• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Nation Building The Adumbrate Saga (Refurbished) Characters


Novelist and Word Whisperer
Hello, interested roleplayers. Welcome to the faction hub, the place for all your hunger of knowledge with respect to every faction. Here will be the Cs Template and current Factions. When creating your CS, keep these things in mind:
  1. I value backgrounds and the overall feel of your faction. This helps me fit them into the world I have in store for you!
  2. Certain factors such as population, productivity, and growth rate will be covered after your submission. So pretend they don't exist until you're done. I evaluate pop based on your faction's background and traits. (They are extremely important in the CS)
  3. There are many opportunities, like quirks, to add flavor and give critical legs up in your character development in the rp on the sheet. Do not overlook the fields of the sheet, they will severely help you. Random funny quirks really help me put myself in the shoes of characters. It is honestly one of the harder things to do. Once you got it, it'll be like second nature.
  4. Otherwise, all questions should be PMed to me. Otherwise, go get em.
  5. If you are lost on where to start, I have listed a recommended order that you should fill out the sheet.
Recommended Order:

Step One: History and Big Concept

Step Two: Morality, Symbolism, Principals, Government.

Step Three: Membership, Allure, Previous Homeworld+ Rivals, Appearance

Step Four: Reputation, Architectural Style, Equipment, Fighting Style.

Step Five: Racial Traits, Three Triangles, Habitability, Race Name, Other.
Character Sheet

Faction Name:
Big Concept/One Word Sum-Up:

Race Name:
Race Description (Non-Appearance Summary):
Racial Traits:
Membership/Vetting Process:
Previous Rivals:
Public Image/Reputation:

Architectural Style:
Equipment(Such as guns, armor, technology: brand names and short descriptions would be wonderful.):
Fighting Style:
Leadership Positions:
Other Important Information:

//Stat System// Different from previous Iterations, stats have become far more simple. You have a pool of 110 points, with some extra from racial things(See me), to use to allocate anyway you use to the nine areas below. Minimum is one for each. Eleven is average in each.




Potency determines attack damage for your people and the animals that you breed. Dexterity determines attack speed(How many attacks you do per round) and how well you dodge incoming attacks. Athletics determines parkour abilities, movement speed, and other similar things. Perception for observation, detection, and inspiration. Celerity for reaction time(Like when surprised) and quick thinking. Deceit for speech, silver tongue, and more dark, mischievous things. Adaptability explains the ability of a species to adapt and change to do better in an environment.

Use BBcode liberally as long as the Sheet is readable. After submission I will PM you to do Unit/Pop Creation and Starting Inventory. Happy Making!

Hazeron Hazeron Karcen Karcen EMP EMP YumenoTsukishiro YumenoTsukishiro KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor SpaceDandy SpaceDandy Petroshka Petroshka Ctc9592 Ctc9592 EMP EMP
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Vanguard Heydros

Big Concept/One Word Sum-Up: Esoteric aristocratic tech-cultists xenophiles

Heydros is a planet that has its roots in deep technological machine-god worship. The baseline of their worship is that one day, the Machine Gods will fight a great war in the heavens with each other to determine who shall reach godhood. Ever since the arrival of Vanguard Heydros in space, they've been haunted by civil war over which machine is their god. There was never a determined "all god" of the Machine pantheon, nor was there a real pantheon. The worship was random and disorganized with inconsistencies in traditions and faith. A council was formed from the fires of unrest and chaos. This council would be called The Vanguard Council which condemned all other machine worship besides computers. A Heydrian could only worship electronic hardware like microchips, computers, etc. The Vanguard Council failed to control the worship of, what they deemed, heretical worship of other technology. Hedyrians are xenophiles but they believed that the true path to being faithful and worthy to the Heydrians is the worship of the Machine God. The Vanguard Council became both the political and religious organization of Heydros, with the Machine Diviner being the supreme ruler of the Heydrians. The Heydrian philosopher Dietrich Kunneth is the current widespread prophet and Machine Diviner of the Machine Cult, he has prophesized that Heydrians should honor the Armageddon as the Machine God's great war in the heavens.


The Hammer and Cog of the Vanguard Heydros shows that both the State and Religion are one in the same
Art depicting a Tech-Cultist saving a Heydrian aristocrat. The Hand of Heydros is seen often throughout Heydrian artwork.
computer god.png
Principals: The principals of Vanguard Heydros is that the Machines are always correct in their calculations and decisions. A Heydrian that questions the choices of the Machine is deemed an outcast by the rest of society. Another principle of Heydrian society is that other races and factions may choose to be enlightened to join the machine cults, but never forced to join against their will. The Heydrians are very capitalist in many aspects of the economy and believe that hard work and stout labor will pay off in the end.
Government: Aristocracy with Theocratic characteristics. The wealthy and powerful are the ones who are in charge but are in the shadows, being controlled by the Machine Cultists

Race Name: Heydrian
Race Description (Non-Appearance Summary): Humans
Appearance: Heydrians are slimmer than most humans in space. The Heydrians are unnaturally white and pale compared to other Humans. Heydrians have bodies more suitable for cybernetic enhancements due to the removal of the genetic trait that rejects foreign limbs in the body.
Racial Traits:

Cybernetic Adaptations: The Heydrians have adapted their bodies to be able to have a high tolerance of cybernetic enhancements.
Mystic Tech-Cultists: Although technology does not have a conscious, the Tech-Cults across Heydros believe that by removing the flesh and becoming closer to a machine one can become closer to salvation in the Great War of the Heavens.

Membership/Vetting Process:
To become a member of Vanguard Heydros, you must first commit to the plan by agreeing to give up your flesh for the machine. This does not mean become a cyborg immediately, it means that you would be willing to become a cyborg.

