sisters is doing the Flying trapeze, making it look cool tricks like twirling around and look like a flying monkeys.

Then someone throw a fire hoop in the air and Aine jump up and go through the fire hoop and she land it on the tightrope and make it jump up again on two more fire hoops. Once she make a big jump and grab the rope that have hanging on the celling tent, Aine make a final act, "Somebody to...Love!!" She make a big fire heart shape, let go the rope and make a beautiful falling. Then her brothers catch her, along with her sisters and they all fall and landed on the net that look like a big white, fluffy clouds and Aine and her sibling bows to everyone.

The audiences went wild as the shout, screams and applause for the great performance.

@Everyone who see the circus
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Mao was once again amazed as the group of monkeys performed. She kept her eyes on Aine as she was the only one she knew, and the star of the show. I still have no idea how on earth they do that all. She thought as the show went all. Wow, Aine can sing too? Amazing! At the end of the show Mao stood up and began to clap and cheer, a wide smile on her face.

Aine and her siblings walk off the stage as her parents, aunts,uncles and cousins is doing there performance next for people who have a mates.

Aine in the backstage and drinks some water.
When the show was over Mao exited the tent, the smile not leaving her face. Shows like that made her incredibly happy. She sat down at a bench afterwards, watching as the many people walked around, some with mates and some without. None of the single people interested her for some reason.
Zareh said:
Horatio looked at Inutsuki and mentally frowned at her reaction. He tries to comfort her by rubbing Inutsuki on the back and bringing in gently her closer to his shoulder. "Definition of Hero: a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities....or another term for a submarine sandwich" he said in a robotic monotone voice. He takes out another book which is the one where it describes the history of the Kemonomimi. He flips through the pages with one hand until he reached the page he was looking for and shows it to Inutsuki. "Take a look at this page." He said. The page had a drawing of a female lizard Kemonomimi warrior wielding a giant steel sword. "This is Tessa Luboku, she was the captain of the guardians about 234 years ago. She was known as one of the most skilled and feared warriors across the land of Fauna. Her strength aura allowed her to lift things twice her size, all of this made her the commander of the guardians. However...." he turns to the next page of the book "Tessa wasn't always like this, in fact...she started as a young frail child who grew up on a farm. She was afraid of everything and cried over every little bad thing that happened. In fact many of the people called her "Tot Tessa" because she is always acting like a young child even in her twenties. It wasn't until she was put under dire circumstances which made her realize her strength and potential. About 3 years later at the age of 26, she became the captain of the guardians and was known for her courage and strength. She was what people called a hero."

Horatio closed the book and looked to her but suddenly a tiny spark emitted from his head and his cyan light eyes start flashing a bit however they stop.
"All Heroes start small, like you....there's a saying that I remember once hearing...." as he was about to say those words, a transparent figure of a woman appears, sitting by Horatio on the other side.

"Heroes aren't born, they're made" Horatio and the spirit said in unison, the spirit vanishes without a trace which is surprising since Horatio did not notice the presence of her figure.


Inutsuki listened to him, feeling comforted by getting closer to him... even if his body was hard and cold. Hearing the description she smiled and listened to the story with almost sparkling eyes, although... as the figure appeared she just stared at it, half of her curious and the other desperately wanting to poke it.

As they spoke in Unison Inutsuki went over to touch it but it disappeared and she fell over face-first from shock, sitting up she rubbed her now, red face
'Ouch!~...' she mouthed before looking around blankly 'Huh? where'd... they go...' she thought whilst getting up before looking at Horatio with big, puppy-like eyes, grabbing her notebook 'a-are you... supposed to see things when your pregnant?...' she wrote, holding it up as her tail curled beneath her legs and ear licked around aimlessly, placing the other hand on her stomach cautiously.

When the show was over, everyone cheers for their perfect perform. Aine smiles but she sneak out from them and headed outside. She signs as she walking and then spotted a fox girl.