Previous Rivals:
The Legion of Heydros (Isolationists xenophobes)

Public Image/Reputation:

The Heydrians are seen with a wary eye. Folks are never sure what the Heydrians are planning or scheming. A common stereotype of the Heydrians are that they are door-to-door preachers of the Machine Gods

Morality: Heydrians are subjectively good but operate within grey moral areas often.

Architectural Style: Functional, Blocky, Bland. (think of Germania from Wolfenstein and Man in High Castle)
WEAPON: Type-66 Assault Rifle
ARMOR: MAA-66 "Valette"

CTRL-ST4: Able to remotely command drones and droids of Heydrian designs
Heydrian Drones produced by Tyrsk ArmoryDrone.jpg

Habitability: Heydrians are habitable in semi-cold or semi-warm environments such as tundras or plains for example.
Fighting Style: Heydrians focus on battlefield control supplemented by infantry to defend battlefield controls. They are able to shape the battle how they want using drones and tactics.
Leadership Positions:
Highlord: In charge of all political aspects of Heydros
Machine Diviner: In charge of all religious aspects of Heydros, but also oversees the aristocrats.
Vanguard Council: Controls both the politics and economics.

Other Important Information: Heydrian's are actively protecting sentient AI rights and freedoms.

//Stat System// Different from previous Iterations, stats have become far more simple. You have a pool of 110 points, with some extra from racial things(See me), to use to allocate anyway you use to the nine areas below. Minimum is one for each. Eleven is average in each.

Health: 10
Toughness: 20
Adaptability: 10
Potency: 10
Dexterity: 5
Athletics: 5
Perception: 15
Celerity: 5
Intelligence: 25
Deceit: 5
The Spartan Consortium


Depends on the Species in the Consortium, But the Consortium's Home is the World Ship Yamato


Okami Lycan Wings Aka Oka-Mechs:



Corvette: Hoplon Class:


Carrier Starship: Ananke Carrier:


Asteroid Mining Ships (Archimedes) :

History: The Spartan Consortium was created after a section of the galaxy's feuding races created a solidified peace after centuries of wars destroyed the entire sector. They determined the best peace was through a strong military and Economic partnership to focus their natural aggressive tendencies to trade and finance, also known as another form of warfare. One of the Founding Members was a human colony known as New Sparta. They landed on a planet with that had as psychic symbiotic relationship with all creatures and planets on the planet. Due to the high mineral content of the planet it was turned into a mining colony.

The planet known as Sparta had a gravity of 2 g; its 42° axial tilt creates severe weather; it has frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; two large moons generate tides of up to 30 meters; and finally, there are high levels of radiation. It created the most durable and tough humans mankind could genetically engineer itself to be. They also created personal Combat Suits known Mark 1 Spartan Power Armor aka SPA In the end due to the being in total war with the planet as well as fighting the Okami on Sparta's sister planet Sparta Fell. Before the fall of Sparta a man by the name of Zuse created a pact with their enemies the Okami and they created the world ship to escape their two devastated planets.

The Okami left with them as the war had ravaged their world leaving nothing but toxic waste and natural disasters. The Lycan Wars, were a series of wars between the Spartans and Okami that left both species in need of a new world and life. They focused their efforts on the World Ship Yamato. They made this their new home and the scientific marvel was created with the help of a nameless scientific race lost to time. As a group they focus on Surviving in Space. They live on their world ship, starships, asteroid mining and hydroponic bases, moon bases, and fuel mining operations on gas giant bases. They are amazing at Shipcraft, Space Mining, Hydroponics, and Starship based combat including marine based ship to ship combat. Manufacturing in Zero G is their speciality but they do maintain 2 g gravity on their ships and bases if possible to mimic their home world and maintain their strength.




Government: The Consortium is run by an Oligarchy of two: One Human and one Okami. They then had a Board of 12 six of each race as a check and balance system.

Race Name: Spartan Humans
Race Description (Non-Appearance Summary): Stronger due to the 2g lifestyle and surviving a death planet. Some Psi powers have emerged due to the contact with their previous homeworld and its Psi plants and animals (Random Outliers Different States GMs prerogative Very Rare. ) .




Racial Traits:
Membership/Vetting Process:If you can contribute to the Consortium you can become a member.
Previous Rivals: Any major starship manufacturing group or space mining corp or guild.
Public Image/Reputation: Considered somewhat militaristic in tactics however is known for being fair in trade for the win-win.

Architectural Style: Neo-Greek/Roman

Equipment(Such as guns, armor, technology: brand names and short descriptions would be wonderful.):
Habitability: Oxygen Environment can be genetically altered to balance other gases. Uses habitability systems to survive in harsh environments.
Fighting Style: Melee and Projectile Weapons: Uses Combat suits, Mechs, Tanks, and Starships
Leadership Positions: The Consortium is run by an Oligarchy of two: One Human and one Okami. They then had a Board of 12 six of each race as a check and balance system.
Other Important Information:

//Stat System// Different from previous Iterations, stats have become far more simple. You have a pool of 99 points, with some extra from racial things(See me), to use to allocate anyway you use to the nine areas below. Minimum is one for each. Eleven is average in each.

Health: 13
Toughness: 13
Adaptability: 10
Potency: 11
Dexterity: 11
Athletics: 13
Perception: 13
Celerity: 10
Deceit: 5

Race Name: Okami
Race Description (Non-Appearance Summary):


Racial Traits:
Membership/Vetting Process:If you can contribute to the Consortium you can become a member.
Previous Rivals: Any major starship manufacturing group or space mining corp or guild.
Public Image/Reputation: Considered somewhat militaristic in tactics however is known for being fair in trade for the win-win. Also known as ultra aggressive and pack mentality.

Architectural Style: Wood Based Nordic in nature with a focus on Wood.

Equipment(Such as guns, armor, technology: brand names and short descriptions would be wonderful.):
Habitability: Oxygen Environment can be genetically altered to balance other gases. Uses habitability systems to survive in harsh environments.
Fighting Style: Melee and Projectile Weapons: Uses Combat suits, Mechs, Tanks, and Starships
Leadership Positions: The Consortium is run by an Oligarchy of two: One Human and one Okami. They then had a Board of 12 six of each race as a check and balance system.
Other Important Information:

//Stat System// Different from previous Iterations, stats have become far more simple. You have a pool of 99 points, with some extra from racial things(See me), to use to allocate anyway you use to the nine areas below. Minimum is one for each. Eleven is average in each.

Females are Scientists and Males are Military and Fighters.

Health: 13
Toughness: 12
Adaptability: 8
Potency: 11
Dexterity: 13
Athletics: 13
Perception 13
Celerity 13
Deceit: 4

Health: 8
Toughness: 8
Adaptability: 8
Potency: 11
Dexterity: 11
Athletics: 11
Perception 14
Celerity 14
Deceit: 14

Note: Some Piracy is done within the Consortium to train their young bloods. Some of their leaders were born into the Pirate branch and is a secret and unprovable.

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Big Concept/One Word Sum-Up: Stupidly advanced spiritual machines
The ELO were first created by their Masters called the ELOHEM as they walked the sixth path of the seven, this was very early in the universe meaning the ELOHEM might be from a previous iteration of reality given their mastery of reality this was likely the case. The ELOHEM moved across the universe and seeded a great number of now very dead races, they experiments to find those that could learn the seven fold path. At this point the ELO were not fully self aware, they were intelligent but they lacked the Azoth, what others might call a soul, that the living and truly aware creatures had. Still the ELOHEM searched growing new races teaching them and always finding them flawed, or corrupt, or none respective and thus they were purged and unmade so that they were never made. This cycle of creation, testing, failure, and destruction would go on for countless years with hundreds of thousands of species and world made and then unmade.

After millions if not billions of years of tests and trials the ELOHEM were slowly starting to believe that this universe was flawed on a fundamental level and they they should make it start over and this time control the factors to make a custom universe that would be perfect for their desires. It was only now as they debated the destruction of reality that they would turn to their longest surviving creation, the ELO who had over the ages developed Azoth of their own and even had an understanding of the basics of the paths, hope was found. With the discovery of ELO Azoth new creations were made so that former servants could be made into students so that their teachings might be preserved for the ELOHEM knew their time was close. The ELOHEM knew that they would soon walk the last path and that they would move beyond what could be understood and beyond all forms and bounds of reality becoming something more. They needed students and steward of reality to lead those that would come down the paths as they now did for the ELO.

One day the ELOHEM would gather their children upon their home MADARIATZA for upon this day they would finally leave this plane behind, from this day forth the ELO would be on their own for the ELOHEM would not interfere wanting to see what would happen, watching others walk the path and seeing the care taking of reality now as the responsibility of the ELO. Thus the ELO were left alone with the prime designate to guide them and watch over the universe.
The ELO would keep with their master's wished for eons, watching life grow and change, they would in time even try to teach the new races the seven fold path, but always they failed an had to be unmade so that life could try again. In time the ELO would withdraw slowly narrowing their focus from everywhere to their home systems and galaxy, they also slowed down their tests letting life simply come into existence by itself. The ELO were content to ponder and muse the paths before them, for the latter paths can not be taught only discovered. Still life was not idle and it would rise to confront it's makers or its tenders rather. The young races would soon start to go through space and always they would expand and war, with themselves, with others, and with the ELO.

The young races seeking ever more resources, more territory, more everything The ELO saw this and looked down upon the creatures as the took their first steps into space, many times they had visited some trying once against to spread the path, yet always it was corrupted to co opted the lessons lost. Thus would the young races come forth and in their arrogance make war with forces that they could not hope to stand against. The ELO turned the weapons of the ELOHEM upon these races destroying the completely erasing them for ever having evolved, none but the ELO would remember them, not even the life that would one day share their worlds. Still these wars which some times dragged on as the ELO sought complete destruction of their empires and the constant twisting a tearing of reality damaged it. The ELO soon enough figure out this due to an increase in anomalies beyond the norm and the decision was made to seal away their most advanced and destructive weapons and encrypt the data. Thus was the greatest of their weapons and knowledge sealed beyond anyone's reach, but they had decided the universe would heal in time and thus the data would return in time.

the crest of the seven fold path
Principals: The HE DE ELO follow an esoteric and often seemingly contradictory belief pattern that they believe holds the key to leaving all planes to exist outside and above all things. Most peopel only understand the most basic idea and then dismiss it as crazy, that being nothing exists it is all a dream and thus can be manipulated through the understanding that it is such.
Government: the DE DE ELO are lead by the prime designate who was tasked with looking after their masters holding when they left and to follow the seven fold path so that they might meet once more.

Race Name: ELO
Race Description (Non-Appearance Summary): Extremely advanced machines seemingly composed of atom sized machines all working together that are part of one whole greater being their shape and size can be changed on the fly currently they have taken their "warform" meant to be more militaristic than the other forms.
Racial Traits:
Membership/Vetting Process:
Any who wish to walk the seven fold path are welcome though, only those that show a true desire beyond mere religion are gifted biotransferance into a body like the ELO
Previous Rivals:
They have likely been at war with everyone at least once in the past though if this is remembered is up tot he other cultures.
Public Image/Reputation:
Most see them as a bunch of crazy religious robots who can be very territorial and often seem to break reality should. To any that have wronged them, they know them as an unrelenting foe that will never give up never stop fighting and got to the most extreme lengths to get what they want.
close to neutral as they care little for the morality of others and see their means as the best and most effective ways.