Out of the corner of her eye Mao noticed Aine. "Hello!" She called out to the monkey girl, waving her tail as a greeting. I wonder how her mate day is going? Hopefully better than mine!
Horatio scanned Inutsuki as she fell over, he approaches Inutsuki and lends her a hand and pulls her up. "Are you alright?" he asked her. He took a look at her question and begins going through his data banks for pregnancy symptoms "According to my analysis, symptoms of pregnancy involve Nausea with or without vomiting, Fatigue, Mood Swings, Food aversions or carvings, Cramping, Dizziness, Constipation and other more private signs. However I do not detect any information on hallucination or delusional sightings as a symptom in pregnancy." he said finishing his conclusion and putting the book of Kemonomimi history back into his satchel.

"Maybe it's the book that you are holding?"
he points to the human book which fell onto the floor. "Maybe the song I played you somehow triggered a pattern in your brain which caused you hallucinate?" he explained. As he realizes that Inutsuki's skin has gone a bit pale without her noticing.

"I don't mean to offend you but....you look like you have just seen a ghost." Horatio said.



Alexander waited for Rune as he had been asked. He was apparently going to go somewhere to learn about Kemonomimi. He rechecked the progress on his memory reparation and it was still sitting at 5%. It would be a long while before it was fully functional again. Looking up revealed Rune walking up to him and he then urged Alexander to walk with him, which he did. There weren't many people around and especially none in their area. The only thing he was able to hear was nature itself and the many questions being asked by his newly appointed companion, all of which Alexander remained silent to. Rune spoke over various things about the Kemonomimi such as how their society and culture was ran. It surprised him to hear how the Guild was made to research human culture. After all, all they had to do was take a trip to a different part of the country and they would find some humans. At least that's how easy he assumed it was. These people really are behind if they've never even come into contact with others.

"How far is this place you speak of?" Alexander questioned, thinking it would just be down the road. Now that he thought about it, it didn't quite make much sense why the man couldn't simply tell him all about the Kemonomimi from their previous location but he didn't mind. The walk gave him a chance to look around more.

@Pretzel Heart
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Zareh said:
Horatio scanned Inutsuki as she fell over, he approaches Inutsuki and lends her a hand and pulls her up. "Are you alright?" he asked her. He took a look at her question and begins going through his data banks for pregnancy symptoms "According to my analysis, symptoms of pregnancy involve Nausea with or without vomiting, Fatigue, Mood Swings, Food aversions or carvings, Cramping, Dizziness, Constipation and other more private signs. However I do not detect any information on hallucination or delusional sightings as a symptom in pregnancy." he said finishing his conclusion and putting the book of Kemonomimi history back into his satchel.

"Maybe it's the book that you are holding?"
he points to the human book which fell onto the floor. "Maybe the song I played you somehow triggered a pattern in your brain which caused you hallucinate?" he explained. As he realizes that Inutsuki's skin has gone a bit pale without her noticing.

"I don't mean to offend you but....you look like you have just seen a ghost." Horatio said.


Inusuki blinked at him, blushing slightly at the mention of 'more private signs' as he points out the book she looks at it, turning it around and sniffing it one, her tail un-curling from beneath her and going bak to its usual, jolly wag as she shrugs.

At the next part she grabs the notebook 'g... host?... ghoty.... ghost?' she writes, completely oblivious to both the saying and the mentioned word, her attention swiftly shifted back to the pickles 'speaking of cravings.' she wrote, cheekily smirking as she grabbed the bottle and started eating some.

Horatio looks at Inutsuki as she wolfs down the pickles to satisfy her hunger and cravings. He scans her to make sure that she is regulating her eating speed. He then takes out a sketchbook of his own and a pencil and starts drawing. He finished showing a picture of a fading transparent figure very similar to what Inutsuki saw.

"Ghost, an apparition of a dead person that is believed to appear or become manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image" he explained in the same monotone voice.



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