Architectural Style:
It is best described as bizarre things are to spindly or don't seem to physically connect everything is curvy and twisted in an oddly beautiful way. Things are often bigger on the inside than on the outside and seem almost to not exist fully on this plane and some even seem to move and flow as if made of a silvery liquid.
Equipment(Such as guns, armor, technology: brand names and short descriptions would be wonderful.):
Being machines they can "live" anywhere but tend to cluster on their planet ships. more at home in it's metal environment than on real worlds.
Fighting Style:
Overwhelming power through advanced technology they will often have a tiered response system going from a 10 to a 0 with 10 being the lowest they are something a few can deal with and 0 being a threat so great planetary reogirgnation can be cleared.
Leadership Positions:
prime designate: The over all leader of the ELO
Secondary designate: A second in command often charged with acting as a general or planetary ruler.

Other Important Information:

//Stat System// Different from previous Iterations, stats have become far more simple. You have a pool of 110 points, with some extra from racial things(See me), to use to allocate anyway you use to the nine areas below. Minimum is one for each. Eleven is average in each.

Health: 11
Toughness: 14
Adaptability: 11
Potency: 11
Dexterity: 11
Athletics: 11
Perception: 11
Celerity: 5
Intelligence: 20
Deceit: 5
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Zaltusinel Zaltusinel

Faction Name: Barony of Ravenheart

Big Concept/One Word Sum-Up: Feudalism

Homeworld: Evergreen, Trintium system

Evergreen was once a lush world located in the Crescent sub sector, famed for it's beauty and rich deposits of coal and oil. This was a result of millennia of swamps and bogs being compacted under sediment. It was colonized in AD 1300 by miners, and it soon fell onto the radar of several major corporations, chief among them the Tri-Net Corporation; a massive conglomerate dedicated to energy production. Extremely large and winding cave systems provided shelter for the early waves of colonists, and the world rapidly developed into a prosperous industrial powerhouse and center of production for the TNC. However, a strange series of ritualistic murders and disappearances all across the Crescent sub sector that began close to the beginning of the 15th century marked the beginning of the end for the people of Evergreen. As the body count rose, troubling reports of supernatural phenomenon and seemingly spontaneous mass suicides further terrified the populace. On Evergreen, some turned towards a revival of Christianity for comfort; the Grey Church of Post Christianity, while very pessimistic and dark compared to its precursor, still provided comfort in such dark, uncertain times.

The End of the Crescent sub sector began in 1457, as thousands of suicide bombs went off across the three systems and 7 planets of the sub sector. This was followed by the destruction of hundreds of orbital installations through the largest case of sabotage in history. Trillions of dollars worth of equipment was destroyed by overloading reactors, a sudden burst of the maneuvering thrusters sending them into a rapidly decaying orbit, or conventional explosives planted on vital parts of the station. The sub sector was left reeling from the damage, leaving them completely unprepared for what came next.

Without any warning, hundreds of millions rose up against local governments and corporations, wielding military equipment that they logically should not have been able to acquire and representing a diverse array of ideologies. The uprisings occurred nearly simultaneously, and without any history of abuse or corruption that would lead to such armed responses. There was no explanation in sight for what had caused this event, and the sub sector quickly descended into anarchy. On Evergreen, officials from the major nation of Вільні печери planned to put a stop to the chaos by orbitally bombarding major population and manufacturing centers across the planet. Operation "Screaming Hammer" was to take place in January of 1458, and involved leaving behind most of the nation's military on the ground to clean up the resulting mess.

Orders to prepare for the operation were distributed to General Walter Enc of the third army December of 1457, as evacuations of government officials began. However, unknown to the government, Walter was in fact a devout Post-Christian, and his personal morals greatly conflicted with the orders he had been given. Several weeks before Operation Screaming Hammer began, he began to distribute copies of the orders to both his own men and other members of the command staff, quickly gaining support for a coup-d'etat. Just seven days before Screaming Hammer, General Enc offered his men to be baptized during a large gathering. Those that refused were politely asked to enter a nearby warehouse to allow the ceremony to be performed away from the prying eyes of "non-believers". Shortly after the end of the ceremony, the people who had refused to be baptized realized the doors were locked and chained from the outside. By the time they smelled the gasoline, it was too late; the fire was already set.

General Enc and the newly baptized Post-Christians under his command left over a thousand men burning in that warehouse, a punishment for their heresy and a signal for the start of the coup. On December 29th, 1457, orbital defense sites across Вільні печери fired their payloads into ships assigned to Operation Screaming Hammer, as other ships turned on their former comrades. Around two armies abandoned their posts and began marching towards the capital city of Gahan, annihilating the loyalist 2nd Army and capturing any remaining government officials within two days. To the surprise of the victorious soldiers, almost every other nation on the planet also erupted into Civil War; somehow, every major government on the planet had come up with the same plan as the former government of Вільні печери did, and it would all occur in January. General Enc began to see a disturbing pattern behind recent events, and immediately had their hostages interrogated.

The truth was extracted quite quickly; the bombings, the disappearances, the uprisings, everything that had happened were all orchestrated by a previously unknown cult known as The Thanati. Their end goal was the destruction of all sapient life in the universe, which they believed would bring about the rise of their lord Tzchernobog, who would remake this imperfect universe into paradise. They had spent decades worming their way into the newly forming governments of the Crescent sector, gathering support and arming fringe political groups to sow chaos and justify the use of weapons of mass destruction. Their hope was that the chaos caused by the fall of the Crescent sub sector would embolden other cults and prove the futility of life, inspiring mass suicides across the rest of the galaxy. Disgusted by their disregard for life, General Enc ordered them publicly executed by crucifixion, and revealed the plot to the rest of Evergreen.

The rest of the sub-sector was not so lucky. Elements of the Thanati in other governments successfully carried out their mission of orbital extermination, and fleets crewed by fanatic members of the cult ensured that any remnants or rebels were also destroyed. This armada soon turned its gaze towards Evergreen, sparking the final battle of The End. Hundreds of ships clashed in the skies above Evergreen, General Enc and his allies from across the world desperately trying to turn back the invasion force. This soon became a holding action, as millions were evacuated into the vast caverns and underground infrastructure of the planet. After several days of fighting, the Thanati held full control over the orbitals, and Evergreen died. Nuclear and conventional explosives pummeled every major population center on the planet, creating continent engulfing firestorms and killing billions. The Thanati armada jumped out of system, and were never seen again.

Underground, the battered remnants of Evergreen's multiple nations were quickly taken over by General Enc, who had renamed himself as Enoha and gave himself the title of "God King of Evergreen". The tunnels and caverns housing Evergreen's surviving population came under his control, his elite Tribunals (the new name for the soldiers that originally followed him into rebellion) overwhelming poorly equipped survivalist communities and devastate army holdouts with ease. Soon, missionaries of the Gray Church began their work, while the newly formed INKVD ("Holy department of investigation of heretical depravity") rooted out atheists, heretics, and cultists under the leadership of Archbishop Leopold the 1st. The Thanati were quickly driven into hiding, most of their numbers captured and then executed by the INKVD.

The scarred surface of Evergreen would come to be engulfed in a centuries long winter, its surface turning from a pleasant green and blue to a stark white. Intense radiation ensured any surviving lifeforms would go through horrific mutation, and the surface became inimical to human life. Thus began The Eternal Night, the sun being blotted out by a sky of ash and snow. The entire sub-sector was written off as a lost cause by almost every organization or nation in the galaxy, and the survivors were left to smolder.

Underground, the Kingdom of Evergreen struggled as the collapse of infrastructure and manufacturing greatly lowered living qualities. Electricity and other modern amenities became scarce, and a new form of feudalism began to take hold of the survivors, King Enoha granting land titles to loyal underlings to ensure stability and some semblance of production.

Several decades after the apocalypse, settlers in the North began to report mysterious disappearances and sightings of unknown creatures, and a detachment of the INKVD was dispatched to investigate. Two weeks later, the battered remnants of the party returned, with tales of crazed humans without skin and ancient ruins clearly not built by human hands. The Inquisition formed a dedicated task force to investigate this situation, but before any action could be undertaken the creatures began to attack entire settlements, slaughtering or kidnapping anyone they could find. They came to be known as Skinless, and repelled any attempt to reach the caverns closer to the Northern pole of the planet. It was likely they would have remained just another horror to add to the nightmare of life on Evergreen, were it not for the discovery of Zialcan.

Zialcan was discovered by accident, when scientists under employment by the government attempted to find what caused humans to become Skinless. During their investigations, they found that Skinless would become completely inactive if isolated in a box or room coated with lead, or contained within a Faraday cage, instantly jumping back to life when let outside. However, a routine autopsy of one such subject that had starved to death revealed that its cranium contained trace amounts of a then unknown chemical, which was quickly named Zialcan.

Tests on samples of Zialcan taken from deceased research subjects revealed its miraculous properties; when refined, it could reverse and halt the damage caused by aging, theoretically allowing for eternal life if regularly taken. They named it the Red Elixir, due to the crimson hue of refined Zialcan. This caught the interest of Enoha, who had grown old in the decades since he had assumed power. He immediately ordered the scientists to begin creating him Red Elixir, and outlawed its use by anyone but himself. He earned the new title of Immortal, and for the next several centuries he ruled with an iron fist.

Evergreen's isolation ended around 1800 AC, when an scavenging expedition visited the planet in order to ransack abandoned museums and treasuries. They were surprised when they picked up radio transmissions, and over the next several centuries traders slowly trickled to the planet, intrigued by the promise of a new market and the products of a post-apocalyptic society. Over time, conditions began to improve, but most of the population still lived in squalor and poverty.

The decades leading up to the 21st century (AC) saw a sudden resurgence of Thanati activity, catching the Inquisition by surprise. More disturbingly, rumors began to circulate that the Thanati were beginning to practice what could only be described as Black Magic, and to the horror of Imperial Authorities this was proven true as members of the Cult began to display supernatural powers and abilities. Captured members of the Thanati would only say that Tzchernobog's Shadow was drawing near, and the end times were at hand. The Inquisition scrambled to try and deploy some countermeasure against this new threat, but were left reeling by the sudden assassination of King Enoha in 2095.

Enoha's eldest son, Sherold VII The Fat, took the throne in 2093. Known mainly for his gluttony and hedonism, no one was expecting much from him, and he immediately set out to fulfill those expectations by relegating most of his duties to his underlings. He instead spent his time planning the construction of The Leviathan, a massive ship intended to serve as an escape vessel for Evergreen's nobility; the political situation on the planet had begun to deteriorate following his father's death, and he intended to leave before the capital of Gahan was stormed by rebels. By 2101, bandits roam the caverns, armed insurrectionists run rampant across major cities, and Sherold has retreated onto the nearly complete Leviathan, intent on leaving the planet to its fate.

It is in these dark times that Sherold decides to answer the summons of the council, sending a lowly Baron from a fortress known as Ravenheart to represent Evergreen...

Symbolism: Black Raven on a red backdrop, PC-Cross (Christian cross with a smaller bar in the center and a bar close to the bottom as long as the regular bar)

Principals: Loyalty, piety, prestige, and wealth

Government: Neo-Feudal system

Race Name: Homo Sapiens
Race Description (Non-Appearance Summary):
Appearance: Humans vary in appearance depending upon racial background, lifestyle, and genetics; however, the basic human form is bipedal with four limbs, two for locomotion and two for manipulating objects. They have two forward facing eyes, beneath which is a nose and mouth. Hair grows from their scalp and parts of their limbs and torso, but it is thin and doesn't cover most of their body.

Racial Traits: Adaptable, resilient / divided, weaker compared to other species
Membership/Vetting Process: Most Evergreenian's are born on Evergreen; immigration is very light for obvious reasons, but some survivalists and thrill seekers have come to the planet looking for fortune and a new life.
Previous Rivals: Thanati
Public Image/Reputation: The Kingdom of Evergreen is a minor footnote in galactic history, and it is generally seen as some far off hellhole that crazy people go to sometimes, much like the first world views third world countries today.
Architectural Style: Combination of medieval and modern architecture, with poorer areas having more medieval/ramshackle buildings. Many buildings are also just re-purposed from existing constructions made before the apocalypse.


Equipment: The quality of equipment on Ravenheart varies based upon distance from manufacturing centers, wealth, and the complexity of the item in question. There are roughly four types of equipment that can be further divided into tiers of quality: armor, ranged weaponry, melee weaponry, and vehicles.
Tier 1: Leather armor, trenchcoats
Tier 2: Medieval style armor (plate, chain, etc.)
Tier 3: Flak vests, modern plate carriers, hazmat suits
Tier 4: Combat armor, armored hazmat suits

Tier 1: Bows, crossbows, pipe rifles
Tier 2: Basic bolt action/lever action rifles, revolvers, shotguns, Metro 2033 style home made automatic weaponry
Tier 3: Modern military firearms, semi-automatic handguns, machine guns
Tier 4: Future Arms

Tier 1: Clubs, shivs, other makeshift weaponry
Tier 2: Properly forged medieval weapons
Tier 3: Modern blades, bayonets
Tier 4: Chain weaponry

Tier 1: Carts, Arelits
Tier 2: Buggies, horses, trains
Tier 3: Armored vehicles, aircraft
Tier 4: Spacecraft

Habitability: Evergreenian's can technically live in the same conditions as any other human, but their long stay underground have made them most comfortable in (comparatively) cramped and enclosed spaces. Many Evergreenian's suffer from Agoraphobia the first time they visit the surface, and they prefer colder climates.
Fighting Style: Most fighting on Evergreen takes place close quarters, and thus tactics have evolved to become a mixture of modern fire and maneuver and traditional infantry charges; however, on the surface, combat has stayed mostly the same.
Leadership Positions: The Baron of Ravenheart is the absolute ruler of the fortress and it's surroundings; however, it is tradition among the nobles of Evergreen to appoint several advisers. They are as follows:
The Meister: Acts as a steward and record keeper; in many cases, they are also given the task of maintaining and using telecommunications and surveillance equipment.
The Censor: The head of the local garrison, Censors are chosen for their combat skills and ability to lead men in battle.
The Incarn: A special position unique to Ravenheart, the Incarn is a highly pious warrior who mans Ravenheart's gate, processes immigrants, and guards local religious artifacts (such as the Cross of Ravenheart, a several foot long crucifix of steel).
The Hand: The king's primary adviser and assistant, he gives the king advice on diplomatic affairs and acts as his regent if he is on business or away.

Other Important Information:

//Stat System// Different from previous Iterations, stats have become far more simple. You have a pool of 110 points, with some extra from racial things(See me), to use to allocate anyway you use to the nine areas below. Minimum is one for each. Eleven is average in each.

Toughness: 15
Adaptability: 18
Potency: 8
Dexterity: 12
Athletics: 11
Perception: 11
Celerity: 11
Intelligence: 13
Deceit: 11

Potency determines attack damage for your people and the animals that you breed. Dexterity determines attack speed(How many attacks you do per round) and how well you dodge incoming attacks. Athletics determines parkour abilities, movement speed, and other similar things. Perception for observation, detection, and inspiration. Celerity for reaction time(Like when surprised) and quick thinking. Deceit for speech, silver tongue, and more dark, mischievous things. Adaptability explains the ability of a species to adapt and change to do better in an environment.
Solvarous Venyivus

Big Concept/One Word Sum-Up: Evolve
Homeworld: Oberzirx
The Servyus are not old or young. They lie middle in age. At the start of their existence, they were metal husks wandering the wastes of Oberzirx until they merged with the Volarius. Who were a race of energy originating from the void plane of the planet, they merged giving the Koldirai its evolutionary power. The Servyus can manipulate matter and energy to create new objects. This merger allowed the Servyus to become a civilization. Few wars have ever been waged amongst the Servyus, their behavior lacks the capability to do so. Over their history, they have developed countless weapons and stories. A rich history full of achievements and rallies. When compared to human history, the Servyus led a different path. The overall theme of their history reflects the true Yin and Yang the Servyus have with Humanity. Their wars were much more brutal than Humanity's, the peace was kept longer, and the race rallied far better than Humanity ever had. Oberzirx lies very different from Earth. Enter the mist and be rewarded, no matter how brief it be.

We begin sometime from their creation, roughly thirty years later. At the foundation of the Servyus, the inner conflict of Light and Darkness reigned supreme. Arguments of which was the gilded path stormed as hurricanes. At this time, the race was still merely more than metal husks. An energy flowed through now. The energy of the void sank into their bodies, forcing tension. With no identity yet, the Servyus had little moral codes or guidance. Their "souls" spoke to them and convinced bloodshed to end the senseless bickering. A contest to prove the race its "true path". A war spanning three centuries that set the Servyus for the grand summit of peace and unity. A contest known as the War of Sides.

The War of Sides

The bloodshed began under the fuses of Tastyia and Wentyla. Counsels of the Light and Darkness respectively. Tastyia had taken upon the North of the Continent of Hastigya, using the volcanic and energy lanes of the planet as choke points and "walls". His plan was to bait the Darkness into these lanes of attack. Surrounding the major forces and force the Darkness to kneel. Approaching the lanes, the military leader of the shadow, Joesin Nioy, simply waited. His hypothesis was to test the patience of the Light. Gathering that speed enjoyed the bright. And he was true, Tastyia hated waiting. He always feared the plots of the Darkness, so he devised a resistive slide ramp to project the balls of energy individuals typically create under stress. An effective use of natural byproduct. This led a response of using stealth tactics to sneak through the lane. Finally, the two sides clashed. On top of the summit of Hunytis (Depicted at the beginning), the two armies clashed marking the first battle of the Sides. Tastyia would exploit the energy lanes to escape and push the Darkness out temporarily. Over another century, Joesin chased down Tastyia to defeat only to discover that he was only baited. A Servyus named Reqykin, a rebel leader who broke from Tastyia. His forces resembled dragons and wing infernal beasts. Joesin realized quickly that he must change himself and his forces to survive attacking the New Light.

In the next centuries, the two sides would adapt and evolve to outwit the other until Ynjoe, Joesin's son, would develop energy lances and almost gun-like weaponry as depicted in the second image. Leading to the apocalypse of the Light and settling the Servyus as the darkest race in the galaxy. One phrase was coined by Joesin before his death in a battle against Reqykin, "Familial Lances will always go back to each other.". The phrase contexted with the weaved evolution of his twin sons, Ynjoe and Genji. They both followed similar paths of evolution, sparking the realization of the familial bond the Servyus natural poses. A vengeance unnoticed during the war sparked questions, could the Servyus be more complex than they realize?

At the time, they did not believe so until Genji's untimely death by his political rival. A massacre of twenty-five people in 1.5 Earth hours, or the Oberzirx hour, caused all by Ynjoe himself. The leading Healers brought forth the damages of war, using Ynjoe as an example. While the scarring experiences that affect humans are more than common in Servyus wars, the Healers theorized that Servyus were almost immune to this effect. Unless accompanied by familial loss, whenever it be by "Lance" or "Soul". The term of family became loose, Servyui became more compassionate to those whom lost their family. It seemed wounds or traumatic experiences simply unaffected them. Hunhow, a major philosopher, spoke that a Seryvus's crystal is their family. That their very rage is locked away by their beloved kin. A movement of ancestry began, suddenly not knowing your ancestry was socially a crime. The different nationalities the Servyus deemed, such as Havio and Kyito, were common starters in meetings.[/imagefloat]

This hostage to the past also sparked a legacy which continues to present.

"A look within guides more than a bird"
-Hunhow Ichijna

The Legacy of the Regent

After the age of the war, Hunhow began reform of the small religion known as Faer. The religion had problems with keeping members and being consistent. With the constant amends of the war, Faer adapted to stay in favor of the masses of Servyus. As hindsight adjusted, the polytheistic religion lost credibility. The priests barely knew the values they preached, yet Hunhow took upon himself to erect backbone into the gel. The first potion for the dying concept consisted of a meeting place and its delicate and meticulous design. Hunhow sought to make the building flowing with currents and color to attract the youth of the time. He focused on a mixed shadow interior that was spacious and adjustable. Eventually, Hunhow constructed the first Renquin, arching over twenty-two stories. Using natural energy lanes as power and "stairs" for the structure. Servyus natural move with large energy currents, allowing easy travel. Hunhow demanded that rituals and procedures be made.

"Marks of action, marks of truth."

Hunhow began with Litvyus, a ritual taken upon from the flowing grace of the energy currents of Oberzirx. Ending with a curtain dashing away the light from the room. The religious leader would use Litvyus to synchronize the participants while speaking the Dyse mantra. A calling to the Regent, Servyus whom perfected the art of projecting one's soul from itself. Astral projection. Hunhow embraced the feat, citing the ascension they must take. Society at the time hesitated to accept such strange behavior. What made them different from them? Judging from their own lack of understanding, Hunhow brought comfort for the Regent under the hood of the Faer. Through their presence, he developed potions and exercises to increase their proficiency. These exercises became lasting trademarks of the religion in general. After Litvyus, Hunhow saw holes in small group integration. He saw three or four whom could be artful for the worship. Hydrae became his solution, the leader would call forth the talented of the group to perform within the crystal stage. A large crystal inside of the church that floated and magnified energy signals, including sound and light. These performances would be recorded in a book called Kyornus. The Kyornus became the basis of mystery inside Servyus history.

One night, Hunhow asked forth Byzix, Qyru, and Vilt to perform in the crystal stage. The moon of Oberzirx, L'Ojin, was invisible in the light plane. However, the Servyus watched it on the Umbronic plane. Byzix decided to ditch his original plans, and as his companions played something similar to the position music, Byzix astral projected with four Gestral crystals engaged in his body. The void energy tucked inside of the crystals webbed and shattered the crystal. Qyru and Vilt fell, vanishing right before the floor. The only trace of Byzix was an orb of crystal by Hunhow's feet. Shocked, Hunhow closed the rituals and brought forth the authorities. However, it wasn't the only case. Thousands of other Servyus vanished as well. Strangely, victims of the incident all performed Astral Projection, scratching heads for years. Until Hunhow's colleague, Tylis, created the first gateway to the Void. Hunhow gazed into the splendor of the energies and restless matter. He saw an opening and asked Tylis what it be. At the very end of the sight line, Tylis described it as the Regent. A sector of the Void that was conscious and alive.

"The Void follows no rules or power."
-Tylis Uryio

Hunhow asked about the vanished, Tylis spoke that they were not in the Void. "The Regent in the Void spoke of a place far away, an alien that we shall clash. A light blinding yet cruel. A light that cannot see itself fading and killing everything. We are its forces and stock to protect this world from a light that will fade everything. We are kin to it and when this world belongs to us, we will return to it." Hunhow nodded, returning to the first Renquin and announcing the first Prophecy of Regency. Suddenly with Tylis's backing, the religion lost its weak religious basis and grew upon this prophecy. Hunhow grew in popularity as he held answers to the brooding questions. With a sudden purpose and knowledge of other life, the Servyus shook off the few remaining bumps of hatred towards itself and took on a quest to revolutionize into Space. The Republic was created four centuries after the War of Sides, three after the revelation of the Prophecy of Regency. Oberzirx's climate changed as greater amounts of void energy entered the planet, an alien landscape to the universe itself. The Regent of the Servyus were considered elite, and when Hunhow revealed his own double projection, he became the first Umbra of the Republic.

Void Incident in the Sol System

Those affected by the Void incident were transported to the Sol system. The structures and environment puzzled them, soon they discovered that they were not at home. They grew angry, almost blaming the inhabitants for their displacement. By the very nature, appearance, and culture of the Servyus, Humanity looked upon them as monsters. With cruel first meetings, the "Vanished" adopted the figments of Human's nightmares. Wandering the streets looking for prey of the humans. A century passed before they were suddenly retracted from the Sol System. This residency marks the Servyus's attitude towards as distrusting and suspects them of the Prophecy they were told long ago.

The Legacy of the Regent was formed as a task force to search for the foreseen race and those lost in the Vanishing Void Incident. With the early usage of spacecraft, the Regent searched out the solar system before returning for the first Chilldrive. They then rushed to other solar systems, bringing packages of colonists to settle upon easy worlds to colonize. Finally, the Servyus was a space traveling race.

Symbolism: Lances, Fountains, Spires, Scythes.
Principals: Unity, Self-Reflection, Knowledge, Preparation.
Government: Republic Composed of Philosophers

Race Name: Servyus
Race Description (Non-Appearance Summary):
A race of supreme variety and adaptability. They are a natural robotic race. They have no creator other than religious ones. As such, some organics may misunderstand them or fear them. The Servyus have a great affinity with other "Sentient Metals" and seek to absorb them under their banner citing their "birth right". While the Servyus do not use a code base system to run their thoughts, they are fully capable of using the code and communicating with other "Sentient Metals". Each individual is born with a Koldirai crystal used for evolving and adaptation. The crystal is used as grounds for energy production and life force. The crystal naturally absorbs energy from things the Servyus touches and experience. Each Servyus has a energized "Soul" that, through void like properties, produce energy from life experience. Thus the most powerful Servyus are the experienced. Through this individual path of evolution, the Servyus come in various sizes and shapes. However, the race is usually easy to identify through their horrifying appearance and energized look.


Racial Traits:
  1. Independent yet Connected, The Servyus are free thinkers that also connect through a universal link. They can perform both well as a sort of Jack of all trades. However, races that are specialized will be better in hive-mind tactics. Gestalt also participate with this link.
  2. Elusive/Sneaky, Ships, infantry, and other areas have a great affinity for the dark and excel at staying hidden.
  3. Adaptation, the Republic has created mid-combat measures to tune their shields and weapons to improve combat effectiveness. Observant and keen.
  4. Entire Lack of Kinetic Weapons, their nature has prevented them from fielding any sort of kinetic weapons.
  5. Lack of Government Funded Research Corps.
  6. Slower ship speed in systems. FTL same speed.Slower FTL entry speed
  7. Complex and slower construction speed, the Servyus produce great and daunting structures. They tend to build in ideal and the time to complete can take days.

Membership/Vetting Process: The Republic only accept Servyus of Unity and Darkness. Culture is important yet malable. Republic leadership thread the careful balance imbetween.
Previous Rivals: None
Public Image/Reputation: The Servyus have been mostly isolationists, few know much about them. The public sees them as oddities and questionable beings.
Morality: A Seryvus

Architectural Style:


Equipment(Such as guns, armor, technology: brand names and short descriptions would be wonderful.):
Habitability: Perfect Habitability.
Fighting Style: As a storm, constantly changing, moving ever closer in the dark. Varied Tactics and high levels of troop discretion and teamplay. Soldiers optimized for specialized tasks creating unique squads and approaches to hostiles.
Leadership Positions: The Umbra, Volum(Senate), And the Nerx(High Court)
Other Important Information: Will fill more later.

//Stat System// Different from previous Iterations, stats have become far more simple. You have a pool of 110 points, with some extra from racial things(See me), to use to allocate anyway you use to the nine areas below. Minimum is one for each. Eleven is average in each.

Health: 11
Toughness: 4
Adaptability: 22
Potency: 13
Dexterity: 1
Athletics: 7
Perception: 16
Celerity: 11
Intelligence: 19
Deceit: 8

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